996 resultados para Clinical Interpretation


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Objectivo: descrever a intervenção em fisioterapia num paciente com diagnóstico de conflito subacromial. Participantes e Métodos: estudo de caso de um paciente que desenvolveu um quadro doloroso no ombro direito no início de Janeiro de 2011 e em que a intervenção de fisioterapia teve início no princípio de Março de 2011. Foi utilizado como instrumentos de avaliação a EVA (repou-so, noite, e movimentos activos), a escala DASH, goniometria e raio x. Foi aplicado uma variedade de técnicas musculares, nomeadamente técnicas de indução miofasciais, exercícios terapêuticos, kinesiotape, bem como articulares, como a mobilização com movimento de Mulligan. O tratamento foi realizado em dias alternados e teve a duração total de seis semanas. Resultados: logo no final da primeira sessão o paciente referiu melhoria na dor e movimentos activos. Na segunda sessão o paci-ente demonstrou capacidade de realizar auto-mobilização, exercícios terapêuticos e alongamentos no domicílio. A regressão dos sintomas foi relativamente rápida, apenas na quarta sessão não obte-ve melhorias na reavaliação, até à completa remissão no fim da nona sessão. Conclusão: o processo de raciocínio clínico desenvolvido pelo fisioterapeuta durante de tratamento foi salientado. Após a recolha dos dados relativos à história e sua interpretação levantaram-se hipóteses o qual poderia estar na origem numa queixa do ombro com estas características. No exame objectivo foram reali-zados testes para permitir a obtenção do diagnóstico diferencial – conflito subacromial; elaborou-se então um plano de intervenção em colaboração com o paciente, nomeadamente com técnicas de terapia manual recentes, que se mostrou eficaz, com excelentes resultados.


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Introdução: A síndrome da cirurgia lombar falhada (SCLF) caracteriza-se pela persistência ou recidiva da dor ou aparecimento de novos sintomas após discectomia, descompressão de canal estreito ou artrodese lombares. Objectivos: O objectivo deste estudo foi descrever a abordagem em fisioterapia de um caso com Síndrome da Cirurgia Lombar Falhada e avaliar os seus efeitos na funcionalidade e sintomatologia dolorosa neste indivíduo. Metodologia: A amostra foi constituída por um sujeito com 41 anos, trabalhador da construção civil, apresentando dor lombar com irradiação para o membro inferior, após ter sido submetido a discectomia lombar e artrodese, que realizou sessões de fisioterapia convencional antes e depois da cirurgia, e que apresentava sinais compatíveis com compressão radicular. A intensidade da dor foi medida através da escala visual analógica (EVA), as amplitudes com o goniómetro universal, a funcionalidade foi avaliada utilizando o Questionário de Incapacidade Roland-Morris (RMDQ), o estado psicológico foi avaliado através da “Escala de Desânimo Associado à Dor” e do “Inventário de Convicções e Percepções Relacionadas com a Dor”. Resultados: A dor era inicialmente em média de 5,5/10 EVA, sendo de 3,4/10 EVA no final do tratamento. Quanto à funcionalidade (RMDQ) esta variou de 14/24 no início para 17/24 no final. De uma forma geral, após a aplicação de técnicas para diminuir a tensão do piriforme, técnicas neuurodinâmicas e um programa de exercícios para melhoria do controlo motor, o paciente apresentou alívio das queixas de dor na nádega esquerda e anca, aumento da amplitude de rotação medial da coxo-femoral, ausência das parestesias na face plantar do pé esquerdo e melhoria das queixas de dor na face anterior e lateral da coxa. Verificamos que houve diminuição dos índices de dor e melhorias dos níveis de funcionalidade. Conclusão: Neste estudo de caso, foi salientado o processo de raciocínio clínico desenvolvido pelo fisioterapeuta: a interpretação dos dados da história e levantamento das primeiras hipóteses e a realização dos testes no exame objectivo, permitiram estabelecer um diagnóstico funcional e elaborar um plano de intervenção através do qual o utente recuperou parcialmente a sua funcionalidade e diminuiu os seus índices de dor.


