928 resultados para translational energy distribution


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In this paper, a new agent-based distributed reactive power management scheme is proposed to improve the voltage stability of energy distribution systems with distributed generation units. Three types of agents – distribution system agent, estimator agent, and control agent are developed within the multi-agent framework. The agents simultaneously coordinated their activities through the online information and energy flow. The overall achievement of the proposed scheme depends on the coordination between two tasks – (i) estimation of reactive power using voltage variation formula and (ii) necessary control actions to provide the estimated reactive power to the distribution networks through the distributed static synchronous compensators. A linear quadratic regulator with a proportional integrator is designed for the control agent in order to control the reactive component of the current and the DC voltage of the compensators. The performance of the proposed scheme is tested on a 10-bus power distribution network under various scenarios. The effectiveness is validated by comparing the proposed approach to the conventional proportional integral control approach. It is found that, the agent-based scheme provides excellent robust performance under various operating conditions of the power distribution network.


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Reliable calculations of the electron/ion energy losses in low-pressure thermally nonequilibrium low-temperature plasmas are indispensable for predictive modeling related to numerous applications of such discharges. The commonly used simplified approaches to calculation of electron/ion energy losses to the chamber walls use a number of simplifying assumptions that often do not account for the details of the prevailing electron energy distribution function (EEDF) and overestimate the contributions of the electron losses to the walls. By direct measurements of the EEDF and careful calculation of contributions of the plasma electrons in low-pressure inductively coupled plasmas, it is shown that the actual losses of kinetic energy of the electrons and ions strongly depend on the EEDF. It is revealed that the overestimates of the total electron/ion energy losses to the walls caused by improper assumptions about the prevailing EEDF and about the ability of the electrons to pass through the repulsive potential of the wall may lead to significant overestimates that are typically in the range between 9 and 32%. These results are particularly important for the development of power-saving strategies for operation of low-temperature, low-pressure gas discharges in diverse applications that require reasonably low power densities. © 2008 American Institute of Physics.


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Renewable energy is commonly considered a technological addition to urban environments. By contrast, this PhD used a holistic approach to develop a design framework for integrating local electricity production into the ecological function and cultural use of public space. The framework addresses social engagement related to public interaction, and economic engagement related to the estimated quantity of electricity produced, in conjunction with environmental engagement related to the embodied energy required to construct the renewable energy infrastructure. The outcomes will contribute to social and environmental change by engaging society, enriching the local economy and increasing social networks.


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Using the concept of energy-dependent effective field intensity, electron transport coefficients in nitrogen have been determined in E times B fields (E = electric field intensity, B = magnetic flux density) by the numerical solution of the Boltzmann transport equation for the energy distribution of electrons. It has been observed that as the value of B/p (p = gas pressure) is increased from zero, the perpendicular drift velocity increased linearly at first, reaches a maximum value, and then decreases with increasing B/p. In general, the electron mean energy is found to be a function of Eavet/p( Eavet = averaged effective electric field intensity) only, but the other transport coefficients, such as transverse drift velocity, perpendicular drift velocity, and the Townsend ionization coefficient, are functions of both E/p and B/p.


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The ion energy distribution of inductively coupled plasma ion source for focused ion beam application is measured using a four grid retarding field energy analyzer. Without using any Faraday shield, ion energy spread is found to be 50 eV or more. Moreover, the ion energy distribution is found to have double peaks showing that the power coupling to the plasma is not purely inductive, but a strong parasitic capacitive coupling is also present. By optimizing the various source parameters and Faraday shield, ion energy distribution having a single peak, well separated from zero energy and with ion energy spread of 4 eV is achieved. A novel plasma chamber, with proper Faraday shield is designed to ignite the plasma at low RF powers which otherwise would require 300-400 W of RF power. Optimization of various parameters of the ion source to achieve ions with very low energy spread and the experimental results are presented in this article. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Two general, numerically exact, quantum mechanical methods have been developed for the calculation of energy transfer in molecular collisions. The methods do not treat electronic transitions because of the exchange symmetry of the electrons. All interactions between the atoms in the system are written as potential energies.

The first method is a matrix generalization of the invariant imbedding procedure, 17, 20 adapted for multi-channel collision processes. The second method is based on a direct integration of the matrix Schrödinger equation, with a re-orthogonalization transform applied during the integration.

Both methods have been applied to a collinear collision model for two diatoms, interacting via a repulsive exponential potential. Two major studies were performed. The first was to determine the energy dependence of the transition probabilities for an H2 on the H2 model system. Transitions are possible between translational energy and vibrational energy, and from vibrational modes of one H2 to the other H2. The second study was to determine the variation of vibrational energy transfer probability with differences in natural frequency of two diatoms similar to N2.

Comparisons were made to previous approximate analytical solutions of this same problem. For translational to vibrational energy transfer, the previous approximations were not adequate. For vibrational to vibrational energy transfer of one vibrational quantum, the approximations were quite good.


