1000 resultados para Dangerous behavior
When mixing asphalt in thin film and at high temperatures, as in the production of asphalt concrete, it has been shown that asphalt will harden due essentially to two factors: (1) losses of volatiles and (2) oxidation. The degree of hardening as expressed by percent loss in penetration varied from as low as 7% to about 57% depending on mixing temperatures, aggregate types, gradation, asphalt content, penetration and other characteristics of asphalts used. Methods used to predict hardening during mixing include loss on heat and thin film oven tests, with the latter showing better correlation with the field findings. However, information on other physical and chemical changes that may occur as a result of mixing in the production of hot-mix asphaltic concrete is limited, The purpose of this research project was to ascertain the changes of asphalt cement properties, both physical and chemical, during mixing operation and to determine whether one or more of the several tests of asphalt cements were critical enough to indicate these changes.
As a result of the construction of the Saylorville Dam and Reservoir on the Des Moines River, six highway bridges crossing the river were scheduled for removal. One of these, an old pin-connected, high-truss, single-lane bridge, was selected for a comprehensive testing program which included ultimate load tests, service load tests, and a supplementary test program. A second bridge was used for a limited service load test program. The results of the research are detailed in two interim reports. The first interim report outlines the ultimate load tests and the second interim report details the results of the service load and supplementary test program. This report presents a summary of these findings along with recommendations for implementation of the findings.
When a material fails under a number of repeated loads, each smaller than the ultimate static strength, a fatigue failure is said to have taken place. Many studies have been made to characterize the fatigue behavior of various engineering materials. The results of some of these studies have proved invaluable in the evaluation and prediction of the fatigue strength of structural materials. Considerable time and effort has gone into the evaluation of the fatigue behavior of metals. These early studies were motivated by practical considerations: The first fatigue tests were performed on materials that had been observed to fail after repeated loading of a magnitude less than that required for failure under the application of a single load. Mine-hoist chains, railway axles, and steam engine parts were among the first structural components to be recognized as exhibiting fatigue behavior. Since concrete is usually subjected to static loading rather than cyclic loading, need for knowledge of the fatigue behavior of concrete has lagged behind that of metals. One notable exception to this, however, is in the area of highway and airfield pavement design. Due to the fact that the fatigue behavior of concrete must be understood in the design of pavements and reinforced concrete bridges, highway engineers have provided the motivation for concrete fatigue studies since the 1920's.
When a material fails under a number of repeated loads, each smaller than the ultimate static strength, a fatigue failure is said to have taken place. Many studies have been made to characterize the fatigue behavior of various engineering materials. The results of some of these studies have proved invaluable in the evaluation and prediction of the fatigue strength of structural materials. Considerable time and effort have gone into the evaluation of the fatigue behavior of metals. These early studies were motivated by practical considerations: the first fatigue tests were performed on materials that had been observed to fail after repeated loading of a magnitude less than that required for failure under the application of a single load. Mine-hoist chains (1829), railway axles (1852), and steam engine parts were among the first structural components to be recognized as exhibiting fatigue behavior. Since concrete is usually subjected to static loading rather than cyclic loading, need for knowledge of the fatigue behavior of concrete has lagged behind that of metals. One notable exception to this, however, is in the area of highway and airfield pavement design. Due to the fact that the fatigue behavior of concrete must be understood in the design of pavements and reinforced concrete bridges, highway engineers have provided the motivation for concrete fatigue studies since the 1920s.
The design of satisfactory supporting and expansion devices for highway bridges is a problem which has concerned bridge design engineers for many years. The problems associated with these devices have been emphasized by the large number of short span bridges required by the current expanded highway program of expressways and interstate highways. The initial objectives of this investigation were: (1) To review and make a field study of devices used for the support of bridge superstructures and for provision of floor expansion; (2) To analyze the forces or factors which influence the design and behavior of supporting devices and floor expansion systems; and (3) To ascertain the need for future research particularly on the problems of obtaining more economical and efficient supporting and expansion devices, and determining maximum allowable distance between such devices. The experimental portion was conducted to evaluate one of the possible simple and economical solutions to the problems observed in the initial portion. The investigation reported herein is divided into four major parts or phases as follows: (1) A review of literature; (2) A survey by questionnaire of design practice of a number of state highway departments and consulting firms; (3) Field observation of existing bridges; and, (4) An experimental comparison of the dynamic behavior of rigid and elastomeric bearings.