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A great number of low-temperature geothermal fields occur in Northern-Portugal related to fractured rocks. The most important superficial manifestations of these hydrothermal systems appear in pull-apart tectonic basins and are strongly conditioned by the orientation of the main fault systems in the region. This work presents the interpretation of gravity gradient maps and 3D inversion model produced from a regional gravity survey. The horizontal gradients reveal a complex fault system. The obtained 3D model of density contrast puts into evidence the main fault zone in the region and the depth distribution of the granitic bodies. Their relationship with the hydrothermal systems supports the conceptual models elaborated from hydrochemical and isotopic water analyses. This work emphasizes the importance of the role of the gravity method and analysis to better understand the connection between hydrothermal systems and the fractured rock pattern and surrounding geology. (c) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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PURPOSE: Fatty liver disease (FLD) is an increasing prevalent disease that can be reversed if detected early. Ultrasound is the safest and ubiquitous method for identifying FLD. Since expert sonographers are required to accurately interpret the liver ultrasound images, lack of the same will result in interobserver variability. For more objective interpretation, high accuracy, and quick second opinions, computer aided diagnostic (CAD) techniques may be exploited. The purpose of this work is to develop one such CAD technique for accurate classification of normal livers and abnormal livers affected by FLD. METHODS: In this paper, the authors present a CAD technique (called Symtosis) that uses a novel combination of significant features based on the texture, wavelet transform, and higher order spectra of the liver ultrasound images in various supervised learning-based classifiers in order to determine parameters that classify normal and FLD-affected abnormal livers. RESULTS: On evaluating the proposed technique on a database of 58 abnormal and 42 normal liver ultrasound images, the authors were able to achieve a high classification accuracy of 93.3% using the decision tree classifier. CONCLUSIONS: This high accuracy added to the completely automated classification procedure makes the authors' proposed technique highly suitable for clinical deployment and usage.


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Chronic Liver Disease is a progressive, most of the time asymptomatic, and potentially fatal disease. In this paper, a semi-automatic procedure to stage this disease is proposed based on ultrasound liver images, clinical and laboratorial data. In the core of the algorithm two classifiers are used: a k nearest neighbor and a Support Vector Machine, with different kernels. The classifiers were trained with the proposed multi-modal feature set and the results obtained were compared with the laboratorial and clinical feature set. The results showed that using ultrasound based features, in association with laboratorial and clinical features, improve the classification accuracy. The support vector machine, polynomial kernel, outperformed the others classifiers in every class studied. For the Normal class we achieved 100% accuracy, for the chronic hepatitis with cirrhosis 73.08%, for compensated cirrhosis 59.26% and for decompensated cirrhosis 91.67%.


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In this work the identification and diagnosis of various stages of chronic liver disease is addressed. The classification results of a support vector machine, a decision tree and a k-nearest neighbor classifier are compared. Ultrasound image intensity and textural features are jointly used with clinical and laboratorial data in the staging process. The classifiers training is performed by using a population of 97 patients at six different stages of chronic liver disease and a leave-one-out cross-validation strategy. The best results are obtained using the support vector machine with a radial-basis kernel, with 73.20% of overall accuracy. The good performance of the method is a promising indicator that it can be used, in a non invasive way, to provide reliable information about the chronic liver disease staging.


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In this work liver contour is semi-automatically segmented and quantified in order to help the identification and diagnosis of diffuse liver disease. The features extracted from the liver contour are jointly used with clinical and laboratorial data in the staging process. The classification results of a support vector machine, a Bayesian and a k-nearest neighbor classifier are compared. A population of 88 patients at five different stages of diffuse liver disease and a leave-one-out cross-validation strategy are used in the classification process. The best results are obtained using the k-nearest neighbor classifier, with an overall accuracy of 80.68%. The good performance of the proposed method shows a reliable indicator that can improve the information in the staging of diffuse liver disease.


