991 resultados para BRST Symmetry


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Drop formation at conical tips which is of relevance to metallurgists is investigated based on the principle of minimization of free energy using the variational approach. The dimensionless governing equations for drop profiles are computer solved using the fourth order Runge-Kutta method. For different cone angles, the theoretical plots of XT and ZT vs their ratio, are statistically analyzed, where XT and ZT are the dimensionless x and z coordinates of the drop profile at a plane at the conical tip, perpendicular to the axis of symmetry. Based on the mathematical description of these curves, an absolute method has been proposed for the determination of surface tension of liquids, which is shown to be preferable in comparison with the earlier pendent-drop profile methods.


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The study describes the use and meaning of the Finnish demonstrative pronouns, focus being on the pronoun "tämä" (roughly 'this'). The Finnish demonstrative system is a three way one, the other two demonstratives are "tuo" ('that') and "se" ('it'). The data consisted of 12 half hours of video- and tape-recorded face-to-face and telephone conversations. The method for the study was ethnomethodological conversation analysis (CA); in addition to CA, the theoretical framework consisted of functional linguistics and linguistic anthropology. First, the study dealt with the syntactic distribution of the three demonstratives. The pronouns were analysed according to whether they are before or after the verb, and whether they compose an NP on their own or are determinants of a lexical NP. The study suggested that the form and the placement of the NP presents the referent as continuous/discontinuous or given/new. Givenness of a referent was defined as "identified adequately for the purposes of the on-going action". The so-called dislocated utterances were considered separately. It was found that left-dislocations are used for inserting referents in a particular relation to the on-going activity. Right-dislocations offer a solution for the sometimes competing motivations of newness and continuity: they are used for securing the identifiability of a referent that is implied to be continuous. Second, the study focussed on analysing the meaning of the pronouns according to three dimensions of reference: referential, indexical and relational. It was found that the demonstratives can organize interactional or spatial context. When organizing interactional context, the demonstrative pronouns express the role of identifying the referent in relation to the on-going activity. The pronoun "tämä" expresses that the referent is referentially open and the characterization of the referent is given in the on-going turn. Furthermore, it expresses asymmetry of the indexical ground: it expresses that the participants of a conversation do not share a mutual understanding of the activity at that particular time. In addition, the referent of the pronoun "tämä" is central for understanding the on-going action. Centrality could be understood as the relational feature of the pronoun. However, it is a consequence of the referential and indexical features of "tämä". The pronoun "tuo" also expresses referential openness, but it implies indexical symmetry. The pronoun "se" implies that the referent is known enough, and implies indexical symmetry. When used spatially, the pronouns may refer to a physical space or to a situation. They express or imply that the speaker is inside or outside the referent. The pronoun "tämä" implies inclusion, and the pronoun "tuo" expresses exclusion.


