775 resultados para Blessed Virgin
Sebbene Anarsia lineatella sia un fitofago ormai da anni introdotto e diffuso in Italia, ancora poco si conosce circa le sue abitudini riproduttive. In considerazione della elevata dannosità di A. lineatella nei pescheti del nord Italia e delle scarse conoscenze sulla sua biologia, si è evidenziata la necessità di approfondire la conoscenza di questo fitofago. Pertanto gli scopi di questa ricerca hanno riguardato l’approfondimento delle conoscenze sui sistemi di comunicazione intraspecifici utilizzati da A. lineatella; la valutazione dell’efficacia di diverse miscele di feromone sintetico, in laboratorio utilizzando anche densità diverse di popolazioni di anarsia e in campo utilizzando gabbie di accoppiamento appositamente costruite, posizionate in frutteti a conduzione biologica nel nord Italia e messe a confronto con gabbie che utilizzavano come fonte attrattiva femmine vergini di tre giorni di età. Sono state condotte prove sul comportamento di maschi di A. lineatella di differenti età in risposta al feromone emesso da femmine vergini di tre giorni di età e al feromone emesso da erogatori di materiale plastico contenenti differenti miscele di feromone sintetico. Sono stati condotti studi per verificare l’influenza del contenuto di alcol ((E)5-10:OH) nella miscela feromonica sulla capacità di inibizione degli accoppiamenti, sottoponendo gli insetti a differenti concentrazioni di feromone in modo da verificare eventuali differenze di attività delle diverse miscele, differenze che emergerebbero con evidenza maggiore alle minori concentrazioni. Alcune prove sono state effettuate anche con differenti densità di popolazione, poiché una maggiore densità di popolazione determina una maggiore probabilità di accoppiamento, evidenziando più chiaramente i limiti di efficacia della miscela utilizzata. Inoltre sono state effettuate prove di campo per confrontare due modelli di erogatore per la confusione sessuale di anarsia contenenti miscele con differenti percentuali di alcol Inoltre, poiché nei pescheti la presenza di A. lineatella è pressoché sempre associata a quella di Cydia molesta e l’applicazione del metodo della confusione deve spesso essere applicato per controllare entrambi gli insetti, può risultare vantaggioso disporre di un unico erogatore contenente entrambi i feromoni; è stato quindi valutato un erogatore contenente una miscela dei due feromoni per verificare eventuali interazioni che possano ridurre l’efficacia.
Foods that provide medical and health benefits or have a role in disease risk prevention are termed functional foods. The functionality of functional foods is derived from bioactive compounds that are extranutritional constituents present in small quantities in food. Bioactive components include a range of chemical compounds with varying structures such as carotenoids, flavonoids, plant sterols, omega-3 fatty acids (n-3), allyl and diallyl sulfides, indoles (benzopyrroles), and phenolic acids. The increasing consumer interest in natural bioactive compounds has brought about a rise in demand for these kinds of compounds and, in parallel, an increasing number of scientific studies have this type of substance as main topic. The principal aim of this PhD research project was the study of different bioactive and toxic compounds in several natural matrices. To achieve this goal, chromatographic, spectroscopic and sensorial analysis were performed. This manuscript reports the main results obtained in the six activities briefly summarized as follows: • SECTION I: the influence of conventional packaging on lipid oxidation of pasta was evaluated in egg spaghetti. • SECTION II: the effect of the storage at different temperatures of virgin olive oil was monitored by peroxide value, fatty acid activity, OSI test and sensory analysis. • SECTION III: the glucosinolate and phenolic content of 37 rocket salad accessions were evaluated, comparing Eruca sativa and Diplotaxis tenuifolia species. Sensory analysis and the influence of the phenolic and glucosinolate composition on sensory attributes of rocket salads has been also studied. • SECTION IV: ten buckwheat honeys were characterised on the basis of their pollen, physicochemical, phenolic and volatile composition. • SECTION V: the polyphenolic fraction, anthocyanins and other polar compounds, the antioxidant capacity and the anty-hyperlipemic action of the aqueous extract of Hibiscus sabdariffa were achieved. • SECTION VI: the optimization of a normal phase high pressure liquid chromatography–fluorescence detection method for the quantitation of flavanols and procyanidins in cocoa powder and chocolate samples was performed.
