901 resultados para Educational Human Action


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Tutkimuksen toimeksiantaja on Lappeenrannan teknillisen yliopiston Koulutus- ja kehittämiskeskus. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää miten yliopiston asiakasorganisaatioiden hankintapäätös muodostuu. Pääpaino tutkimuksessa on päätöksentekoyksikön ja päätöksentekokriteerien kartoittamisessa. Teoriaosuus koostuu työn kannalta keskeisimmistä aikuiskoulutuspalveluiden sekä organisaation ostokäyttäytymisen teorioista. Tutkimuksessa käytetään sekä kvalitatiivisia, että kvantitatiivisia tutkimusmenetelmiä. Pääpaino on haastattelututkimuksella ja aineisto analysoidaan laadullisin menetelmin. Otanta koostuu kahdeksasta asiakasorganisaatiosta ja kahdeksasta organisaatiosta, joiden kanssa toivotaan yhteistyötä. Yritykset ovat toimeksiantajan asiakasmatriisista. Tutkimuksen perusteella saatiin selkeä kuva yritysten koulutuksen hankinnasta. Henkilöstön kouluttaminen koetaan yrityksissä tärkeäksi ja siihen panostetaan paljon. Merkittävästi päätöksentekoon yrityksessä ottavat osaa koulutusvastaava ja henkilöstöhallinto. Päätös muodostetaan yhteistyössä asiantuntijan kanssa, joka on usein liiketoimintayksikön esimies. Merkittävimmät päätöksentekoon vaikuttavat kriteerit selkiytyivät koulutuksen tarjoajan, koulutuksen sekä hankintaprosessin osalta sekä asiakasorganisaatioissa että potentiaalisissa yrityksissä. Vaikka tutkimustulosten ja toimenpide-ehdotusten raportointi tapahtuu tässä tutkimuksessa yleisellä tasolla, saa Koulutus- ja kehittämiskeskus tutkimuksen konkreettiset tulokset kuten kontaktoitavat henkilöt, päätöksentekoyksikön jäsenet sekä päätöksentekokriteerit kussakin yrityksessä omaan yksityiseen käyttöönsä. Päätöksentekokriteerit ovat hyödyksi erityisesti toivottavien potentiaalisten organisaatioiden vaatimusten ymmärtämisessä.


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The central theme of this thesis is the emancipation and further development of learning activity in higher education in the context of the ongoing digital transformation of our societies. It was developed in response to the highly problematic mainstream approach to digital re-instrumentation of teaching and studying practises in contemporary higher education. The mainstream approach is largely based on centralisation, standardisation, commoditisation, and commercialisation, while re-producing the general patterns of control, responsibility, and dependence that are characteristic for activity systems of schooling. Whereas much of educational research and development focuses on the optimisation and fine-tuning of schooling, the overall inquiry that is underlying this thesis has been carried out from an explicitly critical position and within a framework of action science. It thus conceptualises learning activity in higher education not only as an object of inquiry but also as an object to engage with and to intervene into from a perspective of intentional change. The knowledge-constituting interest of this type of inquiry can be tentatively described as a combination of heuristic-instrumental (guidelines for contextualised action and intervention), practical-phronetic (deliberation of value-rational aspects of means and ends), and developmental-emancipatory (deliberation of issues of power, self-determination, and growth) aspects. Its goal is the production of orientation knowledge for educational practise. The thesis provides an analysis, argumentation, and normative claim on why the development of learning activity should be turned into an object of individual|collective inquiry and intentional change in higher education, and why the current state of affairs in higher education actually impedes such a development. It argues for a decisive shift of attention to the intentional emancipation and further development of learning activity as an important cultural instrument for human (self-)production within the digital transformation. The thesis also attempts an in-depth exploration of what type of methodological rationale can actually be applied to an object of inquiry (developing learning activity) that is at the same time conceptualised as an object of intentional change within the ongoing digital transformation. The result of this retrospective reflection is the formulation of “optimally incomplete” guidelines for educational R&D practise that shares the practicalphronetic (value related) and developmental-emancipatory (power related) orientations that had been driving the overall inquiry. In addition, the thesis formulates the instrumental-heuristic knowledge claim that the conceptual instruments that were adapted and validated in the context of a series of intervention studies provide means to effectively intervene into existing practise in higher education to support the necessary development of (increasingly emancipated) networked learning activity. It suggests that digital networked instruments (tools and services) generally should be considered and treated as transient elements within critical systemic intervention research in higher education. It further argues for the predominant use of loosely-coupled, digital networked instruments that allow for individual|collective ownership, control, (co-)production, and re-use in other contexts and for other purposes. Since the range of digital instrumentation options is continuously expanding and currently shows no signs of an imminent slow-down or consolidation, individual and collective exploration and experimentation of this realm needs to be systematically incorporated into higher education practise.


