329 resultados para weaned


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Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää tilalla määritetyn hyvinvoinnin yhteyttä emakoiden tuotantotuloksiin. Hyvinvointia arvioitiin suomalaisen hyvinvointi-indeksin, A-indeksi, avulla. Tuotantotuloksina käytettiin kahta erilaista tuotosaineistoa, jotka molemmat pohjautuivat kansalliseen tuotosseuranta aineistoon. Hyvinvointimääritykset tehtiin 30 porsastuotantosikalassa maaliskuun 2007 aikana. A-indeksi koostuu kuudesta kategoriasta ’liikkumismahdollisuudet’, ’alustan ominaisuudet’, ’sosiaaliset kontaktit’, ’valo, ilma ja melu’, ’ruokinta ja veden saanti’ sekä ’eläinten terveys ja hoidon taso’. Jokaisessa kategoriassa on 3-10 pääosin ympäristöperäistä muuttujaa, jotka vaihtelevat osastoittain. Maksimipistemäärä osastolle on 100. Hyvinvointimittaukset tehtiin porsitus-, tiineytys- ja joutilasosastoilla. Erillisten tiineytysosastojen pienen lukumäärän takia (n=7) tilakohtaiset tiineytys- ja joutilasosastopisteet yhdistettiin ja keskiarvoja käytettiin analyyseissä. Yhteyksiä tuotokseen tutkittiin kahden eri aineiston avulla 1) Tilaraportti aineisto (n=29) muodostuu muokkaamattomista tila- ja tuotostuloksista tilavierailua edeltävän vuoden ajalta, 2) POTSIaineisto (n=30) muodostuu POTSI-ohjelmalla (MTT) muokatusta tuotantoaineistosta, joka sisältää managementtiryhmän (tila, vuosi, vuodenaika) vaikutuksen ensikoiden ja emakoiden pahnuekohtaiseen tuotokseen. Yhteyksiä analysointiin korrelaatio- ja regressioanalyysien avulla. Vaikka osallistuminen tutkimukseen oli vapaaehtoista, molempien tuotantoaineistojen perusteella tutkimustilat edustavat keskituottoista suomalaista sikatilaa. A-indeksin kokonaispisteet vaihtelivat välillä 37,5–64,0 porsitusosastolla ja 39,5–83,5 joutilasosastolla. Tilaraporttiaineistoa käytettäessä paremmat pisteet porsitusosaston ’eläinten terveys ja hoidon taso’ -kategoriasta lyhensivät eläinten lisääntymissykliä, lisäsivät syntyvien pahnueiden ja porsaiden määrää sekä alensivat kuolleena syntyneiden lukumäärää. Regressiomallin mukaan ’eläinten terveys ja hoidon taso’ -kategoria selitti syntyvien porsaiden lukumäärän, porsimisvälin pituuden sekä keskiporsimiskerran vaihtelua. Paremmat pisteet joutilasosaston ’liikkumismahdollisuudet’ kategoriasta alensivat syntyneiden pahnueiden sekä syntyneiden että vieroitettujen porsaiden lukumäärää. Regressiomallin mukaan ensikkopahnueiden osuus ja ”liikkumismahdollisuudet” kategorian pisteet selittivät vieroitettujen porsaiden lukumäärän vaihtelua. POTSI-aineiston yhteydessä kuolleena syntyneiden porsaiden lukumäärän aleneminen oli ensikoilla yhteydessä parempiin porsitusosaston ’sosiaalisiin kontakteihin’ ja emakoilla puolestaan joutilasosaston parempiin ’eläinten terveys ja hoidon taso’ pisteisiin. Kahden eri tuotantoaineiston avulla saadut tulokset erosivat toisistaan. Seuraavissa tutkimuksissa onkin suositeltavampaa käyttää Tilaraporttiaineistoja, joissa tuotokset ilmoitetaan vuosikohtaisina. Tämän tutkimuksen perusteella hyvinvoinnilla ja tuotoksella on yhteyksiä, joilla on myös merkittävää taloudellista vaikutusta. Erityisesti hyvä eläinten hoito ja eläinten terveys lisäävät tuotettujen porsaiden määrää ja lyhentävät lisääntymiskiertoa. Erityishuomiota tulee kiinnittää vapaana olevien joutilaiden emakoiden sosiaaliseen stressiin ja rehunsaannin varmistamiseen kaikille yksilöille.