Lo studio condotto durante il Dottorato di Ricerca è stato focalizzato sulla valutazione e sul monitoraggio delle diverse degradazioni termossidative in oli da frittura. Per raggiungere tale obiettivo si è ritenuto opportuno procedere mediante uno screening dei principali oli presenti sul mercato italiano e successiva messa a punto di due miscele di oli vegetali che sono state sottoposte a due piani sperimentali di frittura controllata e standardizzata in laboratorio, seguiti da due piani di frittura eseguiti in due differenti situazioni reali quali mensa e ristorante. Ognuna delle due miscele è stata messa a confronto con due oli di riferimento. A tal fine è stata identificato il profilo in acidi grassi, la stabilità ossidativa ed idrolitica, il punto di fumo, i composti polari, il contenuto in tocoferoli totali, ed i composti volatili sia sugli oli crudi che sottoposti ai diversi processi di frittura. Lo studio condotto ha permesso di identificare una delle miscele ideate come valida alternativa all’impiego dell’olio di palma ampiamente utilizzato nelle fritture degli alimenti, oltre a fornire delle indicazioni più precise sulla tipologia e sull’entità delle modificazioni che avvengono in frittura, a seconda delle condizioni impiegate.
The characteristics of aphasics’ speech in various languages have been the core of numerous studies, but Arabic in general, and Palestinian Arabic in particular, is still a virgin field in this respect. However, it is of vital importance to have a clear picture of the specific aspects of Palestinian Arabic that might be affected in the speech of aphasics in order to establish screening, diagnosis and therapy programs based on a clinical linguistic database. Hence the central questions of this study are what are the main neurolinguistic features of the Palestinian aphasics’ speech at the phonetic-acoustic level and to what extent are the results similar or not to those obtained from other languages. In general, this study is a survey of the most prominent features of Palestinian Broca’s aphasics’ speech. The main acoustic parameters of vowels and consonants are analysed such as vowel duration, formant frequency, Voice Onset Time (VOT), intensity and frication duration. The deviant patterns among the Broca’s aphasics are displayed and compared with those of normal speakers. The nature of deficit, whether phonetic or phonological, is also discussed. Moreover, the coarticulatory characteristics and some prosodic patterns of Broca’s aphasics are addressed. Samples were collected from six Broca’s aphasics from the same local region. The acoustic analysis conducted on a range of consonant and vowel parameters displayed differences between the speech patterns of Broca’s aphasics and normal speakers. For example, impairments in voicing contrast between the voiced and voiceless stops were found in Broca’s aphasics. This feature does not exist for the fricatives produced by the Palestinian Broca’s aphasics and hence deviates from data obtained for aphasics’ speech from other languages. The Palestinian Broca’s aphasics displayed particular problems with the emphatic sounds. They exhibited deviant coarticulation patterns, another feature that is inconsistent with data obtained from studies from other languages. However, several other findings are in accordance with those reported from various other languages such as impairments in the VOT. The results are in accordance with the suggestions that speech production deficits in Broca’s aphasics are not related to phoneme selection but rather to articulatory implementation and some speech output impairments are related to timing and planning deficits.
Lo scopo di questo lavoro di tesi è la caratterizzazione dei prodotti di ossidazione di diversi fenoli idrofili contenuti nell’olio vergine d’oliva come idrossitirosolo, tirosolo e la forma dialdeidica dell’acido decarbossimetil elenolico legato all’idrossitirosolo, e la loro identificazione nel prodotto durante la conservazione. L’obiettivo della ricerca è trovare degli indici analitici che possono essere usati sia come marker di “freschezza” dell’olio vergine di oliva sia nella valutazione della “shelf life” del prodotto stesso. Due sistemi di ossidazione sono stati usati per ossidare le molecole sopracitate: ossidazione enzimatica e ossidazione di Fenton. I prodotti di ossidazione sono stati identificati come chinoni, dimeri e acidi.