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In my doctoral thesis I evaluate strategies designed to cope with the multicultural nature of four European nations: Great Britain, The Netherlands, Sweden, and Denmark. I also analyse and clarify the question of the place of religion in present-day Europe. The empirical material analysed in the study consists of politicians’ statements and policy documents dealing with immigration policy and religious and values education in the four countries. In addition, I analyse statements issued by the Council of Europe regarding religious education, along with all cases relevant to religious education brought before the United Nations Human Rights Committee or the European Court of Human Rights. The theoretical framework is formed by the scholarly debate – among philosophers, sociologists and scholars of religion in education – concerning the question of a just society. Special emphasis is given to philosophical theories that are in favour of granting special group rights to religious minorities in the name of equal treatment. With regard to the question of the appropriate place of religion, I apply Kim Knott’s methodological model for locating religion in secular contexts, and Émile Durkheim’s theory as to the significance of religion and collective sentiments in uniting adherents or members of a group into a single moral community. The study shows that even when the positive side of immigration, as a potential force for the enrichment of the public culture, is acknowledged, there is anxiety as to the successful integration of immigrants. The premises and goals of immigration policies have also been questioned. One central problem is the incommensurability between the values upheld by Western liberal democracies and certain religious traditions, above all those of Islam. Great Britain, The Netherlands, Sweden, and Denmark have tightened control over their citizens’ ethical attitudes and want to regulate these as well. In coping with cultural diversity, the significance of education, especially religious education, plays a significant role; as future citizens, pupils are expected to internalise the society’s core values as well as gaining an understanding of different cultures and ways of life. It is also worth noting that both the Council of Europe and the European Court of Human Rights have recently expressed the view that one important goal of religious education is to enable pupils to be critical and autonomous with regard to different religions and moral positions. The study shows that religion is not seen as purely a personal matter. Religion is closely linked to individual and national identity, and religious traditions thus have a place in the public domain. It should be noted, however, that a religious tradition – more precisely, an interpretation of religious tradition – qualifies as a legitimate partner in the democratic decision-making process only if it shares similar values with Western European nations.


