123 resultados para thermostability
Amb la finalitat d'aprofundir en les bases moleculars de la citotoxicitat de les ribonucleases pancreàtiques, es van construir variants derivades de l'HP-RNasa seguint dues estratègies. En la primera, es van generar variants de l'enzim resistents a l'acció de l'inhibidor proteic de les ribonucleases (hRI), substituint residus implicats en la interfície de contacte entre la ribonucleasa i l'hRI. En la segona, es va addicionar el motiu RGD en regions de superfície de la proteïna implicades en la formació del complex amb l'hRI, a fi de promoure la seva interacció amb la membrana plasmàtica de les cèl·lules i a la vegada disminuir l'afinitat de les variants per l'hRI. Es va comprovar que només les variants portadores de substitucions múltiples adquirien la capacitat de resistència a l'hRI. L'estudi del percentatge d'inhibició de la síntesi proteica en cèl·lules incubades amb cadascuna de les variants va mostrar que només dues de les variants construïdes havien adquirit propietats citotòxiques. La citotoxicitat més elevada la va presentar una variant que no era resistent a l'hRI, amb valors que eren només entre 5 i 15 vegades inferiors als de l'onconasa. Aquest resultat demostrà que la sensibilitat a l'hRI no és necessàriament un paràmetre limitant per a la citotoxicitat de les ribonucleases. Cap de les variants que incorporava un motiu RGD presentà citotoxicitat, evidenciant que aquest motiu no és efectiu a fi de dotar les ribonucleases pancreàtiques de propietats citotòxiques. Es van estudiar les bases moleculars de la citotoxicitat de la variant més citotòxica. En primer lloc, l'anàlisi de la internalització per marcatge radioactiu d'aquesta variant en relació amb l'onconasa i amb altres variants de l'HP-RNasa no citotòxiques, va posar en evidència que només l'onconasa era internalitzada eficientment. Es descartava així la possibilitat que l'acció citotòxica de l'enzim estudiat fos conseqüència d'una major eficiència d'endocitosi. També es va comprovar que l'addició del motiu RGD no era capaç de promoure la internalització de les proteïnes amb més eficàcia. Per microscòpia confocal de fluorescència, les variants humanes només es van començar a detectar a l'interior de la cèl·lula a partir de les 24 h d'incubació. Totes les variants generades van presentar una eficiència catalítica superior al 50 % de l'activitat de la seva proteïna parental, PM5, indicant que probablement l'estructura del centre actiu no havia estat afectada de manera dràstica per les substitucions introduïdes. No obstant, en tots els casos es va produir una disminució en la termoestabilitat respecte a PM5. Aquest resultat indicà que la correlació descrita a la bibliografia entre l'increment de termoestabilitat i l'increment de citotoxicitat per les ribonucleases no sempre es compleix. Per microscòpia confocal es va comprovar que tant la proteïna més citotòxica, com una variant no citotòxica resistent a l'hRI, així com la proteïna parental, seguien la via de degradació lisosomal. Aquesta ruta de trànsit no va ser afectada per l'addició de drogues que alteren les vies de trànsit retrògrad (monensina i brefeldina A), però sí per l'addició de la bafilomicina A1, una droga que neutralitza el pH endosomal i que va actuar alentint el trànsit de les proteïnes als lisosomes. D'acord amb aquests resultats, els valors de citotoxicitat de les variants es van incrementar de manera significativa només en presència de bafilomicina A1, suggerint que les ribonucleases transloquen al citoplasma a partir d'algun punt de la via de trànsit endosomal. Es va comprovar que l'acció de la variant més citotòxica era deguda a que l'addició d'un segon motiu de tres Arg en PE5 dota a aquesta proteïna amb un senyal de transport nuclear. La fracció d'enzim que aconsegueix translocar al citoplasma a partir d'algun punt de la via endosomal previ als lisosomes, és conduït ràpidament al nucli de la cèl·lula per mitjà del mecanisme clàssic de transport actiu. Per la seva afinitat amb l'rRNA, l'enzim es concentra en el nuclèol, on probablement duu a terme la seva activitat catalítica. La interacció d'aquesta variant amb els receptors nucleocitoplasmàtics, les importines, impediria per altra banda el bloqueig de l'enzim per part de l'hRI. Els resultats obtinguts presenten una nova estratègia de disseny de ribonucleases citotòxiques, basada en l'addició de segments NLS a fi de promoure el transport nuclear dels enzims. Aquesta estratègia podria permetre superar limitacions que fins al moment han estat descrites com a limitants de la citotoxicitat de les ribonucleases pancreàtiques, com la sensibilitat a l'hRI o la baixa eficiència d'internalització.
