870 resultados para Content analysis (Communication)


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The purpose of this work is to investigate the digital online- and website- presence of the international automobile industry. The focus is on the business-to-consumer area to find out how digital communication is designed and if there are differences in the design dependent on the type of company or its cultural origin. The research is based on different quantitative as well as qualitative studies. After the selection and validation of the test sample, a qualitative content analysis for each corporate website in the test sample is conducted. Then, an extensive quantitative content analysis is applied. In a third step interviews with nine different experts from different sectors of the automobile company are carried out to validate the previous findings and obtain deeper insights. All of the findings are statistically analyzed and comprehensively evaluated.


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Dagens samhälle blir allt mer mångkulturellt. Det ställer högre krav på både omvårdnaden och sjuksköterskan. Sjuksköterskans eventuella brist på kompetens om kulturskillnader kan skapa kulturkrockar, missförstånd och felaktig omvårdnad. Syftet med studien var att undersöka vilka förväntningar äldre invandrare från förre detta Jugoslavien har i möten med sjuksköterskan i Sverige samt hur sjuksköterskans kompetens kan skiljas från undersköterskor, sjukgymnaster och arbetsterapeuter. Metod: Studien är kvalitativ med en induktiv ansats och baseras på sex intervjuer med äldre invandrare som ursprungligen kom från fd. Jugoslavien. Personlig kontakt togs med informanterna om deltagande i undersökningen genom serbiska/bosniska/kroatiska/makedoniska. Författaren informerade om studien och att de som ville delta kontaktade författaren. Insamlat material analyserades systematiskt med innehållsanalys. Resultat: Det som framkom att de äldre invandrarna förväntade sig i mötet med sjuksköterskan presenteras i följande fem kategorier; Att få bekräftelse för uttalade behov; Empatisk kontakt; Kommunikation och dialog i mötet; Respekt för sina värderingar och syn på hälsa och Trygghet. Slutsatsen: omvårdnad av äldre patienter med en annan kulturell bakgrund kräver båda kulturell kompetens och professionellt förhållningssätt. Sjuksköterskan behöver kunna identifiera patientens vårdbehov och i detta fallet även övergå de språkliga barriärer och nå patienten och förstå deras behov.


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BACKGROUND & AIMS: Although guidelines state that functional gastrointestinal disorders (FGIDs) can be diagnosed with minimal investigation, consultations and investigations still have high costs. We investigated whether these are due to specific behaviors of specialist clinicians by examining differences in clinician approaches to organic gastrointestinal diseases vs FGIDs. METHODS: We performed a retrospective review of 207 outpatient department letters written from the gastroenterology unit at a tertiary hospital after patient consultations from 2008 through 2011. We collected data from diagnostic letters and case notes relating to patients with organic (n = 108) or functional GI disorders (n = 119). We analyzed the content of each letter by using content analysis and reviewed case files to determine which investigations were subsequently performed. Our primary outcome was the type of diagnostic language used and other aspects of the clinical approach. RESULTS: We found gastroenterologists to use 2 distinct types of language, clear vs qualified, which was consistent with their level of certainty (or lack thereof), for example, "the patient is diagnosed with…." vs "it is possible that this patient might have….". Qualified diagnostic language was used in a significantly higher proportion of letters about patients with FGIDs (63%) than organic gastrointestinal diseases (13%) (P < .001). In addition, a higher proportion of patients with FGIDs underwent endoscopic evaluation than patients with organic gastrointestinal diseases (79% vs 63%; P < .05). CONCLUSIONS: In an analysis of diagnoses of patients with FGIDs vs organic disorders, we found that gastroenterologists used more qualified (uncertain) language in diagnosing patients with FGIDs. This may contribute to patient discard of diagnoses and lead to additional, unwarranted endoscopic investigations.


