1000 resultados para valvular disease
While high levels of Pkd1 expression are detected in tissues of patients with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD), it is unclear whether enhanced expression could be a pathogenetic mechanism for this systemic disorder. Three transgenic mouse lines were generated from a Pkd1-BAC modified by introducing a silent tag via homologous recombination to target a sustained wild type genomic Pkd1 expression within the native tissue and temporal regulation. These mice specifically overexpressed the Pkd1 transgene in extrarenal and renal tissues from approximately 2- to 15-fold over Pkd1 endogenous levels in a copy-dependent manner. All transgenic mice reproducibly developed tubular and glomerular cysts leading to renal insufficiency. Interestingly, Pkd1(TAG) mice also exhibited renal fibrosis and calcium deposits in papilla reminiscent of nephrolithiasis as frequently observed in ADPKD. Similar to human ADPKD, these mice consistently displayed hepatic fibrosis and approximately 15% intrahepatic cysts of the bile ducts affecting females preferentially. Moreover, a significant proportion of mice developed cardiac anomalies with severe left ventricular hypertrophy, marked aortic arch distention and/or valvular stenosis and calcification that had profound functional impact. Of significance, Pkd1(TAG) mice displayed occasional cerebral lesions with evidence of ruptured and unruptured cerebral aneurysms. This Pkd1(TAG) mouse model demonstrates that overexpression of wildtype Pkd1 can trigger the typical adult renal and extrarenal phenotypes resembling human ADPKD.
Objetivos: Identificar predictores de recuperación de la función ventricular izquierda y comparar los hallazgos ecocardiográficos en pacientes con estenosis aórtica crítica sometidos a reemplazo quirúrgico de la válvula aórtica (RVA) o implantación de válvula aórtica transcatéter (TAVI). Métodos: Cuarenta y cuatro pacientes tratados con RVA se compararon con 34 pacientes con TAVI, los datos ecocardiográficos fueron retrospectivamente obtenidos antes de la intervención y previo al alta. Resultados: Se analizaron retrospectivamente pacientes tratados en la FCI - IC desde 2009 - 2015 (n = 78 pacientes, con una media de edad 70,29 ± 11,63, EuroSCORE logístico 3,75 (3-8,55) en RVA y 20,4 (15 , 47-23,32) en TAVI. Ambos grupos mostraron una disminución en los gradientes de la válvula aórtica, más en pacientes de TAVI, con un gradiente transaórtico pico (24,5 vs 18,5, p = 0,001) y medio (14 vs 10, p = 0,002) En comparación con RVA, TAVI presentó un mayor número de pacientes con insuficiencia aórtica paravalvular (47,1% frente a 2,3% p = 0.000). En total, el 61,5% presentó mejoría precoz de la función ventricular, el predictor en severo compromiso de la función del ventrículo izquierdo fue un alto índice de masa ventricular izquierda. Conclusiones: La implantación transcatéter de válvula aórtica es una alternativa al reemplazo quirúrgico de la válvula aórtica en pacientes con estenosis aórtica y alto riesgo quirúrgico. La recuperación postoperatoria precoz de la función ventricular izquierda en pacientes con severo compromiso de la función ventricular estuvo asociada a alto índice de masa ventricular izquierda.