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Phyrobilisomes (PBS) are the major light-harvesting, protein-pigment complexes in cyanobacteria and red algae. PBS absorb and transfer light energy to photosystem (PS) II as well as PS I, and the distribution of light energy from PBS to the two photosystems is regulated by light conditions through a mechanism known as state transitions. In this study the quantum efficiency of excitation energy transfer from PBS to PS I in the cyanobacterium Synechococcus sp. PCC 7002 was determined, and the results showed that energy transfer from PBS to PS I is extremely efficient. The results further demonstrated that energy transfer from PBS to PS I occurred directly and that efficient energy transfer was dependent upon the allophycocyanin-B alpha subunit, ApcD. In the absence of ApcD, cells were unable to perform state transitions and were trapped in state 1. Action spectra showed that light energy transfer from PBS to PS I was severely impaired in the absence of ApcD. An apcD mutant grew more slowly than the wild type in light preferentially absorbed by phyrobiliproteins and was more sensitive to high light intensity. On the other hand, a mutant lacking ApcF, which is required for efficient energy transfer from PBS to PS II, showed greater resistance to high light treatment. Therefore, state transitions in cyanobacteria have two roles: (1) they regulate light energy distribution between the two photosystems; and (2) they help to protect cells from the effects of light energy excess at high light intensities. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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It has been previously observed that thin film transistors (TFTs) utilizing an amorphous indium gallium zinc oxide (a-IGZO) semiconducting channel suffer from a threshold voltage shift when subjected to a negative gate bias and light illumination simultaneously. In this work, a thermalization energy analysis has been applied to previously published data on negative bias under illumination stress (NBIS) in a-IGZO TFTs. A barrier to defect conversion of 0.65-0.75 eV is extracted, which is consistent with reported energies of oxygen vacancy migration. The attempt-to-escape frequency is extracted to be 10 6-107 s-1, which suggests a weak localization of carriers in band tail states over a 20-40 nm distance. Models for the NBIS mechanism based on charge trapping are reviewed and a defect pool model is proposed in which two distinct distributions of defect states exist in the a-IGZO band gap: these are associated with states that are formed as neutrally charged and 2+ charged oxygen vacancies at the time of film formation. In this model, threshold voltage shift is not due to a defect creation process, but to a change in the energy distribution of states in the band gap upon defect migration as this allows a state formed as a neutrally charged vacancy to be converted into one formed as a 2+ charged vacancy and vice versa. Carrier localization close to the defect migration site is necessary for the conversion process to take place, and such defect migration sites are associated with conduction and valence band tail states. Under negative gate bias stressing, the conduction band tail is depleted of carriers, but the bias is insufficient to accumulate holes in the valence band tail states, and so no threshold voltage shift results. It is only under illumination that the quasi Fermi level for holes is sufficiently lowered to allow occupation of valence band tail states. The resulting charge localization then allows a negative threshold voltage shift, but only under conditions of simultaneous negative gate bias and illumination, as observed experimentally as the NBIS effect. © 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.


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Based on Stefan-Boltzman and Lambert theorems, the radiation energy distribution on substrate (REDS) from catalyzer with parallel filament geometry has been simulated by variation of filament and system layout in hot-wire chemical vapor deposition. The REDS uniformity is sensitive to the distance between filament and substrate d(f-s) when d(f-s) less than or equal to 4 cm. As d(f-s) > 4 cm, the REDS uniformity is independent of d(f-s) and is mainly determined by filament number and filament separation. Two-dimensional calculation shows that the REDS uniformity is limited by temperature decay at filament edges. The simulation data are in good agreement with experiments. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Based on Stefan-Boltzman and Lambert theorems, the radiation energy distribution on substrate (REDS) from catalyzer with parallel filament geometry has been simulated by variation of filament and system layout in hot-wire chemical vapor deposition. The REDS uniformity is sensitive to the distance between filament and substrate d(f-s) when d(f-s) less than or equal to 4 cm. As d(f-s) > 4 cm, the REDS uniformity is independent of d(f-s) and is mainly determined by filament number and filament separation. Two-dimensional calculation shows that the REDS uniformity is limited by temperature decay at filament edges. The simulation data are in good agreement with experiments. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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As a simple and reliable propulsion system, arcjet thrusters have been used in multiple satellite missions. In order to improve the efficiency of arcjet thrusters, energy dissipation study was carried out in a 1 kW arcjet thruster with pure N2, H2-N2 and H2 as the propellant. Using a 698 nm interference filter, thermal radiation was isolated from arc and plume emissions and the internal nozzle temperature was obtained by converting the thermal radiation signals. Results show that the addition of hydrogen leads to higher nozzle temperature, which is the determining factor for the mode of arc root attachment. At lower nozzle temperatures, constricted type attachment with unstable motions of the arc root was observed, while a fully diffused and stable arc root was observed at elevated nozzle temperatures. Output energy distribution analysis shows that losses from frozen flow and exhaust thermal losses are the main parts in limiting the efficiency of arcjet thrusters.


