941 resultados para Ácidos grasos poliinsaturados
Unidade 5
A terapia genética tem se revelado uma ferramenta potente na Medicina, na tentativa de revolucionar o tratamento de várias doenças hereditárias e adquiridas. A introdução de genes em células pretende a expressão estável e prolongada de proteínas com efeitos terapêuticos. O silenciamento de genes, através da terapia genética que faz uso de oligonucleótidos antisense, pequenos RNA de interferência (siRNA) ou ribozimas, visa o decréscimo ou anulação do funcionamento de um gene cuja expressão amplificada, por algum motivo, leva ao desenvolvimento de umapatologia. A internalização de material genético nas células, usualmente, carece de métodos e/ou sistemas de entrega (vectores). Estes podem pertencer a duas categorias, designadamente, métodos virais e métodos não-virais. O primeiro é considerado o mais eficiente, apresentando porém, sérias desvantagens como o risco de carcinogénese. A solução é a utilização de métodos não virais,que podem ser físicos ou químicos. O objectivo principal desta dissertação foi a utilização de dendrímeros para o silenciamento do gene da proteína fluorescente optimizada (EGFP) em células HeLa, previamente modificadas para expressarem esta proteína. Dendrímeros poli(amidoamina) geração 5 (PAMAM G5) modificados com 4 ou 8 moléculas de ácidos gordos de diferentes comprimentos foram complexados com oligonucleótidos antisense. A vantagem que estes apresentam em relação aos dendrímeros nativos é que são capazes de interagir com os lípidos da membrana celular, esperando-se, por isso, uma melhor eficiência de transfecção e efeitos antisense. Isto foi efectivamente verificado, sendo que o nível de silenciamento do gene da EGFP obtido, está directamente relacionado com o aumento da razão NP, o número e o comprimento das cadeias hidrofóbicas. O silencimento de genes tem sofrido grandes avanços, havendo actualmente uma série de ensaios clínicos para a sua utilização no tratamento de doenças como cancros de origem hereditária ou viral, prevendo-se que venha para ficar, juntamente com o silenciamento mediado por siRNA.
Com a realização deste trabalho, pretendeu-se traçar o perfil padrão da composição volátil típico de fluidos biológicos (urina) de indivíduos sem patologia oncológica (grupo de controlo) comparando-os com os de pacientes (grupo com patologia oncológica). As amostras de urina de ambos os grupos foram analisadas por microextracção em fase sólida em modo de headspace acoplada à espectrometria de massa (HS-SPME-GC/qMS). Com o intuito de aumentar a eficiência de extracção da SPME, foram optimizados alguns parâmetros com influência no processo extractivo, nomeadamente o tipo de fibra, o tempo e a temperatura de extracção. Assim sendo, foram testadas e comparadas seis fibras comercialmente disponíveis, polidimetilsiloxano (PDMS, 100 m), poliacrilato (PA, 85 m), carboxeno-polidimetilsiloxano (CAR/PDMS, 75 m), carbowax-divinilbenzeno (CW/DVB, 65 m), divinilbenzeno-carboxen-polidimetilsiloxano (DVB/CAR/PDMS, 50/30 m) e polidimetilsiloxano-divinilbenzeno (PDMS/DVB, 65 m). A influência do tempo (30, 45, 60 e 75 min) e temperatura (30, 50 e 60 ºC) de extracção foram optimizados de modo a obter uma melhor eficiência de extracção dos compostos voláteis presentes nas amostras de urina. Os melhores resultados foram obtidos usando a fibra carboxeno-polidimetilsiloxano (CAR/PDMS, 75 m), com uma velocidade de agitação de 800 rpm durante 75 min a uma temperatura de 50 ºC. Para os dois grupos em estudo, foram identificados 80 compostos voláteis pertencentes a diversas famílias químicas, nomeadamente, aldeídos, cetonas, derivados