790 resultados para Educação infantil - Oferta de vagas


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O Transtorno de Déficit de Atenção e Hiperatividade (TDAH) e a indisciplina são na atualidade assuntos que aparecem com forte incidência no cotidiano escolar. Algumas condutas apresentadas pelas crianças, neste contexto, são vistas como indicativos de tal transtorno e isso vem contribuindo para que crianças ainda muito pequenas sejam encaminhadas pelos educadores aos profissionais da saúde, por apresentarem na escola comportamentos considerados indisciplinados, agitados e impulsivos. A presente pesquisa tem como principal objetivo, discutir a relação entre indisciplina e o diagnóstico de TDAH, a partir da queixa do professor da educação infantil. Pretende ainda, analisar a postura dos educadores diante do processo de patologização no campo educacional, levando em conta a sociedade eugênica e disciplinar, que foi consolidada com o processo de higienização ocorrido no início do século XX, como também, construir uma reflexão crítica acerca das práticas sociais e educativas que ora se configuram, mediante a análise da educação contemporânea e do resgate histórico da escolarização no Brasil. A pesquisa se caracteriza como um estudo de caso qualitativo e as estratégias metodológicas empregadas para a coleta de dados incluíram a observação participante, entrevistas semiestruturadas, diário de campo e análise de documentos. Os resultados foram organizados em oito eixos temáticos e indicaram principalmente que os educadores apresentam dificuldades para estabelecer diferenças entre indisciplina e o TDAH e o que é normal e patológico, o que tem causado o aumento expressivo no número de encaminhamentos de crianças aos profissionais de saúde e a consequente patologização e medicalização da infância.


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A partir de sua experiência pessoal, de frequentadora de museus desde a infância, e profissional, atuando em uma instituição cultural que abriga um museu, a arte-educadora Paula Hilst Selli discute neste livro a relação entre os museus e seu público. Sua suposição inicial é que os museus não fazem parte das opções de lazer para a maioria da população porque a formação de público dessas instituições está ligada diretamente à infância e à experiência construída nessa fase. A partir dessa ideia, sugere questões: Será que as crianças de hoje frequentam museus? Como? Com quem? O que será que elas pensam ou imaginam acerca desses espaços? Será que nesses ambientes são estimuladas à construção do conhecimento? As crianças são protagonistas ou figurantes das ações educativas? Assim, por meio de uma pesquisa realizada com crianças, a autora busca saber o que elas pensam a respeito dos museus e como se relacionam com eles, para, então, refletir sobre o acesso e a formação de público desse tipo de equipamento cultural na cidade de São Paulo. Além de investigar o papel que o museu assume no imaginário infantil e quem são os principais responsáveis por intermediar o contato entre as crianças e essas instituições, a arte-educadora analisa documentos oficiais e estudos históricos com o objetivo de discutir as responsabilidades no acesso a bens culturais


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Serão problematizadas as relações entre literatura e ensino, com ênfase na história recente do ensino da literatura (infantil) na educação escolar brasileira. O objetivo é discutir a importância da leitura (literária) da configuração de textos literários para o processo de formação de leitores, assim como as implicações para a formação de professores para a educação infantil e anos iniciais do ensino fundamental.


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PURPOSE: to characterize and compare the tympanometric findings in a group of preschoolers. METHOD: 112 preschoolers were evaluated, both genders, aged from four years old to five years and eleven months old who attended a Municipal School of Early Childhood Education in the suburbs of Marilia city- SP. Tympanometry was used as triage procedure. It was considered that the child PASSED in the triage when it presented an A type tympanometric curve, bilaterally, being reevaluated in case of failure. RESULTS: it was observed a high failure index (63.4%) in the studied population. The older female preschoolers presented a higher index of A type tympanograms, in both ears. There was a higher incidence of failure in male preschoolers aged from four years to four years and eleven months. CONCLUSION: in this sample, there was a high index of tympanometric alteration. There was a tendency among younger male students to present a higher index of tympanometric alteration when compared to older female preschoolers, this difference was not statistically significant.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Introduction: Since their first month of life, babies already show alternation in their communication, in which adults have an important role, assuming interaction turns with the child through questions known as eliciting questions. Verifying this alternation incited us to analyze children’s responsive attitudes toward the questions of the adult interlocutor. Objetives: (1) describe and characterize the kinds of responsive attitudes children have to open questions; (2) verify if there are any differences between the developed and non-developed kinds in the answers. Material and method: data were extracted from 28 interviews (recorded both in audio and in video) with four male children (5-6 years-old) who attended a public Kindergarten. Results: regarding the first objective, 88.7% of the attitudes were answers to the questions, 4.7% were non-responses and 6.6% were confirmation requests. Regarding the second objective, 48.2% of the answers were developed and 51.3%, non-developed. Conclusion: Although the high percentage of answers indicates that the children showed themselves sensitive to the demands of the adult interlocutor, the small percentage difference between developed and non-developed answers also indicates that children mostly depend on their assistance to develop their utterance since they oscillate between restricting themselves to the demand of the interlocutor and expanding it.


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This article discusses literary education from early childhood, understanding early childhood as the nursery period from zero to five years. This paper aims to make some observations about the teaching and learning of reading, their relationships with children’s literature, and the formation of literary taste. It also discusses the mediating role of the teacher in the process of literary education, and the school as a space in which this mediation should occur.


