891 resultados para AMORPHOUS SILICA
In this work, we have used a combined of atomistic simulation methods to explore the effects of confinement of water molecules between silica surfaces. Firstly, the mechanical properties of water severe confined (~3A) between two silica alpha-quartz was determined based on first principles calculations within the density functional theory (DFT). Simulated annealing methods were employed due to the complex potential energry surface, and the difficulties to avoid local minima. Our results suggest that much of the stiffness of the material (46%) remains, even after the insertion of a water monolayer in the silica. Secondly, in order to access typical time scales for confined systems, classical molecular dynamics was used to determine the dynamical properties of water confined in silica cylindrical pores, with diameters varying from 10 to 40A. in this case we have varied the passivation of the silica surface, from 13% to 100% of SiOH, and the other terminations being SiOH2 and SiOH3, the distribution of the different terminations was obtained with a Monte Carlo simulation. The simulations indicates a lowering of the diffusion coefficientes as the diameter decreases, due to the structuration of hydrogen bonds of water molecules; we have also obtained the density profiles of the confined water and the interfacial tension.
Membrane-based separation processes are acquiring, in the last years, an increasing importance because of their intrinsic energetic and environmental sustainability: some types of polymeric materials, showing adequate perm-selectivity features, appear rather suitable for these applications, because of their relatively low cost and easy processability. In this work have been studied two different types of polymeric membranes, in view of possible applications to the gas separation processes, i.e. Mixed Matrix Membranes (MMMs) and high free volume glassy polymers. Since the early 90’s, it has been understood that the performances of polymeric materials in the field of gas separations show an upper bound in terms of permeability and selectivity: in particular, an increase of permeability is often accompanied by a decrease of selectivity and vice-versa, while several inorganic materials, like zeolites or silica derivates, can overcome this limitation. As a consequence, it has been developed the idea of dispersing inorganic particles in polymeric matrices, in order to obtain membranes with improved perm-selectivity features. In particular, dispersing fumed silica nanoparticles in high free volume glassy polymers improves in all the cases gases and vapours permeability, while the selectivity may either increase or decrease, depending upon material and gas mixture: that effect is due to the capacity of nanoparticles to disrupt the local chain packing, increasing the dimensions of excess free volume elements trapped in the polymer matrix. In this work different kinds of MMMs were fabricated using amorphous Teflon® AF or PTMSP and fumed silica: in all the cases, a considerable increase of solubility, diffusivity and permeability of gases and vapours (n-alkanes, CO2, methanol) was observed, while the selectivity shows a non-monotonous trend with filler fraction. Moreover, the classical models for composites are not able to capture the increase of transport properties due to the silica addition, so it has been necessary to develop and validate an appropriate thermodynamic model that allows to predict correctly the mass transport features of MMMs. In this work, another material, called poly-trimethylsilyl-norbornene (PTMSN) was examined: it is a new generation high free volume glassy polymer that, like PTMSP, shows unusual high permeability and selectivity levels to the more condensable vapours. These two polymer differ each other because PTMSN shows a more pronounced chemical stability, due to its structure double-bond free. For this polymer, a set of Lattice Fluid parameters was estimated, making possible a comparison between experimental and theoretical solubility isotherms for hydrocarbons and alcoholic vapours: the successfully modelling task, based on application of NELF model, offers a reliable alternative to direct sorption measurement, which is extremely time-consuming due to the relevant relaxation phenomena showed by each sorption step. For this material also dilation experiments were performed, in order to quantify its dimensional stability in presence of large size, swelling vapours.