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Tutkimukseni käsittelee J. A. Hollon (1885–1967) sivistyskasvatusajattelua. Hollo oli monitoiminen kulttuurivaikuttaja, joka toimi kriitikkona, kirjailijana, suomentajana ja kasvatustieteilijänä. Häntä voidaan pitää J. V. Snellmanin rinnalla yhtenä merkittävimpänä suomalaisena kasvatusajattelijana. Hänen kasvatusajattelustaan ei ole kuitenkaan aiemmin tehty väitöskirjatason tutkimusta. Tutkimuskysymykseni ovat seuraavat: 1. Millainen on Hollon näkemys kasvatuksesta, kasvatuksen maailmasta ja kasvatuksen teoriasta? 2. Mikä on Hollon käsitys kasvattajan ja kasvatettavan merkityksestä kasvatustapahtumassa? 3. Mitä asioita sisältyy sivistyskasvatuksen eli kasvamaan saattamisen elementteihin? Tutkimukseni on kasvatusfilosofinen. Tutkimusmenetelmäni on systemaattinen analyysi ja lähestymistapani on hermeneuttinen. Tutkimukseni pääaineistona ovat Hollon kasvatusta koskevat kirjoitukset, joista tärkeimmät ovat Mielikuvitus ja sen kasvattaminen I-II (1918, 1919), Kasvatuksen maailma (1927), Kasvatuksen teoria (1927) ja Itsekasvatus ja elämisen taito (1931). Hollon mukaan kasvatuksen maailma on suhteellisen itsenäinen elämänmuoto (Lebensform), jolla on oma ontologinen erityislaatunsa, so. sui generis. Kasvatusoppia ei pidä redusoida psykologiaan tai filosofiaan, koska sillä tavoin se menettää tieteellisen itsenäisyytensä. Hollon mielestä kasvatuksen teoria on teoria käytäntöä varten. Kasvatuksen teorian luomisessa tulee ottaa huomioon kasvatuksen maailman erityispiirteenä oleva kokonaisvaltainen näkökulma ja elämän palvelemisen päämäärä. Kasvattaminen on aina myös eettistä toimintaa. Kasvatuksen tavoitteena on hyvä elämä. Hollon mukaan kasvattajan tehtävä on luoda kasvatettavalleen eheä sivistyksellinen perusta. Tämä voi tapahtua vain laaja-alaisen sivistyskasvatuksen avulla, jonka runkona on antiikin humanistinen sivistysperinne. Sivistyskasvatukseen kuuluvat älyllinen, eettinen, uskonnollinen, esteettinen ja toiminnallinen kasvatus. Mielikuvituksen avulla kasvattaja voi yhdistää kasvatuksen osa-alueet eheäksi kokonaisuudeksi. Ilman mielikuvitusta erilaiset ilmiöt olisivat pirstaleisina, toisistaan erillisinä osina ihmisen mielessä. Opettajan persoona on merkittävä tekijä kasvatuksessa. Se tulee ottaa huomioon opettajankoulutuksen eli kasvattajan kasvattamisen valinnoissa. Opettaja-kasvattajan on tärkeää opiskella laajasti humanistisia opintoja, koska kasvatuksessa on kysymys ihmisestä. Ennen kaikkea kasvattajan eettistä ja esteettistä kykyä tulee harjoituttaa. Näin hän oppii käyttämään mielikuvitustaan kasvatustapahtumassa siten, että hän tulee kasvatuksellisesti näkeväksi kasvamaan saattajaksi, joka ymmärtää sen, mikä kussakin tilanteessa vaatii erityistä huomiota. Tutkimukseni osoittaa, että Hollon henkitieteellinen ja fenomenologis-hermeneuttinen kasvatusnäkemys ei ole vain vastaparadigma empiiriselle kasvatustieteelle, vaan myös nykyajan teknis-taloudelliselle eetokselle, joka yhtäältä uhkaa välineellistää kasvatuksen ja toisaalta väärällä tavoin tieteellistää kasvatuksen tutkimuksen. Tämän takia kasvatusoppi kysymyksineen uhkaa siirtyä kasvatuskeskustelussa syrjemmälle, jopa hävitä kokonaan. Kasvatuksen ja kasvatuksen tutkimuksen vaarana on niiden liiallinen sitouttaminen tuotantoelämän jatkeeksi, minkä seurauksena on ihmisyyden toteuttamisen vaikeutuminen. Tutkimuksen lopuksi esitän ideaalikoulunäkemykseni, joka perustuu osittain Hollon kasvatusnäkemykseen. Hollon näkemys on yhä ajankohtainen ja merkittävä kontribuutio kasvatusta, sen teoriaa ja käytäntöä koskevaan keskusteluun.


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Water channels or aquaporins (AQPs) have been identified in a large variety of tissues. Nevertheless, their role in the human gastrointestinal tract, where their action is essential for the reabsorption and secretion of water and electrolytes, is still unclear. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the structure and function of water channels expressed in the human colon. A cDNA fragment of about 420 bp with a 98% identity to human AQP3 was amplified from human stomach, small intestine and colon by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and a transcript of 2.2 kb was expressed more abundantly in colon than in jejunum, ileum and stomach as indicated by Northern blots. Expression of mRNA from the colon of adults and children but not from other gastrointestinal regions in Xenopus oocytes enhanced the osmotic water permeability, and the urea and glycerol transport in a manner sensitive to an antisense AQP3 oligonucleotide, indicating the presence of functional AQP3. Immunocytochemistry and immunofluorescence studies in human colon revealed that the AQP3 protein is restricted to the villus epithelial cells. The immunostaining within these cells was more intense in the apical than in the basolateral membranes. The presence of AQP3 in villus epithelial cells suggests that AQP3 is implicated in water absorption across human colonic surface cells.