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BACKGROUND: Studies with healthy volunteers have demonstrated that antidepressants can improve immunoregulatory activity and thus they may have a potential to positively impact the disease course in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), a chronic and incurable condition. However, patients' views on the role of antidepressants in the management of their IBD are unknown. Thus, this study aimed to explore patients' experiences and opinions regarding the effect of antidepressants on IBD course before possibly undertaking future treatment trials with antidepressants. METHODS: Semi-structured in-depth interviews with open-ended questions were conducted with a randomly selected sample of IBD patients recruited at the Australian public hospital IBD clinic and currently receiving antidepressants. A qualitative content analysis was undertaken to summarise patients' responses. A Visual Analogue Scale was used to provide a quantitative assessment of patients' experiences with antidepressants. RESULTS: Overall, 15 IBD sufferers currently on antidepressants (nine females, six males) were interviewed. All 15 reported a positive response to antidepressants reporting they improved their quality of life, with minimal side-effects. Five patients (33.3%) felt the antidepressant had specifically improved their IBD course. Three patients noted how they believed the reduction in feelings of stress mediated the positive influence of the antidepressant on IBD course. Ten patients (66.7%) felt the antidepressants had not specifically influenced their IBD. Nine patients (60.0%) had a generally positive attitude towards antidepressants, four patients (26.7%) were ambivalent, and two patients (13.3%) held a negative view towards antidepressants. Twelve patients (80.0%) stated that they would be willing to participate in clinical trials. CONCLUSIONS: Antidepressants seem to be well tolerated by IBD patients. One third of patients reported an observable improvement of their IBD under the influence of this treatment. The positive attitude towards antidepressants in these participants may make the conduct of clinical trials to further assess for any specific role on IBD course feasible. However, due to a small sample size, a qualitative nature of this study and in light of the results of studies on other populations indicating reluctance to taking antidepressants at least in some patients, these results should be interpreted with caution until confirmed in quantitative studies.


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La réussite scolaire au primaire est déterminante pour la réussite scolaire future de l’enfant. Certains éléments jouent un rôle important dans cette réussite comme la santé psychologique de l’élève et l’implication parentale. Ces dernières peuvent être ébranlées par certaines situations de la vie telle que le décès d’un parent. Ce mémoire porte sur une recherche qualitative effectuée auprès de trois élèves de niveau primaire régulier ayant perdu un parent au cours des deux dernières années. L’objectif de cette recherche est de connaître l’influence que peuvent avoir la perte parentale et le deuil chez l’élève sur sa réussite scolaire. Il existe peu de recherches qui ont été réalisées sur ce sujet et la plupart se sont principalement intéressées à l’influence des conséquences psychologiques du deuil sur la réussite scolaire. Dans le cadre de ce mémoire, nous avons décidé d’adopter une vision plus globale du développement de l’élève. Le projet de recherche s’intéresse non seulement à l’élève, mais aussi à ses parents et à son environnement scolaire. La recherche s’articule autour de trois concepts : le deuil, la réussite scolaire et l’implication scolaire. La méthodologie utilisée repose sur une approche qualitative exploratoire et une analyse de contenu. Les participants étaient composés de trois élèves endeuillés et non-immigrants, âgés entre 7 et 10 ans, de leurs parents survivants (deux) et de leurs enseignants titulaires (trois). Les données ont été recueillies à travers des entrevues semi-dirigées avec tous les participants, les bulletins scolaires des enfants et les plans d’intervention scolaire. Les résultats indiquent que les conséquences psychologiques du deuil peuvent avoir une influence négative sur la réussite scolaire des élèves du primaire. De plus, la perte parentale semble influer négativement sur le niveau socio-économique de la famille et sur tous les types d’implication parentale, que ce soit la supervision des leçons, la communication école-famille ou la collaboration du parent avec la communauté. Ces éléments peuvent à leur tour avoir une influence négative sur la réussite scolaire.


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Abstract : Information and communication technologies (ICTs, henceforth) have become ubiquitous in our society. The plethora of devices competing with the computer, from iPads to the Interactive whiteboard, just to name a few, has provided teachers and students alike with the ability to communicate and access information with unprecedented accessibility and speed. It is only logical that schools reflect these changes given that their purpose is to prepare students for the future. Surprisingly enough, research indicates that ICT integration into teaching activities is still marginal. Many elementary and secondary schoolteachers are not making effective use of ICTs in their teaching activities as well as in their assessment practices. The purpose of the current study is a) to describe Quebec ESL teachers’ profiles of using ICTs in their daily teaching activities; b) to describe teachers’ ICT integration and assessment practices; and c) to describe teachers’ social representations regarding the utility and relevance of ICT use in their daily teaching activities and assessment practices. In order to attain our objectives, we based our theoretical framework, principally, on the social representations (SR, henceforth) theory and we defined most related constructs which were deemed fundamental to the current thesis. We also collected data from 28 ESL elementary and secondary school teachers working in public and private sectors. The interview guide used to that end included a range of items to elicit teachers’ SR in terms of ICT daily use in teaching activities as well as in assessment practices. In addition, we carried out our data analyses from a textual statistics perspective, a particular mode of content analysis, in order to extract the indicators underlying teachers’ representations of the teachers. The findings suggest that although almost all participants use a wide range of ICT tools in their practices, ICT implementation is seemingly not exploited to its fullest potential and, correspondingly, is likely to produce limited effects on students’ learning. Moreover, none of the interviewees claim that they use ICTs in their assessment practices and they still hold to the traditional paper-based assessment (PBA, henceforth) approach of assessing students’ learning. Teachers’ common discourse reveals a gap between the positive standpoint with regards to ICT integration, on the one hand, and the actual uses of instructional technology, on the other. These results are useful for better understanding the way ESL teachers in Quebec currently view their use of ICTs, particularly for evaluation purposes. In fact, they provide a starting place for reconsidering the implementation of ICTs in elementary and secondary schools. They may also be useful to open up avenues for the development of a future research program in this regard.