benzénicos, compostos terpénicos, ácidos orgânicos, compostos furânicos, compostos sulfurados, fenóis voláteis, ésteres, álcoois superiores e derivados do naftaleno. Os compostos maioritários pertencentes aos grupos analisados foram a 4-heptanona, a 2-pentanona, a acetona, a 2-butanona, o 1(2- furanil)etanona, o 3-metil-3-fenil-2-propenal, o 3,4-dimetilbenzaldeído, o decanal, o dissulfureto de dimetilo, o metanotiol, o 2-metoxitiofeno, o 4-metil-fenol, o p-tert-butil-fenol, o 2,4-bis(1,1- dimetiletil)fenol, o fenol, o m-cimeno, o p-cimeno, o tolueno, o 1-etil-3,5-diisopropilbenzeno, o 2,6-dimetil-7-octen-2-ol, a D-carvona, o vitispirano I e o vitispirano II. O teste One-Way ANOVA foi aplicado aos resultados com o intuito de verificar se existiam diferenças significativas entre os grupos avaliados (Controlo e Oncológico), sendo o dissulfureto de dimetilo, o 2-metoxitiofeno, e o p-cimeno estatisticamente significativos. A aplicação da análise multivariável às amostras de urina das diferentes patologias permitiu diferenciá-las no qual se obteve 81,02% da variância total.A aplicação da análise multivariável às amostras de urina das diferentes patologias permitiu diferenciá-las no qual se obteve 81,02% da variância total. A patologia de Hodgkin é influenciada pelas variáveis heptanal e o 2-metil-3-fenil-2-propenal. O Controlo é afectado essencialmente pelas variáveis p-cimeno, 1,4,5-trimetilnaftaleno e o dissulfureto de dimetilo. O Cólon é influenciado pelo 4-metilfenol, anisole e 1,2-dihidro-1,1,6-trimetil-naftaleno. O 1-octanol e a 3-heptanona influenciam, essencialmente as patologias da Mama e Leucemia.
As reações de esterificação do glicerol com ésteres de ácidos gordos, na presença de catalisador originam monoglicéridos que possuem inúmeras aplicações em diversas indústrias e são emulsionantes e antibacterianos. Para a produção dos monoglicéridos, nomeadamente a monolaurina, recorreu-se à utilização de catalisadores heterogéneos de características básicas, após modificação de uma bentonita recolhida na Serra de Dentro (SD), Ilha do Porto Santo e de uma argila comercial, a K10. Estas argilas foram modificadas recorrendo a uma solução de hidróxido de lítio, e posteriormente calcinadas a diferentes temperaturas, 350, 450, 550 e 650ºC. Todas as argilas foram posteriormente caracterizadas recorrendo à difração de raios X, aos indicadores de Hammett, à titulação potenciométrica e à espectroscopia de infravermelho que confirmaram o carácter básico dos materiais produzidos. Os produtos de reação foram analisados e quantificados por cromatografia gasosa. A caracterização dos catalisadores demonstra que temperaturas de calcinação superiores a 450ºC provocam uma diminuição da força da base devido à excessiva perda de água resultante da calcinação. A produção de monolaurina é maior quando ocorre a reação do glicerol com o laurato de metilo na presença de argilas baseadas na SD, em particular o material calcinado a 450ºC como catalisador (rendimento em monolaurina de 43%). Não se detetaram outros produtos reacionais, mas a sua formação não é de excluir. Para a minimização da produção potencial de subprodutos, testou-se, também, uma reação de acetalização do glicerol com acetona originando o composto solketal. Os resultados desta reação, apesar de indiciarem uma elevada seletividade para o produto pretendido, não foram elucidativos em termos de ordenamento dos catalisadores em termos de atividade catalítica. Posteriormente fez-se uma tentativa de reação do solketal com o laurato de metilo na presença de catalisador heterogéneo básico de argila, não se tendo observado atividade catalítica.
