925 resultados para Attitude to death


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Les méthodes classiques d’analyse de survie notamment la méthode non paramétrique de Kaplan et Meier (1958) supposent l’indépendance entre les variables d’intérêt et de censure. Mais, cette hypothèse d’indépendance n’étant pas toujours soutenable, plusieurs auteurs ont élaboré des méthodes pour prendre en compte la dépendance. La plupart de ces méthodes émettent des hypothèses sur cette dépendance. Dans ce mémoire, nous avons proposé une méthode d’estimation de la dépendance en présence de censure dépendante qui utilise le copula-graphic estimator pour les copules archimédiennes (Rivest etWells, 2001) et suppose la connaissance de la distribution de la variable de censure. Nous avons ensuite étudié la consistance de cet estimateur à travers des simulations avant de l’appliquer sur un jeu de données réelles.


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Background. Despite systematic vaccination of the population, tetanus continues to be a health problem in Albania, as in some other developing countries. In this study, our intent was to evaluate prognostic factors relating to death in adult patients with generalized tetanus. Methodology and patients. All the patients (60) included in the study were hospitalized at the regional hospitals of Shkodra and Korça, and the University Hospital Centre “Mother Theresa” of Tirana, Albania, during the period of 1984-2004. They had a mean age of 49.1+14.4 years, 43 (71.7%) were males and 40 (66.6%) of them lived in rural areas. The mean incubation period was 12 days and the case-fatality rate (CFR) was 38.3%. Results. The CFR in patients with an onset period ≥2 days was 21.7% and in those with <2 days was 48.6%, OR=0.29 (p<0.05). Patients >50 years old had a CFR=60.87% (OR=7, p<0.05). We found the high CFR to be significantly associated with urban residency, male gender, complicated wound, head localization, fever ≥ 38.4 °C, tachycardia > 120 beats/min, and hypertension. Discussion. The main prognostic factor of those analyzed in our study appeared to be the onset period and the age of the patients. We didn’t find significant differences in CFR in patients with different incubation periods. Clinicians must take into account that wound complication and localization, tachycardia and hypertension, high fever, male gender and urban residency significantly influence the prognoses of adults with generalized tetanus.


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João Pessoa, the capital city of the state of Paraíba (Northeast Brazil), is reputed throughout the country as a quiet place, although it has been acquiring, over the past years, an urban character with social implications similar to those of major metropolitan Brazilian areas. The new situation is evident by the social inequalities, with the creation of confined spaces, which segregate and cause enclosure of the inhabitants, leading to death the public space. This study correlates accessibility in spatial structure with two types of crime data, burglary and robbery, recorded in 2008 and 2009, by the Secretaria de Segurança da Paraíba (The government agency public in charge of safety), in the district of Manaíra, an upper middle class neighborhood, which has, in recent times, been considered one of the most violent areas in João Pessoa. Sought to understand connections between these events and morpho-social aspects of the built environment, where examined the spatial properties, such as accessibility of the urban net, the presence of control measures, the safety of buildings and their uses. Spatial properties were also validated by the observation of pedestrian flows at strategic points of the study area. It was concluded that the presence of intense flows helps to attract potential thieves, physical security and control offers little protection


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Ausgehend von einer Differenzierung des Konzeptes „literarische Sozialisation" zeigt der Aufsatz die Entwicklungsbedeutsamkeit des Umgehens mit fiktionalen Texten anhand der Sozialisations-„Produkte" Imaginationsfähigkeit und emotionale Schemata auf. Das Umgehen mit fiktionalen Gechichten kann beitragen zur Entstehung einer imaginativen, entwerfenden Haltung, zur Entwicklung von Empathie, Phantasie, Ich-Beteiligung sowie zur Erprobung eigener Welt- und Selbstentwürfe. Erlebnis- und Denkformen werden erweitert, vertieft und flexibilisiert, und zwar auch in kulturspezifischer und gesellschaftlich erwünschter Weise. Geschichten vermitteln kulturelle Gefühlsschablonen, in denen sich allgemeine Werthierarchien, Sinnentwürfe und normative Erwartungen ausdrücken. (DIPF/Orig.)


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This chapter suggests two main related points. The overarching contention is that Hugh MacDiarmid was a poetic, political, polemical, and metaphysical impossibilist (rather than merely the extremist of caricature). More particularly, in an attempt to escape the impossible community of the Kailyard – provincial, retrogressive, Christian, Scotland-as-Brigadoon – MacDiarmid fashioned an equally impossible if conflicting community, profoundly singular yet ultimately spiritual, that nonetheless contained residual Kailyard archetypes. The argument is traced through examination of MacDiarmid’s attitude to the Kailyard; work relating to the small communities in which he lived and wrote, and to cities; and the question of his anti-Englishness.


