Quantitative analysis of pre- and post-operative valvular annulus deformations following valvular insufficiency

Autoria(s): Capra, Matilde

Corsi, Cristiana

Maffessanti, Francesco




Valvular insufficiency is a growingly common valvular heart disease that frequently is associated with regurgitation. Atrioventricular incompetency can lead to overall ventricular and atrial enlargement, volume overload, heart impairment and, if not treated, can culminate in heart failure. With the advances in technology and the increasing interest in devices that have lower post-operative burden on patients, transcatheter mitral and tricuspid valve repair systems are going through a phase of rapid development and growing use. In this work, we aimed to quantitatively assess the morphology of mitral and tricuspid annuli in patients who underwent transcatheter valve repair with MitraClip/TriClip, before and after the intervention, using three-dimensional transoesophageal echocardiography images, in order to evaluate the geometrical changes of the annulus following the intervention. For our purposes, firstly, we implemented a tool for the visualization and navigation of the volumetric data across the cardiac cycle. Then, in order to track the annulus over the cardiac cycle, we extracted five rotational slices from the volume data, selected two initial points on each slice, and tracked these points across the cardiac cycle using KLT algorithm. In a first stage we led a parameters optimization for the tracking method, and we studied the sensitivity of the KLT algorithm to the initialization points, that are manually chosen by the user. In a second stage, we analysed 10 subjects (5 for mitral regurgitation and 5 for tricuspid regurgitation), tracking their annulus before and after valve repairment. In conclusion, we found in all our 10 subjects that immediately after the intervention there is a shortening of the major diameters of the valves, mainly the shortest diameter, due to the clip application, that leads to a reduction of the perimeter and the area of the annulus.





Capra, Matilde (2022) Quantitative analysis of pre- and post-operative valvular annulus deformations following valvular insufficiency. [Laurea magistrale], Università di Bologna, Corso di Studio in Ingegneria biomedica [LM-DM270] - Cesena <http://amslaurea.unibo.it/view/cds/CDS9243/>, Documento ad accesso riservato.




Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna




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Palavras-Chave #mitral regurgitation,tricuspid regurgitation,3DRT-TEE,annulus deformation,valvular insufficiency,annular geometry,TMVR,TTVR,KLT algorithm,annulus tracking #Ingegneria biomedica [LM-DM270] - Cesena