A hidroponia é uma técnica poderosa na utilização eficiente dos recursos agrícolas, pois permite um ganho quer na produtividade, quer na qualidade do fruto. Atualmente os sistemas hidropónicos utilizados em plantas de médio porte não são os mais adequados, sendo esta uma área a explorar. Neste trabalho criou-se um novo sistema hidropónico (Deep Large Flow Technique- DLFT) para aplicação a plantas de médio porte e avaliou-se o seu impacto no crescimento, produtividade, biomassa e qualidade do tomate cereja (Solanum lycopersicum var. Moscatel RZ). O sistema de cultivo tradicional (solo) e semi-hidropónico (suporte com fibra de coco) serviram como base de comparação. Observou-se que após 31 dias as plantas cultivadas no novo sistema hidropónico obtiveram um crescimento acentuado, apresentando 3x mais frutos. Em termos de produtividade, os sistemas hidropónicos foram iguais, sendo o sistema tradicional 4x inferior. O total de biomassa foi significativamente maior no novo sistema hidropónico, com mais 20% e 88% que o sistema semi-hidropónico e tradicional, respetivamente. As plantas produzidas no sistema DLFT apresentaram frutos com qualidade superior, com um rácio de monossacarídeos/acidez de 6,6 mg/g. O conteúdo total de ácidos gordos nos frutos cultivados com este sistema foi 39% e 44% superior aos do semihidropónico e do tradicional. Contrariamente, o conteúdo de flavonóides foi inferior nos frutos cultivados com o novo sistema hidropónico, tendo os frutos do sistema tradicional e do sistema semi-hidropónico 40% e 10% maior teor desta família de compostos. Os resultados obtidos neste estudo demonstram que a utilização do novo sistema hidropónico na produção de plantas de médio porte, aumenta o crescimento, a acumulação de biomassa e a qualidade do fruto. Assim, permite ao produtor reduzir os custos, rentabilizar a produção (menor tempo de produção), valorizar a biomassa da planta e aumentar a qualidade do produto. Também, através dos teores de carotenóides, ácidos gordos e polifenóis poderá inferir-se que ocorreu um menor impato dos stressses abióticos subjacentes aos sistemas nas plantas produzidas pelo sistema DLFT.
A colite de derivação fecal (CD) é um processo inflamatório que ocorre no segmento colorretal desfuncionalizado, após uma cirurgia de desvio do trânsito intestinal. As principais características dessa entidade clínica são: apresenta-se na desfuncionalização do cólon ou reto; não há doença inflamatória intestinal preexistente; nunca acomete o sítio proximal à colostomia e ocorre resolução do processo após a restauração do trânsito intestinal. Diversas são as hipóteses postuladas para explicar o seu aparecimento; todavia, a deficiência nutricional do epitélio colônico, pela ausência dos ácidos graxos de cadeia curta (AGCC), no segmento desfuncionalizado, é a mais aceita na atualidade. Os autores fazem uma revisão da literatura enfocando os aspectos clínicos, histopatológicos e terapêuticos desta doença
The alginic acid or alginates are acidic polysaccharides found in brown seaweed widely used in food, cosmetic, medical and pharmaceutical industry. This paper proposes the extraction, chemical characterization and verification of the pharmacological activities of brown seaweed variegata Lobophora . The alginate was extracted from the seaweed Lobophora variegata and part was sulphated for comparative purposes. The native extract showed 42% total sugar, 65% uronic acid, 0,36 % protein and 0% of sulfate, while the sulfate showed 39% , 60%, 0.36% and 27,92 % respectively. The presence of a sulfate group may be observed by the metachromasia with toluidine blue in electrophoresis system and characteristic vibration 1262,34 cm-1 in infrared spectroscopy connections assigned to S = O. We observed the formation of films and beads of native alginate, where more concentrated solution 6% resulted in a thicker and more consistent film. Native alginate showed proliferative activity at concentrations (25 and 50 mcg), (50 mg) and (100 mg) in 3T3 cell line in 24h, 48h and 72h, respectively , as the sulfated (100 mg) in 24 . Also showed antiproliferative or cytotoxic activity in HeLa cells of strain, (25 and 100 mg), (25 and 100 mg) and (25, 50 and 100 mg), to native, now for the sulfate concentrations (100 mg) in 24 (25, 50 and 100 mg) in 48 hours, and (50 and 100 mg ) 72h. For their antioxidant activity, the sulfated alginates have better total antioxidant activity reaching 29 % of the native activity while 7.5 % of activity . For the hydroxyl radical AS showed high inhibition ( between 77-83 % ) in concentrations, but the AN surpassed these numbers in the order of 78-92 % inhibition. The reducing power of AN and AS ranged between 39-82 % . In the method of ferric chelation NA reached 100 % chelating while the AS remained at a plateau oscillating 6.5%. However, in this study , we found alginates with promising pharmacological activities, to use in various industries as an antioxidant / anti-tumor compound