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Este trabajo de grado busca mostrar cuáles son las representaciones de Bogotá propuestas por el noticiero de la noche del canal Citytv, a través de un acercamiento a los contenidos del medio desde el análisis de contenido y el análisis semiótico de la imagen.


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Este proyecto se origina en el interés de analizar las estrategias actuales de promoción de productos farmacéuticos, en el marco del debate sobre el efecto persuasivo o informativo que la publicidad directa tiene sobre los consumidores. El objetivo es determinar el efecto de las estrategias de promoción directa para consumidores (Direct to Consumer Advertising [DTCA]) sobre el comportamiento de compra de pacientes y las prescripciones que formulan los médicos en el mercado de productos bajo receta en Estados Unidos. Para tal fin se propuso realizar una monografía que incluyera una revisión de literatura de carácter argumentativo, consultando información de nivel secundario en bases de datos científicas cuyos contenidos obedecieran a criterios metodológicos determinados por la naturaleza argumentativa del estudio. Adicionalmente, se analizó el debate sobre estos anuncios a la luz de dos estudios realizados a pacientes con cáncer de seno, próstata y colon, liderados por el Pennsylvania Cancer Registry con los productos biofarmacéuticos Avodart® y Flomax®. Finalmente, la investigación se fundamentó en la relación del mercado farmacéutico en Estados Unidos con cada uno de los agentes que interactúan en él; consumidores, médicos prescriptores y empresas farmacéuticas, así como el valor que estos comparten través de dichas interacciones. Se concluye que el comportamiento de compra de los consumidores está determinado por la naturaleza de la patología que padecen y el comportamiento de los profesionales que prescriben a sus pacientes se ve influenciado por los anuncios DTCA.


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Esta investigación describe la situación de cómo Youtube se ha convertido a partir de sus estrategias y plan de mercadeo en la plataforma número uno en variedad de clips de películas, vídeos musicales, video de blogs, entre otros; llegando a popularizarse como una red social. Las redes sociales han desarrollado una nueva forma de comunicar y son una herramienta fundamental para la creación de conocimiento colectivo, es el caso de YouTube buscador de contenido audiovisual y red social que permite a millones de usuarios conectarse alrededor del mundo. Esta plataforma rompe las barreras culturales y de comunicación que anteriormente existían a falta de internet. En este sentido se pretende analizar a YouTube desde una perspectiva administrativa enfocada en el área de mercadeo.


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O alcoolismo é um fenómeno universal, significativo e complexo, com múltiplas implicações, assumindo-se a disfunção familiar como uma das que primeiro se manifesta, nomeadamente ao nível da díade conjugal. O presente estudo, de carácter exploratório e abordagem qualitativa, tem como objectivos identificar a percepção que o alcoólico e o cônjuge têm do impacto do alcoolismo na díade conjugal e alertar para a necessidade de adoptar estratégias de tratamento que visem a família do sujeito alcoólico. Os dados foram recolhidos junto de oito díades recorrendo à entrevista semi-estruturada e tratados através da análise de conteúdo. As conclusões reafirmam o impacto negativo do alcoolismo na díade e a pertinência de uma abordagem conjugal nesta problemática. Evidenciam-se alcoólicos e cônjuges insatisfeitos, com vivências conjugais marcadas por conflitos e problemas de ordem comunicacional, sexual, emocional e económica. Foram identificadas especificidades tanto do alcoolismo no feminino, como das respectivas diades. /ABSTRACT: Alcoholism is a universal, significant and complex phenomenon, with multiple implications, assuming the family dysfunction as one of its first manifestations, particularly in terms of the marital dyad. The present study, of exploratory and qualitative approach, aims to identify the perception that the alcoholic and the spouse have of the impact of the alcoholism in the marital dyad, and call attention to the need for treatment strategies aimed at the subject's family with alcoholic dependence syndrome. The information were collected from eight dyads through semi-structured interviews and processed by content analysis. The conclusions reaffirm the negative impact of alcoholism in the marital dyad and the relevance of marital approach in alcoholism. lt is shown alcoholics and spouses dissatisfied with their marital experiences marked by conflicts and problems of communication, sexual, emotional and economic order. Specificities were identified in women's alcoholism, as well as in their marital dyads.


