991 resultados para Edge-defined film-fed crystal growth method (EFG)


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Brushite and octacalcium phosphate (OCP) crystals are well-known precursors of hydroxylapatite (HAp), the main mineral found in bone. In this report, we present a new method for biomimicking brushite and OCP using single and double diffusion techniques. Brushite and OCP crystals were grown in an iota-carrageenan gel. The aggregates were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), infrared spectroscopy (IR) and thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA). SEM revealed different morphologies of brushite crystals from highly porous aggregates to plate-shaped forms. OCP crystals grown in iota-carrageenan showed a porous spherical shape different from brushite growth forms. The XRD method demonstrated that the single-diffusion method favors the formation of monoclinic brushite. In contrast, the double diffusion method was found to promote the formation of the triclinic octacalcium phosphate OCP phase. By combining the different parameters for crystal growth in carrageenan, such as ion concentration, gel pH and gel density, it is possible to modify the morphology of composite crystals, change the phase of calcium phosphate and modulate the amount of carrageenan inclusion in crystals. This study suggests that iota-carrageenan is a high-molecular-weight polysaccharide that is potentially applicable for controlling calcium phosphate crystallization.


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Dicalcium phosphate dihydrate (brushite) and octacalcium phosphate (OCP) crystals are precursors of hydroxyapatite (HAp) for tooth enamel, dentine, and bones formation in living organisms. Here, we introduce a new method for biomimicking brushite and OCP in starch using single and double diffusion techniques. Brushite and OCP crystals were grown by precipitation in starch after gelation. The obtained materials were analyzed by infrared spectroscopy (IR), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM). IR spectra demonstrate starch inclusion by peak shifts in the 2900–3500 cm–1 region. SEM showed two different morphologies: plate-shaped and needle-like crystals. Calcium phosphate/starch aggregates bear strong resemblance to prismatic brushite kidney stones. This may open up a clue to understand the mechanism of kidney stone formation.


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The population mixing hypothesis proposes that childhood leukaemia (CL) might be a rare complication of a yet unidentified subclinical infection. Large population influxes into previously isolated rural areas may foster localised epidemics of the postulated infection causing a subsequent increase of CL. While marked population growth after a period of stability was central to the formulation of the hypothesis and to the early studies on population mixing, there is a lack of objective criteria to define such growth patterns. We aimed to determine whether periods of marked population growth coincided with increases in the risk of CL in Swiss municipalities. We identified incident cases of CL aged 0-15 years for the period 1985-2010 from the Swiss Childhood Cancer Registry. Annual data on population counts in Swiss municipalities were obtained for 1980-2010. As exposures, we defined (1) cumulative population growth during a 5-year moving time window centred on each year (1985-2010) and (2) periods of 'take-off growth' identified by segmented linear regression. We compared CL incidence across exposure categories using Poisson regression and tested for effect modification by degree of urbanisation. Our study included 1500 incident cases and 2561 municipalities. The incident rate ratio (IRR) comparing the highest to the lowest quintile of 5-year population growth was 1.18 (95 % CI 0.96, 1.46) in all municipalities and 1.33 (95 % CI 0.93, 1.92) in rural municipalities (p value interaction 0.36). In municipalities with take-off growth, the IRR comparing the take-off period (>6 % annual population growth) with the initial period of low or negative growth (<2 %) was 2.07 (95 % CI 0.95, 4.51) overall and 2.99 (1.11, 8.05) in rural areas (p interaction 0.52). Our study provides further support for the population mixing hypothesis and underlines the need to distinguish take-off growth from other growth patterns in future research.