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The species abundance distribution (SAD) has been a central focus of community ecology for over fifty years, and is currently the subject of widespread renewed interest. The gambin model has recently been proposed as a model that provides a superior fit to commonly preferred SAD models. It has also been argued that the model's single parameter (α) presents a potentially informative ecological diversity metric, because it summarises the shape of the SAD in a single number. Despite this potential, few empirical tests of the model have been undertaken, perhaps because the necessary methods and software for fitting the model have not existed. Here, we derive a maximum likelihood method to fit the model, and use it to undertake a comprehensive comparative analysis of the fit of the gambin model. The functions and computational code to fit the model are incorporated in a newly developed free-to-download R package (gambin). We test the gambin model using a variety of datasets and compare the fit of the gambin model to fits obtained using the Poisson lognormal, logseries and zero-sum multinomial distributions. We found that gambin almost universally provided a better fit to the data and that the fit was consistent for a variety of sample grain sizes. We demonstrate how α can be used to differentiate intelligibly between community structures of Azorean arthropods sampled in different land use types. We conclude that gambin presents a flexible model capable of fitting a wide variety of observed SAD data, while providing a useful index of SAD form in its single fitted parameter. As such, gambin has wide potential applicability in the study of SADs, and ecology more generally.


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Introduction: A major focus of data mining process - especially machine learning researches - is to automatically learn to recognize complex patterns and help to take the adequate decisions strictly based on the acquired data. Since imaging techniques like MPI – Myocardial Perfusion Imaging on Nuclear Cardiology, can implicate a huge part of the daily workflow and generate gigabytes of data, there could be advantages on Computerized Analysis of data over Human Analysis: shorter time, homogeneity and consistency, automatic recording of analysis results, relatively inexpensive, etc.Objectives: The aim of this study relates with the evaluation of the efficacy of this methodology on the evaluation of MPI Stress studies and the process of decision taking concerning the continuation – or not – of the evaluation of each patient. It has been pursued has an objective to automatically classify a patient test in one of three groups: “Positive”, “Negative” and “Indeterminate”. “Positive” would directly follow to the Rest test part of the exam, the “Negative” would be directly exempted from continuation and only the “Indeterminate” group would deserve the clinician analysis, so allowing economy of clinician’s effort, increasing workflow fluidity at the technologist’s level and probably sparing time to patients. Methods: WEKA v3.6.2 open source software was used to make a comparative analysis of three WEKA algorithms (“OneR”, “J48” and “Naïve Bayes”) - on a retrospective study using the comparison with correspondent clinical results as reference, signed by nuclear cardiologist experts - on “SPECT Heart Dataset”, available on University of California – Irvine, at the Machine Learning Repository. For evaluation purposes, criteria as “Precision”, “Incorrectly Classified Instances” and “Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROC) Areas” were considered. Results: The interpretation of the data suggests that the Naïve Bayes algorithm has the best performance among the three previously selected algorithms. Conclusions: It is believed - and apparently supported by the findings - that machine learning algorithms could significantly assist, at an intermediary level, on the analysis of scintigraphic data obtained on MPI, namely after Stress acquisition, so eventually increasing efficiency of the entire system and potentially easing both roles of Technologists and Nuclear Cardiologists. In the actual continuation of this study, it is planned to use more patient information and significantly increase the population under study, in order to allow improving system accuracy.


