991 resultados para universal central extension
Se trata de la biografía de uno de los científicos españoles de mayor proyección internacional: Julio Palacios. Fue licenciado en Ciencias Físicas y en Ciencias Exactas en la Universidad de Barcelona, y catedrático de Termología de la Universidad Central. En la Universidad de Leiden (Países Bajos) trabajó con el profesor Kamerlingh Onnes en el estudio del comportamiento de los gases nobles a baja temperatura. Colaboró también con la Universidad de Madrid y con el Laboratorio de Investigaciones Físicas de la Junta de Ampliación de Estudios e Investigaciones Científicas (JAE), en el que investigan también los mejores físicos de la época, como Miguel Catalán, Arturo Duperier, etc. Sus trabajos tuvieron repercusión internacional y, a raíz de ello, la Fundación Rockefeller donó un edificio dotado de instalaciones para la investigación científica del más alto nivel: el Instituto Nacional de Física y Química. En él, Palacios dirigió la sección de rayos X, creando una auténtica escuela española en ese campo. A lo largo de su vida también trabaja en termodinámica de gases a muy bajas temperaturas, electroquímica, óptica fisiológica, magnetismo, física nuclear, biofísica, relatividad, etc. Escribió 186 artículos de investigación y más de una docena de monografías y textos universitarios. A los 65 años publicó su Análisis Dimensional que tuvo un gran impacto en Europa y en los últimos años de su vida puso en duda la teoría de la relatividad de Einstein. Palacios fue vicerrector de la Universidad de Madrid y vicepresidente del Instituto de España. Entonces, la figura científica con más autoridad en España. Desde su puesto preeminente impulsó la reorganización de las Reales Academias y de la Real Sociedad Española de Física y Química; así como la transformación de la JAE en el Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas.
Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n
El estudio y tratamiento de la compra-venta internacional de mercaderías se ha profundizado desde 1964 con la Conferencia de La Haya, y con la ratificación de la Convención de Viena el año 1980. A pesar de este esfuerzo y de ciertas posiciones que consideran a la Convención como una suerte de Derecho universal sobre la compra-venta internacional, este artfculo evidencia que la misma presenta lagunas u omisiones en lo que se refiere a la aplicación de los principios generales y reglas de conflicto de leyes del tribunal competente. Este artículo resalta la importancia de la correlación de la Convención de Viena con otras regulaciones, tales como la Convención de La Haya de 1964, el Tratado de Montevideo de 1940, la Convención de México de 1994 entre otras, y evalúa su trascendencia en el ámbito internacional, con especial referencia a Ecuador y Uruguay.
El autor, a partir de un rápido recorrido por lo que han sido los estudios latinoamericanos en el siglo XX, hace algunas aproximaciones a lo que serán los cambios y desafíos que tendrán aquellos en el siglo XXI. Para Whitehead, la necesidad de estudiar y entender las realidades específicas de América Latina, y de transmitir estos conocimientos locales para enriquecer el conocimiento universal, no va a desaparecer en el presente siglo.
La autora sostiene que, a diferencia de los actores asiáticos que se mueven dentro de las políticas definidas por los organismos regionales, los organismos multilaterales latinoamericanos no son tan eficientes para cumplir su rol de interlocutores con el Asia Pacífico. Al diseñar sus políticas exteriores hacia los países asiáticos, Ecuador no debe obnubilarse por la extensión geográfica, la magnitud de su población o las economías de escala. Las oportunidades están en la posibilidad de ofrecer un mercado ampliado hacia la región andina.
Resolver por parte de los operadores jurídicos y en los casos en los que el derecho aplicable es indeterminado, con mecanismos y técnicas que son asimismo imprecisas, genera ciertas consecuencias: en estos supuestos los jueces no cuentan con criterios nítidos que guíen su toma de decisiones. dado que la extensión de lo indeterminado es indeterminada, la indeterminación es ineliminable no solo del contenido de las reglas jurídicas sino también de los recursos y mecanismos interpretativos del derecho. Así sucede en los “casos difíciles”, en los que el “deber de resolución” que impone a los jueces el Estado de derecho deviene impreciso y de realización incierta.
