935 resultados para Client certificate


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versão acessível em http://ace2015.info/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/ACE_2015_submission_148.pdf


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Dissertação de mestrado em Engenharia de Sistemas


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Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Mechanical Engineering


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Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Eletrónica Industrial e Computadores


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Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Eletrónica Industrial e Computadores


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Dissertação de mestrado em Engenharia de Sistemas


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Esta investigação teve por objectivo explorar: a) a influência das memórias de cuidados parentais na infância, do estilo de vinculação, da qualidade da relação com pessoas significativas e da perturbação psicopatológica na qualidade da aliança terapêutica; b) a relação entre a qualidade da aliança terapêutica e os resultados psicoterapêuticos; e, c) a relação entre as mudanças na qualidade da aliança terapêutica e os resultados psicoterapêuticos. Uma amostra de 20 mães adolescentes foi avaliada, na primeira e na última (16.ª) sessão de uma intervenção psicoterapâutica, quanto às memórias de cuidados parentais na infância (EMBU), ao estilo de vinculação (ASI), ao suporte social (SESS) e à presença de perturbação psicopatológica (BSI). Tanto na 4.ª como na última sessão, pacientes e psicoterapeutas responderam a medidas de aliança terapêutica (WAI). Os resultados sugerem a existência de relações significativas entre algumas características psicológicas do paciente e a percepção da aliança terapêutica inicial, quer por parte do paciente quer por parte do terapeuta. Sugerem ainda que uma percepção positiva da aliança terapêutica, por parte do terapeuta, no início do processo terapêutico, está positivamente relacionada com os ganhos psicoterapêuticos do paciente, em termos da redução da sintomatologia psicopatológica. Os ganhos psicoterapêuticos do paciente, ao nível do estilo de vinculação e da qualidade das relações significativas, estão positivamente relacionados com uma percepção positiva da qualidade da aliança terapêutica, por parte do paciente, na última sessão. Contudo, as mudanças psicoterapêuticas positivas associadas à intervenção não parecem estar exclusivamente relacionadas com o aumento da qualidade da aliança terapêutica, observada entre o paciente e o terapeuta.


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OBJECTIVE: To estimate the frequency of medical care preceding deaths due to coronary artery diseases (CAD) in different Brazilian regions and capitals and to describe trends in medical care from 1980 to 1999. METHODS: Information on medical care preceding deaths due to coronary artery diseases/acute myocardial infarction in adults > 20 years from 1980 to 1999 was collected in the DATASUS, the databank of the Brazilian Health Ministry. Sex, states, and capitals selected for 1999 were analyzed in the study. Medical care was stratified as follows: with, without, and ignored medical care. The descriptive analysis comprised frequencies, ratios of frequency, test for proportions, and increments or reductions in frequencies. RESULTS: Acute myocardial infarction (AMI) represented 75 to 85% of the CAD in the period; the frequency of deaths with medical care ranged from 48.9 to 63%, and that of ignored medical care ranged from 27.2 to 41.5%. The frequency of other CAD with medical care ranged from 56 to 76%. The frequency of deaths preceded by medical care decreased by 17.8%, and that with ignored medical care increased by 36.5% (RF=2). The values for the other CAD were -20.2% and +64.6% (RF=44.4). Deaths preceded by medical care were more frequent in females at all ages and in all Brazilian regions. CONCLUSION: The results show a high frequency of sudden death and suggest errors in diagnosis or codification and overestimation of the statistics about mortality. Validation of the death certificate diagnosis and frequent surveillance are required.


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Mestrado Gestão e Estratégia Industrial


