982 resultados para Beman, Nathan S. S. (Nathan Sidney Smith), 1785-1871.


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Background Over the past decade, molecular imaging has played a key role in the progression of drug delivery platforms from concept to commercialisation. Of the molecular imaging techniques commonly utilised, positron emission tomography (PET) can yield a breadth of information not easily accessible by other methodologies and when combined with other complementary imaging modalities, is a powerful tool for pre- and clinical development of therapeutics. However, very little research has focussed on the information available from complimentary imaging modalities. This paper reports on the data-rich methodologies of contrast enhanced PET/CT and PET/MRI for probing efficacy of polymer drug delivery platforms. Results The information available from an ExiTron nano 6000 contrast enhanced PET/CT and a gadolinium (Gd) enhanced PET/MRI image of a 64Cu labeled HBP in the same mouse was qualitatively compared. Conclusions Gd contrast enhanced PET/MRI offers a powerful methodology for investigating the distribution of polymer drug delivery platforms in vivo and throughout a tumour volume. Furthermore, information about depth of penetration away from primary blood vessels can be gleaned, potentially leading to development of more efficacious delivery vehicles for clinical use.


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Molecular imaging is utilised in modern medicine to aid in the diagnosis and treatment of disease by allowing its spatiotemporal state to be examined in vivo. This study focuses on the development of novel multimodal molecular imaging agents based on hyperbranched polymers that combine the complementary capabilities of optical fluorescence imaging and positron emission tomography-computed tomography (PET/CT) into one construct. RAFT-mediated polymerisation was used to prepare two hydrophilic hyperbranched polymers that were differentiated by their size and level of branching. The multiple functional end-groups facilitated covalent attachment of both near infrared fluorescent dyes for optical imaging, as well as a copper chelator allowing binding of 64Cu as a PET radio nuclei. In vivo multimodal imaging of mice using PET/CT and planar optical imaging was first used to assess the biodistribution of the polymeric materials and it was shown that the larger and more branched polymer had a significantly longer circulation time. The larger constructs were also shown to exhibit enhanced accumulation in solid tumours in a murine B16 melanoma model. Importantly, it was demonstrated that the PET modality gave rise to high sensitivity immediately after injection of the agent, while the optical modality facilitated extended longitudinal studies, thus highlighting how the complementary capabilities of the molecular imaging agents can be useful for studying various diseases, including cancer.


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Understanding the complex nature of diseased tissue in vivo requires development of more advanced nanomedicines, where synthesis of multifunctional polymers combines imaging multimodality with a biocompatible, tunable, and functional nanomaterial carrier. Here we describe the development of polymeric nanoparticles for multimodal imaging of disease states in vivo. The nanoparticle design utilizes the abundant functionality and tunable physicochemical properties of synthetically robust polymeric systems to facilitate targeted imaging of tumors in mice. For the first time, high-resolution 19F/1H magnetic resonance imaging is combined with sensitive and versatile fluorescence imaging in a polymeric material for in vivo detection of tumors. We highlight how control over the chemistry during synthesis allows manipulation of nanoparticle size and function and can lead to very high targeting efficiency to B16 melanoma cells, both in vitro and in vivo. Importantly, the combination of imaging modalities within a polymeric nanoparticle provides information on the tumor mass across various size scales in vivo, from millimeters down to tens of micrometers.


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Hyperbranched polymers conjugated to a peptide-aptamer were prepared using a combination of RAFT polymerisation and click chemistry for targeting tumour cells in vivo. The polymers showed enhanced cell-uptake in vitro (compared to unconjugated polymer)while excellent specificity for solid tumours was observed in vivo using a mouse model of melanoma.


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Polymers open up new possibilities in the field of molecular imaging, allowing sensitive and robust agents that can be imaged over long periods of time. This review highlights some recent advances in polymeric molecular imaging agents in both (pre)clinical and emerging applications.