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Dental caries is the most common chronic disease worldwide. It is characterized by the demineralization of tooth enamel caused by acid produced by cariogenic dental bacteria growing on tooth surfaces, termed bacterial biofilms. Cariogenesis is a complex biological process that is influence by multiple factors and is not attributed to a sole causative agent. Instead, caries is associated with multispecies microbial biofilm communities composed of some bacterial species that directly influence the development of a caries lesion and other species that are seemingly benign but must contribute to the community in an uncharacterized way. Clinical analysis of dental caries and its microbial populations is challenging due to many factors including low sensitivity of clinical measurement tools, variability in saliva chemistry, and variation in the microbiota. Our laboratory has developed an in vitro anaerobic biofilm model for dental carries to facilitate both clinical and basic research-based analyses of the multispecies dynamics and individual factors that contribute to cariogenicity. The rational for development of this system was to improve upon the current models that lack key elements. This model places an emphasis on physiological relevance and ease of maintenance and reproducibility. The uniqueness of the model is based on integrating four critical elements: 1) a biofilm community composed of four distinct and representative species typically associated with dental caries, 2) a semi-defined synthetic growth medium designed to mimic saliva, 3) physiologically relevant biofilm growth substrates, and 4) a novel biofilm reactor device designed to facilitate the maintenance and analysis. Specifically, human tooth sections or hydroxyapatite discs embedded into poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) discs are incubated for an initial 24 hr in a static inverted removable substrate (SIRS) biofilm reactor at 37°C under anaerobic conditions in artificial saliva (CAMM) without sucrose in the presence of 1 X 106 cells/ml of each Actinomyces odontolyticus, Fusobacterium nucleatum, Streptococcus mutans, and Veillonella dispar. During days 2 and 3 the samples are maintained continually in CAMM with various exposures to 0.2% sucrose; all of the discs are transferred into fresh medium every 24 hr. To validate that this model is an appropriate in vitro representation of a caries-associated multispecies biofilm, research aims were designed to test the following overarching hypothesis: an in vitro anaerobic biofilm composed of four species (S. mutans, V. dispar, A. odontolyticus, and F. nucleatum) will form a stable biofilm with a community profile that changes in response to environmental conditions and exhibits a cariogenic potential. For these experiments the biofilms as described above were exposed on days 2 and 3 to either CAMM lacking sucrose (no sucrose), CAMM with 0.2% sucrose (constant sucrose), or were transferred twice a day for 1 hr each time into 0.2% sucrose (intermittent sucrose). Four types of analysis were performed: 1) fluorescence microscopy of biofilms stained with Syto 9 and hexidium idodine to determine the biofilm architecture, 2) quantitative PCR (qPCR) to determine the cell number of each species per cm2, 3) vertical scanning interferometry (VSI) to determine the cariogenic potential of the biofilms, and 4) tomographic pH imaging using radiometric fluorescence microscopy after exposure to pH sensitive nanoparticles to measure the micro-environmental pH. The qualitative and quantitative results reveal the expected dynamics of the community profile when exposed to different sucrose conditions and the cariogenic potential of this in vitro four-species anaerobic biofilm model, thus confirming its usefulness for future analysis of primary and secondary dental caries.


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Variations in crystal morphologies in pillow basalts and probable sheet flows sampled from the region of the East Pacific Rise drilled during Leg 54 are related both to differences in composition and to an extreme range of cooling rate experienced upon extrusion. The basalts range in composition from olivine-rich tholeiites to tholeiitic ferrobasalts, and include some more alkaline basalts. The kinetics of crystal growth in some samples appears to have been influenced by the amount of initial superheating (or supercooling) of the magma, or possibly by differential retention of volatiles. Olivine in quartznormative ferrobasalts apparently formed metastably at high undercooling. Despite these effects, reliable petrographic criteria are established to distinguish the principal rock types described regardless of the crystallinity and grain size. Microphenocrysts formed prior to pillow formation correspond closely to mineral assemblages inferred from normative plots and variation diagrams to control crystal fractionation at various stages. The details of spherulitic and dendritic growth also provide some clues about composition. Petrographic evidence for magma mixing is scant. Only some Siqueiros fracture zone basalts contain zoned plagioclase phenocrysts with glass inclusions similar to those used to infer mixing among Mid-Atlantic Ridge basalts. All basalts from the summit and flanks of the East Pacific Rise are aphyric. One possible petrographic consequence of mixing between olivine tholeiites and ferrobasalts - formation of clinopyroxene phenocrysts - is not evident in any fracture zone or Rise crest basalt. Highly evolved ferrobasalts with liquidus low-Ca clinopyroxene have not been sampled, nor does textural evidence indicate that any basalts sampled are hybrid compositions between such magmas and less fractionated compositions. Evidently the sampled ferrobasalts are close to the most evolved compositions that occur in any abundance on this portion of the East Pacific Rise.