El presente trabajo pretende evidenciar cómo la democracia de los estados plurinacionales, como Ecuador, si bien ha realizado avances importantes en cuanto a la universalización de la participación política dentro de un sistema democrático, ni siquiera se ha planteado la posibilidad de pluriculturizar los mecanismos por los que se manifiesta la voluntad popular. el hecho de contar con un único sistema electoral, estatal y construido a partir de un enfoque formalista de democracia liberal, como regla de la mayoría, puede producir efectos de participación en desventaja en relación a sectores sociales cuyas tradiciones y formas de participación política son distintas pero no por ello, menos democráticas, si las comparamos con el sistema electoral estatal, de ahí que, el autor plantea esta inquietud como una provocación al debate académico y social sobre el tema.
El tema de los Derechos humanos se ubica en el corazón de la teoría moderna del derecho internacional. Desde el final de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, esta rama de la ciencia jurídica ha conocido múltiples desarrollos, buscando primordialmente la protección de esos derechos, conceptualizados en generaciones. Este proceso se ha caracterizado por la creación de mecanismos –de alcance regional y universal– cuyo papel es reparar el daño causado a las víctimas de violaciones de los derechos humanos, y, en ciertos casos, castigar a sus verdugos. El presente artículo analiza estas varias facetas de una disciplina en constante evolución, a través de ejemplos concretos que permitirán efectuar una ponderación de la eficacia del sistema internacional de salvaguardia de los Derechos humanos.
En este artículo se caracteriza a los estudios visuales como un campo desafiante en relación con el escepticismo académico y crítico ante categorías eurocéntricas que afirmaron esencialismos y discriminaciones en un supuesto “arte universal”. La indagación sobre los diversos elementos y las relaciones de poder que configuran nuestra realidad social –ejes fundamentales que incorpora el estudio visual para leer una obra–, incitan a cuestionar el contexto en que esta se produjo, el modo en que la vemos, valoramos y dotamos de sentido. Bajo estos lineamientos, se analiza la obra de Gertrude Sojka titulada “Liberación de Auschwitz” respondiendo cinco preguntas: ¿qué muestran las figuras humanas representadas?, ¿qué discursividad sustenta la composición?, ¿subyace un eje ideológico?, ¿cómo se inserta la obra en el ámbito de lo social? y ¿qué le dice a la espectadora o espectador? Finalmente, exponen las apreciaciones personales de la autora sobre el significado de la “liberación” en esta obra de Sojka.
The perspex machine arose from the unification of projective geometry with the Turing machine. It uses a total arithmetic, called transreal arithmetic, that contains real arithmetic and allows division by zero. Transreal arithmetic is redefined here. The new arithmetic has both a positive and a negative infinity which lie at the extremes of the number line, and a number nullity that lies off the number line. We prove that nullity, 0/0, is a number. Hence a number may have one of four signs: negative, zero, positive, or nullity. It is, therefore, impossible to encode the sign of a number in one bit, as floating-, point arithmetic attempts to do, resulting in the difficulty of having both positive and negative zeros and NaNs. Transrational arithmetic is consistent with Cantor arithmetic. In an extension to real arithmetic, the product of zero, an infinity, or nullity with its reciprocal is nullity, not unity. This avoids the usual contradictions that follow from allowing division by zero. Transreal arithmetic has a fixed algebraic structure and does not admit options as IEEE, floating-point arithmetic does. Most significantly, nullity has a simple semantics that is related to zero. Zero means "no value" and nullity means "no information." We argue that nullity is as useful to a manufactured computer as zero is to a human computer. The perspex machine is intended to offer one solution to the mind-body problem by showing how the computable aspects of mind and. perhaps, the whole of mind relates to the geometrical aspects of body and, perhaps, the whole of body. We review some of Turing's writings and show that he held the view that his machine has spatial properties. In particular, that it has the property of being a 7D lattice of compact spaces. Thus, we read Turing as believing that his machine relates computation to geometrical bodies. We simplify the perspex machine by substituting an augmented Euclidean geometry for projective geometry. This leads to a general-linear perspex-machine which is very much easier to pro-ram than the original perspex-machine. We then show how to map the whole of perspex space into a unit cube. This allows us to construct a fractal of perspex machines with the cardinality of a real-numbered line or space. This fractal is the universal perspex machine. It can solve, in unit time, the halting problem for itself and for all perspex machines instantiated in real-numbered space, including all Turing machines. We cite an experiment that has been proposed to test the physical reality of the perspex machine's model of time, but we make no claim that the physical universe works this way or that it has the cardinality of the perspex machine. We leave it that the perspex machine provides an upper bound on the computational properties of physical things, including manufactured computers and biological organisms, that have a cardinality no greater than the real-number line.
