977 resultados para user involvement


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La littérature contient une abondance d’information sur les approches de design impliquant les utilisateurs. Bien que les chercheurs soulèvent de nombreux avantages concernant ces approches, on en sait peu sur ce que les concepteurs des entreprises en pensent. Ce projet a pour but de connaître les perceptions des concepteurs de produits quant aux outils de design participatif puis, d’identifier les opportunités et limites qu’ils évoquent à ce sujet, et finalement, de faire des suggestions d’outils qui faciliteraient l’introduction du design participatif dans un processus de design existant. Après avoir fait un survol du domaine du design participatif et de ses outils, six cas sont étudiés au moyen d’entrevues semi-dirigées conduites auprès de concepteurs de produits. Les données sont analysées à l’aide de cartes cognitives. En ce qui concerne les outils de design participatif, les participants rencontrés perçoivent un accès direct aux besoins des utilisateurs et la possibilité de minimiser les erreurs en début de processus donc, d’éviter les modifications coûteuses qu’elles auraient entraînées. Les obstacles perçus par les concepteurs sont principalement liés à la résistance au changement, à la crainte de laisser créer ou décider les utilisateurs, ainsi qu’au manque de temps et de ressources de l’équipe. Finalement, sur la base des informations collectées, nous suggérons quatre outils de design participatif qui semblent plus intéressants : l’enquête contextuelle, les sondes, les tests de prototypes et l’approche « lead user ». Pour faire suite à ce travail, il serait intéressant d’élaborer un protocole de recherche plus exhaustif pour augmenter la portée des résultats, ou encore, d’appliquer le design participatif, dans une entreprise, afin d’explorer la satisfaction des gens quant aux produits conçus, les effets collatéraux sur les équipes impliquées, l’évolution des prototypes ou le déroulement des ateliers.


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Les changements technologiques ont des effets structurants sur l’organisation des soins dans notre système de santé. Les professionnels de la santé et les patients – les principaux utilisateurs des innovations médicales – sont des acteurs clés dans les trajectoires suivies par les nouvelles technologies en santé. Pour développer des technologies médicales plus efficaces, sécuritaires et conviviales, plusieurs proposent d’intensifier la collaboration entre les utilisateurs et les développeurs. Cette recherche s’intéresse à cette prémisse sur la participation des utilisateurs dans les processus d’innovation médicale. L'objectif général de cette recherche est de mieux comprendre la collaboration entre les utilisateurs et les développeurs impliqués dans la transformation des innovations médicales. Adoptant un cadre d’analyse sociotechnique, cette thèse par articles s’articule autour de trois objectifs : 1) décrire comment la littérature scientifique définit les objectifs, les méthodes et les enjeux de l’engagement des utilisateurs dans le développement des innovations médicales; 2) analyser les perspectives d’utilisateurs et de développeurs de technologies médicales quant à leur collaboration dans le processus d’innovation; et 3) analyser comment sont mobilisés, en pratique, des utilisateurs dans le développement d’une innovation médicale. Le premier objectif s’appuie sur une synthèse structurée des écrits scientifiques (n=101) portant sur le phénomène de la participation des utilisateurs dans les processus d’innovation médicale. Cette synthèse a dégagé les méthodes appliquées ou proposées pour faire participer les utilisateurs, les arguments normatifs véhiculés ainsi que les principaux enjeux soulevés. Le deuxième objectif repose sur l’analyse de trois groupes de discussion délibératifs et d'une plénière impliquant des utilisateurs et des développeurs (n=19) de technologies médicales. L’analyse a permis d’examiner leurs perspectives à l'égard de diverses approches de collaboration dans les processus d'innovation. Le troisième objectif implique l’étude d’une innovation en électrophysiologie lors de la phase de recherche clinique. Cette étude de cas unique s'appuie sur une analyse qualitative d'études cliniques (n=57) et des éditoriaux et synthèses de connaissances dans des revues médicales spécialisées (n=15) couvrant une période de dix ans (1999 à 2008) ainsi que des entrevues semi-dirigées avec des acteurs clés impliqués dans le processus d’innovation (n=3). Cette étude a permis de mieux comprendre comment des utilisateurs donne un sens, s’approprient et légitiment une innovation médicale en contexte de recherche clinique. La contribution générale de cette thèse consiste en une meilleure compréhension de l’apport des utilisateurs dans les processus d’innovation médicale et de sa capacité à aligner plus efficacement le développement technologique avec les objectifs du système de santé.