Es werden neuartige, polymere Protonenleiter vorgestellt die nach dem 'Konzept des polymergebunden Protonensolvens' realisiert wurden. Sie zeigen protonische Leitfähigkeit als intrinsische Eigenschaft, sodass keine zweite, flüssige Phase zur Protonenleitung nötig ist. Verwirklicht wurde das Konzept anhand von kammartigen Siloxanoligomeren und -polymeren, wobei Imidazol als Protonensolvens durch flexible Spacer kovalent an das Rückgrat gebunden ist. Durch Pfropfung mit imidazoltragenden Spacereinheiten wurden ferner Kieselgelnanopartikel oberflächenmodifiziert. Um die Auswirkungen der Immobilisierung von Imidazol auf die Leitfähigkeit zu untersuchen, wurden neben unterschiedlichen Molekulargewichten, die Verbindungen auch jeweils mit verschiedenen Spacerlängen synthetisiert. Die Materialien wurden umfassend charakterisiert und auf ihr thermisches Verhalten, Stabilität, Leitfähigkeit, Diffusion und dielektrisches Verhalten sowie auch nach Dotierung mit Säure untersucht. Thermisch stabil sind die Materialien bis ca. 200°C. Die Leitfähigkeiten betragen bis zu 1,5E-3 S/cm bei 160°C, welche aufgrund der Immobilisierung des Imidazols ausschließlich auf Strukturdiffusion zurückzuführen sind. Die Strukturdiffusion ist vergleichbar mit dem Grotthus-Mechanismus in Wasser und wird durch die lokale Mobilität der Imidazolmoleküle, d.h. durch die Glasübergangstemperatur des Systems bestimmt. Entsprechend wird das für Glasbildner typische Vogel-Tamman-Fulcher-Verhalten für alle untersuchten Transportprozesse gefunden. Die mit abnehmender Glasübergangstemperatur abnehmende mechanische Stabilität der Materialien kann, wie gezeigt ist, durch Compoundierung mit Kieselgelnanopartikeln entscheidend verbessert werden, was eine kostengünstige und aussichtsreiche Möglichkeit zur Herstellung von Membranen für Brennstoffzellen darstellt.
Simulationen von SiO2 mit dem von van Beest, Kramer und vanSanten (BKS) entwickelten Paarpotenzial erzeugen vielezufriedenstellende Ergebnisse, aber auch charakteristischeSchwachstellen. In dieser Arbeit wird das BKS-Potenzial mitzwei kürzlich vorgeschlagenen Potenzialen verglichen, dieeffektiv Mehrteilchen-Wechselwirkungen beinhalten. Der ersteAnsatz erlaubt dazu fluktuierende Ladungen, der zweiteinduzierbare Polarisierungen auf den Sauerstoffatomen. Die untersuchten Schwachstellen des BKS Potenzialsbeinhalten das Verhältnis der zwei Gitterkonstanten a und cim Quarzübergang, das von BKS falsch beschrieben wird.Cristobalit und Tridymit erscheinen instabil mit BKS.Weiterhin zeigt die BKS-Zustandsdichte charakteristischeAbweichungen von der wahren Zustandsdichte. DerÜbergangsdruck für den Stishovit I-II Übergang wird deutlichüberschätzt. Das Fluktuierende-Ladungs-Modell verbesserteinige der genannten Punkte, reproduziert aber viele andereEigenschaften schlechter als BKS. DasFluktierende-Dipol-Modell dagegen behebt alle genanntenArtefakte. Zusätzlich wird der druckinduzierte Phasenübergang imalpha-Quarz untersucht. Alle Potentiale finden die selbeStruktur für Quarz II. Bei anschliessender Dekompressionerzeugt BKS eine weitere Phase, während die beiden anderenPotentiale wieder zum alpha-Quarz zurückkehren. Weiterhinwerden zwei Methoden entwickelt, um die piezoelektrischenKonstanten bei konstantem Druck zu bestimmen. Die Ergebnissegeben Hinweise auf eine möglicherweisenicht-elektrostatische Natur der Polarisierungen imFluktuierende-Dipole-Modell. Mit dieser Interpretation scheint das Fluktuierende-DipolPotential alle verfügbaren experimentellen Daten am bestenvon allen drei untersuchten Ansätzen zu reproduzieren.