In order to identify the factors influencing adoption of technologies promoted by government to small-scale dairy farmers in the highlands of central Mexico, a field survey was conducted. A total of 115 farmers were grouped through cluster analysis (CA) and divided into three wealth status categories (high, medium and low) using wealth ranking. Chi-square analysis was used to examine the association of wealth status with technology adoption. Four groups of farms were differentiated in terms of farms’ dimensions, farmers’ education, sources of incomes, wealth status, management of herd, monetary support by government and technological availability. Statistical differences (p < 0.05) were observed in the milk yield per herd per year among groups. Government organizations (GO) participated little in the promotion of the 17 technologies identified, six of which focused on crop or forage production and 11 of which were related to animal husbandry. Relatives and other farmers played an important role in knowledge diffusion and technology adoption. Although wealth status had a significant association (p < 0.05) with adoption, other factors including importance of the technology to farmers, usefulness and productive benefits of innovations together with farmers’ knowledge of them, were important. It is concluded that the analysis of the information per group and wealth status was useful to identify suitable crop or forage related and animal husbandry technologies per group and wealth status of farmers. Therefore the characterizations of farmers could provide a useful starting point for the design and delivery of more appropriate and effective extension.
There have been limited recent advances in understanding of what influences uptake of innovations despite the current international focus on smallholder agriculture as a means of achieving food security and rural development. This paper provides a rigorous study of factors influencing adoption by smallholders in central Mexico and builds on findings to identify a broad approach to significantly improve research on and understanding of factors influencing adoption by smallholders in developing countries. Small-scale dairy systems play an important role in providing income, employment and nutrition in the highlands of central Mexico. A wide variety of practices and technologies have been promoted by the government public services to increase milk production and economic efficiency, but there have been very low levels of uptake of most innovations, with the exception of improving grassland through introduction of grass varieties together with management practices. A detailed study was conducted with 80 farmers who are already engaged with the use of this innovation to better understand the process of adoption and identify socioeconomic and farm variables, cognitive (beliefs), and social–psychological (social norms) factors associated with farmers' use of improved grassland. The Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) was used as a theoretical framework and Spearman Rank Order correlation was conducted to analyse the data. Most farmers (92.5%) revealed strong intention to continue to use improved grassland (which requires active management and investment of resources) for the next 12 months; whereas 7.5% of farmers were undecided and showed weak intention, which was associated with farmers whose main income was from non-farm activities as well as with farmers who had only recently started using improved grassland. Despite farmers' experience of using improved grassland (mean of 18 years) farmers' intentions to continue to adopt it was influenced almost as much by salient referents (mainly male relatives) as by their own attitudes. The hitherto unnoticed longevity of the role social referents play in adoption decisions is an important finding and has implications for further research and for the design of extension approaches. The study demonstrates the value and importance of using TRA or TPB approaches to understand social cognitive (beliefs) and social–psychological (social norms) factors in the study of adoption. However, other factors influencing adoption processes need to be included to provide fuller understanding. An approach that would enable this, and the development of more generalisable findings than from location specific case studies, and contribute to broader conceptualisation, is proposed.