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This dissertation consists of four articles and an introduction. The five parts address the same topic, nonverbal predication in Erzya, from different perspectives. The work is at the same time linguistic typology and Uralic studies. The findings based on a large corpus of empirical Erzya data, which was collected using several different methods and included recordings of the spoken language, made it possible for the present study to apply, then test and finally discuss the previous theories based on cross-linguistic data. Erzya makes use of multiple predication patterns which vary from totally analytic to the morphologically very complex. Nonverbal predicate clause types are classified on the basis of propositional acts in clauses denoting class-membership, identity, property and location. The predicates of these clauses are nouns, adjectives and locational expressions, respectively. The following three predication strategies in Erzya nonverbal predication can be identified: i. the zero-copula construction, ii. the predicative suffix construction and iii. the copula construction. It has been suggested that verbs and nouns cannot be clearly distinguished on morphological grounds when functioning as predicates in Erzya. This study shows that even though predicativity must not be considered a sufficient tool for defining parts of speech in any language, the Erzya lexical classes of adjective, noun and verb can be distinguished from each other also in predicate position. The relative frequency and degree of obligation for using the predicative suffix construction decreases when moving left to right on the scale verb adjective/locative noun ( identificational statement). The predicative suffix is the main pattern in the present tense over the whole domain of nonverbal predication in Standard Erzya, but if it is replaced it is most likely to be with a zero-copula construction in a nominal predication. This study exploits the theory of (a)symmetry for the first time in order to describe verbal vs. nonverbal predication. It is shown that the asymmetry of paradigms and constructions differentiates the lexical classes. Asymmetrical structures are motivated by functional level asymmetry. Variation in predication as such adds to the complexity of the grammar. When symmetric structures are employed, the functional complexity of grammar decreases, even though morphological complexity increases. The genre affects the employment of predication strategies in Erzya. There are differences in the relative frequency of the patterns, and some patterns are totally lacking from some of the data. The clearest difference is that the past tense predicative suffix construction occurs relatively frequently in Standard Erzya, while it occurs infrequently in the other data. Also, the predicative suffixes of the present tense are used more regularly in written Standard Erzya than in any other genre. The genre also affects the incidence of the translative in uľ(ń)ems copula constructions. In translations from Russian to Erzya the translative case is employed relatively frequently in comparison to other data. This study reveals differences between the two Mordvinic languages Erzya and Moksha. The predicative suffixes (bound person markers) of the present tense are used more regularly in Moksha in all kinds of nonverbal predicate clauses compared to Erzya. It should further be observed that identificational statements are encoded with a predicative suffix in Moksha, but seldom in Erzya. Erzya clauses are more frequently encoded using zero-constructions, displaying agreement in number only.


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This paper presents the architecture and the VHDL design of an integer 2-D DCT used in the H.264/AVC. The 2-D DCT computation is performed by exploiting it’s orthogonality and separability property. The symmetry of the forward and inverse transform is used in this implementation. To reduce the computation overhead for the addition, subtraction and multiplication operations, we analyze the suitability of carry-free position independent residue number system (RNS) for the implementation of 2-D DCT. The implementation has been carried out in VHDL for Altera FPGA. We used the negative number representation in RNS, bit width analysis of the transforms and dedicated registers present in the Logic element of the FPGA to optimize the area. The complexity and efficiency analysis show that the proposed architecture could provide higher through-put.


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The Raman spectra of NaLa(MoO4)2 single crystal have been recorded and interpreted on the basis of C4h symmetry. The observed fundamentals (internal and external) have been assigned unambiguously with the help of polarization data. All the group theoretically predicted Raman active fundamentals have been observed.


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The relationship between the parameters in a description based on a mesoscale free energy functional for the concentration field and the macroscopic properties, such as the bending and compression moduli and the permeation constant, are examined for an asymmetric lamellar phase where the mass fractions of the hydrophobic and hydrophilic parts are not equal. The difference in the mass fractions is incorporated using a cubic term in the free energy functional, in addition to the usual quadratic and quartic terms in the Landau–Ginsburg formulation. The relationship between the coefficient of the cubic term and the difference in the mass fractions of the hydrophilic and hydrophobic parts is obtained. For a lamellar phase, it is important to ensure that the surface tension is zero due to symmetry considerations. The relationship between the parameters in the free energy functional for zero surface tension is derived. When the interface between the hydrophilic and hydrophobic parts is diffuse, it is found that the bending and compression moduli, scaled by the parameters in the free energy functional, do increase as the asymmetry in the bilayer increases. When the interface between the hydrophilic and hydrophobic parts is sharp, the scaled bending and compression moduli show no dependence on the asymmetry in the bilayer. The ratio of the permeation constant in between the water and bilayer in a molecular description and the Onsager coefficient in the mesoscale description is O(1) for both sharp and diffuse interfaces and it increases as the difference in the mass fractions is increased.