As doenças cardíacas são um achado frequente na prática clínica. Saber se pacientes assintomáticos com doença mixomatosa da válvula mitral necessitam ou não de medicação numa fase inicial da doença não é tarefa fácil. A ativação neuro-hormonal, apesar de ter um efeito benéfico compensatório a curto prazo, torna-se deletéria a longo prazo, sendo que para isso é necessária intervenção farmacológica para inibir a sua atividade O SRAA (sistema renina angiotensina aldosterona) tem importantes mecanismos patofisiológicos implicados no desenvolvimento da insuficiência cardíaca congestiva e tem como produto final a aldosterona, que contribui para a remodelagem cardíaca. Neste trabalho verifiquei a inexistência de uma diferença significativa de valores de aldosterona sérica de cães assintomáticos com Doença Mixomatosa Valvular Mitral (estadio B2 da classificação ACVIM) e os valores do intervalo de referência desta hormona. Concluí também não haver relação entre a idade, ureia, creatinina, rácio Proteina-Creainina, Pressões arteriais sistólica, média e diastólica, frequência de pulso, parâmetros de remodelagem cardíaca e padrão do fluxo transmitral com os valores da aldosterona medidos. É através da evidência destes achados que sugiro a não instituição de um IECA neste tipo de pacientes. O uso precoce de IECA pode não só não trazer vantagens terapêuticas nesta fase da doença como também vai promover o aparecimento precoce de fenómenos de “escape da aldosterona”.
To evaluate a protocol for a population-based programme targeting the prevention of rheumatic heart disease (RHD) progression by early echocardiographic diagnosis of valvular lesions and timely implementation of secondary prevention.
We investigated the relative contribution of hemodynamic and clinical factors to serum natriuretic peptide elevation in seventy-one patients with either aortic stenosis or aortic regurgitation. We found that pulmonary hypertension, heart failure and renal failure are the most powerful independent predictors of natriuretic peptide elevation in patients with aortic valve disease, irrespective of the type or severity of valvular lesion itself.
BACKGROUND: The aortomitral continuity (AMC) has been described as a site of origin for ventricular tachycardias (VT) in structurally normal hearts. There is a paucity of data on the contribution of this region to VTs in patients with structural heart disease. METHODS AND RESULTS: Data from 550 consecutive patients undergoing catheter ablation for VT associated with structural heart disease were reviewed. Twenty-one (3.8%) had a VT involving the peri-AMC region (age, 62.7+/-11 years; median left ventricular ejection fraction, 43.6+/-17%). Structural heart disease was ischemic in 7 (33%), dilated cardiomyopathy in 10 (47.6%), and valvular cardiomyopathy in 4 (19%) patients, respectively. After 1.9+/-0.8 catheter ablation procedures (including 3 transcoronary ethanol ablations) the peri-AMC VT was not inducible in 19 patients. The remaining 2 patients underwent cryosurgical ablation. Our first catheter ablation procedure was less often successful (66.7%) for peri-AMC VTs compared with that for 246 VTs originating from the LV free wall (81.4%, P=0.03). During a mean follow-up of 1.9+/-2.1 years, 12 (57.1%) patients remained free of VT, peri-AMC VT recurred in 7 patients, and 1 patient had recurrent VT from a remote location. Three patients died. Analysis of 50 normal coronary angiograms demonstrated an early septal branch supplying the peri-AMC area in 58% of cases that is a potential target for ethanol ablation. CONCLUSIONS: VTs involving the peri-AMC region occur in patients with structural heart disease and appear to be more difficult to ablate compared with VTs originating from the free LV wall. This region provides unique challenges for radiofrequency ablation, but cryosurgery and transcoronary alcohol ablation appear feasible in some cases.
