980 resultados para ESTRUTURAS OFFSHORE


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Constant developments in the field of offshore wind energy have increased the range of water depths at which wind farms are planned to be installed. Therefore, in addition to monopile support structures suitable in shallow waters (up to 30 m), different types of support structures, able to withstand severe sea conditions at the greater water depths, have been developed. For water depths above 30 m, the jacket is one of the preferred support types. Jacket represents a lightweight support structure, which, in combination with complex nature of environmental loads, is prone to highly dynamic behavior. As a consequence, high stresses with great variability in time can be observed in all structural members. The highest concentration of stresses occurs in joints due to their nature (structural discontinuities) and due to the existence of notches along the welds present in the joints. This makes them the weakest elements of the jacket in terms of fatigue. In the numerical modeling of jackets for offshore wind turbines, a reduction of local stresses at the chord-brace joints, and consequently an optimization of the model, can be achieved by implementing joint flexibility in the chord-brace joints. Therefore, in this work, the influence of joint flexibility on the fatigue damage in chord-brace joints of a numerical jacket model, subjected to advanced load simulations, is studied.


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Laterally loaded piles are a typical situation for a large number of cases in which deep foundations are used. Dissertation herein reported, is a focus upon the numerical simulation of laterally loaded piles. In the first chapter the best model settings are largely discussed, so a clear idea about the effects of interface adoption, model dimension, refinement cluster and mesh coarseness is reached. At a second stage, there are three distinct parametric analyses, in which the model response sensibility is studied for variation of interface reduction factor, Eps50 and tensile cut-off. In addition, the adoption of an advanced soil model is analysed (NGI-ADP). This was done in order to use the complex behaviour (different undrained shear strengths are involved) that governs the resisting process of clay under short time static loads. Once set a definitive model, a series of analyses has been carried out with the objective of defining the resistance-deflection (P-y) curves for Plaxis3D (2013) data. Major results of a large number of comparisons made with curves from API (America Petroleum Institute) recommendation are that the empirical curves have almost the same ultimate resistance but a bigger initial stiffness. In the second part of the thesis a simplified structural preliminary design of a jacket structure has been carried out to evaluate the environmental forces that act on it and on its piles foundation. Finally, pile lateral response is studied using the empirical curves.


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La zona della piattaforma Adriatica, visibile in sismica a sud della costa croato – montenegrina, è stata oggetto di ricerche petrolifere in passato. Nuovi dati sismici hanno permesso la visualizzazione di alcune caratteristiche che saranno esaminate ed interpretate nel presente lavoro. In particolare ci si concentrerà sulla caratterizzazione e sulla differenziazione dei margini incontrati durante il lavoro di interpretazione. In questa fase, sono emerse delle caratteristiche che hanno permesso una revisione del margine della piattaforma Adriatica e del bacino di Budva noti nella letteratura pregressa. Il problema della differenziazione dei margini della piattaforma è stato affrontato sia in chiave tettonica (influenza della subsidenza, inversione di margini ad opera di un Thrust, tettonica ialina, buckling) che in chiave paleoambientale (influenza di venti dominanti) ricoprendo un arco temporale che spazia tra il Triassico superiore ed il Miocene superiore. Grazie alle interpretazioni effettuate e al confronto con la letteratura, saranno proposte, in una seconda fase, alcune situazioni favorevoli all’accumulo di idrocarburi nella zona di studio. Verrà, infine, affrontato il confronto con casi di letteratura inerenti i margini della vicina piattaforma Apula, considerati come margini coniugati della piattaforma Adriatica.


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Nel presente elaborato vengono approfonditi i principali metodi di posizionamento attualmente utilizzati, ossia il GPS e il GPS differenziale, con particolare riferimento a strutture posizionate in mare. Gli stessi sono utilizzati per il monitoraggio della subsidenza e dei movimenti tettonici cui le strutture offshore sono soggette, che, essendo movimenti dell’ordine di qualche millimetro all'anno, richiedono accuratezza nelle misure. Nell'ultima parte della tesi si è provveduto ad analizzare una serie di dati, derivanti da rilevamenti GPS, al fine di valutare gli effetti termici sulla struttura emersa di una piattaforma offshore.


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The increasing practice of offshore outsourcing software maintenance has posed the challenge of effectively transferring knowledge to individual software engineers of the vendor. In this theoretical paper, we discuss the implications of two learning theories, the model of work-based learning (MWBL) and cognitive load theory (CLT), for knowledge transfer during the transition phase. Taken together, the theories suggest that learning mechanisms need to be aligned with the type of knowledge (tacit versus explicit), task characteristics (complexity and recurrence), and the recipients’ expertise. The MWBL proposes that learning mechanisms need to include conceptual and practical activities based on the relative importance of explicit and tacit knowledge. CLT explains how effective portfolios of learning mechanisms change over time. While jobshadowing, completion tasks, and supportive information may prevail at the outset of transition, they may be replaced by the work on conventional tasks towards the end of transition.


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Despite promising cost saving potential, many offshore software projects fail to realize the expected benefits. A frequent source of failure lies in the insufficient transfer of knowledge during the transition phase. Former literature has reported cases where some domains of knowledge were successfully transferred to vendor personnel whereas others were not. There is further evidence that the actual knowledge transfer processes often vary from case to case. This raises the question whether there is a systematic relationship between the chosen knowledge transfer process and know-ledge transfer success. This paper introduces a dynamic perspective that distinguishes different types of knowledge transfer processes explaining under which circumstances which type is deemed most appropriate to successfully transfer knowledge. Our paper draws on knowledge transfer literature, the Model of Work-Based Learning and theories from cognitive psychology to show how characteristics of know-ledge and the absorptive capacity of knowledge recipients fit particular knowledge transfer processes. The knowledge transfer processes are conceptualized as combinations of generic knowledge transfer activities. This results in six gestalts of know-ledge transfer processes, each representing a fit between the characteristics of the knowledge process and the characteristics of the knowledge to be transferred and the absorptive capacity of the knowledge recipient.


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Oceanic islands have been a test ground for evolutionary theory, but here, we focus on the possibilities for evolutionary study created by offshore islands. These can be colonized through various means and by a wide range of species, including those with low dispersal capabilities. We use morphology, modern and ancient sequences of cytochrome b (cytb) and microsatellite genotypes to examine colonization history and evolutionary change associated with occupation of the Orkney archipelago by the common vole (Microtus arvalis), a species found in continental Europe but not in Britain. Among possible colonization scenarios, our results are most consistent with human introduction at least 5100 bp (confirmed by radiocarbon dating). We used approximate Bayesian computation of population history to infer the coast of Belgium as the possible source and estimated the evolutionary timescale using a Bayesian coalescent approach. We showed substantial morphological divergence of the island populations, including a size increase presumably driven by selection and reduced microsatellite variation likely reflecting founder events and genetic drift. More surprisingly, our results suggest that a recent and widespread cytb replacement event in the continental source area purged cytb variation there, whereas the ancestral diversity is largely retained in the colonized islands as a genetic ‘ark’. The replacement event in the continental M. arvalis was probably triggered by anthropogenic causes (land-use change). Our studies illustrate that small offshore islands can act as field laboratories for studying various evolutionary processes over relatively short timescales, informing about the mainland source area as well as the island.