Patients with the early-onset Alzheimer's disease P117L mutation in the presenilin-1 gene (PS-1) present pathological hallmarks in the hippocampus, the frontal cortex and the basal ganglia. In the present work we determined by immunohistochemistry which brain regions were injured in the transgenic PS-1 P117L mice, in comparison to their littermates, the B6D2 mice. Furthermore, as these regions are involved in novelty detection, we investigated the behavior of these mice in tests for object and place novelty recognition. Limited numbers of senile plaques and neurofibrillary tangles were detected in aged PS-1 P117L mice in the CA1 only, indicating that the disease is restrained to an initial neuropathological stage. Western blots showed a change in PSD-95 expression (p=0.03), not in NR2A subunit, NR2B subunit and synaptophysin expressions in the frontal cortex, suggesting specific synaptic alterations. The behavioral tests repeatedly revealed, despite a non-significant preference for object or place novelty, maladaptive exploratory behavior of the PS-1 P117L mice in novel environmental conditions, not due to locomotor problems. These mice, unlike the B6D2 mice, were less inhibited to visit the center of the cages (p=0.01) and they continued to move excessively in the presence of a displaced object (p=0.021). Overall, the PS-1 P117L mice appear to be in an initial Alzheimer's disease-like neuropathological stage, and they showed a lack of reaction toward novel environmental conditions.
A Guidebook for First Responders During the Initial Phase of a Dangerous Goods/Hazardous Materials Transportation Incident.
Phyllophaga cuyabana is a univoltine species and its development occurs completely underground. Its control by conventional methods, such as chemical and biological insecticides, is difficult, so it is important to understand its dispersion, reproduction, and population behavior in order to determine best pest management strategies. The objective of this work was to study the behavior of adults of P. cuyabana. This study was carried out in the laboratory, greenhouse and field sites in Paraná State, Brazil (24º25' S and 52º48' W), during four seasons. The results obtained demonstrate that: a) P. cuyabana adults have a synchronized short-flight period when mating and reproduction occurs; b) adults tend to aggregate in specific sites for mating; c) the majority of adults left the soil on alternate nights; d) the choice of mating and oviposition sites was made by females before copulation, since after copulation adults did not fly from or bury themselves at nearby locations; e) females that fed on leaves after mating, oviposited more eggs than females that had not fed;f) plant species such as sunflower (Helianthus annuus) and the Crotalaria juncea are important food sources for adults.
Utilization behavior (UB) consists of reaching out and using objects in the environment in an automatic manner and out of context. This behavior has been correlated to frontal lobe dysfunction, especially of the right hemisphere. We describe a 60-year-old woman, affected by a glioblastoma located in the right frontal region, who presented with intermittent UB of the mobile phone as the main clinical manifestation of partial complex status epilepticus. Video/EEG studies showed a striking correlation between mobile phone utilization and ictal epileptic activity. Clinical and EEG findings were markedly reduced after the introduction of antiepileptic drugs. This case study suggests that UB may be added to the symptoms described for partial seizures originating from frontal areas.
In work-zone configurations where lane drops are present, merging of traffic at the taper presents an operational concern. In addition, as flow through the work zone is reduced, the relative traffic safety of the work zone is also reduced. Improving work-zone flow-through merge points depends on the behavior of individual drivers. By better understanding driver behavior, traffic control plans, work zone policies, and countermeasures can be better targeted to reinforce desirable lane closure merging behavior, leading to both improved safety and work-zone capacity. The researchers collected data for two work-zone scenarios that included lane drops with one scenario on the Interstate and the other on an urban arterial roadway. The researchers then modeled and calibrated these scenarios in VISSIM using real-world speeds, travel times, queue lengths, and merging behaviors (percentage of vehicles merging upstream and near the merge point). Once built and calibrated, the researchers modeled strategies for various countermeasures in the two work zones. The models were then used to test and evaluate how various merging strategies affect safety and operations at the merge areas in these two work zones.