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The influence of the substrate temperature, III/V flux ratio, and mask geometry on the selective area growth of GaN nanocolumns is investigated. For a given set of growth conditions, the mask design (diameter and pitch of the nanoholes) is found to be crucial to achieve selective growth within the nanoholes. The local III/V flux ratio within these nanoholes is a key factor that can be tuned, either by modifying the growth conditions or the mask geometry. On the other hand, some specific growth conditions may lead to selective growth but not be suitable for subsequent vertical growth. With optimized conditions, ordered GaN nanocolumns can be grown with a wide variety of diameters. In this work, ordered GaN nanocolumns with diameter as small as 50 nm are shown.


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Selective area growth of a-plane GaN nanocolumns by molecular beam epitaxy was performed for the first time on a-plane GaN templates. Ti masks with 150 nm diameter nanoholes were fabricated by colloidal lithography, an easy, fast and cheap process capable to handle large areas. Even though colloidal lithography does not provide a perfect geometrical arrangement like e-beam lithography, it produces a very homogeneous mask in terms of nanohole diameter and density, and is used here for the first time for the selective area growth of GaN. Selective area growth of a-plane GaN nanocolumns is compared, in terms of anisotropic lateral and vertical growth rates, with GaN nanocolumns grown selectively on the c-plane


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En esta tesis se propone un procedimiento para evaluar la resistencia mecánica de obleas de silicio cristalino y se aplica en diferentes casos válidos para la industria. En el sector de la industria fotovoltaica predomina la tecnología basada en paneles de silicio cristalino. Estos paneles están compuestos por células solares conectadas en serie y estas células se forman a partir de obleas de silicio. Con el objetivo de disminuir el coste del panel, en los últimos años se ha observado una clara tendencia a la reducción del espesor de las obleas. Esta reducción del espesor modifica la rigidez de las obleas por lo que ha sido necesario modificar la manera tradicional de manipularlas con el objetivo de mantener un bajo ratio de rotura. Para ello, es necesario conocer la resistencia mecánica de las obleas. En la primera parte del trabajo se describen las obleas de silicio, desde su proceso de formación hasta sus propiedades mecánicas. Se muestra la influencia de la estructura cristalográfica en la resistencia y en el comportamiento ya que el cristal de silicio es anisótropo. Se propone también el método de caracterización de la resistencia. Se utiliza un criterio probabilista basado en los métodos de dimensionamiento de materiales frágiles en el que la resistencia queda determinada por los parámetros de la ley de Weibull triparamétrica. Se propone el procedimiento para obtener estos parámetros a partir de campañas de ensayos, modelización numérica por elementos finitos y un algoritmo iterativo de ajuste de los resultados. En la segunda parte de la tesis se describen los diferentes tipos de ensayos que se suelen llevar a cabo con este material. Se muestra además, para cada uno de los ensayos descritos, un estudio comparativo de diferentes modelos de elementos finitos simulando los ensayos. Se comparan tanto los resultados aportados por cada modelo como los tiempos de cálculo. Por último, se presentan tres aplicaciones diferentes donde se ha aplicado este procedimiento de estudio. La primera aplicación consiste en la comparación de la resistencia mecánica de obleas de silicio en función del método de crecimiento del lingote. La resistencia de las tradicionales obleas monocristalinas obtenidas por el método Czochralski y obleas multicristalinas es comparada con las novedosas obleas