952 resultados para ~(137)Cs


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Single crystals of K, Rb and Cs perchlorates have been grown by the counter diffusion of the respective ions and CIO4 through the gel medium. Studies on nucleation, growth kinetics, morphological aspects and purity are discussed in this paper. The dielectric constant, ~b, as well as loss measured along the longest axis, exhibits an anomaly at the transition temperature, Tt, in all the three crystals. It is found that the peak values of Tt are approximately 800, 100 and 53 in K, Rb and Cs perchlorates, respectively. The dielectric anomaly and the large value of c b in the cubic phase are discussed in terms of the degree of disorder of the CIO~ group and the possible contribution from defects.


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Tavanomaisten hammasröntgenlaitteiden säteilyannoksia valvotaan postitettavien testipakettien ja paikan päällä tehtävien tarkastusten avulla. Säteilyannoksen valvontaan käytetään termoluminesenssidosimetrejä (Thermoluminescence Dosimetry, TLD). Dosimetreissä on TL-materiaalista valmistettuja loistekiteitä, joihin absorboitunut säteilyenergia vapautuu valona materiaalia lämmitettäessä. Prosessissa vapautuvan valon intensiteetti on suoraan verrannollinen absorboituneeseen säteilyannokseen. TLD:llä mitataan rekisteröityjen intraoraalilaitteiden tuottamaa säteilyannosta potilaan posken kohdalla. Säteilyturvakeskus (STUK) ylläpitää rekisteriä ilmoitusvelvollisuuden alaisista hammasröntgenlaitteista. Nyt hammaslaiterekisteriä ollaan uudistamassa siten, että TLD-mittaustulosten käsittely ja annoslaskenta siirtyvät rekisteristä WinTLD-laskentaohjelmaan, jossa on kaikki tarvittavat parametrit annoksen laskemiseksi. Tässä työssä TLD-mittausjärjestelmän kalibrointituloksia analysoitiin vuosilta 1996-2011 ja määritettiin uudelleen laskennassa käytetty energiakorjauskerroin, joka on osa tulevaa WinTLD-konfigurointia. Mittauksissa tarvittavat standardisäteilylaadut (ISO H-laadut) pystytettiin osana työtä. Henkilödosimetrien suorituskykytestauksessa käytetään ISO N-säteilylaatuja. Mirion Technologies (RADOS) käyttää TLD-systeemiä henkilödosimetriassa, ja hammas-TLD on tämän järjestelmän sovellus potilasdosimetriaan. ISO H-laadut otettiin käyttöön, jotta dosimetrien vastetta voitiin ISO N-laatujen tapaan tutkia jatkuvana fotonienergian funktiona Cs-137 ja Co-60 gammasäteilylaatuihin asti ja koska niillä voitiin jäljitellä todellista kliinistä suodatusta. Energiakorjauskerroin kalibroinnissa käytettävän Co-gammasäteilyn ja intraoraalikuvauksissa käytettävän röntgensäteilyn välillä määritettiin uudelleen. Sen arvoksi (yksikkö mGy/mGy) saatiin ISO N-60-laadulla 0,671 ja ISO H-60-laadulla 0,677, jotka ovat numeerisesti hyvin lähellä aikaisemmin määritettyä kerrointa 0,679. Energiakorjauskertoimen epävarmuudeksi saatiin 3,5 % (2std) ja annosmittauksen epävarmuudeksi 7,8 %. Energiavasteiden perusteella dosimetreissä käytetty materiaali on kahdesta vaihtoehdosta MTS-N (LiF:Mg,Ti) eikä MCP-N (LiF:Mg,Cu,P). TLD-järjestelmää voidaan kehittää ja konfiguroida uusien tulosten perusteella, jolloin otetaan käyttöön muun muassa uudelleenmääritetty energiakorjauskerroin. ISO H-säteilylaadut otettiin 22.3.2011 virallisesti käyttöön STUKissa ja niitä käytetään dosimetritestauksessa tarvittaessa suuria annosnopeuksia ja annoksia.