Tolerance to high soil and air temperature during the reproductive phase is an important component of adaptation to and and semi-arid cropping environments in groundnut. Between 10 and 22 genotypes were screened for tolerance to high air and soil temperature in controlled environments. To assess tolerance to high soil temperature, 10 genotypes were grown from start of podding to harvest at ambient (28 degrees) and high (38 degreesC) soil temperatures, and crop growth rate (CGR), pod growth rate (PGR) and partitioning (ratio PGR:CGR) measured. To assess tolerance to high air temperature during two key stages-microsporogenesis (3-6 days before flowering, DBF) and flowering, fruit-set was measured in two experiments. In the first experiment, 12 genotypes were exposed to short (3-6 days) episodes of high (38 degreesC) day air temperature at 6 DBF and at flowering. In the second experiment, 22 genotypes were exposed to 40 degreesC day air temperature for I day at 6 DBF, 3 DBF or at flowering. Cellular membrane thermostability (relative injury, RI) was also measured in these 22 genotypes. There was considerable variation among genotypes in response to high temperature, whether assessed by growth rates, fruit-set or RI. Pod weight at high soil temperature was associated with variation in CGR rather than partitioning. Flowering was more sensitive to high air temperature than microsporogenesis. Genotypes tolerant to high air temperature at microsporogenesis were not necessarily tolerant at flowering, and nor was tolerance correlated with RI. Six genotypes (796, 55-437, ICG 1236, ICGV 86021, lCGV 87281 and ICGV 92121) were identified as heat tolerant based on their performance in all tests. These experiments have shown that groundnut genotypes can be easily screened for reproductive tolerance to high air and soil temperature and that several sources of heat tolerance are available in groundnut germplasm. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
A novel series of linear, high molecular weight polymers were synthesized by one-pot, superacid-catalyzed reaction of acenaphthenequinone (1) with aromatic hydrocarbons. The reactions were performed at room temperature in the Bronsted superacid CF3SO3H (trifluoromethanesulfonic acid, TFSA) and in a mixture of TFSA with methanesulfonic acid (MSA) and trifluoroacetic acid (TFA), which was used as both solvent and a medium for generation of electrophilic species from acenaphthenequinone. The polymer-forming reaction was found to be dependent greatly on the acidity of the reaction medium, as judged from the viscosity of the polymers obtained. Polycondensations of acenaphthenequinone with 4,4'-diphenoxybenzophenone (f), 1,3-bis(4-phenoxybenzoyl)benzene (g), 1,4-bis(4-phenoxybenzoyl)benzene (h), 1,10-bis(4-phenoxyphenyl)decane-1,10-dione (i), 2,6-diphenoxybenzonitrile), 2,6-diphenoxybenzoic acid (k), and 2-(4-biphenylyl)-6-phenylbenzoxazole (1) proceeded in a reaction medium of wide range of acidity, including pure TFSA (Hammett acidity function H-0 of pure TFSA is -14.1), whereas condensation of 1 with biphenyl, terphenyl, diphenyl ether, and 1,4-diphenoxybenzene needed a reaction medium of acidity H-0 less than -11.5. A possible reaction mechanism is suggested. The polymers obtained were found to be soluble in the common organic solvents, and flexible transparent films could be cast from the solutions. H-1 and C-13 NMR analyses of the polymers synthesized revealed their linear, highly regular structure. The polymers also possess high thermostability. Char yields for polymers 3a, 3c, 3d, and 3l in nitrogen were close to 80% at 1000 degrees C.
The barley β-amylase I (Bmy1) locus encodes a starch breakdown enzyme whose kinetic properties and thermostability are critical during malt production. Studies of allelic variation at the Bmy1 locus have shown that the encoded enzyme can be commonly found in at least three distinct thermostability classes and demonstrated the nucleotide sequence variations responsible for such phenotypic differences. In order to explore the extent of sequence diversity at the Bmy1 locus in cultivated European barley, 464 varieties representing a cross-section of popular varieties grown in western Europe over the past 60 years, were genotyped for three single nucleotide polymorphisms chosen to tag the four common alleles found in the collection. One of these haplotypes, which has not been explicitly recognised in the literature as a distinct allele, was found in 95% of winter varieties in the sample. When release dates of the varieties were considered, the lowest thermostability allele (Bmy1-Sd2L) appeared to decrease in abundance over time, while the highest thermostability allele (Bmy1-Sd2H) was the rarest allele at 5.4% of the sample and was virtually confined to two-row spring varieties. Pedigree analysis was used to track transmission of particular alleles over time and highlighted issues of genetic stratification of the sample.