Importance: Although rheumatic heart disease has been nearly eradicated in high-income countries, 3 in 4 children grow up in parts of the world where it is still endemic. Objectives: To determine the prevalence of clinically silent and manifest rheumatic heart disease as a function of age, sex, and socioeconomic status and to estimate age-specific incidence. Design, Setting, and Participants: In this school-based cross-sectional study with cluster sampling, 26 schools in the Sunsari district in Eastern Nepal with 5467 eligible children 5 to 15 years of age were randomly selected from 595 registered schools. After exclusion of 289 children, 5178 children were enrolled in the present study from December 12, 2012, through September 12, 2014. Data analysis was performed from October 1, 2014, to April 15, 2015. Exposures: Demographic and socioeconomic characteristics were acquired in a standardized interview by means of a questionnaire customized to the age of the children. A focused medical history was followed by a brief physical examination. Cardiac auscultation and transthoracic echocardiography were performed by 2 independent physicians. Main Outcomes and Measures: Rheumatic heart disease according to the World Heart Federation criteria. Results: The median age of the 5178 children enrolled in the study was 10 years (interquartile range, 8-13 years), and 2503 (48.3%) were female. The prevalence of borderline or definite rheumatic heart disease was 10.2 (95% CI, 7.5-13.0) per 1000 children and increased with advancing age from 5.5 (95% CI, 3.5-7.5) per 1000 children 5 years of age to 16.0 (95% CI, 14.9-17.0) in children 15 years of age, whereas the mean incidence remained stable at 1.1 per 1000 children per year. Children with rheumatic heart disease were older than children without rheumatic heart disease (median age [interquartile range], 11 [9-14] years vs 10 [8-13] years; P = .03), more commonly female (34 [64.2%] vs 2469 [48.2%]; P = .02), and more frequently went to governmental schools (40 [75.5%] vs 2792 [54.5%]; P = .002). Silent disease (n = 44) was 5 times more common than manifest disease (n = 9). Conclusions and Relevance: Rheumatic heart disease affects 1 in 100 schoolchildren in Eastern Nepal, is primarily clinically silent, and may be more common among girls. The overall prevalence and the ratio of manifest to subclinical disease increase with advancing age, whereas the incidence remains stable at 1.1 per 1000 children per year. Early detection of silent disease may help prevent progression to severe valvular damage.
An entire female English bull terrier, aged five years and one month, was diagnosed with polycystic kidney disease by renal ultrasonography. It had thickening and abnormal motion of the mitral valve on 2D and M mode echocardiography, and left ventricular outflow tract obstruction, characterised by turbulence in the left ventricular outflow tract and elevated aortic blood flow velocity, detected by colour flow and spectral Doppler echocardiography, respectively. Two years later, haematology, serum biochemistry and urinalysis data suggested the presence of compensated renal failure. The dog was euthanased at 10 years and eight months of age, with haematology, serum biochemistry and urinalysis data indicating decompensated chronic renal failure. Postmortem examination confirmed polycystic kidney disease, chronic renal disease, mitral and aortic valvular myxomatous degeneration, and mixed mammary neoplasia. This case demonstrates that bull terriers with polycystic kidney disease may develop associated chronic renal failure.
Valvular insufficiency is a growingly common valvular heart disease that frequently is associated with regurgitation. Atrioventricular incompetency can lead to overall ventricular and atrial enlargement, volume overload, heart impairment and, if not treated, can culminate in heart failure. With the advances in technology and the increasing interest in devices that have lower post-operative burden on patients, transcatheter mitral and tricuspid valve repair systems are going through a phase of rapid development and growing use. In this work, we aimed to quantitatively assess the morphology of mitral and tricuspid annuli in patients who underwent transcatheter valve repair with MitraClip/TriClip, before and after the intervention, using three-dimensional transoesophageal echocardiography images, in order to evaluate the geometrical changes of the annulus following the intervention. For our purposes, firstly, we implemented a tool for the visualization and navigation of the volumetric data across the cardiac cycle. Then, in order to track the annulus over the cardiac cycle, we extracted five rotational slices from the volume data, selected two initial points on each slice, and tracked these points across the cardiac cycle using KLT algorithm. In a first stage we led a parameters optimization for the tracking method, and we studied the sensitivity of the KLT algorithm to the initialization points, that are manually chosen by the user. In a second stage, we analysed 10 subjects (5 for mitral regurgitation and 5 for tricuspid regurgitation), tracking their annulus before and after valve repairment. In conclusion, we found in all our 10 subjects that immediately after the intervention there is a shortening of the major diameters of the valves, mainly the shortest diameter, due to the clip application, that leads to a reduction of the perimeter and the area of the annulus.