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Chlamydia pneumoniae is a ubiquitous intracellular pathogen, first associated with human respiratory disease and subsequently detected in a range of mammals, amphibians, and reptiles. Here we report the draft genome sequence for strain B21 of C. pneumoniae, isolated from the endangered Australian marsupial the western barred bandicoot.


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Chlamydia pneumoniae is an obligate intracellular bacterium implicated in a wide range of human diseases including atherosclerosis and Alzheimer's disease. Efforts to understand the relationships between C. pneumoniae detected in these diseases have been hindered by the availability of sequence data for non-respiratory strains. In this study, we sequenced the whole genomes for C. pneumoniae isolates from atherosclerosis and Alzheimer's disease, and compared these to previously published C. pneumoniae genomes. Phylogenetic analyses of these new C. pneumoniae strains indicate two sub-groups within human C. pneumoniae, and suggest that both recombination and mutation events have driven the evolution of human C. pneumoniae. Further fine-detailed analyses of these new C. pneumoniae sequences show several genetically variable loci. This suggests that similar strains of C. pneumoniae are found in the brain, lungs and cardiovascular system and that only minor genetic differences may contribute to the adaptation of particular strains in human disease.


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The sputter deposition of YBa2Cu3O7-x in a de-diode was performed in pure oxygen medium and an optical spectroscopic study of the resultant discharge revealed strong emissions from both metal atoms and oxygen ions. Emission intensities were studied in pressure range from 0.5 to 3 mbar, with substrate temperatures from 150 to 850 degrees C. Raising the substrate temperature to 850 degrees C increased the number of positive ions and excited neutral atoms. Raising the pressure decreased the emission intensities of excited neutral and ionic species. The results have been compared with those obtained from Langmuir probe measurements. The rise in emission intensities of excited neutrals and ions with temperature suggested the possibility of chemically enhanced physical sputtering of YBa2Cu3O7-x. The effect of process conditions on film composition and quality is also discussed.


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This chapter imports Michel Callon’s model of the ‘hybrid forum’ (Callon et al, 2009, p. 18) into social media research, arguing that certain kinds of hashtag publics can be mapped onto this model. It explores this idea of the hashtag as hybrid forum through the worked example of #agchatoz—a hashtag used as both ‘meetup’ organizer for Australian farmers and other stakeholders in Australian agriculture, and as a topic marker for general discussion of related issues. Applying the principles and techniques of digital methods (Rogers, 2013), we employ a standard suite of analytics to a longitudinal dataset of #agchatoz tweets. The results are used not only to describe various elements and dynamics of this hashtag, but also to experiment with the articulation of such approaches with the theoretical model of the hybrid forum, as well as exploring the ways that controversies animate and transform such forums as part of the emergence and cross-pollination of issue publics.


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As the use of Twitter has become more commonplace throughout many nations, its role in political discussion has also increased. This has been evident in contexts ranging from general political discussion through local, state, and national elections (such as in the 2010 Australian elections) to protests and other activist mobilisation (for example in the current uprisings in Tunisia, Egypt, and Yemen, as well as in the controversy around Wikileaks). Research into the use of Twitter in such political contexts has also developed rapidly, aided by substantial advancements in quantitative and qualitative methodologies for capturing, processing, analysing, and visualising Twitter updates by large groups of users. Recent work has especially highlighted the role of the Twitter hashtag – a short keyword, prefixed with the hash symbol ‘#’ – as a means of coordinating a distributed discussion between more or less large groups of users, who do not need to be connected through existing ‘follower’ networks. Twitter hashtags – such as ‘#ausvote€™ for the 2010 Australian elections, ‘#londonriot€™ for the coordination of information and political debates around the recent unrest in London, or ‘#wikileak€™ for the controversy around Wikileaks thus aid the formation of ad hoc publics around specific themes and topics. They emerge from within the Twitter community – sometimes as a result of pre-planning or quickly reached consensus, sometimes through protracted debate about what the appropriate hashtag for an event or topic should be (which may also lead to the formation of competing publics using different hashtags). Drawing on innovative methodologies for the study of Twitter content, this paper examines the use of hashtags in political debate in the context of a number of major case studies.