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O estresse durante o desenvolvimento está associado com diversas desordens neurocomportamentais, que podem persistir ao longo da vida. A hiperatividade é um dos transtornos comportamentais que, com maior frequência, observa-se em humanos submetidos ao estresse precoce. Esse transtorno pode ser a manifestação clínica predominante, ou mesclar-se com déficit de atenção, impulsividade e retardo da aprendizagem, constituindo o Transtorno de Déficit de Atenção e Hiperatividade (TDAH), com número de casos diagnosticados em ascensão. Diversos protocolos experimentais utilizam a separação materna (SM) de roedores neonatos para mimetizar as consequências do estresse precoce em humanos. Esta predileção por roedores recém-nascidos se deve à sua equivalência aproximada com fetos humanos no terceiro trimestre da gestação em termos de neurodesenvolvimento, quando ocorre o maior crescimento do Sistema Nervoso Central fetal. Neste trabalho, camundongos suíços neonatos foram submetidos a sessões diárias de isolamento com separação materna, entre o 2 e o 10 dias de vida pós-natal (PN2 a PN10), variando-se a temperatura de isolamento dos filhotes, que permaneciam sem aquecimento (na temperatura do biotério, entre 22 e 25C) ou eram mantidos aquecidos a 37C durante essas sessões. Portanto, foram três grupos experimentais: isolamento aquecido com SM; isolamento não aquecido com SM; e controle. Os animais do grupo controle foram pesados em PN2 e PN10 e, prontamente, devolvidos às progenitoras. Todos os animais foram desmamados e sexados em PN21, não sendo perturbados até a realização dos testes neurocomportamentais, a partir de PN30, que incluíram os Testes de Campo Aberto e de Esquiva Inibitória. Num segundo estudo, foram realizadas dosagens séricas da corticosterona basal e dos hormônios tireoidianos nos três grupos experimentais, em PN6, PN10 e PN30. Finalmente, num terceiro estudo, camundongos do grupo controle e do grupo submetido ao isolamento não aquecido com SM foram tratados com vimpocetina (20g/kg), um neuroprotetor potencial, ou com veículo (Dimetilsulfóxido), a fim de avaliar os efeitos da vimpocetina na atividade locomotora. O 1 estudo demonstrou que a temperatura foi um fator crítico para a manifestação de hiperatividade locomotora no Teste do Campo Aberto, que ocorreu, somente, nos animais do grupo submetido ao isolamento não aquecido. Adicionalmente, não houve diferenças entre os grupos experimentais no Teste da Esquiva Inibitória, quanto à memória e à aprendizagem. O 2 estudo demonstrou que a temperatura do isolamento influenciou os níveis da corticosterona basal e dos hormônios tireoidianos em PN10 e em PN30. No 3 estudo, a vimpocetina reduziu a hiperatividade locomotora no grupo de animais submetidos ao isolamento não aquecido com SM. De todo o exposto, conclui-se que o isolamento com SM de camundongos suíços neonatos à temperatura de 22 a 25C aumentou a atividade locomotora nesses animais, e que a vimpocetina foi capaz de atenuar esse comportamento, sem aumento da mortalidade. Finalmente, considerando-se o maior risco de desenvolvimento do TDAH em crianças e adolescentes com históricos de prematuridade, levanta-se a hipótese de que o estresse térmico pelo frio seja um dos fatores envolvidos na fisiopatogenia da hiperatividade nesses casos.