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W artykule dowodzi się tezy, że współczesne debaty publiczne, emitowane w telewizji (takie jak emitowany od 2004 roku w TVP2 program Jana Pospieszalskiego „Warto rozmawiać”), są zdarzeniami komunikacyjnymi zasadzonymi na konflikcie destruktywnym, a więc takim, który wg L. Kriesberga, nastawiony jest nie na problem wywołujący frustrację, ale jest manifestacją agresji, a celem sporu staje się nie pokonanie różnic dzielących strony, ale pokonanie oponenta. Wynika to z sytuacji komunikacyjnej debaty telewizyjnej i nastawienia w pierwszej kolejności na zdobycie uwagi, a potem zaspokajanie potrzeb odbiorcy sekundarnego – widza. Podporządkowane są temu takie elementy, jak wybór tematu debaty, jej scenariusz, dobór uczestników, a w dalszej kolejności ich zachowania werbalne i niewerbalne. W rezultacie, w debacie telewizyjnej złamane zostają typowe dla debaty konstruktywnej reguły i strategie, i zastąpione zostają zachowaniami typowymi dla konfliktu destruktywnego, takimi jak: brak otwartości na argumenty drugiej strony, nastawienie na pokonanie antagonisty, niechęć do szukania innych rozwiązań, jak tylko moja wygrana - twoja przegrana, działania nastawione na prowokację i podważanie wiarygodności partnera, przenoszenie ciężaru debaty ze sprawy na osobę, posługiwanie się argumentacją niemerytoryczną, niezgoda na konstruowanie wspólnego stanowiska. Taki wzorzec debaty telewizyjnej, która stała się pośpieszną, bezproduktywną prezentacją rozbieżnych stanowisk, nie prowadzącą do żadnych konkluzji, nastawioną najwyżej na obrażenie rozmówcy i dostarczenie widzowi krótkotrwałych emocji, buduje powszechne przekonania o niemożności dialogu i porozumienia w dyskursie publicznym i dominującym w nim antagonizmie.


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A ocratoxina A (OTA), micotoxina encontrada em diferentes níveis e em diversas matrizes, apresenta efeitos carcinogênicos, nefrotóxicos e teratogênicos. O desenvolvimento de métodos capazes de diminuir esta contaminação a níveis permitidos pela legislação é incentivado e os processos biológicos utilizados envolvem o uso de enzimas e/ou microrganismos para degradação da OTA e são preferenciais pela especificidade, bem como pelas condições brandas para a detoxificação. O objetivo do trabalho foi estudar a ação de carboxipeptidase A nos níveis e na toxicidade de OTA, visando aplicar a técnica para detoxificar farinhas de trigo. Primeiramente foi estimado o risco de exposição à ocratoxina A pelo consumo de farinhas de trigo. Para isso foram estabelecidas condições de determinação de OTA em farinhas de trigo, empregando técnicas de estatística multivariada para definir os principais interferentes na extração de OTA pelo método de QuEChERS e detecção em CLAE-FL. O método validado permitiu a avaliação da ocorrência natural em 20 amostras de farinha de trigo, estando estas contaminadas na faixa de 0,22 a 0,85 µg.kg-1 , apresentando um valor de ingestão diária de 0,08 ngOTA.dia-1 .kgmassacorpórea -1 e uma disponibilidade de 94,4%. Em seguida foi realizada a padronização da extração de carboxipeptidase A em biomassa de Rhizopus oryzae que consistiu em agitação ultrassônica durante 30 minutos numa potencia fixa de 150 W e 40 kHz e a triagem de agentes biológicos para degradação de OTA. Para o estudo da degradação in vitro de OTA, método de extração e detecção de OTA e OTα em CLAEFL foi validado e o processo de degradação foi realizado com Rhizopus oryzae e Trichoderma reesei, obtendo-se uma redução máxima de 63,5% e 57,7%, respectivamente. A degradação apresentou uma correlação alta (R>0,9) e significativa (p<0,05) com a produção de Otα, indicando que ocorreu a produção de enzimas capazes de hidrolisar a micotoxina, por exemplo, a carboxipeptidase A. O estudo da toxicidade de OTA e seu metabólito OTα foi realizado em neutrófilos humanos, onde foi observado a ausência de efeito tóxico de OTα. Também foi determinado o mecanismo de toxicidade de OTA pelo aumento de Ca2+ intracelular pela liberação a partir das reservas internas. Esta liberação, subsequentemente, provoca uma cascata de eventos, nomeadamente: a produção de espécies reativas, depleção de ATP, perda de ΔΨm, levando à morte por necrose. Para reduzir o risco de exposição à micotoxina pela ingestão de matéria prima contaminada, carboxipeptidase A extraída de diferentes fontes foi aplicada na hidrólise de OTA em farinha de trigo para posterior determinação do conteúdo residual de OTA e OTα, empregando método validado. O estudo mostrou uma redução de OTA entre 16,8 e 78,5% e produção de OTα entre 2 a 8,2 ng.g-1 . As carboxipeptidases mais promissoras para degradação foram as provenientes de Rhizopus e Trichoderma e a carboxipeptidase comercial. Ficou demonstrado que se pode recomendar a aplicação de enzimas proteolíticas, tipo carboxipeptidase, para reduzir o risco de exposição à micotoxina quando utilizada matéria prima contaminada, por exemplo, farinha de trigo para diferentes processos. A transformação de OTA para OTα e seus efeitos na redução da toxicidade da micotoxina corroboram com esta afirmação.