quasi-monocristalinas obtenidas por métodos de fundición. En la segunda aplicación se evalúa la profundidad de las grietas generadas en el proceso de corte del lingote en obleas. Este estudio se realiza de manera indirecta: caracterizando la resistencia de grupos de obleas sometidas a baños químicos de diferente duración. El baño químico reduce el espesor de las obleas eliminando las capas más dañadas. La resistencia de cada grupo es analizada y la comparación permite obtener la profundidad de las grietas generadas en el proceso de corte. Por último, se aplica este procedimiento a un grupo de obleas con características muy especiales: obleas preparadas para formar células de contacto posterior EWT. Estas obleas presentan miles de agujeros que las debilitan considerablemente. Se aplica el procedimiento de estudio propuesto con un grupo de estas obleas y se compara la resistencia obtenida con un grupo de referencia. Además, se propone un método simplificado de estudio basado en la aplicación de una superficie de intensificación de tensiones. ABSTRACT In this thesis, a procedure to evaluate the mechanical strength of crystalline silicon wafers is proposed and applied in different studies. The photovoltaic industry is mainly based on crystalline silicon modules. These modules are composed of solar cells which are based on silicon wafers. Regarding the cost reduction of solar modules, a clear tendency to use thinner wafers has been observed during last years. Since the stiffness varies with thickness, the manipulation techniques need to be modified in order to guarantee a low breakage rate. To this end, the mechanical strength has to be characterized correctly. In the first part of the thesis, silicon wafers are described including the different ways to produce them and the mechanical properties of interest. The influence of the crystallographic structure in the strength and the behaviour (the anisotropy of the silicon crystal) is shown. In addition, a method to characterize the mechanical strength is proposed. This probabilistic procedure is based on methods to characterize brittle materials. The strength is characterized by the values of the three parameters of the Weibull cumulative distribution function (cdf). The proposed method requires carrying out several tests, to simulate them through Finite Element models and an iterative algorithm in order to estimate the parameters of the Weibull cdf. In the second part of the thesis, the different types of test that are usually employed with these samples are described. Moreover, different Finite Element models for the simulation of each test are compared regarding the information supplied by each model and the calculation times. Finally, the method of characterization is applied to three examples of practical applications. The first application consists in the comparison of the mechanical strength of silicon wafers depending on the ingot growth method. The conventional monocrystalline wafers based on the Czochralski method and the multicrystalline ones are compared with the new quasi-monocrystalline substrates. The second application is related to the estimation of the crack length caused by the drilling process. An indirect way is used to this end: several sets of silicon wafers are subjected to chemical etchings of different duration. The etching procedure reduces the thickness of the wafers removing the most damaged layers. The strength of each set is obtained by means of the proposed method and the comparison permits to estimate the crack length. At last, the procedure is applied to determine the strength of wafers used for the design of back-contact cells of type ETW. These samples are drilled in a first step resulting in silicon wafers with thousands of tiny holes. The strength of the drilled wafers is obtained and compared with the one of a standard set without holes. Moreover, a simplified approach based on a stress intensification surface is proposed.