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A obesidade, cuja origem é multifatorial e a prevalência é crescente em diferentes regiões no mundo, está geralmente associada à produção desregulada de adipocinas, ao aumento do estresse oxidativo e à ocorrência de distúrbios metabólicos como dislipidemia, intolerância à glicose e hipertensão. A Programação Metabólica ou Plasticidade Ontogenética tem sido proposta como um importante fator na etiologia da obesidade. Este fenômeno sugere que alterações nutricionais, hormonais e ambientais durante períodos críticos do desenvolvimento, tais como gestação e lactação, podem alterar a fisiologia e o metabolismo de um organismo provocando o desenvolvimento de distúrbios metabólicos na vida adulta. Neste trabalho foram estudados dois modelos de plasticidade ontogenética que programam ratos Wistar para obesidade na vida adulta: a supernutrição na lactação e o desmame precoce. A supernutrição na lactação provocada pela redução da ninhada causou obesidade, hiperfagia, aumento do estresse oxidativo, resistência hepática à ação da insulina e esteatose nas proles na idade adulta. A desnutrição, provocada pelo desmame precoce, também se associou na idade adulta com obesidade visceral, aumento do estresse oxidativo e esteatose, assim como dislipidemia, resistência à insulina, hipertensão arterial e resistência central à leptina. No modelo de programação pelo desmame precoce, os animais adultos foram tratados com resveratrol (30mg/kg/MC), um polifenol encontrado nas uvas e conhecido por seus efeitos antioxidante e hipoglicemiante, por 30 dias. Os animais programados pelo desmame precoce que receberam resveratrol tiveram massa corporal, gordura visceral e morfologia hepática semelhantes aos animais controles. Ainda, o resveratrol normalizou a pressão arterial, a dislipidemia, a glicemia e as concentrações de adiponectina e leptina. A normalização da leptinemia esteve associada à correção da resistência central à leptina nestes animais, uma vez que o resveratrol normalizou além da ingestão, o conteúdo hipotalâmico de JAK2, pSTAT3 e NPY. Portanto, os animais programados pela supernutrição na lactação ou pelo desmame precoce apresentaram aumento do estresse oxidativo associado à obesidade e alterações metabólicas como esteatose. O tratamento com resveratrol nos animais programados pelo desmame precoce preveniu o aumento de estresse oxidativo, obesidade visceral, resistência à insulina, dislipidemia e esteatose. Além disso, o resveratrol causou normalização da leptinemia nestes animais, assim como da ação deste hormônio no hipotálamo, controlando a hiperfagia característica deste modelo.


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In a goat-tilapia integrated farming system, the effect of Black Bengal goat manure on the growth and production of Oreochromis niloticus was studied at the Freshwater Substation, Shantahar, Bogra for 4.5 months. The stocking density used in three treatments were, 200 goats and 15,000 GIFT strain/ha (T1); 300 goats and 15,000 GIFT strain/ha (T2); and only 15,000 GIFT strain/ha (T3). The initial individual total length and weight of stocked tilapia were 7.6 cm and 11.34 g, respectively. Twelve ponds each having an area of 40 square meters were used for this trail [sic]. On one side of each pond goat shed was constructed and the space allocated for each goat was 0.75 m x 1.5 m. Newly weaned black Bengal goats of average weight 8.45 kg was used in the trial. Every morning the goats manure was swiped out in ponds through the fixed opening of bamboo made floor of goat shed. Water depth of the ponds was maintained at 0.75 m. The highest fish production was in treatment 1 (1,750 kg/ha) followed by treatment 2 (1,455 kg/ha) and treatment 3 (621 kg/ha). The difference in individual goat weight was not significant (P>0.05) among treatments 1 and 2.


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The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of tannic acid on the gworth and survival of small mammalian berbirvores. Measurements were conducted with weaned root voles fed with 3% or 6% tannic acid and 10% or 20% protein in their diets. The results indicated that the effect of tannic acid on growth rate of weaned root voles was greater when given a lower protein diet than a higher protein diet. After 20 d, with 10% protein diets, mean growth rates of the weaned voles fed with 3% or 6% tannic acid were -0.135 g/d and -0.25 g/d, respectively. When given 20% protein diet, mean growth rates of weaned root voles fed with 3% and 6% tannic acid for 20 d were 0.134 g/d and -0.116 g/d, respectively. Food utilization efficiencies of the voles fed with 3% and 6% tannic acid diets were significantly lower than that of the control diet at the level of 10% protein. When given the 20% protein diet, food utilization efficiencies of weaned voles fed with 6% tannic acid were significantly lower than that of the voles fed with 3% tannic acid diet or the control diet with the 10% protein diets, the average survival days of the weaned voles fed with 3% and 6% tannic acid diets decreased 26.23% and 49.36% compared to controls at the end of trial period, respectively. With 20% protein diets, the average survival of weaned voles given 6% tannic acid diet decreased 39.41% compared to controls at the end of trial period, although weaned voles given 3% tannic acid had a slight decrease of average survival days. The results of study suggested that tannins could substanitially affect the individual performance of weaned root voles.