BACKGROUND: Patient behavior accounts for half or more of the variance in health, disease, mortality and treatment outcome and costs. Counseling using motivational interviewing (MI) effectively improves the substance use and medical compliance behavior of patients. Medical training should include substantial focus on this key issue of health promotion. The objective of the study is to test the efficacy of teaching MI to medical students. METHODS: Thirteen fourth-year medical students volunteered to participate. Seven days before and after an 8-hour interactive MI training workshop, each student performed a video-recorded interview with two standardized patients: a 60 year-old alcohol dependent female consulting a primary care physician for the first time about fatigue and depression symptoms; and a 50 year-old male cigarette smoker hospitalized for myocardial infarction. All 52 videos (13 students×2 interviews before and after training) were independently coded by two blinded clinicians using the Motivational Interviewing Training Integrity (MITI, 3.0). MITI scores consist of global spirit (Evocation, Collaboration, Autonomy/Support), global Empathy and Direction, and behavior count summary scores (% Open questions, Reflection to question ratio, % Complex reflections, % MI-adherent behaviors). A "beginning proficiency" threshold (BPT) is defined for each of these 9 scores. The proportion of students reaching BPT before and after training was compared using McNemar exact tests. Inter-rater reliability was evaluated by comparing double coding, and test-retest analyses were conducted on a sub-sample of 10 consecutive interviews by each coder. Weighted Kappas were used for global rating scales and intra-class correlations (ICC) were computed for behavior count summary scores. RESULTS: The percent of counselors reaching BPT before and after MI training increased significantly for Evocation (15% to 65%, p<.001), Collaboration (27% to 77%, p=.001), Autonomy/Support (15% to 54%, p=.006), and % Open questions (4% to 38%, p=.004). Proportions increased, but were not statistically significant for Empathy (38% to 58%, p=.18), Reflection to question ratio (0% to 15%, p=.12), % Complex reflection (35% to 54%, p=.23), and % MI-adherent behaviors (8% to 15%, p=.69). There was virtually no change for the Direction scale (92% to 88%, p=1.00). The reliability analyses produced mixed results. Weighted kappas for inter-rater reliability ranged from .14 for Direction to .51 for Collaboration, and from .27 for Direction to .80 for Empathy for test-retest. ICCs ranged from .20 for Complex reflections to .89 for Open questions (inter-rater), and from .67 for Complex reflections to .99 for Reflection to question ratio (test-retest). CONCLUSION: This pilot study indicates that a single 8-hour training in motivational interviewing for voluntary fourth-year medical students results in significant improvement of some MI skills. A larger sample of randomly selected medical students observed over longer periods should be studied to test if MI training generalizes to medical students. Inter-rater reliability and test-retest findings indicate a need for caution when interpreting the present results, as well as for more intensive training to help appropriately capture more dimensions of the process in future studies.
A fundamental trait of the human self is its continuum experience of space and time. Perceptual aberrations of this spatial and temporal continuity is a major characteristic of schizophrenia spectrum disturbances--including schizophrenia, schizotypal personality disorder and schizotypy. We have previously found the classical Perceptual Aberration Scale (PAS) scores, related to body and space, to be positively correlated with both behavior and temporo-parietal activation in healthy participants performing a task involving self-projection in space. However, not much is known about the relationship between temporal perceptual aberration, behavior and brain activity. To this aim, we composed a temporal Perceptual Aberration Scale (tPAS) similar to the traditional PAS. Testing on 170 participants suggested similar performance for PAS and tPAS. We then correlated tPAS and PAS scores to participants' performance and neural activity in a task of self-projection in time. tPAS scores correlated positively with reaction times across task conditions, as did PAS scores. Evoked potential mapping and electrical neuroimaging showed self-projection in time to recruit a network of brain regions at the left anterior temporal cortex, right temporo-parietal junction, and occipito-temporal cortex, and duration of activation in this network positively correlated with tPAS and PAS scores. These data demonstrate that schizotypal perceptual aberrations of both time and space, as reflected by tPAS and PAS scores, are positively correlated with performance and brain activation during self-projection in time in healthy individuals along the schizophrenia spectrum.
Following the recent avian influenza and pandemic (H1N1) 2009 outbreaks, public trust in medical and political authorities is emerging as a new predictor of compliance with officially recommended protection measures. In a two-wave longitudinal survey of adults in French-speaking Switzerland, trust in medical organizations longitudinally predicted actual vaccination status 6 months later, during the pandemic (H1N1) 2009 vaccination campaign. No other variables explained significant amounts of variance. Trust in medical organizations also predicted perceived efficacy of officially recommended protection measures (getting vaccinated, washing hands, wearing a mask, sneezing into the elbow), as did beliefs about health issues (perceived vulnerability to disease, threat perceptions). These findings show that in the case of emerging infectious diseases, actual behavior and perceived efficacy of protection measures may have different antecedents. Moreover, they suggest that public trust is a crucial determinant of vaccination behavior and underscore the practical importance of managing trust in disease prevention campaigns.