Al(2)O(3):Eu(3+)(1%) samples were prepared by combustion, ceramic, and Pechini methods annealed from 400 to 1400 degrees C. XRD patterns indicate that samples heated up to 1000 degrees C present disordered character of activated alumina (gamma-Al(2)O(3)). However, alpha-Al(2)O(3) phase showed high crystallinity and thermostability at 1200-1400 degrees C. The sample characterizations were also carried out by means of infrared spectroscopy (IR), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and specific surface areas analysis (BET method). Excitation spectra of Al(2)O(3):Eu(3+) samples present broaden bands attributed to defects of Al(2)O(3) matrices and to LMCT state of O -> Eu(3+), however, the narrow bands are assigned to (7)F(0) -> (5)D(J),(5)H(J) and (5)L(J) transitions of Eu(3+) ion. Emission spectra of samples calcined up to 1000 degrees C show broaden bands for (5)D(0) -> (7)F(J) transitions of Eu(3+) ion suggesting that the rare earth ion is in different symmetry sites showed by inhomogeneous line broadening of bands, confirming the predominance of the gamma-alumina phase. For all samples heated from 1200 to 1400 degrees C the spectra exhibit narrow (5)D(0) -> (7)F(J) transitions of Eu(3+) ion indicating the conversion of gamma to alpha-Al(2)O(3) phases, a high intensity narrow peak around 695 nm assigned to R lines of Cr(3+) ion is shown. Al(2)O(3):Eu(3+) heated up to 1100 degrees C presents an increase in the Omega(2) intensity parameter with the increase of temperatures enhancing the covalent character of metal-donor interaction. The disordered structural systems present the highest values of emission quantum efficiencies (eta). CIE coordinates of Al(2)O(3):Eu(3+) are also discussed. (C) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The crystal structures of an aspartic proteinase from Trichoderma reesei (TrAsP) and of its complex with a competitive inhibitor, pepstatin A, were solved and refined to crystallographic R-factors of 17.9% (R(free)=21.2%) at 1.70 angstrom resolution and 15.81% (R(free) = 19.2%) at 1.85 angstrom resolution, respectively. The three-dimensional structure of TrAsP is similar to structures of other members of the pepsin-like family of aspartic proteinases. Each molecule is folded in a predominantly beta-sheet bilobal structure with the N-terminal and C-terminal domains of about the same size. Structural comparison of the native structure and the TrAsP-pepstatin complex reveals that the enzyme undergoes an induced-fit, rigid-body movement upon inhibitor binding, with the N-terminal and C-terminal lobes tightly enclosing the inhibitor. Upon recognition and binding of pepstatin A, amino acid residues of the enzyme active site form a number of short hydrogen bonds to the inhibitor that may play an important role in the mechanism of catalysis and inhibition. The structures of TrAsP were used as a template for performing statistical coupling analysis of the aspartic protease family. This approach permitted, for the first time, the identification of a network of structurally linked residues putatively mediating conformational changes relevant to the function of this family of enzymes. Statistical coupling analysis reveals coevolved continuous clusters of amino acid residues that extend from the active site into the hydrophobic cores of each of the two domains and include amino acid residues from the flap regions, highlighting the importance of these parts of the protein for its enzymatic activity. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The thermostability (TS) and efficacy offered by live vaccines against Newcastle disease strains B 1, La Sota, VG-GA and Ulster, produced or imported by four Brazilian laboratories, were evaluated during their validity period. Kinetic profiles were obtained from samples conserved in refrigerators during 0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20 and 24 months after their manufacturing. The statistical analysis of the vaccine titre effect obtained by the fresh air (FA) method showed that the vaccine profiles were parallel and coincident, presenting a significant descending trend. The vaccine titres and efficiency proofs at the end of the validity period were above the level of legislation requirements and showed an average loss in titre of 0.40 and 0.66 log(10), within the first and second validity years, respectively. The titre obtained by TS, within the month after manufacturing, had no significant difference from the titre obtained by FA within 24 months after manufacturing, being their pairs of observations positively correlated (r = 0,49, p = 0.0003), showing that the TS method, which anticipates the vaccines' performance at the end of the validity period, can substitute the FA method 24 months after manufacturing. (C) 2009 The International Association for Biologicals. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)