The present work aims for investigate the influence of electrospun Nylon 6,6 nanofibrous mat on the behavior of composite laminates. The main idea is that nanofibrous interleaved into particular ply-to-ply interfaces of a laminate can lead to significant improvements of mechanical properties and delamination/damage resistance. Experimental campaigns were performed to investigate how nanofibers affect both the static and dynamic behavior of the laminate in which they are interleaved. Fracture mechanics tests were initially performed on virgin and 8 different configuration of nanomodified specimens. The purposes of this first step of the work are to understand which geometrical parameters of the nanointerleave influence the behavior of the laminate and, to find the optimal architecture of the nanofibrous mat in order to obtain the best reinforcement. In particular, 3 morphological parameters are investigated: nanofibers diameter, nanofibers orientation and thickness of the reinforce. Two different values for each parameter have been used, and it leads to 8 different configurations of nanoreinforce. Acoustic Emission technique is also used to monitor the tests. Once the optimum configuration has been found, attention is focused on the mechanism of reinforce played by the nanofibers during static and dynamic tests. Low velocity impacts and free decay tests are performed to attest the effect of nanointerlayers and the reinforce mechanism during the dynamic loads. Bump tests are performed before and after the impact on virgin and two different nanomodified laminates configurations. The authors focused their attention on: vibrational behavior, low velocity impact response and post-impact vibration behavior of the nano-interleaved laminates with respect to the response of non-nanomodified ones. Experiments attest that nanofibers significantly strength the delamination resistance of the laminates and increase some mechanical properties. It is demonstrated that the nanofibers are capable to continue to carry on the loads even when the matrix around them is broken.
This Ph.D. thesis focuses on the investigation of some chemical and sensorial analytical parameters linked to the quality and purity of different categories of oils obtained by olives: extra virgin olive oils, both those that are sold in the large retail trade (supermarkets and discounts) and those directly collected at some Italian mills, and lower-quality oils (refined, lampante and “repaso”). Concurrently with the adoption of traditional and well-known analytical procedures such as gas chromatography and high-performance liquid chromatography, I carried out a set-up of innovative, fast and environmentally-friend methods. For example, I developed some analytical approaches based on Fourier transform medium infrared spectroscopy (FT-MIR) and time domain reflectometry (TDR), coupled with a robust chemometric elaboration of the results. I investigated some other freshness and quality markers that are not included in official parameters (in Italian and European regulations): the adoption of such a full chemical and sensorial analytical plan allowed me to obtain interesting information about the degree of quality of the EVOOs, mostly within the Italian market. Here the range of quality of EVOOs resulted very wide, in terms of sensory attributes, price classes and chemical parameters. Thanks to the collaboration with other Italian and foreign research groups, I carried out several applicative studies, especially focusing on the shelf-life of oils obtained by olives and on the effects of thermal stresses on the quality of the products. I also studied some innovative technological treatments, such as the clarification by using inert gases, as an alternative to the traditional filtration. Moreover, during a three-and-a-half months research stay at the University of Applied Sciences in Zurich, I also carried out a study related to the application of statistical methods for the elaboration of sensory results, obtained thanks to the official Swiss Panel and to some consumer tests.