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The vasorelaxant effects of SR 47063 (4-(2-cyanimino-1,2-dihydropyrid-1-yl)-2,2-dimethyl-6-nitrochromene), a new K+-channel opener structurally related to levcromakalim, were examined in isolated human saphenous vein (HSV) and rat aorta (RA). HSV or RA rings were precontracted with either KCl or noradrenaline and cumulative relaxant concentration-response curves were obtained for SR 47063 (0.1 nM to 1 µM) in the presence or absence of 3 µM glibenclamide. SR 47063 potently relaxed HSV and RA precontracted with 20 mM (but not 60 mM) KCl or 10 µM noradrenaline in a concentration-dependent manner, showing slightly greater activity in the aorta. The potency of the effect of SR 47063 on HSV and RA was 12- and 58-fold greater, respectively, than that reported for the structurally related K+-channel opener levcromakalim. The vasorelaxant action of SR 47063 in both blood vessels was strongly inhibited by 3 µM glibenclamide, consistent with a mechanism of action involving ATP-dependent K+-channels.


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Fetal hemoglobin was measured in HIV1/2 patients under treatment with combined therapy (zidovudine and a protease inhibitor). A total of 143 patients and 103 normal individuals were investigated by the quantitative method of Betke and the semi-quantitative acid elution method of Kleihauer. In the normal person, hemoglobin F makes up less than 1% and an increase higher than 1.5% was observed in 21.4% of HIV patients by the method of Betke and in 24.8% of HIV-infected patients by the method of Kleihauer. The quantitative biochemical method of Betke showed that the populations were significantly different (two-tailed Mann-Whitney test). The reason for this hemoglobin F increase might be ascribed to the effect of zidovudine or to direct viral action on gamma chain expression. The finding of a higher F cell frequency indicated by the method of Kleihauer rather suggests that there is an increased F cell clone proliferation rather than an increase in hemoglobin F level in every cell.


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Endometrium is one of the fastest growing human tissues. Sex hormones, estrogen and progesterone, in interaction with several growth factors, control its growth and differentiation. Insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) interacts with cell surface receptors and also with specific soluble binding proteins. IGF-binding proteins (IGF-BP) have been shown to modulate IGF-1 action. Of six known isoforms, IGF-BP-1 has been characterized as a marker produced by endometrial stromal cells in the late secretory phase and in the decidua. In the current study, IGF-1-BP concentration and affinity in the proliferative and secretory phase of the menstrual cycle were measured. Endometrial samples were from patients of reproductive age with regular menstrual cycles and taking no steroid hormones. Cytosolic fractions were prepared and binding of 125I-labeled IGF-1 performed. Cross-linking reaction products were analyzed by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (7.5%) followed by autoradiography. 125I-IGF-1 affinity to cytosolic proteins was not statistically different between the proliferative and secretory endometrium. An approximately 35-kDa binding protein was identified when 125I-IGF-1 was cross-linked to cytosol proteins. Secretory endometrium had significantly more IGF-1-BP when compared to proliferative endometrium. The specificity of the cross-linking process was evaluated by the addition of 100 nM unlabeled IGF-1 or insulin. Unlabeled IGF-1 totally abolished the radioactivity from the band, indicating specific binding. Insulin had no apparent effect on the intensity of the labeled band. These results suggest that IGF-BP could modulate the action of IGF-1 throughout the menstrual cycle. It would be interesting to study this binding protein in other pathologic conditions of the endometrium such as adenocarcinomas and hyperplasia.


