1000 resultados para Brasilian agriculture


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The study of spatial variability of soil and plants attributes, or precision agriculture, a technique that aims the rational use of natural resources, is expanding commercially in Brazil. Nevertheless, there is a lack of mathematical analysis that supports the correlation of these independent variables and their interactions with the productivity, identifying scientific standards technologically applicable. The aim of this study was to identify patterns of soil variability according to the eleven physical and seven chemical indicators in an agricultural area. It was used two multivariate techniques: the hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) and the principal component analysis (PCA). According to the HCA, the area was divided into five management zones: zone 1 with 2.87ha, zone 2 with 0.8ha, zone 3 with 1.84ha, zone 4 with 1.33ha and zone 5 with 2.76ha. By the PCA, it was identified the most important variables within each zone: V% for the zone 1, CTC in the zone 2, levels of H+Al in the zone 4 and sand content and altitude in the zone 5. The zone 3 was classified as an intermediate zone with characteristics of all others. According to the results it is concluded that it is possible to separate into groups (management zones) samples with the same patterns of variability by the multivariate statistical techniques.


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A brief account of the present status of Precision Agriculture (PA) in Australia is presented, and areas of opportunity in the grains, sugar and wine industries are identified. In particular, these relate to the use of spatially-distributed experimentation to fine-tune management so as to achieve production efficiencies, reduced risk of environmental impact and enhanced food security, and the management of crop quality through selective harvesting and product streaming. The latter may be an important avenue by which farmers can take a more active role in the off-farm part of agricultural value chains. The important role of grower groups in facilitating PA adoption is also discussed.


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Soil physical quality can be easily and quickly evaluated by using simple equipment to identify levels of soil compaction. Hence, it is necessary to know the variables responsible for changes in the soil penetration resistance (SPR). The aim of this review is to identify the main factors related to the various equipment used for assessing SPR as a soil physical quality indicator in agriculture. This literature review describes the different types of equipment used and its relationship with SPR. A wide range of procedures, devices, and equipments are available. Much of variability in SPR results is related to the equipment model, cone angle and diameter, and penetration rate. Usually, restrictions to root growth are correlated with SPR values above 2-3 MPa. However, comparisons of SPR values obtained under different soil moisture regimes in the same soil type have provided conflicting results of difficult interpretation. In order to minimize these problems, there is a need for standardization of measurement procedures and interpretation, and/or correction of SPR values according to a soil water content of reference.


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In recent years, public policy has been offering subsidized credit for machine purchase to family farmers. However, there is no methodological procedure to select a suitable tractor for these farmers' situation. In this way, we aimed to develop a selection model for smallholder farmers from Pelotas city region in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. Building a multicriteria model to aid decisions is divided into three main stages: structuring stage (identifying stakeholders, decisional context and model creation), evaluation stage (stakeholder preference quantification) and recommendation stage (choice selection). The Multicriteria method is able to identify and value the criteria used in tractor selection by regional family farmers. Six main evaluation areas were identified: operational cost (weight 0.20), purchase cost (weight 0.22), maintainability (weight 0.10), tractor capacity (weight 0.26), ergonomics (weight 0.14) and safety (weight 0.08). The best-rated tractor model (14.7 kW rated power) also was the one purchased by 53.3% of local families.