The aim of this thesis was to investigate novel techniques to create complex hierarchical chemical patterns on silica surfaces with micro to nanometer sized features. These surfaces were used for a site-selective assembly of colloidal particles and oligonucleotides. To do so, functionalised alkoxysilanes (commercial and synthesised ones) were deposited onto planar silica surfaces. The functional groups can form reversible attractive interactions with the complementary surface layers of the opposing objects that need to be assembled. These interactions determine the final location and density of the objects onto the surface. Photolithographically patterned silica surfaces were modified with commercial silanes, in order to create hydrophilic and hydrophobic regions on the surface. Assembly of hydrophobic silica particles onto these surfaces was investigated and finally, pH and charge effects on the colloidal assembly were analysed. In the second part of this thesis the concept of novel, "smart" alkoxysilanes is introduced that allows parallel surface activation and patterning in a one-step irradiation process. These novel species bear a photoreactive head-group in a protected form. Surface layers made from these molecules can be irradiated through a mask to remove the protecting group from selected regions and thus generate lateral chemical patterns of active and inert regions on the substrate. The synthesis of an azide-reactive alkoxysilane was successfully accomplished. Silanisation conditions were carefully optimised as to guarantee a smooth surface layer, without formation of micellar clusters. NMR and DLS experiments corroborated the absence of clusters when using neither water nor NaOH as catalysts during hydrolysis, but only the organic solvent itself. Upon irradiation of the azide layer, the resulting nitrene may undergo a variety of reactions depending on the irradiation conditions. Contact angle measurements demonstrated that the irradiated surfaces were more hydrophilic than the non-irradiated azide layer and therefore the formation of an amine upon irradiation was postulated. Successful photoactivation could be demonstrated using condensation patterns, which showed a change in wettability on the wafer surface upon irradiation. Colloidal deposition with COOH functionalised particles further underlined the formation of more hydrophilic species. Orthogonal photoreactive silanes are described in the third part of this thesis. The advantage of orthogonal photosensitive silanes is the possibility of having a coexistence of chemical functionalities homogeneously distributed in the same layer, by using appropriate protecting groups. For this purpose, a 3',5'-dimethoxybenzoin protected carboxylic acid silane was successfully synthesised and the kinetics of its hydrolysis and condensation in solution were analysed in order to optimise the silanisation conditions. This compound was used together with a nitroveratryl protected amino silane to obtain bicomponent surface layers. The optimum conditions for an orthogonal deprotection of surfaces modified with this two groups were determined. A 2-step deprotection process through a mask generated a complex pattern on the substrate by activating two different chemistries at different sites. This was demonstrated by colloidal adsorption and fluorescence labelling of the resulting substrates. Moreover, two different single stranded oligodeoxynucleotides were immobilised onto the two different activated areas and then hybrid captured with their respective complementary, fluorescent labelled strand. Selective hybridisation could be shown, although non-selective adsorption issues need to be resolved, making this technique attractive for possible DNA microarrays.
In dieser Arbeit werden Molekulardynamik-Computersimulationen zur Untersuchung der statischen und dynamischen Eigenschaften einer amorph/kristallinen Siliziumdioxid(SiO2)-Grenzschicht durchgefuehrt.Die Grenzflaeche wird von der [100]-Ebene des beta-Kristobalit-Kristalls und der fluessigen SiO2-Phase gebildet und in einem Temperaturbereich zwischen 2900K und 3100K im Zustand eines metastabilen Gleichgewichts untersucht. Als Modellpotential zur Beschreibung der mikroskopischen Wechselwirkungen zwischen den Teilchen wird ein einfaches Paarpotential aus der Literatur verwendet, das sowohl die Struktur der kristallinen Phase als auch die der fluessigen Phase gut reproduziert. Bezogen auf die Dichte und die potentielle Energie der Teilchen erstreckt sich der Uebergang von der fluessigen in die kristalline Phase ueber 3-5 Atomlagen. Ein Layering-Effekt der Dichte in der fluessigen Phase in der Naehe der Grenzschicht wird nicht beobachtet. Der Einfluss der Grenzschicht auf statische Groessen, welche das System auf einer mittelreichweitigen Laengenskala beschreiben (z. B. Koordinationszahlverteilung und Ringverteilung) reicht im Vergleich dazu weiter in die fluessige Phase hinein und manifestiert sich in Defektstrukturen, wie z. B. der Erhoehung der Wahrscheinlichkeit fuer das Auftreten von 5-fach koordiniertem Silizium und der vermehrten Bildung von 2er-Ringen in der Fluessigkeit. Dies beguenstigt das Aufbrechen und Umklappen von Si-O-Bindungen und fuehrt zu einer Beschleunigung der Dynamik und einer Erhoehung der Diffusionsgeschwindigkeit in der Fluessigkeit. Im weiteren wird die Hochfrequenzdynamik der reinen SiO2-Fluessigkeit untersucht. Dazu berechnen wir die vibratorische Zustandsdichte in harmonischer Naeherung aus der inhaerenten Struktur. Wir finden einen stark ausgepraegten Peak bei einer Frequenz von 0.6 THz. Dieser Peak kann der niederenergetischsten transversalen akustischen Mode zugeordnet werden, die auch als Scherschwingung des Systems direkt sichtbar ist.