The aim of the study was to develop a culturally adapted translation of the 12-item smell identification test from Sniffin' Sticks (SS-12) for the Estonian population in order to help diagnose Parkinson's disease (PD). A standard translation of the SS-12 was created and 150 healthy Estonians were questioned about the smells used as response options in the test. Unfamiliar smells were replaced by culturally familiar options. The adapted SS-12 was applied to 70 controls in all age groups, and thereafter to 50 PD patients and 50 age- and sex-matched controls. 14 response options from 48 used in the SS-12 were replaced with familiar smells in an adapted version, in which the mean rate of correct response was 87% (range 73-99) compared to 83% with the literal translation (range 50-98). In PD patients, the average adapted SS-12 score (5.4/12) was significantly lower than in controls (average score 8.9/12), p < 0.0001. A multiple linear regression using the score in the SS-12 as the outcome measure showed that diagnosis and age independently influenced the result of the SS-12. A logistic regression using the SS-12 and age as covariates showed that the SS-12 (but not age) correctly classified 79.0% of subjects into the PD and control category, using a cut-off of <7 gave a sensitivity of 76% and specificity of 86% for the diagnosis of PD. The developed SS-12 cultural adaption is appropriate for testing olfaction in Estonia for the purpose of PD diagnosis.
Disconnectivity between the Default Mode Network (DMN) nodes can cause clinical symptoms and cognitive deficits in Alzheimer׳s disease (AD). We aimed to examine the structural connectivity between DMN nodes, to verify the extent in which white matter disconnection affects cognitive performance. MRI data of 76 subjects (25 mild AD, 21 amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment subjects and 30 controls) were acquired on a 3.0T scanner. ExploreDTI software (fractional Anisotropy threshold=0.25 and the angular threshold=60°) calculated axial, radial, and mean diffusivities, fractional anisotropy and streamline count. AD patients showed lower fractional anisotropy (P=0.01) and streamline count (P=0.029), and higher radial diffusivity (P=0.014) than controls in the cingulum. After correction for white matter atrophy, only fractional anisotropy and radial diffusivity remained significantly lower in AD compared to controls (P=0.003 and P=0.05). In the parahippocampal bundle, AD patients had lower mean and radial diffusivities (P=0.048 and P=0.013) compared to controls, from which only radial diffusivity survived for white matter adjustment (P=0.05). Regression models revealed that cognitive performance is also accounted for by white matter microstructural values. Structural connectivity within the DMN is important to the execution of high-complexity tasks, probably due to its relevant role in the integration of the network.
Leg ulcers represent a particularly disabling complication in patients with sickle cell disease (SCD). Platelet gel (PG) is a novel therapeutic strategy used for accelerating wound healing of a wide range of tissues through the continuous release of platelet growth factors. Here, we describe the use of PG preparation according to Anitua's PRGF (preparations rich in growth factors) protocol for treating chronic nonhealing ulcers in patients with SCD. A positive response occurred in 3 patients with an area reduction of 85.7% to 100%, which occurred within 7 to 10 weeks, and a 35.2% and 20.5% of area reduction in 2 other patients, who however, had large ulcers. After calcium chloride addition, the platelet-rich plasmas demonstrated enhanced platelet-derived growth factors-BB (P < .001), transforming growth factor-β1 (P = .015), vascular endothelial growth factors (P = .03), and hepatocyte growth factors (nonsignificant) secretion. Furthermore, calcium chloride addition induced a significant decrease in platelet number (P = .0134) and there was no leukocyte detection in the PG product. These results demonstrate that PG treatment might impact the healing of leg ulcers in sickle cell disease, especially in patients with small ulcers.