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Este trabalho de investigação, de natureza empírica, procurou conhecer e reflectir sobre as representações do ofício de Professor para os entrevistados, fossem eles docentes ou não docentes. As diversas questões que permeiam o debate sobre a formação docente e a qualidade do ensino são destacadas pelos profissionais da educação e por profissionais de áreas completamente distintas. O papel do Professor é o foco central das entrevistas e a profissão docente, apesar das dificuldades apontadas, é reconhecida e exaltada como uma profissão de fundamental importância para quem almeja a construção de um mundo melhor e de uma sociedade mais justa. A metodologia de pesquisa utilizada é, quanto ao fim, descritiva e, em relação aos meios de investigação, bibliográfica e de pesquisa de campo. Neste trabalho, foi utilizado o método de análise de conteúdo baseado em BARDIN. Este método aparece como um conjunto de técnicas de análise das comunicações que utiliza procedimentos sistemáticos e objectivos de descrição do conteúdo das mensagens. As respostas dos entrevistados foram categorizadas segundo as regras de análise de categorização das informações por homogeneidade, exaustividade, exclusividade, objectividade e adequação ou pertinência. Seguindo-se esta metodologia e com o objectivo assumido de contribuir para o debate acerca da formação docente, foi realizado o presente estudo de investigação, que agora se apresenta. /ABSTRACT: This research, empirical, sought to know and reflect on the representations of the Professor's profession on respondents, teachers and non teachers. The various issues in the debate over teacher formation and teaching quality are highlighted by education professionals and professionals from other areas. The teacher's role is the central focus of the interviews and, despite the perceived difficulties, the teaching is recognized and praised as a profession of fundamental importance for anyone who longs the building of a better wor1d and a fairer society. A descriptive research was used, based on literature and field research. ln this study, we used the method of content analysis based on Bardin. This method appears as a set of techniques of communication that uses systematic and objective description of the messages contents. The respondents' answers were categorized according to the rules of analysis of categorization of information by homogeneity, completeness, uniqueness, suitability or appropriateness and objectivity. Following this methodology and with the admitted goal of contributing to the debate on teacher education, was conducted this research study, which now presents itself.


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By presenting the results of a content analysis of Australian undergraduate legal education, this paper examines the extent to which issues of race, ethnicity, discrimination, and multiculturalism feature within this component of the moral, ethical, and professional development of legal professionals. It will demonstrate that instead of encouraging a deep, critical and contextual understanding of such issues, legal education provides a relatively superficial one, which has important implications for the role that legal professionals play in overcoming injustices such as institutional racism, and the kinds of social reform that they are likely to undertake.


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Thirty-five clients who received counseling participated in this exploratory study by completing a letter to a friend that described in as much detail as possible what they had learned from counseling. The participants’ written responses were analyzed using a content analysis approach. The analysis indicated that the data were best categorized in terms of three broad areas of learnings (Self, Relations with Others, and the Process of Learning and Change). The Self taxonomy was found to consist of six hierarchical levels. The Relations with Others taxonomy consisted of five hierarchical levels, while the Process of Learning and Change taxonomy consisted of five hierarchical levels. The results suggested that these three taxonomies offer a promising and exciting way to view the impact of counseling within a learning framework. If these taxonomies are found to be stable in future research and clients are easily classified using the taxonomies then this approach may have implications for counseling. It may well be that to maximise the learnings counselors could use specific strategies and techniques to enhance their clients’ learning in the three areas.


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Although the soap opera as a television genre has consistently captured the imagination of millions of people around the world, surprisingly little has been written about it in the marketing literature. Understanding the consumption imagery in soaps may allow marketers to assess the relevance of product placement for their promotion strategy better, as well as providing valuable insight into the consumption habits of their considerable viewing audiences. Data were collected through content analysis from two soap operas, one in the USA and one in New Zealand. The results indicated a high level of consumption imagery, including brand references. Furthermore significant differences in the types of product and the emotional outcome of product use were found between the countries.


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We explored common beliefs and preferences for posthumous and living organ donation in Australia where organ donation rates are low and little research exists. Content analysis of discussions revealed the advantage of prolonging/saving life whereas disadvantages differed according to donation context. A range of people/groups perceived to approve and disapprove of donation were identified. Barriers for posthumous donation included a family’s objection, with the type of organ needed important for living donation. Motivators included knowledge about potential organ recipients. Donation preferences favored loved ones, with weaker preferences for recipients who were perceived as morally questionable or responsible for their illness.