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A new form of L-histidine L-aspartate monohydrate crystallizes in space group P22 witha = 5.131(1),b = 6.881(1),c= 18.277(2) Å,β= 97.26(1)° and Z = 2. The structure has been solved by the direct methods and refined to anR value of 0.044 for 1377 observed reflections. Both the amino acid molecules in the complex assume the energetically least favourable allowed conformation with the side chains staggered between the α-amino and α-scarboxylate groups. This results in characteristic distortions in some bond angles. The unlike molecules aggregate into alternating double layers with water molecules sandwiched between the two layers in the aspartate double layer. The molecules in each layer are arranged in a head-to-tail fashion. The aggregation pattern in the complex is fundamentally similar to that in other binary complexes involving commonly occurring L amino acids, although the molecules aggregate into single layers in them. The distribution of crystallographic (and local) symmetry elements in the old form of the complex is very different from that in the new form. So is the conformation of half the histidine molecules. Yet, the basic features of molecular aggregation, particularly the nature and the orientation of head-to-tail sequences, remain the same in both the forms. This supports the thesis that the characteristic aggregation patterns observed in crystal structures represent an intrinsic property of amino acid aggregation.


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The one-loop quadratically divergent mass corrections in globally supersymmetric gauge theories with spontaneously broken abelian and non-abelian gauge symmetry are studied. Quadratically divergent mass corrections are found to persist in an abelian model with an ABJ anomaly. However, additional supermultiplets necessary to cancel the ABJ anomaly, turn out to be sufficient to eliminate the quadratic divergences as well, rendering the theory natural. Quadratic divergences are shown to vanish also in the case of an anomaly free model with spontaneously broken non-abelian gauge symmetry.


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We discuss the consistency, unitarity and Lorentz invariance of an anomalous U(1) gauge theory in four dimensions. Our analysis is based on an effective low-energy action valid in the chiral symmetry broken phase. The allegedly bad properties of anomalous theories (except non-renormalizability) are examined. It is shown that, in the low-energy context, the theory can be consistently and unitarily quantised, and is formally Lorentz covariant.


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The crystal structure of TANDEM (des-N-tetramethyltriostin A), a synthetic analogue of the quinoxaline antibiotic triostin A, has been determined independently at -135 and 7 'C and refined to R values of 0.088 and 0.147, respectively. The molecule has approximate 2-fold symmetry, with the quinoxaline chromophores and the disulfide cross-bridge projecting from opposite sides of the peptide ring. The quinoxaline groups are nearly parallel to each other and separated by about 6.5 A. The peptide backbone resembles a distorted antiparallel 13 ribbon joined by intramolecular hydrogen bonds N-H(LVal)--O(L-Ala). At low temperatures, the TANDEM molecule is surrounded by a regular first- and second-order hydration sphere containing 14 independent water molecules. At room temperature, only the first-order hydration shell is maintained. Calculations of the interplanar separation of the quinoxaline groups as a function of their orientation with respect to the peptide ring support the viability of TANDEM to intercalate bifunctionally into DNA.


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This paper reports on the liquid-helium-temperature (5 K) electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectra of Cr3+ ions in the nanoparticles of SnO2 synthesized at 600 degrees C with concentrations of 0%, 0.1%, 0.5%, 1%, 1.5%, 2.0%, 2.5%, 3.0%, 5.0%, and 10%. Each spectrum may be simulated as overlap of spectra due to four magnetically inequivalent Cr3+ centers characterized by different values of the spin-Hamiltonian parameters. Three of these centers belong to Cr3+ ions in orthorhombic sites, situated near oxygen vacancies, characterized by very large zero-field splitting parameters D and E, presumably due to the presence of nanoparticles in the samples. The fourth EPR spectrum belongs to the Cr3+ ions situated at sites with tetragonal symmetry, substituting for the Sn4+ ion, characterized by a very small value of D. In addition, there appears a ferromagnetic resonance line due to oxygen defects for samples with Cr3+ concentrations of <= 2.5%. Further, in samples with Cr3+ concentrations of >2.5%, there appears an intense and wide EPR line due to the interactions among the Cr3+ ions in the clusters formed due to rather excessive doping; the intensity and width of this line increase with increasing concentration. The Cr3+ EPR spectra observed in these nanopowders very different from those in bulk SnO2 crystals.