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Layered perovskite oxides of the formula ACa~,La,Nb3-,Ti,010 (A = K, Rb, Cs and 0 < x d 2) have been prepared. The members adopt the structures of the parent ACazNb3010. Interlayer alkali cations in the niobium-titanium oxide series can be ion-exchanged with Li+, Na+, NH4+, or H+ to give new derivatives. Intercalation of the protonated derivatives with organic bases reveals that the Bronsted acidity of the solid solution series, HC~ ~ , L ~ ,N~ ~ , T ~ ,dOep~eOnd, s on the titanium content. While the x = 1 member (HCaLaNbzTiOlo) is nearly as acidic as the parent HCazNb3010, the x = 2 member (HLazNbTizOlo) is a weak acid hardly intercalating organic bases with pKa - 11.3. The variation of acidity is probably due to an ordering of Nb/Ti atoms in the triple octahedral perovskite slabs, [Ca~,La,Nb~,Ti,0~0], such that protons are attached to NbO6 octahedra in the x = 1 member and to Ti06 octahedra in the x = 2 member.


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Anion-deficient layered perovskite oxides of the formula, ACa2Nb3-xMxO10-x (A = Rb, Cs; M = Al, Fe) for 0 < x less-than-or-equal-to 1.0, possessing tetragonal structures similar to the parent ACa2Nb3O10, have been synthesized. The interlayer A cations in these materials are readily exchanged with protons in aqueous HNO3 to give the protonated derivatives, HCa2Nb3-xMxO10-x; the latter are solid Bronsted acids intercalating a number of organic amines including aniline (pK(a) = 4.63). The distribution of acid sites in the interlayer region of HCa2Nb2MO9 inferred from n-alkylamine intercalation suggests that oxygen vacancies and Nb/M atoms are disordered in the ACa2Nb2MO9 samples prepared at 1100-1200-degrees-C. Annealing a disordered sample of CsCa2Nb2AlO9 for a long time at lower temperatures tends to order the Nb/Al atoms and oxygen vacancies to produce octahedral (NbO6/2)-tetrahedral (AlO4/2)-octahedral (NbO6/2) layer sequence reminiscent of the brownmillerite structure.


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ChemInform is a weekly Abstracting Service, delivering concise information at a glance that was extracted from about 100 leading journals. To access a ChemInform Abstract of an article which was published elsewhere, please select a “Full Text” option. The original article is trackable via the “References” option.


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Cd(0.75)PS(3)A(0.5)(H2O)(y) [A = Na, K and Cs], synthesized by the ion-exchange intercalation reaction of the insulating layered CdPS3, exhibits interesting electrical properties. The electrical properties are strongly dependent on the extent of hydration of the alkali ion which resides in the interlamellar space. In the potassium and caesium ion-exchanged compounds, y = I, the lattice expansion is similar to 3 Angstrom and the electric response characteristic of a dielectric. In the as prepared A = Na compound, y = 2, the lattice expansion is 5.6 Angstrom, the compound is conducting with a DC conductance of 3 x 10(-5) S cm(-1) at 300 K. Cd0.75PS3Na0.5(H2O)(y), y = 2, on evacuation or on heating looses water, reversibly, to form a y = 1 phase with electrical properties similar to that of the K and Cs ion exchange intercalation compounds.


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We describe the synthesis and structural characterization of new layered bismuth titanates, A[Bi3Ti4O13] and A[Bi3PbTi5O16]for A = K, Cs, corresponding to n = 4 and 5 members of the Dion-Jacobson series of layered perovskites of the general formula, A[A'n-1BnO3n+1]. These materials have been prepared by solid state reaction of the constituents containing excess alkali, which is required to suppress the formation of competitive Aurivillius phases. Unlike the isostructural niobates and niobium titanates of the same series, the new phases reported here are spontaneously hydrated-a feature which could make them potentially useful as photocatalysts for water splitting reaction. On hydration of the potassium compounds, the c axis expands by ca. 2 Angstrom and loses its doubling [for example, the tetragonal lattice parameters of K[Bi3Ti4O13] and its dihydrate are respectively a = 3900(1)Angstrom c 37.57(2) Angstrom; a 3.885(1) Angstrom, c = 20.82(4) Angstrom]; surprisingly, the cesium analogues do not show a similar change on hydration.