Aedes albopictus (Skuse), comunemente detta Zanzara Tigre, ha invaso, negli ultimi anni, molti paesi, soprattutto in modo passivo attraverso il commercio di pneumatici usati. Questa specie è particolarmente adatta all'applicazione della tecnica dell'insetto sterile (SIT), basata su allevamento massale, sterilizzazione e rilascio in campo di un gran numero di maschi della specie vettrice. I maschi sterili rilasciati devono essere in grado di volare, di disperdersi sul territorio, di sopravvivere, di essere sessualmente attivi abbastanza a lungo per coprire il tempo tra una fase di rilascio e la successiva, di individuare le femmine vergini selvatiche e competere con successo per l'accoppiamento con i maschi selvatici. La dispersione e la sopravvivenza dei maschi di Ae. albopictus allevati in laboratorio, sono state studiate mediante tecniche di marcatura, rilascio e ricattura. Le catture sono state eseguite da tecnici specializzati, in un raggio di 350 m dal sito di rilascio. Gli esperimenti condotti hanno dimostrato che i maschi sono in grado di disperdersi, dal sito di rilascio, per circa 200 m ma la loro longevità in campo è fortemente dipendente dalle condizioni climatiche. In studi di semi-campo e di campo è stato valutato uno speciale dispositivo progettato per essere incluso nella stazione di rilascio dei maschi in grado di fornire loro fonti energetiche per migliorarne le prestazioni. I risultati ottenuti sono stati positivi. Studi di competitività sono stati condotti in tunnel costruiti in un ambiente naturale al fine di validare un protocollo per studi sulla competitività dei maschi in questo modello sperimentale. Maschi irraggiati mediante l'applicazione di raggi gamma alla dose di 30 Gy sono stati messi in competizione con maschi fertili per l'accoppiamento con femmine vergini con diversi rapporti. I risultati ottenuti hanno dimostrato le buone prestazioni e l'affidabilità di questo modello sperimentale rimanendo però irrisolto il problema dell’elevata variabilità.
The country-of-origin is the “nationality” of a food when it goes through customs in a foreign country, and is a “brand” when the food is for sale in a foreign market. My research on country-of-origin labeling (COOL) started from a case study on the extra virgin olive oil exported from Italy to China; the result shows that asymmetric and imperfect origin information may lead to market inefficiency, even market failure in emerging countries. Then, I used the Delphi method to conduct qualitative and systematic research on COOL; the panel of experts in food labeling and food policy was composed of 19 members in 13 countries; the most important consensus is that multiple countries of origin marking can provide accurate information about the origin of a food produced by two or more countries, avoiding misinformation for consumers. Moreover, I enhanced the research on COOL by analyzing the rules of origin and drafting a guideline for the standardization of origin marking. Finally, from the perspective of information economics I estimated the potential effect of the multiple countries of origin labeling on the business models of international trade, and analyzed the regulatory options for mandatory or voluntary COOL of main ingredients. This research provides valuable insights for the formulation of COOL policy.
The purpose of the first part of the research activity was to develop an aerobic cometabolic process in packed bed reactors (PBR) to treat real groundwater contaminated by trichloroethylene (TCE) and 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane (TeCA). In an initial screening conducted in batch bioreactors, different groundwater samples from 5 wells of the contaminated site were fed with 5 growth substrates. The work led to the selection of butane as the best growth substrate, and to the development and characterization from the site’s indigenous biomass of a suspended-cell consortium capable to degrade TCE with a 90 % mineralization of the organic chlorine. A kinetic study conducted in batch and continuous flow PBRs and led to the identification of the best carrier. A kinetic study of butane and TCE biodegradation indicated that the attached-cell consortium is characterized by a lower TCE specific degredation rates and by a lower level of mutual butane-TCE inhibition. A 31 L bioreactor was designed and set up for upscaling the experiment. The second part of the research focused on the biodegradation of 4 polymers, with and with-out chemical pre-treatments: linear low density polyethylene (LLDPE), polyethylene (PP), polystyrene (PS) and polyvinyl chloride (PVC). Initially, the 4 polymers were subjected to different chemical pre-treatments: ozonation and UV/ozonation, in gaseous and aqueous phase. It was found that, for LLDPE and PP, the coupling UV and ozone in gas phase is the most effective way to oxidize the polymers and to generate carbonyl groups on the polymer surface. In further tests, the effect of chemical pretreatment on polyner biodegrability was studied. Gas-phase ozonated and virgin polymers were incubated aerobically with: (a) a pure strain, (b) a mixed culture of bacteria; and (c) a fungal culture, together with saccharose as a co-substrate.