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The ultimate criterion of success for interactive expert systems is that they will be used, and used to effect, by individuals other than the system developers. A key ingredient of success in most systems is involving users in the specification and development of systems as they are being built. However, until recently, system designers have paid little attention to ascertaining user needs and to developing systems with corresponding functionality and appropriate interfaces to match those requirements. Although the situation is beginning to change, many developers do not know how to go about involving users, or else tackle the problem in an inadequate way. This paper discusses the need for user involvement and considers why many developers are still not involving users in an optimal way. It looks at the different ways in which users can be involved in the development process and describes how to select appropriate techniques and methods for studying users. Finally, it discusses some of the problems inherent in involving users in expert system development, and recommends an approach which incorporates both ethnographic analysis and formal user testing.


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Innovation in the built environment involves multiple actors with diverse motivations. Policy-makers find it difficult to promote changes that require cooperation from these numerous and dispersed actors and to align their sometimes divergent interests. Established research traditions on the economics and management of innovation pay only limited attention to stakeholder choices, engagement and motivation. This paper reviews the insights that emerge as research in these traditions comes into contact with work on innovation from sociological and political perspectives. It contributes by highlighting growing areas of research on user involvement in complex innovation, collective action, distributed innovation and transition management. To differing extents, these provide approaches to incorporate the motivations of different actors into theoretical understanding. These indicate new directions for research that promise to enrich understanding of innovation.


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The general idea of cloud computing is offering computational resources as scalable, on demand services accessible over the internet. However, this new realisation of on demand computing is hindered by the amount of user involvement. Currently, high level abstractions in cloud computing only exist in the form of services. In particular, there is no effective means to publish, discover and finally use required services in clouds. In response, we propose a user level abstraction on top of already available cloud abstraction layers, present its concept using the resources via web services (RVWS) framework and demonstrate its feasibility by simplifying the exposure and use of clusters, a commonly used resource in cloud computing.


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Various issues related to the multimedia information retrieval and media access are discussed. The feasible solutions for automatic signal-based analysis of media content are analyzed. The extent of user involvement in the content creation process is emphasized. The applications driving the creation and usage of context and metadata are also elaborated.


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Social media technologies are making fast inroads into organisations. In the context of knowledge-intensive work the propositions of improved communication, information sharing and user involvement seem particularly promising. We study the phenomenon of Enterprise Social Networking (ESN) in the context of Professional Service Firms (PSF). Our case study investigates emerging knowledge work practices on the ESN platform Yammer within Deloitte Australia. We perform a genre analysis of communication data and uncover a set of emerging practices. We reflect on our results in the context of the knowledge-intensive nature of professional service work. We find that Yammer in the case company has become 1) an information-sharing channel, 2) a space for crowdsourcing ideas, 3) a place for finding expertise and solving problems and 4) a conversation medium for context and relationship building. We conclude by positioning ESN in the well-known 3-C model for classifying collaborative ICT.


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG


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This article outlines some of the issues involved in developing partnerships between service users, practitioners and researchers. It discusses these through some experience in Oslo as part of a national level agreement (HUSK) to improve social services in Norway through research and knowledge development. It begins with a review of the main concepts and debates involved in developing collaborative partnerships for practice-based research, particularly in the social services arena. The HUSK program is then described. The article then traces some specific developments and challenges in negotiating partnership relations as discussed by program participants (users, practitioners and researchers) in a series of workshops designed to elicit the issues directly from their experience.


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To ensure the integrity of an intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) treatment, each plan must be validated through a measurement-based quality assurance (QA) procedure, known as patient specific IMRT QA. Many methods of measurement and analysis have evolved for this QA. There is not a standard among clinical institutions, and many devices and action levels are used. Since the acceptance criteria determines if the dosimetric tools’ output passes the patient plan, it is important to see how these parameters influence the performance of the QA device. While analyzing the results of IMRT QA, it is important to understand the variability in the measurements. Due to the different form factors of the many QA methods, this reproducibility can be device dependent. These questions of patient-specific IMRT QA reproducibility and performance were investigated across five dosimeter systems: a helical diode array, radiographic film, ion chamber, diode array (AP field-by-field, AP composite, and rotational composite), and an in-house designed multiple ion chamber phantom. The reproducibility was gauged for each device by comparing the coefficients of variation (CV) across six patient plans. The performance of each device was determined by comparing each one’s ability to accurately label a plan as acceptable or unacceptable compared to a gold standard. All methods demonstrated a CV of less than 4%. Film proved to have the highest variability in QA measurement, likely due to the high level of user involvement in the readout and analysis. This is further shown by how the setup contributed more variation than the readout and analysis for all of the methods, except film. When evaluated for ability to correctly label acceptable and unacceptable plans, two distinct performance groups emerged with the helical diode array, AP composite diode array, film, and ion chamber in the better group; and the rotational composite and AP field-by-field diode array in the poorer group. Additionally, optimal threshold cutoffs were determined for each of the dosimetry systems. These findings, combined with practical considerations for factors such as labor and cost, can aid a clinic in its choice of an effective and safe patient-specific IMRT QA implementation.