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Critical, loud, highly discursive and polarised; the #auspol hashtag represents a space, an event and a network for politically involved individuals to engage in and with Australian politics and speak to, at and about a variety of involved stakeholders. Contributors declare, debate and often berate each other’s opinions about current Australian politics. The hashtag itself is an important material object and engagement event involved within this performance of political participation. As a long-standing institution in the Twittersphere, and one studied by the authors and their colleagues since its early beginnings (Bruns and Burgess, 2011; Bruns and Stieglitz, 2012; 2013), the #auspol hashtag provides a potent case study through which to explore the discursive and affective dimensions of a hashtag public. This chapter that engages both empirically and theoretically with the use of this particular hashtag on Twitter to provide a qualitatively illustrated case in point for thinking about the long-term use of political hashtags as engagement events.


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Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on perehtyä Malesian ja Singaporen kiinalaisten etniseen ja kansalliseen identiteettiin. Tutkimus tarkastelee ja vertailee erityisesti Malesian ja Singaporen valtionhallintojen keinoja rakentaa kansallista yhtenäisyyttä ja vähentää etnisen identiteetin merkitystä. Li¤ksi tutkimus luo kriteerijoukon, jonka avulla voidaan vertailla Malesian ja Singaporen yhteiskuntien onnistumista tai epäonnistumista kansallisen yhtenäisyyden rakentamisessa. Tutkimustehtävä jakautuu kahteen kysymykseen: Miten Malesian ja Singaporen valtionhallinnon menetelmät vaikuttavat etnisten kiinalaisten kansalliseen ja etniseen identiteettiin, ja miten maiden menetelmät eroavat toisistaan? Lopuksi vertailemalla Malesiaa ja Singaporea tutkimuksessa päätellään luodun kriteerijoukon avulla, miten kansallinen yhtenäisyys on toteutunut näissä kahdessa maassa. Tutkimuksen teoriatausta perustuu etnistä ja kansallista identiteettiä tutkineiden Fredrik Barthin, Nathan Glazerin ja Daniel P. Moynihanin, Donald Horowitzin, Milton J. Esmanin, Benedict Andersonin, Anthony D. Smithin ja Stuart Hallin teorioihin. Nämä tutkijat painottavat eri tekijöiden merkitystä kansalliselle identiteetille ja yhtenäisyydelle, toisiaan täydentäen. Kyseessä on teoreettinen tutkimus. Siksi sen aineisto koostuu pääasiassa sekundaarilähteistä: tieteellisistä teoksista ja artikkeleista sekä ¤hköisistä lehtiartikkeleista. Primäärilähteitä ovat Malesian ja Singaporen perustuslait, Malesian ja Singaporen tilastokeskuksien tilastot sekä Malesian entisen pääministerin Mahathir bin Mohamadin vuonna 1991 pitämä Vision 2020 -puhe. Aineistoa on analysoitu tutkimuksen teoriataustan avulla. Monipuolisemman kuvan muodostamiseksi on tutkimukseen valittu sekä länsimaalaisten tutkijoiden että singaporelaisten ja malesialaisten tutkijoiden tutkimuksia. Li¤ksi, puolueellisuuden välttämiseksi, on tutkimukseen valittu eri etnisiin ryhmiin kuuluvien tutkijoiden artikkeleita ja teoksia. Tutkimuksessa on päädytty seuraavan tulokseen. Jotta kansallinen yhtenäisyys voidaan saavuttaa Malesian ja Singaporen monietnisissä yhteiskunnissa, tulee valtionhallinnon keskittyä erityisesti seuraaviin viiteen tehtävään: kansantalouden kehittämiseen, etnisten ryhmien välisen taloudellisen tasa-arvoisuuden edistämiseen, poliittisen aktiivisuuden ja osallistumisen kannustamiseen, etnisten yhtei¶jen samanarvoisuuden toteuttamiseen lain edessä ja tasa-arvoisen koulutusjärjestelmän rakentamiseen. Näiden kriteerien perusteella Malesia ja Singapore eivät ole kansallisesti yhtenäisiä valtioita. Singapore on kuitenkin kansallisesti yhtenäisempi, sillä se täyttää viidestä kriteeristä kolme, kun Malesia täyttää vain kaksi kriteeriä. Malesialla ja Singaporella on kaksi hyvin erilaista tapaa rakentaa kansallista yhtenäisyyttä, mutta lopputulokset ovat kuitenkin hyvin samankaltaiset. Tutkimus päättelee, että etnisten yhtei¶jen institutionaalinen asema molemmissa maissa on yksi ratkaisevimmista esteistä kansalliselle yhtenäisyydelle.