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8-Methoxy psoralen (8-MOP) exerts a short-term (24 h) mitogenic action, and a long-term (48-72 h) anti-proliferative and melanogenic action on two human melanoma cell lines, SK-Mel 28 and C32TG. An increase of intracellular calcium concentration was observed by spectrofluorometry immediately after the addition of 0.1 mM 8-MOP to both cell lines, previously incubated with calcium probe fluo-3 AM (5 µM). The intracellular Ca2+ chelator BAPTA/AM (1 µM) blocked both early (mitogenic) and late (anti-proliferative and melanogenic) 8-MOP effects on both cell lines, thus revealing the importance of the calcium signal in both short- and long-term 8-MOP-evoked responses. Long-term biological assays with 5 and 10 mM tetraethylammonium chloride (TEA, an inhibitor of Ca2+-dependent K+ channels) did not affect the responses to psoralen; however, in 24-h assays 10 mM TEA blocked the proliferative peak, indicating a modulation of Ca2+-dependent K+ channels by 8-MOP. No alteration of cAMP basal levels or forskolin-stimulated cAMP levels was promoted by 8-MOP in SK-Mel 28 cells, as determined by radioimmunoassay. However, in C32TG cells forskolin-stimulated cAMP levels were further increased in the presence of 8-MOP. In addition, assays with 1 µM protein kinase C and calcium/calmodulin-dependent kinase inhibitors, Ro 31-8220 and KN-93, respectively, excluded the participation of these kinases in the responses evoked by 8-MOP. Western blot with antibodies anti-phosphotyrosine indicated a 92% increase of the phosphorylated state of a 43-kDa band, suggesting that the phosphorylation of this protein is a component of the cascade that leads to the increase of tyrosinase activity.


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Chronic stimulation of sympathetic nervous activity contributes to the development and maintenance of hypertension, leading to left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH), arrhythmias and cardiac death. Moxonidine, an imidazoline antihypertensive compound that preferentially activates imidazoline receptors in brainstem rostroventrolateral medulla, suppresses sympathetic activation and reverses LVH. We have identified imidazoline receptors in the heart atria and ventricles, and shown that atrial I1-receptors are up-regulated in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR), and ventricular I1-receptors are up-regulated in hamster and human heart failure. Furthermore, cardiac I1-receptor binding decreased after chronic in vivo exposure to moxonidine. These studies implied that cardiac I1-receptors are involved in cardiovascular regulation. The presence of I1-receptors in the heart, the primary site of production of natriuretic peptides, atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) and brain natriuretic peptide (BNP), cardiac hormones implicated in blood pressure control and cardioprotection, led us to propose that ANP may be involved in the actions of moxonidine. In fact, acute iv administration of moxonidine (50 to 150 µg/rat) dose-dependently decreased blood pressure, stimulated diuresis and natriuresis and increased plasma ANP and its second messenger, cGMP. Chronic SHR treatment with moxonidine (0, 60 and 120 µg kg-1 h-1, sc for 4 weeks) dose-dependently decreased blood pressure, resulted in reversal of LVH and decreased ventricular interleukin 1ß concentration after 4 weeks of treatment. These effects were associated with a further increase in already elevated ANP and BNP synthesis and release (after 1 week), and normalization by 4 weeks. In conclusion, cardiac imidazoline receptors and natriuretic peptides may be involved in the acute and chronic effects of moxonidine.


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Curcumin, a major yellow pigment and active component of turmeric, has multiple anti-cancer properties. However, its molecular targets and mechanisms of action on human colon adenocarcinoma cells are unknown. In the present study, we examined the effects of curcumin on the proliferation of human colon adenocarcinoma HT-29 cells by the 3-[4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl]-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide method and confirmed the curcumin-induced apoptosis by morphology and DNA ladder formation. At the same time, p53, phospho-p53 (Ser15), and other apoptosis-related proteins such as Bax, Bcl-2, Bcl-xL, pro-caspase-3, and pro-caspase-9 were determined by Western blot analysis. The colon adenocarcinoma cells were treated with curcumin (0-75 µM) for 0-24 h. We observed that p53 was highly expressed in HT-29 cells and curcumin could up-regulate the serine phosphorylation of p53 in a time- and concentration-dependent manner. An increase in expression of the pro-apoptotic factor Bax and a decrease in expression of the anti-apoptotic factor Bcl-2 were also observed in a time-dependent manner after exposure of 50 µM curcumin, while the expression of the anti-apoptotic factor Bcl-xL was unchanged. Curcumin could also down-regulate the expression of pro-caspase-3 and pro-caspase-9 in a time-dependent manner. These data suggest a possible underlying molecular mechanism whereby curcumin could induce the apoptosis signaling pathway in human HT-29 colon adenocarcinoma cells by p53 activation and by the regulation of apoptosis-related proteins. This property of curcumin suggests that it could have a possible therapeutic potential in colon adenocarcinoma patients.