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17 x 24 cm


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Valtiollisten instituutioiden laatiman tulevaisuustutkimuksen tarkoituksena on palvella poliittisia päämääriä luomalla pohjaa hallinnon suunnitelmille tavoitteiden saavuttamiseksi. Tulevaisuudentutkimuksen taustalla on uskomus siihen, että tulevaisuustiedon muodostaminen ei ole arvovapaata ja tulevaisuustiedon tarkoituksena on toimia suunnitelmien tai strategioiden lähtökohtana. Kansainvälisen politiikan tutkimuksen kohteena olevat ilmiöt ovat sijoittuneet perinteisesti nykyhetkeen tai menneisyyteen. Tulevaisuussuuntautuneisuuden haasteena on pidetty metodologian heikkoutta. Tässä tutkimuksessa selvitetään integroivan kirjallisuuskatsauksen avulla, miten Brasilian, Intian, Kiinan ja Venäjän kehitystä arvioidaan Yhdysvaltojen tiedustelun, Britannian puolustusministeriön, Venäjän tiedeakatemian ja Yhdistyneiden Kansakuntien laatimissa tulevaisuustutkimuksissa. Tutkimuksessa selvitetään, mitä keskeisiä eroja valtioiden kehityksestä esitettyjen ennusteiden välillä on löydettävissä, ja mistä erot voivat johtua. Samalla tutkimuksessa tiivistetään kyseisten valtioiden kehitystä koskevaa tietoa. Tutkimuksen analyysiä tukeva, sekundäärinen aineisto muodostuu valtiokohtaisista ennusteista, tieteellisistä artikkeleista ja julkaisuista. Tutkimuksen näkökulman muodostaa poliittisen realismin teoria. Tutkimukset tarkastelevat tulevaisuutta eri näkökulmista. Erilaisen näkökulman vuoksi niissä käytetään osin erilaisia tekijöitä muutoksen analyysin kohteina. Selkeimmin muista tutkimuksista eroaa Venäjän tiedeakatemian tutkimus. Myös YK:n tutkimus eroaa muista, varsinkin metodologian, mutta myös institutionaalisen taustansa vuoksi. Molempien edellä mainittujen tutkimuksellisia tausta olettamia voidaan pitää liberalistisina. Britannian puolustusministeriön tutkimus on toteutettu selkeimmin realismin perusolettamuksien näkökulmasta ja sen päämäärää voidaan pitää osin uhkien turvallistamiseen tähtäävänä. Yhdysvaltojen tiedustelun tutkimuksessa voidaan nähdä pyrkimys suunnan näyttämisestä kohti toivottua tulevaisuutta. Tutkimuksessa esitetään muille valtioille ikään kuin tulevaisuuskartta, jota seuraamalla kaikki voivat voittaa. Brasilian osalta suurvalta-aseman tavoittelussa haasteeksi voi muodostua poliittinen tahto sotilaallisen voiman kehittämiseen. Intialla on nopeasti kasvavan talouden ja väestön lisäksi myös haasteita. Intian kehityksessä on ehkä kohdevaltioista eniten sellaisia tekijöitä, joiden johdosta kehityksen arvioiminen on muita haasteellisempaa. Myös Venäjän tulevaisuus näyttäytyy haasteellisena. Erityisesti talouden uudistamiseen ja väestönkehitykseen liittyvät ongelmat korostuivat kaikissa tutkimuksissa Venäjän tiedeakatemiaa lukuun ottamatta, sen käsitellessä pääosin Venäjän tulevaisuutta poliittisesta näkökulmasta. Venäjästä muodostuu tutkimusten valossa kuva valtiona, jonka merkitystä globaalissa kehityksessä ei pidetä kovin suurena sen joutuessa keskittymään sisäisten ongelmiensa ratkaisemiseen. Kiinan tulevaisuutta käsiteltiin jokaisessa tutkimuksessa eniten. Kiinan tulevaisuus tuntuukin olevan koko kansainvälisen järjestelmän kannalta ratkaisevassa roolissa. Keskeisimpänä havaintona voidaan todeta, että tuloksien perusteella arviot Kiinan valta-aseman kasvusta vaihtelevat, mutta niitä voidaan pitää pääosin liian optimistisina.


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The sorghum is a kind of prominence before the cultures used in succession in the Brazil. However, little information concerning the effects of residual activity of herbicides on the crop in this region are known. The objective of this study was to evaluate the residual activity of herbicides used in weed management in soybeans as well as check their effects on grain sorghum grown in succession. For the field experiment, we used a randomized block design with four replications. Eight herbicide treatments were evaluated: imazaquin (0,161 kg ha-1), diclosulam (0,035 kg ha-1), sulfentrazone (0,600 kg ha-1) and flumioxazin (0,05 kg ha-1) in applications made before emergency and chlorimuron-ethyl (0,015 kg ha-1), imazethapyr (0,060 kg ha-1), imazethapyr (0,100 kg ha-1) and fomesafen (0,250 kg ha-1) applied post-emergence soybean (V3 stadium, 18 DAE), and a control without herbicide application. The grain sorghum (cv. AG-1040) was sown after the harvest of soybeans. The residual activity of these herbicides was determined by bioassay, using the same sorghum cultivars evaluated in the field during the period from 0 to 200days after application the treatments. The sorghum crop showed high sensitivity to residual activity of the herbicide sulfentrazone, diclosulam and imazethapyr dose of 0,100 kg ha-1, even when grown after soybean harvest. Furthermore, the residual activity of sulfentrazone exceeded the range of assessment of bioassay, and more than 200 days.