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If only Fluid Mechanics aspects are considered, the configuration appearing in the floating zone technique for crystal growth can be modelled as a mass of liquid spanning between two solid rods. Besides, if now the influence of temperature gradients and heat flow are not considered, the simplest fluid model consists of an isothermal liquid mass of constant properties (density and surface tension) held by capillary forces between two solid disks placed a distance L apart: the so called liquid bridge. As it is well known, if both supporting disks were parallel, coaxial and of the same diameter, 2R, the volume of liquid, V, were equal to that of a cylinder of the same L and R (V=KR~L) and no body forces were acting on the liquid column, the fluid configuration (under these conditions of cylindrical shape) will become unstable when the distance between the disks equals the length of the circumference of the supporting disks (L=2KR, the so-called Rayleigh stability limit). One should be aware that the Rayleigh stability limit can be dramatically modified when the geometry differs from the above described cylinder (due to having non-coaxial disks, different diameter disks, liquid volume different from the cylindrical one, etc) or when other external effects like accelerations either axial or lateral are considered. In this paper the stability limits of liquid bridges considering different types of perturbations are reviewed.


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No presente trabalho foram avaliados processos alternativos de dessalinização visando a recuperação e reuso da água contida em salmouras concentradas, sendo o processo de cristalização assistida por destilação por membranas (MDC) investigado com profundidade. Foi desenvolvido um modelo diferencial para o processo de destilação por membranas por contato direto (DCMD), contemplando métodos termodinâmicos rigorosos para sistemas aquosos de eletrólitos fortes, bem como mecanismos de transferência de calor e massa e efeitos de polarização de temperatura e concentração característicos deste processo de separação. Com base em simulações realizadas a partir do modelo matemático assim desenvolvido, foram investigados os principais parâmetros que influenciam o projeto de um módulo de membranas para DCMD. O modelo foi posteriormente estendido com equações de balanço de massa e energia adicionais para incluir a operação de cristalização e desta forma representar o processo de MDC. De posse dos resultados das simulações e do modelo estendido, foi desenvolvido um método hierárquico para o projeto de processos de MDC, com o objetivo de conferir características de rastreabilidade e repetibilidade a esta atividade. Ainda a partir do modelo MDC foram discutidos aspectos importantes em MDC como a possibilidade de nucleação e crescimento de cristais sobre a superfície das membranas, bem como o comportamento do processo com sais com diferentes características de solubilidade e largura da zona metaestável. Verificou-se que para sais cuja solubilidade varia muito pouco com a temperatura e que possuem zona metaestável com pequena largura, caso do NaCl, a operação com resfriamento no cristalizador não é viável pois aumenta excessivamente o consumo energético do processo, sendo nesses casos preferível a operação \"isotérmica\" - sem resfriamento no cristalizador - e o convívio com a possibilidade de nucleação no interior do módulo. No extremo oposto, observou-se que para sais com grande variabilidade da solubilidade com a temperatura, um pequeno resfriamento no cristalizador é suficiente para garantir condições de subsaturação no interior do módulo, sem grande ônus energético para o processo. No caso de sais com pequena variabilidade da solubilidade com a temperatura, mas com largura da zona metaestável elevada, existe certo ônus energético para a operação com resfriamento do cristalizador, porém não tão acentuado como no caso de sais com zona metaestável estreita. Foi proposto um fluxograma alternativo para o processo de MDC, onde foi introduzido um circuito de pré-concentração da alimentação antes do circuito de cristalização, para o caso de alimentação com soluções muito diluídas. Este esquema proporcionou um aumento do fluxo permeado global do processo e consequentemente uma redução na área total de membrana requerida. Verificou-se que através do processo com préconcentração da alimentação de 5% até 10% em massa - no caso de dessalinização de uma solução de NaCl - foi possível reduzir-se a área total da membrana em 27,1% e o consumo energético específico do processo em 10,6%, quando comparado ao processo sem pré-concentração. Foram desenvolvidas ferramentas úteis para o projeto de processos de dessalinização por MDC em escala industrial.


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The fusion of a protein of interest to a large-affinity tag, such as the maltose-binding protein (MBP), thioredoxin (TRX), or glutathione-S-transferase (GST), can be advantageous in terms of increased expression, enhanced solubility, protection from proteolysis, improved folding, and protein purification via affinity chromatography. Unfortunately, crystal growth is hindered by the conformational heterogeneity induced by the fusion tag, requiring that the tag is removed by a potentially problematic cleavage step. The first three crystal structures of fusion proteins with large-affinity tags have been reported recently. All three structures used a novel strategy to rigidly fuse the protein of interest to MBP via a short three- to five-amino acid spacer. This strategy has the potential to aid structure determination of proteins that present particular experimental challenges and are not conducive to more conventional crystallization strategies (e.g., membrane proteins). Structural genomics initiatives may also benefit from this approach as a way to crystallize problematic proteins of significant interest.


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Lanthanum hydroxycarbonate crystals with controlled phases and varied morphologies were prepared on the surface of a non-crystalline substrate, glass. The phases and morphologies of the crystals were controlled conveniently by varying the reaction temperature and the quantity of starting materials. Orthorhombic crystals were obtained at 160 degreesC, distributed individually on the substrate and had a flaky rhombic shape. Hexagonal crystals were obtained at 180 degreesC. The crystals had a rhomboidal shape, were uniform and continuous enough to form a solid film on the substrate. The substrates were corroded under the hydrothermal conditions and offered a coarse surface for the crystal growth. The hexagonal lanthanum hydroxycarbonate was discovered to show significant second harmonic generation, which would be of interest for developing novel optical materials. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.