L’elaborato si propone come scopo quello di proporre una versione sottotitolata in italiano dell’episodio “The 2000-year-old virgin” della serie animata “I Griffin”. I sottotitoli sono pensati per una collocazione televisiva in seconda serata, e quindi per un pubblico adulto. Il primo capitolo dell’elaborato consiste in una breve introduzione sulla serie e un riassunto della trama dell’episodio. Il secondo capitolo è dedicato alla traduzione audiovisiva e al sottotitolaggio. Il terzo capitolo affronta più da vicino la tematica dell’umorismo, in particolare dell’umorismo tabù, nell’ambito della traduzione audiovisiva. Il quarto e ultimo capitolo, invece, comprende un’analisi della metodologia da me seguita per la creazione dei sottotitoli e il commento alla traduzione, in cui spiego nel dettaglio le scelte traduttive più importanti. L’elaborato si conclude con l’appendice, contenente la tabella dei sottotitoli in cui sono riportati i sottotitoli da me creati e la trascrizione dell’audio originale dell’episodio.
Il ritiro dello Space Shuttle dalla vita operativa avvenuto nel 2011 e le iniziative in corso tra NASA ed aziende commerciali hanno dato il via ad una fase di transizione nel volo spaziale umano volta a fornire servizi di trasporto spaziale maggiormente flessibili. Accanto ad iniziative private che sono principalmente volte al trasporto di turisti nello spazio allo scopo di far loro provare per pochi minuti l’ebbrezza dell’assenza di gravita’ (ad esempio Virgin Galactic), anche la Difesa si sta impegnando in questo campo, in particolar modo negli USA. Inoltre è stata firmata a marzo 2014 una lettera d’intenti tra l’Aeronautica militare e l’Ente Nazionale per l’Aviazione Civile (ENAC) per definire i criteri e le modalità per lo sviluppo della cooperazione nel settore del volo suborbitale e dell’aerospazio. L’accordo segue di pochi giorni la firma a Washington di un Memorandum of Cooperation sul medesimo argomento tra la Federal Aviation Administration americana(FAA) e la stessa ENAC, accordo che fa dell’Italia il primo paese europeo scelto dalla FAA statunitense come partner per la collaborazione nel settore del trasporto spaziale.
Moisture induced distresses have been the prevalent distress type affecting the deterioration of both asphalt and concrete pavement sections. While various surface techniques have been employed over the years to minimize the ingress of moisture into the pavement structural sections, subsurface drainage components like open-graded base courses remain the best alternative in minimizing the time the pavement structural sections are exposed to saturated conditions. This research therefore focuses on assessing the performance and cost-effectiveness of pavement sections containing both treated and untreated open-graded aggregate base materials. Three common roadway aggregates comprising of two virgin aggregates and one recycled aggregate were investigated using four open-ended gradations and two binder types. Laboratory tests were conducted to determine the hydraulic, mechanical and durability characteristics of treated and untreated open-graded mixes made from these three aggregate types. Results of the experimental program show that for the same gradation and mix design types, limestone samples have the greatest drainage capacity, stability to traffic loads and resistance to degradation from environmental conditions like freeze-thaw. However, depending on the gradation and mix design used, all three aggregate types namely limestone, natural gravel and recycled concrete can meet the minimum coefficient of hydraulic conductivity required for good drainage in most pavements. Tests results for both asphalt and cement treated open-graded samples indicate that a percent air void content within the range of 15-25 will produce a treated open-graded base course with sufficient drainage capacity and also long term stability under both traffic and environmental loads. Using the new Mechanistic and Empirical Design Guide software, computer simulations of pavement performance were conducted on pavement sections containing these open-graded base aggregate base materials to determine how the MEPDG predicted pavement performance is sensitive to drainage. Using three truck traffic levels and four climatic regions, results of the computer simulations indicate that the predicted performance was not sensitive to the drainage characteristics of the open-graded base course. Based on the result of the MEPDG predicted pavement performance, the cost-effectiveness of the pavement sections with open-graded base was computed on the assumption that the increase service life experienced by these sections was attributed to the positive effects of subsurface drainage. The two cost analyses used gave two contrasting results with the one indicating that the inclusion of open-graded base courses can lead to substantial savings.