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Several tools of precision agriculture have been developed for specific uses. However, this specificity may hinder the implementation of precision agriculture due to an increasing in costs and operational complexity. The use of vegetation index sensors which are traditionally developed for crop fertilization, for site-specific weed management can provide multiple utilizations of these sensors and result in the optimization of precision agriculture. The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between reflectance indices of weeds obtained by the GreenSeekerTM sensor and conventional parameters used for weed interference quantification. Two experiments were conducted with soybean and corn by establishing a gradient of weed interference through the use of pre- and post-emergence herbicides. The weed quantification was evaluated by the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and the ratio of red to near infrared (Red/NIR) obtained using the GreenSeekerTM sensor, the visual weed control, the weed dry matter, and digital photographs, which supplied information about the leaf area coverage proportions of weed and straw. The weed leaf coverage obtained using digital photography was highly associated with the NDVI (r = 0.78) and the Red/NIR (r = -0.74). The weed dry matter also positively correlated with the NDVI obtained in 1 m linear (r = 0.66). The results indicated that the GreenSeekerTM sensor originally used for crop fertilization could also be used to obtain reflectance indices in the area between rows of crops to support decision-making programs for weed control.


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The aim of this study was to identify and map the weed population in a no-tillage area. Geostatistical techniques were used in the mapping in order to assess this information as a tool for the localized application of herbicides. The area of study is 58.08 hectares wide and was sampled in a fixed square grid (which point spaced 50 m, 232 points) using a GPS receiver. In each point the weeds species and population were analyzed in a square with a 0.25 m2 fixed area. The species Ipomoea grandifolia, Gnaphalium spicatum, Richardia spp. and Emilia sonchifolia have presented no spatial dependence. However, the species Conyza spp., C. echinatus and E. indica have shown a spatial correlation. Among the models tested, the spherical model has shown had a better fit for Conyza spp. and Eleusine indica and the Gaussian model for Cenchrus echinatus. The three species have a clumped spatial distribution. The mapping of weeds can be a tool for localized control, making herbicide use more rational, effective and economical.


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Conyza spp. are widely responsible for yield losses in agriculture due to its worldwide occurrence, resistance to herbicides and other traits which turn these species into first grade weeds. Since the 1980's, these species started to be cited on books both related to the ecology and the weed science, being usually classified as ruderals. Occurrence of Conyza in crops shows that these species are highly adaptable due to its recent evolutionary origin and occur in environments prone concomitantly to a moderate set of competition, disturbance and stress. There are also limitations in Grime's theory which may lead us to mistakes about the behavior of Conyza. Thus, simple and isolated recommendations certainly will not solve the problem of Conyza. Neither soil tillage nor tolerant crops to 2,4-D will free the agriculture from this weed, being necessary an integrated approach to solve this problem which demands qualified human resources in weed science and planning.


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Targeted measures bring the greatest benefits for environmental protection in agriculture final report of the TEHO Plus project (2011–2014). Particular priority areas of the project activities included creating a training package for agri-environment advisers and testing it, farm-specific advisory services and exploitation of experiences of advice provision, putting together an information package of agri-environment issues, farm-level experiments, and development of water quality monitoring. The recommendations issued by advisers on targeting environmental measures were based on utilising geographical information material and nutrient balances. The project was implemented in cooperation by Southwest Finland Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment, MTK-Satakunta and MTK-Varsinais-Suomi. The project received funding from the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and the Ministry of the Environment. Participating farmers, with whom environmental advice was developed and experiments were carried out, were important partners for the project. The operating area of the project was Satakunta and Varsinais-Suomi in Southwest Finland, but its outcomes can be exploited nationally. A national perspective was ensured by close cooperation with actors in different provinces. This final report describes project experiences and outcomes including environmental advisory services, training of agri-environmental advisers, farm visits and the feedback received from farmers on agri-environmental advice, development of water quality monitoring, experiments and project work.


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During the recent years, mobile services have spread to many different sectors, including education, health and agriculture, while changing the practices in those fields. Agriculture sector is under pressure to fill the ever-crowing food demand, while suffering from lack of agriculture resources (such as water and soil) and climate change, as well as figuring how to involve young people in the agriculture sector, in order to replace aging farmers. These issues create a need to bring new sustainable solutions to the agriculture sector. This is the demand, which mobile agriculture, mAgriculture, services are trying to answer. This thesis will examine the mAgriculture services in the Kenyan market. The thesis will provide an overview of the currently available mAgriculture services, their outcome and issues with which they are struggling. The thesis will also present recommendations on how to improve currently existing services and processes behind them. Secondly, thesis will provide four ideas for new services, which would answer for the needs of the farmers. Suitable business models, regarding the new services, are also covered. The thesis focuses with the young farmers as a target group, but findings are also applicable with other potential target groups as well.