The β-proteobacterium Chromobacterium violaceum is a Gram-negative, free-living, saprophytic and opportunistic pathogen that inhabits tropical and subtropical ecosystems among them, in soil and water of the Amazon. It has great biotechnological potential, and because of this potential, its genome was completely sequenced in 2003. Genome analysis showed that this bacterium has several genes with functions related to the ability to survive under different kinds of environmental stresses. In order to understand the physiological response of C. violaceum under oxidative stress, we applied the tool of shotgun proteomics. Thus, colonies of C. violaceum ATCC 12472 were grown in the presence and absence of 8 mM H2O2 for two hours, total proteins were extracted from bacteria, subjected to SDS-PAGE, stained and hydrolysed. The tryptic peptides generated were subjected to a linear-liquid chromatography (LC) followed by mass spectrometer (LTQ-XL-Orbitrap) to obtain quantitative and qualitative data. A shotgun proteomics allows to compare directly in complex samples, differential expression of proteins and found that in C. Violaceum, 131 proteins are expressed exclusively in the control condition, 177 proteins began to be expressed under oxidative stress and 1175 proteins have expression in both conditions. The results showed that, under the condition of oxidative stress, this bacterium changes its metabolism by increasing the expression of proteins capable of combating oxidative stress and decreasing the expression of proteins related processes bacterial growth and catabolism (transcription, translation, carbon metabolism and fatty acids). A tool with of proteomics as an approach of integrative biology provided an overview of the metabolic pathways involved in the response of C. violaceum to oxidative stress, as well as significantly amplified understanding physiological response to environmental stress. Biochemical and "in silico" assays with the hypothetical ORF CV_0868 found that this is part of an operon. Phylogenetic analysis of superoxide dismutase, protein belonging to the operon also showed that the gene is duplicated in genome of C. violaceum and the second copy was acquired through a horizontal transfer event. Possibly, not only the SOD gene but also all genes comprising this operon were obtained in the same manner. It was concluded that C. violaceum has complex, efficient and versatile mechanisms in oxidative stress response
Natural nanoclays are of great interest particularly for the production of polymer-based nanocomposites. In this work, kaolinite clays from two natural deposits in the State of the Rio Grande do Norte and Paraiba were purified with thermal treatment and chemical treatments, and characterized. Front to the gotten data, had been proposals methodologies for elimination or reduction of coarse particle texts, oxide of iron and organic substance. These methodologies had consisted of the combination of operations with thermal treatments, carried through in electric oven, and acid chemical attacks with and hydrogen peroxide. The Analyzers Thermogravimetric was used to examine the thermal stability of the nanoclays. The analysis indicated weight losses at temperatures under 110 ºC and over the temperature range of 350 to 550 ºC. Based on the thermal analysis data, the samples were submitted to a thermal treatment at 500 °C, for 8 h, to remove organic components. The X-ray diffraction patterns indicated that thermal treatment under 500 °C affect the basic structure of kaolinite. The BET surface area measurements ranged from 32 to 38 m2/g for clay samples with thermal treatment and from 36 to 53 m2/g for chemically treated samples. Thus, although the thermal treatment increased the surface area, through the removal of organic components, the effect was not significant and chemical treatment is more efficient, not affect the basic structure of kaolinite, to improve particle dispersion. SEM analysis confirms that the clay is agglomerated forming micron-size particles
heterogeneous catalyst such as a silicoaluminophosphate, molecular sieve with AEL (Aluminophosphate eleven) structure such as SAPO-11, was synthesized through the hydrothermal method starting from silica, pseudoboehmite, orthophosphoric acid (85%) and water, in the presence of a di-isopropylamine organic template. For the preparation of SAPO-11 in a dry basis it was used as reactants: DIPA; H3PO4; SiO4; Pseudoboehmite and distilled water. The crystallization process occurred when the reactive hydrogel was charged into a vessel and autoclaved at 200ºC for a period of 72 hours under autogeneous pressure. The obtained material was washed, dried and calcined to remove the molecular sieves of DIPA. The samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), nitrogen adsorption (BET) and thermal analysis (TG/DTG). The acidic properties were determined using adsorption of nbutylamine followed by programmed thermodessorption. This method revealed that SAPO-11 shows an acidity that ranges from weak to moderate. However, a small quantity of strong acid sites could be detected there. The deactivation of the catalysts was conducted by artificial coking followed by the cracking of the n-hexane in a fixed bed with a continuous flow micro-reactor coupled on line to a gas chromatograph. The main products obtained were: ethane, propane, isobutene, n-butane, n-pentane and isopentane. The Vyazovkin (model-free) kinetics method was used to determine the regeneration and removal of the coke