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As a simple and reliable propulsion system, arcjet thrusters have been used in multiple satellite missions. In order to improve the efficiency of arcjet thrusters, energy dissipation study was carried out in a 1 kW arcjet thruster with pure N2, H2-N2 and H2 as the propellant. Using a 698 nm interference filter, thermal radiation was isolated from arc and plume emissions and the internal nozzle temperature was obtained by converting the thermal radiation signals. Results show that the addition of hydrogen leads to higher nozzle temperature, which is the determining factor for the mode of arc root attachment. At lower nozzle temperatures, constricted type attachment with unstable motions of the arc root was observed, while a fully diffused and stable arc root was observed at elevated nozzle temperatures. Output energy distribution analysis shows that losses from frozen flow and exhaust thermal losses are the main parts in limiting the efficiency of arcjet thrusters.


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Because of the intrinsic difficulty in determining distributions for wave periods, previous studies on wave period distribution models have not taken nonlinearity into account and have not performed well in terms of describing and statistically analyzing the probability density distribution of ocean waves. In this study, a statistical model of random waves is developed using Stokes wave theory of water wave dynamics. In addition, a new nonlinear probability distribution function for the wave period is presented with the parameters of spectral density width and nonlinear wave steepness, which is more reasonable as a physical mechanism. The magnitude of wave steepness determines the intensity of the nonlinear effect, while the spectral width only changes the energy distribution. The wave steepness is found to be an important parameter in terms of not only dynamics but also statistics. The value of wave steepness reflects the degree that the wave period distribution skews from the Cauchy distribution, and it also describes the variation in the distribution function, which resembles that of the wave surface elevation distribution and wave height distribution. We found that the distribution curves skew leftward and upward as the wave steepness increases. The wave period observations for the SZFII-1 buoy, made off the coast of Weihai (37A degrees 27.6' N, 122A degrees 15.1' E), China, are used to verify the new distribution. The coefficient of the correlation between the new distribution and the buoy data at different spectral widths (nu=0.3-0.5) is within the range of 0.968 6 to 0.991 7. In addition, the Longuet-Higgins (1975) and Sun (1988) distributions and the new distribution presented in this work are compared. The validations and comparisons indicate that the new nonlinear probability density distribution fits the buoy measurements better than the Longuet-Higgins and Sun distributions do. We believe that adoption of the new wave period distribution would improve traditional statistical wave theory.


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The laser-induced photodissociation of formaldehyde in the wavelength range 309<λ<330nm 309<λ<330nm has been investigated using H (Rydberg) atom photofragment translational spectroscopy. Photolysis wavelengths corresponding to specific rovibronic transitions in the A ˜ A 2 1 ←X ˜ A 1 1 ÃA21←X̃A11 2 1 0 4 3 0 201403 , 2 2 0 4 1 0 202401 , 2 2 0 4 3 0 202403 , 2 3 0 4 1 0 203401 , and 2 1 0 5 1 0 201501 bands of H 2 CO H2CO were studied. The total kinetic energy release spectra so derived can be used to determine partial rotational state population distributions of the HCO cofragment. HCO product state distributions have been derived following the population of various different N K a NKa levels in the A ˜ A 2 1 ÃA21 2 2 4 3 2243 and 2 3 4 1 2341 states. Two distinct spectral signatures are identified, suggesting competition between dissociation pathways involving the X ˜ A 1 1 X̃A11 and the a ˜ A 2 3 ãA23 potential energy surfaces. Most rovibrational states of H 2 CO(A ˜ A 2 1 ) H2CO(ÃA21) investigated in this work produceH+HCO(X ˜ A ′ 2 ) H+HCO(X̃A′2) photofragments with a broad kinetic energy distribution and significant population in high energy rotational states of HCO. Photodissociation via the A ˜ A 2 1 ÃA21 2 2 4 3 2243 1 1,1 11,1 (and 1 1,0 11,0 ) rovibronic states yields predominantly HCO fragments with low internal energy, a signature that these rovibronic levels are perturbed by the a ˜ A 2 3 ãA23 state. The results also suggest the need for further careful measurements of the H+HCO H+HCO quantum yield from H 2 CO H2CO photolysis at energies approaching, and above, the barrier to C–H bond fission on the a ˜ A 2 3 ãA23 potential energy surface.


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Hydrogen ions (H+, H-2(+) and H-3(+)) are produced in a magnetically confined inductively coupled radio frequency plasma. Ions are accelerated in the plasma boundary sheath potential, of several hundred volts, in front of a biased metal electrode immersed in the plasma. Backscattered hyperthermal hydrogen atoms are investigated by optical emission spectroscopy and an energy-resolved mass spectrometer. Ionisation of fast neutrals through electron stripping of atoms in the plasma allows energy analysis of the resulting ions. Thereby, the energy distribution function of the hyperthermal atoms can be deduced. The energy spectra can be explained as a superposition of individual spectra of the various ion species. The measured spectra also shows contributions of negative ions created at the electrode surface. In addition to experimental measurements, simulations of the neutral flux of backscattered atoms are carried out.