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The cytotoxicity of three extracts (petroleum ether, ethyl acetate and n-butanol) from a plant used in folk medicine, Marchantia convoluta, to human non-small cell lung carcinoma (H1299) and liver carcinoma (HepG2) cell lines was tested. After 72-h incubation of lung and liver cancer cell cultures with varying concentrations of extracts (15 to 200 µg/mL), cytotoxicity was determined by the 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide assay and reported in terms of cell viability. The extracts that showed a significant cytotoxicity were subjected to gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis to identify the components. The ethyl acetate, but not the petroleum ether or n-butanol extract, had a significant cytotoxicity against lung and liver carcinoma cells with IC50 values of 100 and 30 µg/mL, respectively. A high concentration of ethyl acetate extract (100 µg/mL) rapidly reduced the number of H1299 cells. At lower concentrations of ethyl acetate extract (15, 30, and 40 µg/mL), the numbers of HepG2 cells started to decrease markedly. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis of the ethyl acetate extract revealed the presence of several compounds such as phytol (23.42%), 1,2,4-tripropylbenzene (13.09%), 9-cedranone (12.75%), ledene oxide (7.22%), caryophyllene (1.82%), and caryophyllene oxide (1.15%). HPLC analysis result showed that there were no flavonoids in ethyl acetate extract, but flavonoids are abundant in n-butanol extract. Further studies are needed regarding the identification, toxicity, and mechanism of action of active compounds.


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Glucocorticoids (Gc) influence the differentiation of neural crest-derived cells such as those composing sympathoadrenal tumors like pheochromocytomas, as well as neuroblastomas and gangliomas. In order to obtain further information on the effects of Gc on cells evolving from the neural crest, we have used the human neuroblastoma cell line SK-N-SH to analyze: 1) the presence and the binding characteristics of Gc receptors in these cells, 2) the effect of dexamethasone (Dex) on the migration of SK-N-SH cells, and 3) the effect of Dex on the organization of the cytoskeleton of SK-N-SH cells. We show that: 1) receptors that bind [³H]-Dex with high affinity and high capacity (Kd of 9.6 nM, Bmax of 47 fmol/mg cytosolic protein, corresponding to 28,303 sites/cell) are present in cytosolic preparations of SK-N-SH cells, and 2) treatment with Dex (in the range of 10 nM to 1 µM) has an inhibitory effect (from 100% to 74 and 43%, respectively) on the chemotaxis of SK-N-SH cells elicited by fetal bovine serum. This inhibition is completely reversed by the Gc receptor antagonist RU486 (1 µM), and 3) as demonstrated by fluorescent phalloidin-actin detection, the effect of Dex (100 nM) on SK-N-SH cell migration is accompanied by modifications of the cytoskeleton organization that appear with stress fibers. These modifications did not take place in the presence of 1 µM RU486. The present data demonstrate for the first time that Dex affects the migration of neuroblastoma cells as well as their cytoskeleton organization by interacting with specific receptors. These findings provide new insights on the mechanism(s) of action of Gc on cells originating in the neural crest.