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The objective of this study was to determine the effects of selenium (Se) supplementation of mature ewes in the period from day - 14 to day 90 post mating on Se status, productivity and viability of ewes and their offspring. Multiparous crossbred ewes (n = 82) were randomly assigned to receive a standard dried grass-based diet (control) or dried grass diet supplemented with 1 g of selenised yeast (Selplex (R)), providing 0.5 mg Se per ewe per day. After day 90 post mating, all ewes were offered grass-based diets supplemented with a standard multivitamin and mineral mix, up to lambing. Ewes that were fed additional Se had increased (P 0,05). Supplemented ewes weaned lambs on average 2 kg heavier than control ewes, due to the higher (P


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One thousand two hundred pigs were weaned at 4 weeks of age and mixed to form groups of ten animals that were balanced for gender. The groups consisted of uniform weight groups (i.e. separate groups of small, medium or large pigs), or mixed weight groups (i.e. groups containing small, medium and large pigs). Half of the groups were retained from weaning until slaughter at 21 weeks of age, and half were regrouped at the start of the finishing period at 10 weeks of age. In this regrouping, uniform weight groups were regrouped to form mixed weight groups, and mixed weight groups were regrouped to form uniform weight groups. In addition, some mixed weight groups were regrouped to form mixed weight groups in order to assess the effect of regrouping at 10 weeks of age on performance and aggressive behaviour.


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Approximately 5% of pigs slaughtered in the UK have been tail-bitten, leading to welfare and production issues. Tail biting is sporadic and not all pigs tail bite. The aim of this study was to identify factors that are common in pigs that perform tail-biting behaviour, and that might be used in a predictive way to identify such animals.

The behaviour of 159 pigs was observed in the post-weaning period. Pigs were weaned at 4 weeks of age. In the week prior to weaning and at 6 weeks of age each pig was individually tested in a tail chew test (tail chew test 1 and 2, respectively). The tail chew test involved recording the pig's behaviour directed towards two ropes, one of which had been soaked in saline solution and the other not. The production performance of the pigs was recorded from birth to 7 weeks of age. Time spent performing tail-biting behaviour correlated positively with time in contact with the rope in tail chew test 2 (r = 0.224, P 1.5% tail biting 8.96 kg, = 1.5% tail biting 15-75 kg, = or = 1.5% tail biting 260 g/day, = 1.5% tail biting 343 g/day, 0.05).

The results suggest that pigs that tail bite have some nutritional deficiency that results in performance of foraging behaviour that is expressed in intensive housing as ear/tail biting.


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This experiment investigated the effects of replacing 10, 20, 30 or 40% of a dynamic group of forty sows on the welfare of newly-introduced animals. The experiment was replicated five times, using a total of 200 multiparous sows. Replacements took place at 3 week intervals, and 3 days prior to sows being added to the group the same number of animals were removed from the group. Sows were added to the dynamic group as pre-formed groups of four animals which had resided together for a period of 5 weeks beginning directly after their piglets were weaned. Replacement rate did not appear to influence overall levels of aggression to which newly-introduced animals were exposed on the day of mixing, however aggression among newly-introduced animals increased significantly as replacement rate increased between 20 and 40% (P


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Forty-eight Large White x Landrace multiparous sows were mixed into twelve groups of four animals after their piglets were weaned. These groups were defined as static, with no animals being added to or removed from the groups after their formation. Aggressive and submissive behaviours were recorded continuously for 9 h after the sows were mixed, and the sows were assigned high or low social status on the basis of their relative aggressiveness and success in aggressive interactions. After five weeks, each static group was mixed into a dynamic group of 40+/-2 sows for an 11-week period. Three static groups (ie 12 animals) at a time were added to the dynamic group at three-week intervals; the same number of animals was removed at these time-points in order to maintain the group number at 40+/-2. Injury levels increased significantly with the transition from static groups to the dynamic group (P


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This is the protocol for a review and there is no abstract. The objectives are as follows:

To assess the effects of weaning by protocol for invasively ventilated critically ill children.