We investigated at the molecular level protein/solvent interactions and their relevance in protein function through the use of amorphous matrices at room temperature. As a model protein, we used the bacterial photosynthetic reaction center (RC) of Rhodobacter sphaeroides, a pigment protein complex which catalyzes the light-induced charge separation initiating the conversion of solar into chemical energy. The thermal fluctuations of the RC and its dielectric conformational relaxation following photoexcitation have been probed by analyzing the recombination kinetics of the primary charge-separated (P+QA-) state, using time resolved optical and EPR spectroscopies. We have shown that the RC dynamics coupled to this electron transfer process can be progressively inhibited at room temperature by decreasing the water content of RC films or of RC-trehalose glassy matrices. Extensive dehydration of the amorphous matrices inhibits RC relaxation and interconversion among conformational substates to an extent comparable to that attained at cryogenic temperatures in water-glycerol samples. An isopiestic method has been developed to finely tune the hydration level of the system. We have combined FTIR spectral analysis of the combination and association bands of residual water with differential light-minus-dark FTIR and high-field EPR spectroscopy to gain information on thermodynamics of water sorption, and on structure/dynamics of the residual water molecules, of protein residues and of RC cofactors. The following main conclusions were reached: (i) the RC dynamics is slaved to that of the hydration shell; (ii) in dehydrated trehalose glasses inhibition of protein dynamics is most likely mediated by residual water molecules simultaneously bound to protein residues and sugar molecules at the protein-matrix interface; (iii) the local environment of cofactors is not involved in the conformational dynamics which stabilizes the P+QA-; (iv) this conformational relaxation appears to be rather delocalized over several aminoacidic residues as well as water molecules weakly hydrogen-bonded to the RC.
Abstract Poly(L-glutamic acid) (PLGA) was synthesized by living anionic ring-opening polymerization of the NCA monomer, which was obtained by reacting diphosgene with an amino acid derivative. The chemical structures and thermal properties were characterized by 1H-NMR, 13C-NMR, TGA and DSC. XRD powder patterns found to be amorphous for all polymers obtained. The molecular weights could be determined under severe limitations due to low solubility and high aggregation tendency. The secondary structure of the PLGA films was analyzed in the solid state by IR spectroscopy; the order was determined mainly by XRD. Uniform bulk films (1-5 µm) were produced by drop-casting of PLGA solutions in TFA on silica. The XRD film analysis indicated the absence of a long range order or an orientation even if a helical microstructure was confirmed by IR spectroscopy. The coil solvent TFA delivered constantly a helical or a β-sheet structure in the solid state depending on the water content of the solvent which was observed for the first time to exhibit a high influence on the crystallization process for PLGA. Temperature dependent in-situ IR measurements were examined to analyze if a helix-coil transition occurs, but there could be no solvent system determined, which resulted in a disordered coil structure in the solid state. General parameters like solvent systems, evaporation conditions, concentration, substrates etc. were analyzed. New crystallizations were obtained on silica prepared by drop-casting of solutions of PLGA in DMF, DMA, TMU, NMP, and pyridine/water mixtures, respectively. PSCBC in DMF, CDCl3/TFA-d, and PSBC in CDCl3/TFA-d exhibited the same crystalline diffraction patterns like PLGA. The long range order in the X-ray diffraction pattern is proven by extremely sharp crystalline signals, which are not changing the shape or the position of the peak by increasing the temperature up to 160°C. The substrate seems to play a decisive role because the crystalline structures were not obtainable on glass. The crystal structure consists probably of two different layered structures based on the intensity ratios of the two series of crystalline signals in the X-ray diffraction patterns. The source of the layered structure remains unclear and needs further studies to investigate the spatial arrangement of the chains in more