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NMR studies of methyldichlorophosphine have been undertaken in the nematic phase of mixed liquid crystals of opposite diamagnetic anisotropies. The rα structure is derived. The proton chemical-shift anisotropy has been determined from the studies without the use of a reference compound and without a change of experimental conditions. It is shown that the molecule orients in the liquid crystal with positive diamagnetic anisotropy in such a way that the C3 symmetry axis of the CH3P moiety is preferentially aligned perpendicular to the direction of the magnetic field, unlike other similar systems. This is interpreted in terms of the formation of a weak solvent-solute molecular complex. The heteronuclear indirect spin-spin coupling constants are determined. The sign of the two-bond JPH is found to be positive.


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Irreversible, Pressure induced, quasicrystal-to-crystal transitions are observed for the first time in melt spun alloys at 4.9 GPa for Al 78 Mn22 and 9.3 GPa for Al86 Mn14 by monitoring the electrical resistivities of these alloys as a function of pressure. Electron diffraction and x-ray measurements are used to show that these quasicrystalline phases have icosohedral point group symmetry. The crystalline phases which appear at high pressures are identified as h.c.p. for Al78 Mn22 and orthorhombic for Al86 Mn14.


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This study highlights the formation of an artifact designed to mediate exploratory collaboration. The data for this study was collected during a Finnish adaptation of the thinking together approach. The aim of the approach is to teach pulps how to engage in educationally beneficial form of joint discussion, namely exploratory talk. At the heart of the approach lies a set of conversational ground rules aimed to promote the use of exploratory talk. The theoretical framework of the study is based on a sociocultural perspective on learning. A central argument in the framework is that physical and psychological tools play a crucial role in human action and learning. With the help of tools humans can escape the direct stimulus of the outside world and learn to control ourselves by using tools. During the implementation of the approach, the classroom community negotiates a set of six rules, which this study conceptualizes as an artifact that mediates exploratory collaboration. Prior research done about the thinking together approach has not extensively researched the formation of the rules, which give ample reason to conduct this study. The specific research questions asked were: What kind of negotiation trajectories did the ground rules form during the intervention? What meanings were negotiated for the ground rules during the intervention The methodological framework of the study is based on discourse analysis, which has been specified by adapting the social construction of intertextuality to analyze the meanings negotiated for the created rules. The study has town units of analysis: thematic episode and negotiation trajectory. A thematic episode is a stretch of talk-in-interaction where the participants talk about a certain ground rule or a theme relating to it. A negotiation trajectory is a chronological representation of the negotiation process of a certain ground rule during the intervention and is constructed of thematic episodes. Thematic episodes were analyzed with the adapted intertextuality analysis. A contrastive analysis was done on the trajectories. Lastly, the meanings negotiated for the created rules were compared to the guidelines provided by the approach. The main result of the study is the observation, that the meanings of the created rules were more aligned with the ground rules of cumulative talk, rather than exploratory talk. Although meanings relating also to exploratory talk were negotiated, they clearly were not the dominant form. In addition, the study observed that the trajectories of the rules were non identical. Despite connecting dimensions (symmetry, composition, continuity and explicitness) none of the trajectories shared exactly the same features as the others.


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X-ray and IR studies on Nasicon solid solutions, Na1+xZr2SixP3−xO12, are carried out as a function of composition x. X-ray diffraction studies show that the unit cell volume increases as x increases and exhibits a maximum at x ≈ 2. On further increase in x the unit cell volume decreases. The infrared absorption peak positions and the splitting of these absorption peaks suggest a distortion of the PO4 and SiO4 tetrahedra. But the distortion is not large enough to change the local symmetry around the phosphorus or silicon ion from Td to C3v.