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A barreira de comunicação existente entre as pessoas surdas e ouvintes prejudicam a participação ativa da pessoa surda na sociedade, uma vez que dificultam a manifestação de suas opiniões e sua interferência direta no processo de construção do conhecimento. Como forma de amenizar as desigualdades, foi promulgada em 2005 uma lei, conhecida como Lei de Libras, que dentre outras coisas, garantem o acesso bilíngue, nas línguas portuguesa e de sinais, aos serviços essenciais de saúde e educação. Este trabalho de pesquisa teve o objetivo de avaliar a percepção da pessoa surda quanto à qualidade das ações e serviços oferecidos nas unidades de saúde públicas, tendo em vista o cumprimento das leis vigentes voltadas para a inclusão da pessoa surda no acesso à saúde pública. Trata-se de um estudo de natureza exploratório-descritiva e enfoque transversal, realizado numa amostra de 15 pessoas surdas portadoras de perda auditiva severa ou profunda, de ambos os sexos (10 homens e 5 mulheres), que se comunicam através da Língua Brasileira de Sinais (Libras), com idade entre 20 a 38 anos, usuárias dos serviços públicos de saúde, que buscaram atendimento em 2014. Foi utilizado um questionário estruturado. Os resultados apresentados evidenciam uma comunicação inadequada entre pacientes e profissionais da saúde, além da falta de intérpretes e de precariedade na estrutura física. Estes fatos, aliados à necessidade de contratação de intérpretes por parte dos usuários, refletem um desvio da responsabilidade do Estado, no que tange ao acesso pleno aos bens e serviços de saúde conforme as leis vigentes. Palavras-chaves: Acessibilidade; Saúde Pública; Surdez; Língua Brasileira de Sinais; Identidade surda.


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The English language has an important place in Pakistan and in its education system, not least because of the global status of English and its role in employment. Realising the need to enhance language learning outcomes, especially at the tertiary level, the Higher Education Commission (HEC) of Pakistan has put in place some important measures to improve the quality of English language teaching practice through its English Language Teaching Reforms (ELTR) project. However, there is a complex linguistic, educational and ethnic diversity in Pakistan and that diversity, alongside the historical and current role of English in the country, makes any language teaching reform particularly challenging. I argue, in this thesis, that reform to date has largely ignored the issues of learner readiness to learn and learner perceptions of the use of English. I argue that studying learner attitudes is important if we are to understand how learners perceive the practice of learning and the use of English in their lives. This study focuses on the attitudes of undergraduate learners of English as a foreign language at two universities in the provinces of Sindh and Balochistan in Pakistan. These provinces have experienced long struggles and movements related to linguistic and ethnic rights and both educate students from all of the districts of their respective provinces. Drawing on debates around linguistic imperialism, economic necessity, and linguistic and educational diversity, I focus on learners’ perceptions about learning and speaking English, asking what their attitudes are towards learning and speaking English with particular reference to socio-psychological factors at a given time and context, including perceived threats to their culture, religion, and mother tongue. I ask how they make choices about learning and speaking English in different domains of language use and question their motivation to learn and speak English. Additionally, I explore issues of anxiety with reference to their use of English. Following a predominantly qualitative mixed methods research approach, the study employs two research tools: an adapted Likert Scale questionnaire completed by 300 students and semi-structured interviews with 20 participants from the two universities. The data were analysed through descriptive statistics and qualitative content analysis, with each set of data synthesised for interpretation. The findings suggest that, compared with the past, the majority of participants hold positive attitudes towards learning and speaking English regardless of their ethnic or linguistic backgrounds. Most of these undergraduate students do not perceive the use of English as a threat to their culture, mother tongue or religious values but, instead, they have a pragmatic and, at the same time, aspirational attitude to the learning and use of English. I present these results and conclude this thesis with reference to ways in which this small-scale study contributes to a better understanding of learner attitudes and perceptions. Acknowledging the limitations of this study, I suggest ways in which the study, enhanced and extended by further research, might have implications for practice, theory and policy in English language teaching and learning in Pakistan.