detail. The secondary structure was still not changing upon heating even if a highly crystalline diffraction pattern occurs. Concluding that even the newly investigated crystallization did not show a helix-coil transition in the solid state by annealing, the phenomenon known in solution has to be claimed as unachievable in the solid state based on the results of this work. A remaining open question represents the observation that the same crystalline pattern can be reproducibly prepared with exhibiting two different ordered secondary structures (helix and β-sheet). After the investigation that the evaporation time cannot be decisive for the crystal growth, the choice of a strong hydrogen bonding interrupting solvent is most probably the key to support and induce the crystallization process.
The aim of this thesis was to design, synthesize and develop a nanoparticle based system to be used as a chemosensor or as a label in bioanalytical applications. A versatile fluorescent functionalizable nanoarchitecture has been effectively produced based on the hydrolysis and condensation of TEOS in direct micelles of Pluronic® F 127, obtaining highly monodisperse silica - core / PEG - shell nanoparticles with a diameter of about 20 nm. Surface functionalized nanoparticles have been obtained in a one-pot procedure by chemical modification of the hydroxyl terminal groups of the surfactant. To make them fluorescent, a whole library of triethoxysilane fluorophores (mainly BODIPY based), encompassing the whole visible spectrum has been synthesized: this derivatization allows a high degree of doping, but the close proximity of the molecules inside the silica matrix leads to the development of self - quenching processes at high doping levels, with the concomitant fall of the fluorescence signal intensity. In order to bypass this parasite phenomenon, multichromophoric systems have been prepared, where highly efficient FRET processes occur, showing that this energy pathway is faster than self - quenching, recovering the fluorescence signal. The FRET efficiency remains very high even four dye nanoparticles, increasing the pseudo Stokes shift of the system, attractive feature for multiplexing analysis. These optimized nanoparticles have been successfully exploited in molecular imaging applications such as in vitro, in vivo and ex vivo imaging, proving themselves superior to conventional molecular fluorophores as signaling units.
Nel presente lavoro di tesi magistrale sono stati depositati e caratterizzati film sottili (circa 10 nm) di silicio amorfo idrogenato (a-Si:H), studiando in particolare leghe a basso contenuto di ossigeno e carbonio. Tali layer andranno ad essere implementati come strati di passivazione per wafer di Si monocristallino in celle solari ad eterogiunzione HIT (heterojunctions with intrinsic thin layer), con le quali recentemente è stato raggiunto il record di efficienza pari a 24.7% . La deposizione è avvenuta mediante PECVD (plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition). Tecniche di spettroscopia ottica, come FT-IR (Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy) e SE (spettroscopic ellipsometry) sono state utilizzate per analizzare le configurazioni di legami eteronucleari (Si-H, Si-O, Si-C) e le proprietà strutturali dei film sottili: un nuovo metodo è stato implementato per calcolare i contenuti atomici di H, O e C da misure ottiche. In tal modo è stato possibile osservare come una bassa incorporazione (< 10%) di ossigeno e carbonio sia sufficiente ad aumentare la porosità ed il grado di disordine a lungo raggio del materiale: relativamente a quest’ultimo aspetto, è stata sviluppata una nuova tecnica per determinare dagli spettri ellisometrici l’energia di Urbach, che esprime la coda esponenziale interna al gap in semiconduttori amorfi e fornisce una stima degli stati elettronici in presenza di disordine reticolare. Nella seconda parte della tesi sono stati sviluppati esperimenti di annealing isocrono, in modo da studiare i processi di cristallizzazione e di effusione dell’idrogeno, correlandoli con la degradazione delle proprietà optoelettroniche. L’analisi dei differenti risultati ottenuti studiando queste particolari leghe (a-SiOx e a-SiCy) ha permesso di concludere che solo con una bassa percentuale di ossigeno o carbonio, i.e. < 3.5 %, è possibile migliorare la risposta termica dello specifico layer, ritardando i fenomeni di degradazione di circa 50°C.