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This thesis provides an analysis of how the nexus between climate change and human rights shapes public policy agendas and alternatives. It draws upon seminal work conducted by John Kingdon, whose landmark publication “Agendas, alternatives, and public policy” described how separate streams of problems, solutions, and politics converge to move an issue onto the public policy agenda toward potential government action. Building on Kingdon’s framework, this research explores how human rights contribute to surfacing the problem of climate change; developing alternative approaches to tackling climate change; and improving the political environment necessary for addressing climate change with sufficient ambition. The study reveals that climate change undermines the realization of human rights and that human rights can be effective tools in building climate resilience. This analysis was developed using a mixed methods approach and drawing upon substantial literature review, the researcher’s own participation in international climate policy design; elite interviews with thought leaders dealing with climate change and human rights; and regular inputs from focus groups comprised of practitioners drawn from the fields of climate change, development and human rights. This is a journal based thesis with a total of six articles submitted for evaluation, published in peer‐reviewed publications, over a five year period. Denna avhandling analyserar hur klimatfrågan och mänskliga rättigheter i samverkan formar den politiska agendan och det politiskt möjliga. Den bygger på banbrytande forskning av John Kingdon, vars publikation “Agendas, alternatives, and public policy” beskriver hur en fråga blir politiskt viktig och lyfts upp på den politiska agendan. Med utgångspunkt i Kingdons ramverk, utforskar avhandlingen hur mänskliga rättigheter bidrar till att blottlägga klimatfrågan som problem; utveckla alternativa metoder för att angripa och hantera klimatfrågan; samt skapa ett politiskt klimat nödvändigt för att på ett ambitiöst sätt kunna angripa klimatfrågan. Studien visar att klimatförändringar undergräver mänskliga rättigheterna men att arbete med mänskliga rättigheter kan vara ett effektivt verktyg för att stå emot och hantera effekterna av klimatförändringar. Analysen har genomförts med hjälp av en rad olika metoder vilka inkluderar litteraturstudier, författarens egna observationer under klimatförhandlingar; intervjuer med ledande tänkare inom klimatfrågan och mänskliga rättigheter; samt data insamlad genom fokusgrupper bestående av yrkesverksamma inom klimat, utveckling och mänskliga rättigheter. Avhandlingen är baserad på totalt sex artiklar som publicerats i fackgranskade tidskrifter under en femårsperiod.


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Human-Centered Design (HCD) is a well-recognized approach to the design of interactive computing systems that supports everyday and professional lives of people. To that end, the HCD approach put central emphasis on the explicit understanding of users and context of use by involving users throughout the entire design and development process. With mobile computing, the diversity of users as well as the variety in the spatial, temporal, and social settings of the context of use has notably expanded, which affect the effort of interaction designers to understand users and context of use. The emergence of the mobile apps era in 2008 as a result of structural changes in the mobile industry and the profound enhanced capabilities of mobile devices, further intensify the embeddedness of technology in the daily life of people and the challenges that interaction designers face to cost-efficiently understand users and context of use. Supporting interaction designers in this challenge requires understanding of their existing practice, rationality, and work environment. The main objective of this dissertation is to contribute to interaction design theories by generating understanding on the HCD practice of mobile systems in the mobile apps era, as well as to explain the rationality of interaction designers in attending to users and context of use. To achieve that, a literature study is carried out, followed by a mixed-methods research that combines multiple qualitative interview studies and a quantitative questionnaire study. The dissertation contributes new insights regarding the evolving HCD practice at an important time of transition from stationary computing to mobile computing. Firstly, a gap is identified between interaction design as practiced in research and in the industry regarding the involvement of users in context; whereas the utilization of field evaluations, i.e. in real-life environments, has become more common in academic projects, interaction designers in the industry still rely, by large, on lab evaluations. Secondly, the findings indicate on new aspects that can explain this gap and the rationality of interaction designers in the industry in attending to users and context; essentially, the professional-client relationship was found to inhibit the involvement of users, while the mental distance between practitioners and users as well as the perceived innovativeness of the designed system are suggested in explaining the inclination to study users in situ. Thirdly, the research contributes the first explanatory model on the relation between the organizational context and HCD; essentially, innovation-focused organizational strategies greatly affect the cost-effective usage of data on users and context of use. Last, the findings suggest a change in the nature of HCD in the mobile apps era, at least with universal consumer systems; evidently, the central attention on the explicit understanding of users and context of use shifts from an early requirements phase and continual activities during design and development to follow-up activities. That is, the main effort to understand users is by collecting data on their actual usage of the system, either before or after the system is deployed. The findings inform both researchers and practitioners in interaction design. In particular, the dissertation suggest on action research as a useful approach to support interaction designers and further inform theories on interaction design. With regard to the interaction design practice, the dissertation highlights strategies that encourage a more cost-effective user- and context-informed interaction design process. With the continual embeddedness of computing into people’s life, e.g. with wearable devices and connected car systems, the dissertation provides a timely and valuable view on the evolving humancentered design.