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Protein and caloric malnutrition has been considered one of the most concerned endemic diseases in Brazil and in the world. It has been known that depletion or reduction of proteins as far as meals are concerned can steer irreversible damages upon several organic systems. This study had as aim evaluate the effects the low-protein diet had over the formation and composition of the teeth components. 18 females and 6 males were used for the experiment. 12 from the 18 females had undertaken the low-protein diet (DH) for 03 weeks and the other 6, which remained, and those males had undertaken a controlled diet (DC) for the same period. All animals had the diets during their mating, pregnancy and lactation cycle. As soon as the offsprings had been born, 10 young males and females of each group faced a disease hood analysis to check the teeth germs of their lower fore teeth. The rest of the group had their lactation cycle normally 60 days. Then they were put to death and had their lower fore teeth removed both to be analyzed through a scanning electronic microscopy (SEM) of the structure alterations and to have their calcium checked by an atomic absorption of the phosphorus vanadate-molibdate method and by other minerals EDX method. The animals livers were removed to have their hepatic proteins analyzed as well. The histopatologic study showed that at first day of birth, all animals had their lower fore teeth come out. It was verified that 90% of the animals teeth were in an apposition and calcification period and it was possible to observe the dentin formation from 60% of the 90% already mentioned. Through the SEM method it could be realized that 90% of the animals of the DH group had their lower fore teeth easily broken and no definite shape. In this same group itself, it was also observed long micro fissures 369,66 nm ± 3,45 while the DC group had fissures of 174 nm ± 5,72. Now regarding the calcium and phosphorus concentration, it could be noticed that there was a great reduction of these components and other minerals in the DH group. Almost all minerals, except for the Cl and K, presented higher levels in the DC group enamel.The reduction of the protein input greatly influenced the offsprings´ weight and height. However the hepatic proteins had no important difference between the groups what can make one believe that those animals suffered from protein malnutrition of marasmic kind


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O presente trabalho aborda as dificuldades sentidas pelos profissionais de saúde perante os doentes em fase terminal. É importante percebermos como é que os profissionais de saúde se preparam psicologicamente para tratar dos pacientes com o profissionalismo que lhes é pedido. O trabalho recai, na tentativa de verificar, a forma como conseguem “escapar” a esta ligação directa com a morte. Participaram neste estudo do tipo exploratório, 4 enfermeiras e 1 médica da Unidade da Dor do Hospital Garcia de Orta, que através de entrevistas semi-directivas, descreviam as suas experiências. Abordámos o percurso profissional, as dificuldades no dia-a-dia, as situações mais gratificantes, a função da equipa e o processo de luto. Nos resultados obtidos, utilizámos como método a análise de conteúdo. Os resultados destacaram a identificação, como a maior dificuldade, lembrando desta forma que os profissionais de saúde, também sofrem com a perda dos doentes, como se de alguém próximo se tratasse, complicando a relação profissional e levando a que normalmente se usem mecanismos do evitamento. Concluímos que é indispensável o apoio da equipa multidisciplinar, de forma a acolher todos os acontecimentos que provocam desconforto e angústia em relação à morte, por mais mecanismos utilizados é impossível dissociar a relação profissional da pessoal.