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We determine the nature of coupled phonons in mixed crystal of Cs-0.9(NH4)(0.1)H2AsO4 using inelastic light scattering studies in the temperature range of 5 K to 300 K covering a spectral range of 60-1100 cm(-1). The phase transition in this system are marked by the splitting of phonon modes, appearance of new modes and anomalies in the frequency as well as linewidth of the phonon modes near transition temperature. In particular, we observed the splitting of symmetric (v(1)) and antisymmetric (v(3)) stretching vibrations associated with AsO4 tetrahedra below transition temperature (T-c(*) similar to 110 K) attributed to the lowering of site symmetry of AsO4 in orthorhombic phase below transition temperature. In addition, the step-up (hardening) and step-down (softening) of the AsO4 bending vibrations (v(4) (S9, S11) and v(2) (S6)) below transition temperature signals the rapid development of long range ferroelectric order and proton ordering. The lowest frequency phonon (S1) mode observed at similar to 92 cm(-1) shows anomalous blue shift (similar to 12 %) from 300 K to 5 K with no sharp transition near T-c(*) unlike other observed phonon modes signaling its potential coupling with the proton tunneling mode. (C) 2013 Author(s).


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A joint analysis-synthesis framework is developed for the compressive sensing (CS) recovery of speech signals. The signal is assumed to be sparse in the residual domain with the linear prediction filter used as the sparse transformation. Importantly this transform is not known apriori, since estimating the predictor filter requires the knowledge of the signal. Two prediction filters, one comb filter for pitch and another all pole formant filter are needed to induce maximum sparsity. An iterative method is proposed for the estimation of both the prediction filters and the signal itself. Formant prediction filter is used as the synthesis transform, while the pitch filter is used to model the periodicity in the residual excitation signal, in the analysis mode. Significant improvement in the LLR measure is seen over the previously reported formant filter estimation.


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The trapezoidal rule, which is a special case of the Newmark family of algorithms, is one of the most widely used methods for transient hyperbolic problems. In this work, we show that this rule conserves linear and angular momenta and energy in the case of undamped linear elastodynamics problems, and an ``energy-like measure'' in the case of undamped acoustic problems. These conservation properties, thus, provide a rational basis for using this algorithm. In linear elastodynamics problems, variants of the trapezoidal rule that incorporate ``high-frequency'' dissipation are often used, since the higher frequencies, which are not approximated properly by the standard displacement-based approach, often result in unphysical behavior. Instead of modifying the trapezoidal algorithm, we propose using a hybrid finite element framework for constructing the stiffness matrix. Hybrid finite elements, which are based on a two-field variational formulation involving displacement and stresses, are known to approximate the eigenvalues much more accurately than the standard displacement-based approach, thereby either bypassing or reducing the need for high-frequency dissipation. We show this by means of several examples, where we compare the numerical solutions obtained using the displacement-based and hybrid approaches against analytical solutions.


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The reversible transition of wurtzite to rock salt phase under pressure is well reported in literature. The cubic phase is unstable under ambient conditions both in the bulk and in nanoparticles. This paper reports defect-induced stabilization of cubic ZnO phase in sub 20 nm ZnO particles and explores their optical properties. The size reduction was achieved by ball milling in a specially designed mill which allows a control of the milling temperature. The process of synthesis involved both variation of milling temperature (including low temperature similar to 150 K) and impact pressure. We show that these have profound influence in the introduction of defects and stabilization of the cubic phase. A molecular dynamics simulation is presented to explain the observed results. The measured optical properties have further supported the observations of defect-induced stabilization of cubic ZnO and reduction in particle size.