Few studies have evaluated the profile of use of disease modifying drugs (DMD) in Brazilian patients with spondyloarthritis (SpA). A common research protocol was applied prospectively in 1505 patients classified as SpA by criteria of the European Spondyloarthropathies Study Group (ESSG), followed at 29 referral centers in Rheumatology in Brazil. Demographic and clinical variables were obtained and evaluated, by analyzing their correlation with the use of DMDs methotrexate (MTX) and sulfasalazine (SSZ). At least one DMD was used by 73.6% of patients: MTX by 29.2% and SSZ by 21.7%, while 22.7% used both drugs. The use of MTX was significantly associated with peripheral involvement, and SSZ was associated with axial involvement, and the two drugs were more administered, separately or in combination, in the mixed involvement (p < 0.001). The use of a DMD was significantly associated with Caucasian ethnicity (MTX , p = 0.014), inflammatory back pain (SSZ, p = 0.002) , buttock pain (SSZ, p = 0.030), neck pain (MTX, p = 0.042), arthritis of the lower limbs (MTX, p < 0.001), arthritis of the upper limbs (MTX, p < 0.001), enthesitis (p = 0.007), dactylitis (MTX, p < 0.001), inflammatory bowel disease (SSZ, p < 0.001) and nail involvement (MTX, p < 0.001). The use of at least one DMD was reported by more than 70% of patients in a large cohort of Brazilian patients with SpA, with MTX use more associated with peripheral involvement and the use of SSZ more associated with axial involvement.
Crohn's disease (CD) is associated with complex pathogenic pathways involving defects in apoptosis mechanisms. Recently, mesenteric adipose tissue (MAT) has been associated with CD ethiopathology, since adipose thickening is detected close to the affected intestinal area. However, the potential role of altered apoptosis in MAT of CD has not been addressed. To evaluate apoptosis in the intestinal mucosa and MAT of patients with CD. Samples of intestinal mucosa and MAT from patients with ileocecal CD and from non-inflammatory bowel diseases patients (controls) were studied. Apoptosis was assessed by TUNEL assay and correlated with the adipocytes histological morphometric analysis. The transcriptional and protein analysis of selected genes and proteins related to apoptosis were determined. TUNEL assay showed fewer apoptotic cells in CD, when compared to the control groups, both in the intestinal mucosa and in MAT. In addition, the number of apoptotic cells (TUNEL) correlated significantly with the area and perimeter of the adipose cells in MAT. Transcriptomic and proteomic analysis reveal a significantly lower transcript and protein levels of Bax in the intestinal mucosa of CD, compared to the controls; low protein levels of Bax were found localized in the lamina propria and not in the epithelium of this tissue. Furthermore, higher level of Bcl-2 and low level of Caspase 3 were seen in the MAT of CD patients. The defective apoptosis in MAT may explain the singular morphological characteristics of this tissue in CD, which may be implicated in the pathophysiology of the disease.
Our objective was to investigate spinal cord (SC) atrophy in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) patients, and to determine whether it correlates with clinical parameters. Forty-three patients with ALS (25 males) and 43 age- and gender-matched healthy controls underwent MRI on a 3T scanner. We used T1-weighted 3D images covering the whole brain and the cervical SC to estimate cervical SC area and eccentricity at C2/C3 level using validated software (SpineSeg). Disease severity was quantified with the ALSFRS-R and ALS Severity scores. SC areas of patients and controls were compared with a Mann-Whitney test. We used linear regression to investigate association between SC area and clinical parameters. Results showed that mean age of patients and disease duration were 53.1 ± 12.2 years and 34.0 ± 29.8 months, respectively. The two groups were significantly different regarding SC areas (67.8 ± 6.8 mm² vs. 59.5 ± 8.4 mm², p < 0.001). Eccentricity values were similar in both groups (p = 0.394). SC areas correlated with disease duration (r = - 0.585, p < 0.001), ALSFRS-R score (r = 0.309, p = 0.044) and ALS Severity scale (r = 0.347, p = 0.022). In conclusion, patients with ALS have SC atrophy, but no flattening. In addition, SC areas correlated with disease duration and functional status. These data suggest that quantitative MRI of the SC may be a useful biomarker in the disease.