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Climate change is a crisis that is going to affect all of our lives in the future. Ireland is expected to have increased storms and rain throughout the country. This will affect our lives greatly unless we do something to change it. In an attempt to try and reduce the impacts of climate change, countries across the world met to address the problem. The meeting became known as the Kyoto Protocol. The Kyoto protocol set out objectives for each developed country to achieve with regards to carbon emissions to the same levels as 1990 levels. Due to the economy in Ireland being at a low point in 1990, Ireland was given a target of 13% carbon emissions above 1990 levels. In order to meet targets Ireland produced two energy papers, the green paper and the white paper. The green paper identified drivers for energy management and control; they were security of energy supply, economic competitiveness and environmental protection. The white paper produced targets in which we should aim to achieve to try and address the green papers drivers. Within the targets was the plan to reduce energy consumption in the public sector by 33% by 2020 through energy conservation measures. Schools are part of the public sector that has targets to reduce its energy consumption. To help to achieve targets in schools initiatives have been developed by the government for schools. Energy audits should be performed in order to identify areas where the schools can improve their current trends and show where they can invest in the future to save money and reduce the schools overall environmental footprint. Grants are available for the schools for insulation through the energy efficiency scheme and for renewable energy technologies through the ReHeat scheme. The promotion of energy efficient programs in schools can have a positive effect for students to have an understanding. The Display Energy Certificate is a legal document that can be used to understand how each school is performing from an energy perspective. It can help schools to understand why they need to change their current energy management structure. By improving the energy management of the schools they then improve the performance on the Display Energy Certificate. Schools should use these tools wisely and take advantage of the grants available which can in the short to long term help them to save money and reduce their carbon footprint.


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Although the ASP model has been around for over a decade, it has not achieved the expected high level of market uptake. This research project examines the past and present state of ASP adoption and identifies security as a primary factor influencing the uptake of the model. The early chapters of this document examine the ASP model and ASP security in particular. Specifically, the literature and technology review chapter analyses ASP literature, security technologies and best practices with respect to system security in general. Based on this investigation, a prototype to illustrate the range and types of technologies that encompass a security framework was developed and is described in detail. The latter chapters of this document evaluate the practical implementation of system security in an ASP environment. Finally, this document outlines the research outputs, including the conclusions drawn and recommendations with respect to system security in an ASP environment. The primary research output is the recommendation that by following best practices with respect to security, an ASP application can provide the same level of security one would expect from any other n-tier client-server application. In addition, a security evaluation matrix, which could be used to evaluate not only the security of ASP applications but the security of any n-tier application, was developed by the author. This thesis shows that perceptions with regard to fears of inadequate security of ASP solutions and solution data are misguided. Finally, based on the research conducted, the author recommends that ASP solutions should be developed and deployed on tried, tested and trusted infrastructure. Existing Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) should be used where possible and security best practices should be adhered to where feasible.


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Aufgrund der Entwicklungen auf dem Sektor der Mobiletelefone ist davon auszugehen, dass die Anzahl kleiner, leichtgewichtiger mobiler Endgeräte, welche als Clients von Datenbanksystemen genutzt werden, weiter ansteigt. Ein wesentliches Problem in diesem Szenario ist die langsame und teure Datenübertragung in Funknetzwerken. Aus Sicht der Nutzer derartiger Technologien ist es somit nicht sinnvoll bzw. wünschenswert, Daten, welche keinen direkten Nutzen für sie bieten, auf das Mobilgerät zu übertragen. Des Weiteren werden einmal empfangene Daten lokal gespeichert und wiederverwendet (Caching). Ändern sich Daten auf dem Server des Informationssystems, müssen die mobilen Clients, welche von einer Änderung betroffen sind, ermittelt und darüber informiert werden. Im Rahmen dieser Dissertation wird gezeigt, dass eine derartige exakte Relevanzprüfung nur mithilfe der Daten in der Datenbank realisiert werden kann. Andere Verfahren, welche das Problem auf semantischer Ebene adressieren, funktionieren nur, wenn die unterstützte Anfragesprache stark eingeschränkt wird und können selbst dann zur falschen Feststellung einer Relevanz führen. Insbesonderen in Informationssystemen mit einer großen Anzahl mobiler Clients kommt es dazu, dass verschiedene Nutzer gleiche oder zumindest ähnliche Anfragen stellen. Diese Eigenschaft wird hier genutzt, um basierend auf einer speziellen Anfragenotation syntaktisch gleiche Teile mehrerer Anfragen gemeinsam auf Relevanz zu testen. Hierzu werden die Anfragen in einem Anfragebaum gespeichert, welcher die IDs der Clients referenziert. Die Relevanzprüfung erfolgt durch Traversieren des Baumes. In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden verschiedene Anfrageindexstrukturen diskutiert und die Menge der notwendigen Relevanztest formal auf der Basis der Relationenmodells hergeleitet. Abschließend werden die theoretisch erarbeiteten Techniken evaluiert und Vorschläge für ihre Optimierung diskutiert.