Five different methods were critically examined to characterize the pore structure of the silica monoliths. The mesopore characterization was performed using: a) the classical BJH method of nitrogen sorption data, which showed overestimated values in the mesopore distribution and was improved by using the NLDFT method, b) the ISEC method implementing the PPM and PNM models, which were especially developed for monolithic silicas, that contrary to the particulate supports, demonstrate the two inflection points in the ISEC curve, enabling the calculation of pore connectivity, a measure for the mass transfer kinetics in the mesopore network, c) the mercury porosimetry using a new recommended mercury contact angle values. rnThe results of the characterization of mesopores of monolithic silica columns by the three methods indicated that all methods were useful with respect to the pore size distribution by volume, but only the ISEC method with implemented PPM and PNM models gave the average pore size and distribution based on the number average and the pore connectivity values.rnThe characterization of the flow-through pore was performed by two different methods: a) the mercury porosimetry, which was used not only for average flow-through pore value estimation, but also the assessment of entrapment. It was found that the mass transfer from the flow-through pores to mesopores was not hindered in case of small sized flow-through pores with a narrow distribution, b) the liquid penetration where the average flow-through pore values were obtained via existing equations and improved by the additional methods developed according to Hagen-Poiseuille rules. The result was that not the flow-through pore size influences the column bock pressure, but the surface area to volume ratio of silica skeleton is most decisive. Thus the monolith with lowest ratio values will be the most permeable. rnThe flow-through pore characterization results obtained by mercury porosimetry and liquid permeability were compared with the ones from imaging and image analysis. All named methods enable a reliable characterization of the flow-through pore diameters for the monolithic silica columns, but special care should be taken about the chosen theoretical model.rnThe measured pore characterization parameters were then linked with the mass transfer properties of monolithic silica columns. As indicated by the ISEC results, no restrictions in mass transfer resistance were noticed in mesopores due to their high connectivity. The mercury porosimetry results also gave evidence that no restrictions occur for mass transfer from flow-through pores to mesopores in the small scaled silica monoliths with narrow distribution. rnThe prediction of the optimum regimes of the pore structural parameters for the given target parameters in HPLC separations was performed. It was found that a low mass transfer resistance in the mesopore volume is achieved when the nominal diameter of the number average size distribution of the mesopores is appr. an order of magnitude larger that the molecular radius of the analyte. The effective diffusion coefficient of an analyte molecule in the mesopore volume is strongly dependent on the value of the nominal pore diameter of the number averaged pore size distribution. The mesopore size has to be adapted to the molecular size of the analyte, in particular for peptides and proteins. rnThe study on flow-through pores of silica monoliths demonstrated that the surface to volume of the skeletons ratio and external porosity are decisive for the column efficiency. The latter is independent from the flow-through pore diameter. The flow-through pore characteristics by direct and indirect approaches were assessed and theoretical column efficiency curves were derived. The study showed that next to the surface to volume ratio, the total porosity and its distribution of the flow-through pores and mesopores have a substantial effect on the column plate number, especially as the extent of adsorption increases. The column efficiency is increasing with decreasing flow through pore diameter, decreasing with external porosity, and increasing with total porosity. Though this tendency has a limit due to heterogeneity of the studied monolithic samples. We found that the maximum efficiency of the studied monolithic research columns could be reached at a skeleton diameter of ~ 0.5 µm. Furthermore when the intention is to maximize the column efficiency, more homogeneous monoliths should be prepared.rn