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Immersion and interaction have been identified as key factors influencing the quality of experience in stereoscopic video systems. The work presented here aims to create a new paradigm for 3D Multimedia consumption exploiting these factors in order to increase user involvement. We use a 5-sided CAVETM environment to support 3D panoramic video reproduction, real-time insertion of synthetic objects into the three-dimensional scene and real-time user interaction with the inserted elements. In this paper we describe our system requirements, functionalities, conceptual design and preliminary implementation results emphasizing the most relevant challenges accomplished. The focus is on three main issues: the generation of stereoscopic video panoramas; the synchronous reproduction of immersive 3D video across multiple screens; and, the real-time insertion algorithm implemented for the integration of synthetic objects into the stereoscopic video. These results have been successfully integrated into the graphic engine managing the operation of the CAVETM infrastructure.


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This article considers two contrasting approaches to reforming public services in order to meet the needs of people living in poverty. The first approach is top-down, involves categorising individuals (as 'hard to help', 'at risk', etc) and invokes scientific backing for justification. The second approach is bottom-up, emancipatory, relates to people as individuals and treats people who have experience of poverty and social exclusion as experts. The article examines each approach through providing brief examples in the fields of unemployment and parenting policy - two fields that have been central to theories of 'cycles of deprivation'. It is suggested here that the two approaches differ in terms of their scale, type of user involvement and type of evidence that is used for their legitimation. While the article suggests that direct comparison between the two approaches is difficult, it highlights the prevalence of top-down approaches towards services for people living in poverty, despite increasing support for bottom-up approaches in other policy areas.


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Background. Schizophrenia affects up to 1% of the population in the UK. People with schizophrenia use the National Health Service frequently and over a long period of time. However, their views on satisfaction with primary care are rarely sought. Objectives. This study aimed to explore the elements of satisfaction with primary care for people with schizophrenia. Method. A primary care-based study was carried out using semi-structured interviews with 45 patients with schizophrenia receiving shared care with the Northern Birmingham Mental Health Trust between 1999 and 2000. Results. Five major themes that affect satisfaction emerged from the data: the exceptional potential of the consultation itself; the importance of aspects of the organization of primary care; the construction of the user in the doctor-patient relationship; the influence of stereotypes on GP behaviour; and the importance of hope for recovery. Conclusion. Satisfaction with primary care is multiply mediated. It is also rarely expected or achieved by this group of patients. There is a significant gap between the rhetoric and the reality of user involvement in primary care consultations. Acknowledging the tensions between societal and GP views of schizophrenia as an incurable life sentence and the importance to patients of hope for recovery is likely to lead to greater satisfaction with primary health care for people with schizophrenia.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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The development of ICT infrastructures has facilitated the emergence of new paradigms for looking at society and the environment over the last few years. Participatory environmental sensing, i.e. directly involving citizens in environmental monitoring, is one example, which is hoped to encourage learning and enhance awareness of environmental issues. In this paper, an analysis of the behaviour of individuals involved in noise sensing is presented. Citizens have been involved in noise measuring activities through the WideNoise smartphone application. This application has been designed to record both objective (noise samples) and subjective (opinions, feelings) data. The application has been open to be used freely by anyone and has been widely employed worldwide. In addition, several test cases have been organised in European countries. Based on the information submitted by users, an analysis of emerging awareness and learning is performed. The data show that changes in the way the environment is perceived after repeated usage of the application do appear. Specifically, users learn how to recognise different noise levels they are exposed to. Additionally, the subjective data collected indicate an increased user involvement in time and a categorisation effect between pleasant and less pleasant environments.