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Background:Information about post-acute coronary syndrome (ACS) survival have been mostly short-term findings or based on specialized, cardiology referral centers.Objectives:To describe one-year case-fatality rates in the Strategy of Registry of Acute Coronary Syndrome (ERICO) cohort, and to study baseline characteristics as predictors.Methods:We analyzed data from 964 ERICO participants enrolled from February 2009 to December 2012. We assessed vital status by telephone contact and official death certificate searches. The cause of death was determined according to the official death certificates. We used log-rank tests to compare the probabilities of survival across subgroups. We built crude and adjusted (for age, sex and ACS subtype) Cox regression models to study if the ACS subtype or baseline characteristics were independent predictors of all-cause or cardiovascular mortality.Results:We identified 110 deaths in the cohort (case-fatality rate, 12.0%). Age [Hazard ratio (HR) = 2.04 per 10 year increase; 95% confidence interval (95%CI) = 1.75–2.38], non-ST elevation myocardial infarction (HR = 3.82 ; 95%CI = 2.21–6.60) or ST elevation myocardial infarction (HR = 2.59; 95%CI = 1.38–4.89) diagnoses, and diabetes (HR = 1.78; 95%CI = 1.20‑2.63) were significant risk factors for all-cause mortality in the adjusted models. We found similar results for cardiovascular mortality. A previous coronary artery disease diagnosis was also an independent predictor of all-cause mortality (HR = 1.61; 95%CI = 1.04–2.50), but not for cardiovascular mortality.Conclusion:We found an overall one-year mortality rate of 12.0% in a sample of post-ACS patients in a community, non-specialized hospital in São Paulo, Brazil. Age, ACS subtype, and diabetes were independent predictors of poor one‑year survival for overall and cardiovascular-related causes.


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Abstract Background: A significant variation in pulmonary embolism (PE) mortality trends have been documented around the world. We investigated the trends in mortality rate from PE in Brazil over a period of 21 years and its regional and gender differences. Methods: Using a nationwide database of death certificate information we searched for all cases with PE as the underlying cause of death between 1989 and 2010. Population data were obtained from the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE). We calculated age-, gender- and region-specific mortality rates for each year, using the 2000 Brazilian population for direct standardization. Results: Over 21 years the age-standardized mortality rate (ASMR) fell 31% from 3.04/100,000 to 2.09/100,000. In every year between 1989 and 2010, the ASMR was higher in women than in men, but both showed a significant declining trend, from 3.10/100,000 to 2.36/100,000 and from 2.94/100,000 to 1.80/100,000, respectively. Although all country regions showed a decline in their ASMR, the largest fall in death rates was concentrated in the highest income regions of the South and Southeast Brazil. The North and Northeast regions, the lowest income areas, showed a less marked fall in death rates and no distinct change in the PE mortality rate in women. Conclusions: Our study showed a reduction in the PE mortality rate over two decades in Brazil. However, significant variation in this trend was observed amongst the five country regions and between genders, pointing to possible disparities in health care access and quality in these groups.


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Els anuncis televisius –i els mitjans publicitaris en general– tenen entre els seus propòsits els de captar l’atenció dels espectadors i arribar a una audiència de consumidors potencials. Aquestes dues finalitats no acostumen a representar processos separats o nivells de percepció diferents per part de l’espectador: si l’anunci assoleix la seva meta, despertarà un interès que serà l’interès d’aquells que es considera que tenen més probabilitats de comprar el producte o de realitzar l’acció que l’anunci vol promoure. Com més gran sigui la precisió a l’hora d’establir contacte amb aquestes persones, més específic, directe i, en conseqüència, reeixit, serà l’efecte del missatge. Pot semblar una paradoxa el fet que un dels procediments utilitzats per a atraure l’atenció de l’audiència sigui presentar un anunci el significat del qual no s’entén a primera vista. Però es tracta d’un recurs útil. La percepció d’alguns anuncis és semblant a la que es produeix al llegir poemes o certs relats curts, tenim la tendència a rellegir-los. Potser en una primera lectura no acabem de copsar-ne el significat, però això mateix es converteix en un repte que ens porta a llegir-lo una i altra vegada fins que descobrim el missatge del text. Quan arribem a aquest punt, l’esforç esdevé plaer estètic i el filtre que selecciona l’audiència també serveix per a seleccionar el client potencial.