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Les maladies cardiovasculaires sont la première cause de mortalité dans le monde et les anévrismes de l’aorte abdominale (AAAs) font partie de ce lot déplorable. Un anévrisme est la dilatation d’une artère pouvant conduire à la mort. Une rupture d’AAA s’avère fatale près de 80% du temps. Un moyen de traiter les AAAs est l’insertion d’une endoprothèse (SG) dans l’aorte, communément appelée la réparation endovasculaire (EVAR), afin de réduire la pression exercée par le flux sanguin sur la paroi. L’efficacité de ce traitement est compromise par la survenue d’endofuites (flux sanguins entre la prothèse et le sac anévrismal) pouvant conduire à la rupture de l’anévrisme. Ces flux sanguins peuvent survenir à n’importe quel moment après le traitement EVAR. Une surveillance par tomodensitométrie (CT-scan) annuelle est donc requise, augmentant ainsi le coût du suivi post-EVAR et exposant le patient à la radiation ionisante et aux complications des contrastes iodés. L’endotension est le concept de dilatation de l’anévrisme sans la présence d’une endofuite apparente au CT-scan. Après le traitement EVAR, le sang dans le sac anévrismal coagule pour former un thrombus frais, qui deviendra progressivement un thrombus plus fibreux et plus organisé, donnant lieu à un rétrécissement de l’anévrisme. Il y a très peu de données dans la littérature pour étudier ce processus temporel et la relation entre le thrombus frais et l’endotension. L’étalon d’or du suivi post-EVAR, le CT-scan, ne peut pas détecter la présence de thrombus frais. Il y a donc un besoin d’investir dans une technique sécuritaire et moins coûteuse pour le suivi d’AAAs après EVAR. Une méthode récente, l’élastographie dynamique, mesure l’élasticité des tissus en temps réel. Le principe de cette technique repose sur la génération d’ondes de cisaillement et l’étude de leur propagation afin de remonter aux propriétés mécaniques du milieu étudié. Cette thèse vise l’application de l’élastographie dynamique pour la détection des endofuites ainsi que de la caractérisation mécanique des tissus du sac anévrismal après le traitement EVAR. Ce projet dévoile le potentiel de l’élastographie afin de réduire les dangers de la radiation, de l’utilisation d’agent de contraste ainsi que des coûts du post-EVAR des AAAs. L’élastographie dynamique utilisant le « Shear Wave Imaging » (SWI) est prometteuse. Cette modalité pourrait complémenter l’échographie-Doppler (DUS) déjà utilisée pour le suivi d’examen post-EVAR. Le SWI a le potentiel de fournir des informations sur l’organisation fibreuse du thrombus ainsi que sur la détection d’endofuites. Tout d’abord, le premier objectif de cette thèse consistait à tester le SWI sur des AAAs dans des modèles canins pour la détection d’endofuites et la caractérisation du thrombus. Des SGs furent implantées dans un groupe de 18 chiens avec un anévrisme créé au moyen de la veine jugulaire. 4 anévrismes avaient une endofuite de type I, 13 avaient une endofuite de type II et un anévrisme n’avait pas d’endofuite. Des examens échographiques, DUS et SWI ont été réalisés à l’implantation, puis 1 semaine, 1 mois, 3 mois et 6 mois après le traitement EVAR. Une angiographie, un CT-scan et des coupes macroscopiques ont été produits au sacrifice. Les régions d’endofuites, de thrombus frais et de thrombus organisé furent identifiées et segmentées. Les valeurs de rigidité données par le SWI des différentes régions furent comparées. Celles-ci furent différentes de façon significative (P < 0.001). Également, le SWI a pu détecter la présence d’endofuites où le CT-scan (1) et le DUS (3) ont échoué. Dans la continuité de ces travaux, le deuxième objectif de ce projet fut de caractériser l’évolution du thrombus dans le temps, de même que l’évolution des endofuites après embolisation dans des modèles canins. Dix-huit anévrismes furent créés dans les artères iliaques de neuf modèles canins, suivis d’une endofuite de type I après EVAR. Deux gels embolisants (Chitosan (Chi) ou Chitosan-Sodium-Tetradecyl-Sulfate (Chi-STS)) furent injectés dans le sac anévrismal pour promouvoir la guérison. Des examens échographiques, DUS et SWI ont été effectués à l’implantation et après 1 semaine, 1 mois, 3 mois et 6 mois. Une angiographie, un CT-scan et un examen histologique ont été réalisés au sacrifice afin d’évaluer la présence, le type et la grosseur de l’endofuite. Les valeurs du module d’élasticité des régions d’intérêts ont été identifiées et segmentées sur les données pathologiques. Les régions d’endofuites et de thrombus frais furent différentes de façon significative comparativement aux autres régions (P < 0.001). Les valeurs d’élasticité du thrombus frais à 1 semaine et à 3 mois indiquent que le SWI peut évaluer la maturation du thrombus, de même que caractériser l’évolution et la dégradation des gels embolisants dans le temps. Le SWI a pu détecter des endofuites où le DUS a échoué (2) et, contrairement au CT-scan, détecter la présence de thrombus frais. Finalement, la dernière étape du projet doctoral consistait à appliquer le SWI dans une phase clinique, avec des patients humains ayant déjà un AAA, pour la détection d’endofuite et la caractérisation de l’élasticité des tissus. 25 patients furent sélectionnés pour participer à l’étude. Une comparaison d’imagerie a été produite entre le SWI, le CT-scan et le DUS. Les valeurs de rigidité données par le SWI des différentes régions (endofuite, thrombus) furent identifiées et segmentées. Celles-ci étaient distinctes de façon significative (P < 0.001). Le SWI a détecté 5 endofuites sur 6 (sensibilité de 83.3%) et a eu 6 faux positifs (spécificité de 76%). Le SWI a pu détecter la présence d’endofuites où le CT-scan (2) ainsi que le DUS (2) ont échoué. Il n’y avait pas de différence statistique notable entre la rigidité du thrombus pour un AAA avec endofuite et un AAA sans endofuite. Aucune corrélation n’a pu être établie de façon significative entre les diamètres des AAAs ainsi que leurs variations et l’élasticité du thrombus. Le SWI a le potentiel de détecter les endofuites et caractériser le thrombus selon leurs propriétés mécaniques. Cette technique pourrait être combinée au suivi des AAAs post-EVAR, complémentant ainsi l’imagerie DUS et réduisant le coût et l’exposition à la radiation ionisante et aux agents de contrastes néphrotoxiques.