Organic semiconductors with the unique combination of electronic and mechanical properties may offer cost-effective ways of realizing many electronic applications, e.g. large-area flexible displays, printed integrated circuits and plastic solar cells. In order to facilitate the rational compound design of organic semiconductors, it is essential to understand relevant physical properties e.g. charge transport. This, however, is not straightforward, since physical models operating on different time and length scales need to be combined. First, the material morphology has to be known at an atomistic scale. For this atomistic molecular dynamics simulations can be employed, provided that an atomistic force field is available. Otherwise it has to be developed based on the existing force fields and first principle calculations. However, atomistic simulations are typically limited to the nanometer length- and nanosecond time-scales. To overcome these limitations, systematic coarse-graining techniques can be used. In the first part of this thesis, it is demonstrated how a force field can be parameterized for a typical organic molecule. Then different coarse-graining approaches are introduced together with the analysis of their advantages and problems. When atomistic morphology is available, charge transport can be studied by combining the high-temperature Marcus theory with kinetic Monte Carlo simulations. The approach is applied to the hole transport in amorphous films of tris(8-hydroxyquinoline)aluminium (Alq3). First the influence of the force field parameters and the corresponding morphological changes on charge transport is studied. It is shown that the energetic disorder plays an important role for amorphous Alq3, defining charge carrier dynamics. Its spatial correlations govern the Poole-Frenkel behavior of the charge carrier mobility. It is found that hole transport is dispersive for system sizes accessible to simulations, meaning that calculated mobilities depend strongly on the system size. A method for extrapolating calculated mobilities to the infinite system size is proposed, allowing direct comparison of simulation results and time-of-flight experiments. The extracted value of the nondispersive hole mobility and its electric field dependence for amorphous Alq3 agree well with the experimental results.
The main aim of this work was the synthesis and applications of functionalized-silica-supported gold nanoparticles. The silica-anchored functionalities employed, e.g. amine, alkynyl carbamate and sulfide moieties, possess a notable affinity with gold, so that they could be able to capture the gold precursor, to spontaneously reduce it (possibly at room temperature), and to stabilize the resulting gold nanoparticles. These new materials, potentially suitable for heterogeneous catalysis applications, could represent a breakthrough among the “green” synthesis of supported gold nanoparticles, since they would circumvent the addition of extra reducing agent and stabilizers, also allowing concomitant absorption of the active catalyst particles on the support immediately after spontaneous formation of gold nanoparticles. In chapter 4 of this thesis is also presented the work developed during a seven-months Marco Polo fellowship stay at the University of Lille (France), regarding nanoparticles nucleation and growth inside a microfluidic system and the study of the corresponding mechanism by in situ XANES spectroscopy. Finally, studies regarding the reparation and reactivity of gold decorated nanodiamonds are also described. Various methods of characterization have been used, such as ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy (UV-Vis), Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM), Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS), X-ray Fluorescence (XRF), Field Emission Gun Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM-FEG), X-ray Photoionization (XPS), X ray Absorption Spectroscopy (XAS).