To compare the total duration of invasive mechanical ventilation of critically ill children who are weaned using protocols versus usual (non-protocolized) practice.
To ascertain any differences between protocolized weaning and usual care in terms of mortality, adverse events, ICU length of stay, and quality of life.


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Aflatoxins are dietary contaminants that are hepatocarcinogenic and immunotoxic and cause growth retardation in animals, but there is little evidence concerning the latter two parameters in exposed human populations. Aflatoxin exposure of West African children is known to be high, so we conducted a longitudinal study over an 8-month period in Benin to assess the effects of exposure on growth. Two hundred children 16-37 months of age were recruited from four villages, two with high and two with low aflatoxin exposure (50 children per village). Serum aflatoxin-albumin (AF-alb) adducts, anthropometric parameters, information on food consumption, and various demographic data were measured at recruitment (February) and at two subsequent time points (June and October). Plasma levels of vitamin A and zinc were also measured. AF-alb adducts increased markedly between February and October in three of the four villages, with the largest increases in the villages with higher exposures. Children who were fully weaned at recruitment had higher AF-alb than did those still partially breast-fed (p < 0.0001); the major weaning food was a maize-based porridge. There was no association between AF-alb and micronutrient levels, suggesting that aflatoxin exposure was not accompanied by a general nutritional deficiency. There was, however, a strong negative correlation (p < 0.0001) between AF-alb and height increase over the 8-month follow-up after adjustment for age, sex, height at recruitment, socioeconomic status, village, and weaning status; the highest quartile of AF-alb was associated with a mean 1.7 cm reduction in growth over 8 months compared with the lowest quartile. This study emphasizes the association between aflatoxin and stunting, although the underlying mechanisms remain unclear. Aflatoxin exposure during the weaning period may be critical in terms of adverse health effects in West African children, and intervention measures to reduce exposure merit investigation.


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Background Dietary exposure to high levels of the fungal toxin, aflatoxin, occurs in West Africa, where long-term crop storage facilitates fungal growth.

Methods We conducted a cross-sectional study in Benin and Togo to investigate aflatoxin exposure in children around the time of weaning and correlated these data with food consumption, socioeconomic status, agro-ecological zone of residence, and anthropometric measures. Blood samples from 479 children (age 9 months to 5 years) from 16 villages in four agro-ecological zones were assayed for aflatoxin-albumin adducts (AF-alb) as a measure of recent past (2-3 months) exposure.

Results Aflatoxin-albumin adducts were detected in 475/479 (99%) children (geometric mean 32.8 pg/mg, 95% CI: 25.3-42.5). Adduct levels varied markedly across agro-ecological zones with mean levels being approximately four times higher in the central than in the northern region. The AF-alb level increased with age up to 3 years, and within the 1-3 year age group was significantly (P=0.0001) related to weaning status; weaned children had approximately twofold higher mean AF-alb adduct levels (38 pg AF-lysine equivalents per mg of albumin [pg/mg]) than those receiving a mixture of breast milk and solid foods after adjustment for age, sex, agro-ecological zone, and socioeconomic status. A higher frequency of maize consumption, but not groundnut consumption, by the child in the preceding week was correlated with higher AF-alb adduct level. We previously reported that the prevalence of stunted growth (height for age Z-score HAZ) and being underweight (weight for age Z-score WAZ) were 33% and 29% respectively by World Health Organziation criteria. Children in these two categories had 30-40% higher mean AF-alb levels than the remainder of the children and strong dose- response relationships were observed between AF-alb levels and the extent of stunting and being underweight.

Conclusions Exposure to this common toxic contaminant of West African food increases markedly following weaning and exposure early in life is associated with reduced growth. These observations reinforce the need for aflatoxin exposure intervention strategies within high-risk countries, possibly targeted specifically at foods used in the post-weaning period.