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In the literature, concepts of “polyneuropathy”, “peripheral neuropathy” and “neuropathy” are often mistakenly used as synonyms. Polyneuropathy is a specific term that refers to a relatively homogenous process that affects multiple peripheral nerves. Most of these tend to present as symmetric polyneuropathies that first manifest in the distal portions of the affected nerves. Many of these distal symmetric polyneuropathies are due to toxic-metabolic causes such as alcohol abuse and diabetes mellitus. Other distal symmetric polyneuropathies may result from an overproduction of substances that result in nerve pathology such as is observed in anti-MAG neuropathy and monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance. Other “overproduction” disorders are hereditary such as noted in the Portuguese type of familial amyloid polyneuropathy (FAP). FAP is a manifestation of a group of hereditary amyloidoses; an autosomal dominant, multisystemic disorder wherein the mutant amyloid precursor, transthyretin, is produced in excess primarily by the liver. The liver accounts for approximately 98% of all transthyretin production. FAP is confirmed by detecting a transthyretin variant with a methionine for valine substitution at position 30 [TTR (Met30)]. Familial Amyloidotic Polyneuropathy (FAP) – Portuguese type was first described by a Portuguese neurologist, Corino de Andrade in 1939 and published in 1951. Most persons with this disorder are descended from Portuguese sailors who sired offspring in various locations, primarily in Sweden, Japan and Mallorca. Their descendants emigrated worldwide such that this disorder has been reported in other countries as well. More than 2000 symptomatic cases have been reported in Portugal. FAP progresses rapidly with an average time course from symptom onset to multi-organ involvement and death between ten and twenty years. Treatments directed at removing this aberrant protein such as plasmapheresis and immunoadsorption proved to be unsuccessful. Liver transplantation has been the only effective solution as evidenced by almost 2000 liver transplants performed worldwide. A therapy for FAP with a novel agent, “Tafamidis” has shown some promise in ongoing phase III clinical trials. It is well recognized that regular physical activity of moderate intensity has a positive effect on physical fitness as gauged by body composition, aerobic capacity, muscular strength and endurance and flexibility. Physical fitness has been reported to result in the reduction of symptoms and lesser impairment when performing activities of daily living. Exercise has been advocated as part of a comprehensive approach to the treatment of chronic diseases. Therefore, this chapter concludes with a discussion of the role of exercise training on FAP.


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OBJECTIVE: To evaluate musculoskeletal disorders among active industrial workers. METHODS: The study was carried out in São Carlos, Southeastern Brazil, in 2005. One hundred and thirty-four female workers were physically evaluated and answered questions about their physical symptoms, filled out a pain scale and gave responses in the Oswestry Disability Questionnaire, and the Work Ability Index questionnaire. The data were analyzed descriptively, and in correlation tests and through applying logistic regression. The outcome was evaluated in relation to the perceptions of pain, symptoms, physical assessment, ability to work and disability. RESULTS: Clinical evaluations and sick leave presented positive correlations with the subjective variables. The Work Ability Index presented a negative correlation with the physical disability index (r=-0.69). Symptoms reported at the time of the assessment presented a good correlation with the results from the pain scale and the clinical findings. Previous sick leave showed an association with disability (OR=1.13; 95% CI:1.08;1.18). CONCLUSION: Symptom reports and pain scales may be useful for assessing current conditions at the time of evaluating individuals with work-related musculoskeletal disorders, as they are easier to apply. In more severe cases of such injuries, clinical and functional evaluations and questionnaires such as those relating to ability to work and disability are preferable. Precise and specific evaluations of these disorders may contribute towards fairer legal and administrative decisions.


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Introdução: No fu tebol os atletas são submetidos a um grande número de treinos e jogos, não havendo muitas vezes tempo necessário para o repouso ou alongamentos, estes factores predispõem o aparecimento de lesões incapacitantes como a pubalgia. O fisioterapeuta deverá realizar uma correcta avaliação e interpretação dos sintomas e das alterações posturais e biomecânicas do paciente com pubalgia. Objectivo: Através deste estudo de caso pretende-se descrever a avaliação e intervenção num caso de um jogador de fu tebol com pubalgia, salientando o processo de raciocínio clín ico desenvolvido ao longo do tratamento. Intervenção: Após a avaliação inicial, foi estabelecido, em conjunto com o atleta, um plano de tratamento por um períodlo de cinco semanas com três sessões semanais e exercícios durante os restantes dias. A intervenção visou a diminuição da dor, normalização das alterações articu lares, reforço da musculatu ra enfraquecida, promoção da estabilidade lombopélvica, restabelecimento da mobilidade das cadeias musculares encurtadas e retorno à actividade desportiva. Resultados: Verificou-se uma diminuição da dor, associada a um aumento de flexibilidade e de força. Conclusão: Através da abordagem pelo conceito de cadeias lesionais associado ao tratamento global de fisioterapia (exercícios terapêuticos, electroterapia, massagem), obteve-se melhorias clinicamente importantes num período de cinco semanas, verificando-se no fim do tratamento a ausência de sintomatologia, o que permitiu o retorno do atleta à actividade desportiva.