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When first approaching a topic such as the concept of material or natural soul in Greek literature, the researcher might be puzzled. While in diverse contemporary cultures, numerous theriomorphic figures (bears, ravens, mice, wasps, bees, dragonflies, and dung-beetles) serve to represent the human soul in its transmigration from life to death, this is not the case in Greek culture. At least, this is what one may conclude from the monograph written by the Dutch scholar J. Bremmer, The early Greek Concept of the Soul: "importunely, there are no other indications of a possible connection between the butterfly and the soul of the living and the dead" (1987: 64). Given Plutarch’s great interest in the soul, which can be seen in a variety of texts referring to its generation, form, internal dichotomy, material substance, origin and destination, etc., the question arises as to whether Plutarch also includes such a representation of the soul when departing from the dead body. Does the corpus plutarcheum preserve and transmit such conception of the human soul? And if it does, are we dealing with survival of ancestral beliefs or motifs or is it a simple metaphor by means of which ancients intended to express the departing of the life-breath? In the following pages I will focus on three texts that allegedly include the butterfly-motif to represent the human soul, to wit, Table Talks 636C, Consolation to his Wife 611F, and the fragment 177 Sandbach.


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La acusación antijudía del crimen o asesinato ritual gozó de una enorme popularidad en la Edad Media. A mediados del siglo XII, surgió de forma “espontánea” en diferentes lugares de la Europa medieval y dio lugar a infinidad de variantes. Su versión definitiva fue la del asesinato, preferentemente por crucifixión, de un niño cristiano a manos de los judíos con el fin de incorporar su sangre al pan ázimo. Sin embargo, su origen más remoto debe buscarse en la Antigüedad. De hecho, su más incipiente desarrollo puede encontrarse ya a comienzos del siglo V en el historiador cristiano Sócrates (Hist. Eccl., VII, 16), quien cuenta que hacia el año 415, en Inmestar (Siria), con motivo de las celebraciones de la fiesta de Purim, los judíos, embriagados por el vino, amarraron a un niño cristiano a una cruz y lo asesinaron. El relato de este hecho monstruoso plantea algunas dudas acerca de lo acontecido. Seguramente la historia sea falsa y se sitúe en el contexto de una ley del Codex Theodosianus del año 408 (XVI, 8, 18) que prohibía insultar a la Cruz durante la celebración de dicha festividad judía.


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The study of immune system aging, i.e. immunosenescence, is a relatively new research topic. It deals with understanding the processes of immuno-degradation that indicate signs of functionality loss possibly leading to death. Even though it is not possible to prevent immunosenescence, there is great benefit in comprehending its causes, which may help to reverse some of the damage done and thus improve life expectancy. One of the main factors influencing the process of immunosenescence is the number and phenotypical variety of naive T cells in an individual. This work presents a review of immunosenescence, proposes system dynamics modelling of the processes involving the maintenance of the naive T cell repertoire and presents some preliminary results.