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Background:Mechanical ventilation is a critical component of paediatric intensive care therapy. It is indicated when the patient’s spontaneous ventilation is inadequate to sustain life. Weaning is the gradual reduction of ventilatory support and the transfer of respiratory control back to the patient. Weaning may represent a large proportion of the ventilatory period. Prolonged ventilation is associated with significant morbidity, hospital cost, psychosocial and physical risks to the child and even death. Timely and effective weaning may reduce the duration of mechanical ventilation and may reduce the morbidity and mortality associated with prolonged ventilation. However, no consensus has been reached on criteria that can be used to identify when patients are ready to wean or the best way to achieve it.Objectives:To assess the effects of weaning by protocol on invasively ventilated critically ill children. To compare the total duration of invasive mechanical ventilation of critically ill children who are weaned using protocols versus those weaned through usual (non-protocolized) practice. To ascertain any differences between protocolized weaning and usual care in terms of mortality, adverse events, intensive care unit length of stay and quality of life.Search methods:We searched the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL; The Cochrane Library, Issue 10, 2012), MEDLINE (1966 to October 2012), EMBASE (1988 to October 2012), CINAHL (1982 to October 2012), ISI Web of Science and LILACS. We identified unpublished data in the Web of Science (1990 to October 2012), ISI Conference Proceedings (1990 to October 2012) and Cambridge Scientific Abstracts (earliest to October 2012). We contacted first authors of studies included in the review to obtain further information on unpublished studies or work in progress. We searched reference lists of all identified studies and review papers for further relevant studies. We applied no language or publication restrictions.Selection criteriaWe included randomized controlled trials comparing protocolized weaning (professional-led or computer-driven) versus non-protocolized weaning practice conducted in children older than 28 days and younger than 18 years.Data collection and analysis:Two review authors independently scanned titles and abstracts identified by electronic searching. Three review authors retrieved and evaluated full-text versions of potentially relevant studies, independently extracted data and assessed risk of bias.Main results:We included three trials at low risk of bias with 321 children in the analysis. Protocolized weaning significantly reduced total ventilation time in the largest trial (260 children) by a mean of 32 hours (95% confidence interval (CI) 8 to 56; P = 0.01). Two other trials (30 and 31 children, respectively) reported non-significant reductions with a mean difference of -88 hours (95% CI -228 to 52; P = 0.2) and -24 hours (95% CI -10 to 58; P = 0.06). Protocolized weaning significantly reduced weaning time in these two smaller trials for a mean reduction of 106 hours (95% CI 28 to 184; P = 0.007) and 21 hours (95% CI 9 to 32; P < 0.001). These studies reported no significant effects for duration of mechanical ventilation before weaning, paediatric intensive care unit (PICU) and hospital length of stay, PICU mortality or adverse events.Authors' conclusions:Limited evidence suggests that weaning protocols reduce the duration of mechanical ventilation, but evidence is inadequate to show whether the achievement of shorter ventilation by protocolized weaning causes children benefit or harm.


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SCOPE: The study aims to evaluate the status of dietary exposure to aflatoxin and fumonisin in young Tanzanian children, using previously validated biomarkers of exposure. METHODS AND RESULTS: A total of 148 children aged 12-22 months, were recruited from three geographically distant villages in Tanzania; Nyabula, Kigwa, and Kikelelwa. Plasma aflatoxin-albumin adducts (AF-alb) and urinary fumonisin B1 (UFB1) were measured by ELISA and LC-MS, respectively. AF-alb was detectable in 84% of children, was highest in fully weaned children (p <0.01) with higher levels being associated with higher maize intake (p <0.05). AF-alb geometric mean (95% CI) was 43.2 (28.7-65.0), 19.9 (13.5-29.2), and 3.6 (2.8-4.7) pg/mg albumin in children from Kigwa, Nyabula, and Kikelelwa, respectively. UFB1 was detectable in 96% of children and the level was highest in children who had been fully weaned (p <0.01). The geometric UFB1 mean (95% CI) was 327.2 (217.1-493.0), 211.7 (161.1-278.1), and 82.8 (58.3-117.7) pg/mL in Kigwa, Nyabula, and Kikelelwa, respectively. About 82% of all the children were exposed to both mycotoxins. CONCLUSION: Young children in Tanzania are chronically exposed to both aflatoxin and fumonisin through contaminated diet, although the level of exposure varies markedly between the three villages studied.