Portland-polymers composites are promising candidates to be used as cementing material in Northeastern oil wells of Brazil containing heavy oils submitted to steam injection. In this way, it is necessary to evaluate its degradation in the commonly acidizind agents. In addition, to identify how aggressive are the different hostile environments it is an important contribution on the decision of the acidic systems to be used in. It was investigated the performance of the Portland-polymer composites using powdered polyurethane, aqueous polyurethane, rubber tire residues and a biopolymer, those were reinforced with polished carbon steel SAE 1045 to make the electrochemical measurements. HCl 15,0 %, HCl 6,0 % + HF 1,5 % (soft mud acid), HCl 12,0 % + HF 3,0 % (regular mud acid) and HAc 10 % + HF 1,5 % were used as degrading environment and electrolytes. The more aggressive acid solution to the plain Portland hardened cement paste was the regular mud acid, that showed loss of weight around 23.0 %, followed by the soft mud acid, the showed 11.0 %, 15.0 % HCl with 7,0 % and, at last the 10.0 % HAc plus HF 1.5 % with just 1.0 %. The powdered polyurethane-composite and the aqueous polyurethane one showed larger durability, with reduction around 87.0 % on the loss of weight in regular mud acid. The acid attack is superficial and it occurs as an action layer, where the degraded layer is responsible for the decrease on the kinetic of the degrading process. This behavior can be seen mainly on the Portland- aqueous polyurethane composite, because the degraded layer is impregnated with chemically modified polymer. The fact of the acid attack does not have influence on the compressive strength or fratography of the samples, in a general way, confirms that theory. The mechanism of the efficiency of the Portland-polymers composites subjected to acid attack is due to decreased porosity and permeability related with the plain Portland paste, minor quantity of Ca+2, element preferentially leached to the acidic solution, wave effect and to substitute part of the degrading bulk for the polymeric one. The electrolyte HAc 10 % + HF 1,5 % was the least aggressive one to the external corrosion of the casing, showing open circuit potentials around +250 mV compared to -130 mV to the simulated pore solution to the first 24 hours immersion. This behavior has been performed for two months at least. Similar corrosion rates were showed between both of the electrolytes, around 0.01 μA.cm-2. Total impedance values, insipient arcs and big polarization resistance capacitive arcs on the Nyquist plots, indicating passivity process, confirm its efficiency. In this way, Portlandpolymers composites are possible solutions to be succeed applied to oilwell cementing concomitant submitted to steam injection and acidizing operation and the HAc 10,0 % + HF 1,5 % is the less aggressive solution to the external corrosion of the casing
Biodiesel is a fuel obtained from vegetable oils, such as soy, castorbean, among others. The monoester of fatty acid of these oils have chains with mono, di and tri double connections. The presence of these insaturations are susceptible to oxidization. Antioxidants are substances able to prevent oxidization from oils, fats, fat foods, as well as esters of Alquila( biodiesel). The objective of this work is to summarize a new antioxidant from the Cashew Nut Shell Liquid (CNSL) using the electrolysis technique. A current of 2 amperes was used in a single cell of only one group and two eletrodos of stainless steel 304 in a solution of methanol, together with the eletrolits: acetic acid, sodium chloride and sodium hydroxide, for two hours of agitation. The electrolysis products are characterized by the techniques of cromatography in a thin layer, spectroscopy of infrared and gravimetric analysis. The material was submitted to tests of oxidative stability made by the techniques of spectropy of impendancy and Rancimat (EN 14112). The analyses of characterization suggest that the polimerization of the electrolytic material ocurred. The application results of these materials as antioxidants of soy biodiesel showed that the order of the oxidative stability was obtained by both techniques used