Observations of net ecosystem exchange (NEE) of carbon and its biophysical drivers have been collected at the AmeriFlux site in the Morgan-Monroe State Forest (MMSF) in Indiana, USA since 1998. Thus, this is one of the few deciduous forest sites in the world, where a decadal analysis on net ecosystem productivity (NEP) trends is possible. Despite the large interannual variability in NEP, the observations show a significant increase in forest productivity over the past 10 years (by an annual increment of about 10 g C m−2 yr−1). There is evidence that this trend can be explained by longer vegetative seasons, caused by extension of the vegetative activity in the fall. Both phenological and flux observations indicate that the vegetative season extended later in the fall with an increase in length of about 3 days yr−1 for the past 10 years. However, these changes are responsible for only 50% of the total annual gain in forest productivity in the past decade. A negative trend in air and soil temperature during the winter months may explain an equivalent increase in NEP through a decrease in ecosystem respiration.
In this paper, we determine the lower central and derived series for the braid groups of the projective plane. We are motivated in part by the study of Fadell-Neuwirth short exact sequences, but the problem is interesting in its own right. The n-string braid groups B(n)(RP(2)) of the projective plane RP(2) were originally studied by Van Buskirk during the 1960s. and are of particular interest due to the fact that they have torsion. The group B(1)(RP(2)) (resp. B(2)(RP(2))) is isomorphic to the cyclic group Z(2) of order 2 (resp. the generalised quaternion group of order 16) and hence their lower central and derived series are known. If n > 2, we first prove that the lower central series of B(n)(RP(2)) is constant from the commutator subgroup onwards. We observe that Gamma(2)(B(3)(RP(2))) is isomorphic to (F(3) X Q(8)) X Z(3), where F(k) denotes the free group of rank k, and Q(8) denotes the quaternion group of order 8, and that Gamma(2)(B(4)(RP(2))) is an extension of an index 2 subgroup K of P(4)(RP(2)) by Z(2) circle plus Z(2). As for the derived series of B(n)(RP(2)), we show that for all n >= 5, it is constant from the derived subgroup onwards. The group B(n)(RP(2)) being finite and soluble for n <= 2, the critical cases are n = 3, 4. We are able to determine completely the derived series of B(3)(RP(2)). The subgroups (B(3)(RP(2)))((1)), (B(3)(RP(2)))((2)) and (B(3)(RP(2)))((3)) are isomorphic respectively to (F(3) x Q(8)) x Z(3), F(3) X Q(8) and F(9) X Z(2), and we compute the derived series quotients of these groups. From (B(3)(RP(2)))((4)) onwards, the derived series of B(3)(RP(2)), as well as its successive derived series quotients, coincide with those of F(9). We analyse the derived series of B(4)(RP(2)) and its quotients up to (B(4)(RP(2)))((4)), and we show that (B(4)(RP(2)))((4)) is a semi-direct product of F(129) by F(17). Finally, we give a presentation of Gamma(2)(B(n)(RP(2))). (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
A proteína glial fibrilar ácida (GFAP), subunidade dos filamentos intermediários do citoesqueleto celular, está presente no citoplasma de astrócitos. Técnicas imunohistoquímicas com anticorpos primários anti-GFAP são geralmente empregadas para identificar astrócitos no sistema nervoso, permitindo verificar também sua hipertrofia. Vários estudos mostram a distribuição, a morfologia e a citoarquitetura de astrócitos em várias regiões do SNC do homem e de animais de laboratório. No entanto, em animais domésticos e, especialmente em equinos, poucas informações estão disponíveis. No presente trabalho, verificou-se a densidade e a morfologia de astrócitos imunorreativos à GFAP na substância branca da córtex cerebral de equinos com leucoencefalomalácia (LEM) comparando-se esses aspectos com o de equinos normais. Animais com LEM apresentaram hipertrofia de astrócitos em áreas próximas às lesões, representada pelo aumento do corpo celular, do núcleo e dos prolongamentos citoplasmáticos. O número de astrócitos apresentou-se reduzido e a imunorreatividade foi mais acentuada. Nos animais normais, verificou-se distribuição constante de astrócitos imunorreagentes com características de fibrosos. Alterações vasculares nos animais com LEM, como por exemplo degeneração de endotélio vascular, também foram observadas, podendo estar associadas às alterações astrocíticas.