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The duality care-education is an aspect to be considered in the routine of childhood education institutions that have a nursery. The concepts of professionals who work in the nursery interfere with the developed practice, and require great concern regarding the continuing education. The objective of this study was to verify the effects of educational procedures on the concepts related to functions and benefi ts of the nursery for the child – from the professionals who work in a childhood education institution. These professionals were teachers and development assistants from municipal nurseries of Marília, interviewed four times – initially, after each of the two rearing procedures, and six months after the procedures. These procedures consisted of educational workshops, once a week, for one month, and 15 hours of supervised practices in the nursery. Both practices focused on the activities and their benefi ts to the child’s development. We found that the educators’ knowledge comes from common sense, and that educational workshops provided changes on their information levels, which were strengthened by supervised practice. The analysis indicates that the initial and continuing education of professionals need to consider specifi c aspects of child development, so more adequate concepts are built.


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In this paper we addressed aspects of the disciplines “Curricular Training” and “Didactics” in the Pedagogy Course in training of teachers. The main objective is to emphasize upon submission of the work that we do in our teaching practice in the mentioned disciplines, the importance of linking the theory and the practice in training of teachers so that the teaching in the university it is not decontextualized but enriched with the issues of everyday school life. In this sense, we address, initially, the aspects of the Curricular training as a mediator link of the learning, of the articulation of the curriculum and of the practices and, in this view, as a productive conduit between the university and the basic education, stressing the need for the reception of the contribution that each institutions within its specificity, must provide in the training courses. In sequence, we present aspects of the structure of the work we do with our students in Early Childhood Education Curricular Training. Finally, are detailed the aspects of a Didactics for the teachers of early childhood education and for the early years of Fundamental Education, focusing on narratives of in-service teachers on their experiences teaching in search of new systematization of pedagogical practice and on by own teachers.


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This study aimed to investigate the structural content of an essential stimulation program at one APAE from Parana State. his institution has been working for 43 years and it has 420 students enrolled. It was a documentary analysis of the pedagogical project of this institution, whose collection started after the approval of a local ethics committee, held with a previously developed protocol for this purpose. After the content analysis, it was possible to establish three categories related to this program operation, the conception of development present in it and place illed by language and by inclusion. he results indicated that, in order to be enrolled, children must present prenatal, neonatal and postnatal antecedents that entail problems of intellectual, motor, sensorial and language nature. he program is considered as a stage in early childhood education, but the language is not a structural content of this phase. It is a subarea of the development to be crafted with interventions directed to motor aspects of speech, breathing and communication. Finally, the concept of child development is complemented with other areas, also disjointed: sensory-perceptive; self-care; motor and social-emotional. We conclude that, although it is presented as an educational stage, in the essential stimulation of the analyzed institution, a clinical-specialized character predominates, consistent with the conceptions of development present in the document, but not with advances in relation to the concept of human development in the context of Inclusive Education and diversity.


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The inclusive school consists of a school that thoroughly attends the diversity and, therefore, students with special educational needs, including the ones with physical dysfunction. The objective of this study was to identify the difficulties of a teacher in the process of school inclusion of the student with physical dysfunction in order to adapt learning resources, having adequate school furniture and to guide the teacher in specific situations. A teacher of early childhood education participated in this study. For data collection two half-structuralized interviews were used. The first obtained information concerning the teacher’s difficulties due to the motor aspects of the student with difficulty to access the curriculum. The second interview gathered information about the teacher’s perception of the partnership between the occupational therapist and the teacher in the perspective of the inclusive education. The data analysis of the first interview and the student case-study allowed elaborating occupational therapy strategies to minimize these difficulties.After elaborating the strategies, a second interview was performed. The data of this interview showed that based on the analysis and adequacy of the interaction between a person’s functional demands, the task and the environment, make it possible for the student to overcome satisfactorily the inherent challenges of the educational context, and detached the importance of the partnership of the teacher and occupational therapist in the whole process. It concludes that the pupil incapacity would not have manifested if there was an adequate environment to receive him.


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This article portrays pathways and studies, arising from research already completed on relationships that constitute the process of appropriation-objectification of the world of human culture by the child at the School for Children, under the gaze of Historical-Cultural Approach. The studies had been configured in accord with a theoretical look that understands the relations as propeller of the humanization process and the child as capable to learn since very small. Initially, there is deepening of theoretical issues concerning the regularities of human development between three and six years old, based on the propositions of the Historical-Cultural Approach. Subsequently, it presents results of the routes methodological that integrated observation sessions of educational practice in schools in early childhood education, involving the relationship between children, adults and objects, as well as sessions of designs and semi-structured interviews with the children. These results show the resulting analysis of the pedagogical implications of the propositions of the HistoricalCultural Approach about the humanization process, mediation and activity.


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This paper aims to present the Ludibus project, by Faculty of Philosophy and Science of Unesp, Marilia Campus, and placement possibilities offered by extracurricular work of teaching, research and extension education developed by his team. The Project is characterized by the existence of a playful bus, adapted to the development of artistic, recreational and literary schools in Basic Education (Early Childhood Education and Elementary Education, cycle I). It aims to contribute to the process of initial and continuing training of man and women teachers who will serve and act in Basic Education and to offer proposals for artistic and recreational activities for children of kindergarten and the early grades of elementary school, with a view to the creation, appreciation and reflection related to artistic languages and playful. We make use of action research and varied procedures in order to organize and provide activities related to the themes of the project the teachers and children. The results point to good learning opportunities and enriching experiences for the teacher training process, setting up the project in a privileged place for the occurrence of extracurricular period.