Die technische Silikatproduktion erfordert in der Regel hohe Temperaturen und extreme pH-Werte. In der Natur hingegen haben insbesondere Kieselschwämme die außergewöhnliche Fähigkeit, ihr Silikatskelett, das aus einzelnen sogenannten Spiculae besteht, enzymatisch mittels des Proteins Silicatein zu synthetisieren. rnIm Inneren der Spiculae, im zentralen Kanal, befindet sich das Axialfilament, welches hauptsächlich aus Silicatein-α aufgebaut ist. Mittels Antikörperfärbungen und Elektronenmikroskopischen Analysen konnte festgestellt werden, dass Silicatein in mit Kieselsäure-gefüllten Zellorganellen (silicasomes) nachzuweisen ist. Mittels dieser Vakuolen kann das Enzym und die Kieselsäure aus der Zelle zu den Spiculae im extrazellulären Raum befördert werden, wo diese ihre endgültige Länge und Dicke erreichen. Zum ersten Mal konnte nachgewiesen werden, dass rekombinant hergestelltes Silicatein-α sowohl als Siliciumdioxid-Polymerase als auch Siliciumdioxid-Esterase wirkt. Mittels Massenspektroskopie konnte die enzymatische Polymerisation von Kieselsäure nachverfolgt werden. Durch Spaltung der Esterbindung des künstlichen Substrates Bis(p-aminophenoxy)-dimethylsilan war es möglich kinetische Parameter der Siliciumdioxid-Esterase-Aktivität des rekombinanten Silicateins zu ermitteln.rnZu den größten biogenen Silikatstukuren auf der Erde gehören die Kieselnadeln der Schwammklasse Hexactinellida. Nadelextrakte aus den Schwammklassen Demospongien (S. domuncula) und Hexactinellida (M. chuni) wurden miteinander verglichen um die potentielle Existenz von Silicatein oder Silicatein-ähnliche Molekülen und die dazu gehörige proteolytischen Aktivität nachzuweisen. Biochemische Analysen zeigten, dass das 27 kDA große isolierte Polypeptid in Monoraphis mehrere gemeinsame Merkmale mit den Silicateinen der Demospongien teilt. Dazu gehören die Größe und die Proteinase-Aktivität. rnUm die Frage zu klären, ob das axiale Filament selbst zur Formbildung der Skelettelemente beiträgt, wurde ein neues mildes Extraktionsverfahren eingeführt. Dieses Verfahren ermöglichte die Solubilisierung des nativen Silicateins aus den Spiculae. Die isolierten Silicateine lagen als Monomere (24 kDa) vor, die Dimere durch nicht-kovalente Bindungen ausbildeten. Darüber hinaus konnten durch PAGE-Gelelektrophorese Tetramere (95 kDa) und Hexamere (135 kDa) nachgewiesen werden. Die Monomere zeigten eine beträchtliche proteolytische Aktivität, die sich während der Polymerisationsphase des Proteins weiter erhöhte. Mit Hilfe der Lichtmikroskopie und Elektronenmikroskopie (TEM) konnte die Assemblierung der Proteine zu filamentartigen Strukturen gezeigt werden. Die Selbstorganisation der Silicatein-α-Monomeren scheint eine Basis für Form- und Musterbildung der wachsenden Nadeln zu bilden.rn Um die Rolle des kürzlich entdeckten Proteins Silintaphin-1, ein starker Interaktionspartner des Silicatein-α, während der Biosilifizierung zu klären, wurden Assemblierungs-Experimente mit den rekombinanten Proteinen in vitro durchgeführt. Zusätzlich wurde deren Effekt auf die Biosilikatsynthese untersucht. Elektronenmikroskopische Analysen ergaben, dass rekombinantes Silicatein-α zufällig verteilte Aggregate bildet, während die Koinkubation beider Proteine (molekulares Verhältnis 4:1) über fraktal artige Strukturen zu Filamenten führt. Auch die enzymatische Aktivität der Silicatein-α-vermittelte Biosilikatsynthese erhöhte sich in Gegenwart von Silintaphin-1 um das 5,3-fache. rn
The aim of this thesis was to design, synthesize and characterize dye-doped silica nanoparticles (DDSNPs) to be used as chemosensors or labels in bioanalytical applications. DDSNPs represent one of the most versatile and useful components in nanomedicine displaying important features such as high colloid stability in water, low toxicity, one-pot inexpensive synthesis and tunable fluorescence emission. Starting from the one-pot and highly reproducible synthesis of “silica-core/PEG shell” DDSNPs based on the use of micelles of Pluronic F127, in which take place both hydrolysis and condensation of the silica precursor and of the dyes functionalized with a triethoxysilane group, we developed DDSNPs suitable for optical and optoacustic imaging, drug loading and chemical sensing obtaining very interesting results for the further development of nanomedicine.