Different types of heterogeneous catalysts of the silicoaluminophosphate type, (SAPO-5, SAPO-11, SAPO-31, SAPO-34 and SAPO-41), molecular sieves with a: AFI, AEL, ATO, CHA and AFO structure, respectively, were synthesized through the hydrothermal method. Using sources such as hydrated alumina (pseudobohemita), phosphoric acid, silica gel, water, as well as, different types of organic structural templates, such as: cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTMABr), di-isopropylamine (DIPA), di-n- propylamine (DNPA) and tetraethylammonium hydroxide (TEOS), for the respective samples. During the preparation of the silicoaluminophosphates, the crystallization process of the samples occurred at a temperature of approximately 200 ° C, ranging through periods of 18-72 h, when it was possible to obtain pure phases for the SAPOs. The materials were furthermore washed with deionized water, dried and calcined to remove the molecules of the templates. Subsequently the samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), absorption spectroscopy in the infrared region (FT-IR), specific surface area and thermal analysis via TG/DTG. The acidic properties were determined using adsorption of n-butylamine followed by programmed termodessorption. These methods revealed that the SAPO samples showed a typically weak to moderate acidity. However, a small amount of strong acid sites was also detected. The deactivation of the catalysts was conducted by artificially coking the samples, followed by n-hexane cracking reactions in a fixed bed with a continuous flow micro-reactor coupled on line to a gas chromatograph. The main products obtained were: ethane, propane, isobutene, n-butane, n-pentane and isopentane. The Vyazovkin (model-free) kinetics method was used to determine the catalysts regeneration and removal of the coke
In recent years, the area of advanced materials has been considerably, especially when it comes to materials for industrial use, such as is the case with structured porosity of catalysts suitable for catalytic processes. The use of catalysts combined with the fast pyrolysis process is an alternative to the oxygenate production of high added value, because, in addition to increasing the yield and quality of products, allows you to manipulate the selectivity to a product of interest, and therefore allows greater control over the characteristics of the final product. Based on these arguments, in this work were prepared titanium catalysts supported on MCM-41 for use in catalytic pyrolysis of biomass, called elephant grass. The reactions of pyrolysis of biomass were performed in a micro pyrolyzer, Py-5200, coupled to GC / MS, the company CDS Corporation, headquartered in the United States. The catalysts Ti-MCM-41 in different molar ratios were characterized by XRD, TG / DTG, FT-IR, SEM, XRF, UV-visible adsorption of nitrogen and the distribution of particle diameter and specific surface area measurement by the BET method. From the catalytic tests it was observed that the catalysts synthesized showed good results for the pyrolysis reaction.The main products were obtained a higher yield of aldehydes, ketones and furan. It was observed that the best reactivity is a direct function of the ratio Si/Ti, nature and concentration of the active species on mesoporous supports. Among the catalysts Ti-MCM-41 (molar ratio Si / Ti = 25 and 50), the ratio Si / Ti = 25 (400 ° C and 600 ° C) favored the cracking of oxygenates such as acids , aldehydes, ketones, furans and esters. Already the sample ratio Si / Ti = 50 had the highest yield of aromatic oxygenates
A polyester film has a vast application field, due some properties that are inherent of this kind of material such as, good mechanical resistance, chemical resistance to acids and bases and low production cost. However, this material has some limitations as low superficial tension, flat surface, low affinity to dyers, and poor adhesion which impede the use of the same ones for some finality as good wettability. Among the existent techniques to increase the superficial tension, plasma as energy source is the more promising technique, because of their versatility and for not polluting the environment. The plasma surface polymeric modification has been used for many researchers, because it does not affect the environment with toxic agents, the alterations remains only at nanometric layers and this technique shows expressive results. Then, due to its good acceptance, polyester films were treated with oxygen plasma varying the treatment time from 10 to 60 min with an increase of 10 min to each subsequent treatment. Also, the samples were treated with a gas mixture (nitrogen + oxygen) varying the percentage of each gas the mixture from 0 to 100%, the treatment time remaining constant to all treatments (10 min). After plasma treatment the samples were characterized by contact angle, surface tension, Raman spectroscopy, Infrared attenuated total reflection (IR-ATR) and atomic force microscopy, with the aim to study the wettability increase of treated polyester films as its variables. In the (O2/N2) plasma treatment of polyester films can be observed an increase of superficial roughness superior to those treated by O2 plasma. By the other hand, the chemical modification through the implantation of polar groups at the surface is obtained more easily using O2 plasma treatment