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A molecular marker-based map of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) has been constructed through the use of polymorphisms associated with expressed sequence tags (ESTs). A pair-cross between genotypes from a North African ecotype and the cultivar Aurora was used to generate a two-way pseudo-testcross population. A selection of 157 cDNAs assigned to eight different functional categories associated with agronomically important biological processes was used to detect polymorphic EST–RFLP loci in the F1(NA6 × AU6) population. A comprehensive set of EST–SSR markers was developed from the analysis of 14,767 unigenes, with 310 primer pairs showing efficient amplification and detecting 113 polymorphic loci. Two parental genetic maps were produced: the NA6 genetic map contains 88 EST–RFLP and 71 EST–SSR loci with a total map length of 963 cM, while the AU6 genetic map contains 67 EST–RFLP and 58 EST–SSR loci with a total map length of 757 cM. Bridging loci permitted the alignment of homologous chromosomes between the parental maps, and a sub-set of genomic DNA-derived SSRs was used to relate linkage groups to the perennial ryegrass reference map. Regions of segregation distortion were identified, in some instances in common with other perennial ryegrass maps. The EST-derived marker-based map provides the basis for in silico comparative genetic mapping, as well as the evaluation of co-location between QTLs and functionally associated genetic loci.


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OBJECTIVE This study determined if deficits in corneal nerve fiber length (CNFL) assessed using corneal confocal microscopy (CCM) can predict future onset of diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN). RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS CNFL and a range of other baseline measures were compared between 90 nonneuropathic patients with type 1 diabetes who did or did not develop DPN after 4 years. The receiver operator characteristic (ROC) curve was used to determine the capability of single and combined measures of neuropathy to predict DPN. RESULTS DPN developed in 16 participants (18%) after 4 years. Factors predictive of 4-year incident DPN were lower CNFL (P = 0.041); longer duration of diabetes (P = 0.002); higher triglycerides (P = 0.023); retinopathy (higher on the Early Treatment of Diabetic Retinopathy Study scale) (P = 0.008); nephropathy (higher albumin-to-creatinine ratio) (P = 0.001); higher neuropathy disability score (P = 0.037); lower cold sensation (P = 0.001) and cold pain (P = 0.027) thresholds; higher warm sensation (P = 0.008), warm pain (P = 0.024), and vibration (P = 0.003) thresholds; impaired monofilament response (P = 0.003); and slower peroneal (P = 0.013) and sural (P = 0.002) nerve conduction velocity. CCM could predict the 4-year incident DPN with 63% sensitivity and 74% specificity for a CNFL threshold cutoff of 14.1 mm/mm2 (area under ROC curve = 0.66, P = 0.041). Combining neuropathy measures did not improve predictive capability. CONCLUSIONS DPN can be predicted by various demographic, metabolic, and conventional neuropathy measures. The ability of CCM to predict DPN broadens the already impressive diagnostic capabilities of this novel ophthalmic marker.


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In Smith v Lucht [2014] QDC 302 McGill DCJ considered whether in Queensland the concept of abuse of process was sufficiently broad as to encompass circumstances in which the resources of the court and the parties to be expended to determine the claim were out of all proportion to the interest at stake. Stay of proceedings - abuse of process - whether disproportionality between interest at stake and costs of litigating may amount to abuse of process - plaintiff with good cause of action entitled to pursue it.