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Aim - To identify clinical and/or genetic predictors of response to several therapies in Crohn’s disease (CD) patients. Methods - We included 242 patients with CD (133 females) aged (mean ± standard deviation) 39 ± 12 years and a disease duration of 12 ± 8 years. The single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) studied were ABCB1 C3435T and G2677T/A, IL23R G1142A, C2370A, and G9T, CASP9 C93T, Fas G670A and LgC844T, and ATG16L1 A898G. Genotyping was performed with real-time PCR with Taqman probes. Results - Older patients responded better to 5-aminosalicylic acid (5-ASA) and to azathioprine (OR 1.07, p = 0.003 and OR 1.03, p = 0.01, respectively) while younger ones responded better to biologicals (OR 0.95, p = 0.06). Previous surgery negatively influenced response to 5-ASA compounds (OR 0.25, p = 0.05), but favoured response to azathioprine (OR 2.1, p = 0.04). In respect to genetic predictors, we observed that heterozygotes for ATGL16L1 SNP had a significantly higher chance of responding to corticosteroids (OR 2.51, p = 0.04), while homozygotes for Casp9 C93T SNP had a lower chance of responding both to corticosteroids and to azathioprine (OR 0.23, p = 0.03 and OR 0.08, p = 0.02,). TT carriers of ABCB1 C3435T SNP had a higher chance of responding to azathioprine (OR 2.38, p = 0.01), while carriers of ABCB1 G2677T/A SNP, as well as responding better to azathioprine (OR 1.89, p = 0.07), had a lower chance of responding to biologicals (OR 0.31, p = 0.07), which became significant after adjusting for gender (OR 0.75, p = 0.005). Conclusions - In the present study, we were able to identify a number of clinical and genetic predictors of response to several therapies which may become of potential utility in clinical practice. These are preliminary results that need to be replicated in future pharmacogenomic studies.


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Clinical and environmental samples from Portugal were screened for the presence of Aspergillus and the distributions of the species complexes were determined in order to understand how their distributions differ based on their source. Fifty-seven Aspergillus isolates from clinical samples were collected from 10 health institutions. Six species complexes were detected by internal transcribed spacer sequencing; Fumigati, Flavi, and Nigri were found most frequently (50.9%, 21.0%, and 15.8%, respectively). β-tubulin and calmodulin sequencing resulted in seven cryptic species (A. awamorii, A. brasiliensis, A. fructus, A. lentulus, A. sydowii, A. tubingensis, Emericella echinulata) being identified among the 57 isolates. Thirty-nine isolates of Aspergillus were recovered from beach sand and poultry farms, 31 from swine farms, and 80 from hospital environments, for a total 189 isolates. Eleven species complexes were found in these 189 isolates, and those belonging to the Versicolores species complex were found most frequently (23.8%). There was a significant association between the different environmental sources and distribution of the species complexes; the hospital environment had greater variability of species complexes than other environmental locations. A high prevalence of cryptic species within the Circumdati complex was detected in several environments; from the isolates analyzed, at least four cryptic species were identified, most of them growing at 37ºC. Because Aspergillus species complexes have different susceptibilities to antifungals, knowing the species-complex epidemiology for each setting, as well as the identification of cryptic species among the collected clinical isolates, is important. This may allow preventive and corrective measures to be taken, which may result in decreased exposure to those organisms and a better prognosis.