A shortage of petroleum asphalt is creating opportunities for engineers to utilize alternative pavement materials. Three types of bio oils, original bio oil (OB), dewatered bio oil (DWB) and polymer-modified bio oil (PMB) were used to modify and partially replace petroleum asphalt in this research. The research investigated the procedure of producing bio oil, the rheological properties of asphalt binders modified and partially replaced by bio oil, and the mechanical performances of asphalt mixtures modified by bio oil. The analysis of variance (ANOVA) is conducted on the test results for the significance analysis. The main finding of the study includes: 1) the virgin bioasphalt is softer than the traditional asphalt binder PG 58-28 but stiffer after RTFO aging because bio oil ages much faster than the traditional asphalt binder during mixing and compaction; 2) the binder test showed that the addition of bio oil is expected to improve the rutting performance while reduce the fatigue and low temperature performance; 3) both the mass loss and the oxidation are important reasons for the bio oil aging during RTFO test; the mixture test showed that 1) most of the bio oil modified asphalt mixture had slightly higher rutting depth than the control asphalt mixture, but the difference is not statistically significant; 2) the dynamic modulus of some of the bio oil modified asphalt mixture were slightly lower than the control asphalt mixture, the E* modulus is also not statistically significant; 3) most of the bio oil modified asphalt mixture had higher fatigue lives than the control asphalt mixture; 4) the inconsistence of binder test results and mixture test results may be attributed to that the aging during the mixing and compaction was not as high as that in the RTFO aging simulation. 5) the implementation of Michigan wood bioasphalt is anticipated to reduce the emission but bring irritation on eyes and skins during the mixing and compaction.
Land use and land use change affect deadwood amount, quality and associated biodiversity in forest ecosystems. Old growth or virgin forests, which are exceptionally rare in temperate Europe harbor more deadwood and associated fungal species than managed forests. Whether and how more recent abandonment of management, to reestablish more natural forests, affects deadwood amount and fungal diversity on deadwood is unknown. Our main aim was to compare deadwood amount, characteristics and deadwood inhabiting fungi in differently managed forest types typical for large areas of Central Europe. We sampled deadwood inhabiting fungi on 27 forest plots of 400 m2 each in three geographically distant regions in Germany. Three forest management types, namely managed coniferous, managed deciduous and unmanaged deciduous forests, were represented by nine plots each. In autumn 2008 we collected all fungal fruiting bodies on deadwood >7 cm of diameter. We found deadwood amounts and fungal species numbers in unmanaged forests to be lower than in managed forests, which we attributed to the lack of natural tree death during the short time since management abandonment of usually 10–30 years. However, rarefaction analysis among deadwood items in forest plots indicated a slightly higher species density in unmanaged forests, which may be the first signal of a positive effect on fungal species richness on deadwood after management was abandoned. Although the three study regions span a large geographical gradient, we did not detect differences in the fungal species composition or in deadwood amounts and patterns, which reflects the wide distribution of this group of organisms and points to consistent management procedures among study regions. A very clear composition difference however occurred between deciduous and coniferous wood showing species substrate specialization. We conclude that the amount of deadwood is the main driver of deadwood fungal species richness, and substrate diversity in terms of various decay degrees, deadwood tree species and deadwood size are also important. Thus, to promote species richness of deadwood fungi it is vital to enhance deadwood amounts and diversity