991 resultados para territorial disputes


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Please see the updated published version of this work at http://eprints.qut.edu.au/37850/ There is a severe tendency in cyberlaw theory to delegitimize state intervention in the governance of virtual communities. Much of the existing theory makes one of two fundamental flawed assumptions: that communities will always be best governed without the intervention of the state; or that the territorial state can best encourage the development of communities by creating enforceable property rights and allowing the market to resolve any disputes. These assumptions do not ascribe sufficient weight to the value-laden support that the territorial state always provides to private governance regimes, the inefficiencies that will tend to limit the development utopian communities, and the continued role of the territorial state in limiting autonomy in accordance with communal values...


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Urban land use planning and policy decisions are often contested, with the multiple stakeholders (business, developers, residents, policymakers and the wider community) frequently holding opposing viewpoints about the issues and best solution. In recent years, however, the participatory process of social impact assessment (SIA) has received significant attention as a way to mitigate conflict, facilitating negotiation and conflict resolution. This paper examines how social impacts have informed development appeals in Australia, focussing on ten cases from the Queensland Planning and Environment Court (QPEC). Half are appeals from community members (typically neighbours) wanting to oppose approvals and half from organisations appealing against City Councils’ decisions to deny their development applications. While legal challenges do not necessarily reflect attitudes and practices, they provide a means to begin to assess how social impacts (although not often explicitly defined as such) inform development related disputes. Based on the nature and outcomes of 10 QPEC cases, we argue that many legal cases could have been avoided if SIA had been undertaken appropriately. First, the issues in each case are clearly social, incorporating impacts on amenity, the character of an area, the needs of different social groups, perceptions of risk and a range of other social issues. Second, the outcomes and recommendations from each case, such as negotiating agreements, modifying plans and accommodating community concerns would have been equally served thorough SIA. Our argument is that engagement at an early stage, utilising SIA, could have likely achieved the same result in a less adversarial and much less expensive and time-consuming environment than a legal case.


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In the last decade community living, in master planned communities or strata titled complexes, has increased. As land becomes scarcer, the popularity of these schemes is predicted to grow. Offsetting this popularity is the peculiarities of community living, in particular the often unthought-of difficulties arising from living in very close proximity to your neighbour. Such difficulties affect both amenity of life and property value. This paper seeks to inform practitioners of the issues arising from community living. It does this by identifying the more common forms of disputes and considering recent tribunal and court decisions. The paper concludes by identifying the dispute warning signs to assist to practitioners with the valuation process.


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Purpose – This chapter examines an episode of pretend play amongst a group of young girls in an elementary school in Australia, highlighting how they interact within the membership categorization device ‘family’ to manage their social and power relationships. Approach – Using conversation analysis and membership categorization analysis, an episode of video-recorded interaction that occurs amongst a group of four young girls is analyzed. Findings – As disputes arise amongst the girls, the mother category is produced as authoritative through authoritative actions by the girl in the category of mother, and displays of subordination on the part of the other children, in the categories of sister, dog and cat. Value of paper – Examining play as a social practice provides insight into the social worlds of children. The analysis shows how the children draw upon and co-construct family-style relationships in a pretend play context, in ways that enable them to build and organize peer interaction. Authority is highlighted as a joint accomplishment that is part of the social and moral order continuously being negotiated by the children. The authority of the mother category is produced and oriented to as a means of managing the disputes within the pretend frame of play.


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The interpretation and application of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) may be the source of many disputes. UNCLOS introduced an à la carte menu for dispute settlement with a number of options for international dispute resolution, including a compulsory procedure entailing binding decisions. While drafting this ambitious and complex system of dispute settlement, the drafters had to negotiate many delicate compromises to secure a system for the uniform interpretation of the Convention. The aim of this paper r is to explore why litigation using the UNCLOS dispute settlement system is, or is not, a preferred mode of settlement for law of the sea disputes.


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Dispute resolution in strata schemes in Peninsular Malaysia should focus on more than just "settlement." The quality of the outcome, its sustainability and its relevance in supporting the basic principles of a good neighbourhood and self-governance in a strata scheme are also fundamental. Based on the comprehensive law movement, this thesis develops a theoretical framework for strata scheme disputes within the parameters of therapeutic jurisprudence, preventive law, alternative dispute resolution (ADR) and problem-solving courts. The therapeutic orientation of this model offers approaches that promote positive communication between disputing parties, preserve neighbour relations and optimise people's psychological and emotional well-being.


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The 2014 World Cancer Report, issued by the World Health Organisation (WHO), indicates that the number of new cancer cases has reached an all-time high. On the 19 May 2014, Dr Margaret Chan, the Director-General of the WHO, gave a stirring speech to the 67th Health Assembly on the heavy health burden associated with cancer. Chan was particularly interested in public health measures designed to combat the global tobacco epidemic...


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More than 14 million Dish Network subscribers have been without Breaking Bad, Mad Men, and The Walking Dead since June when the satellite provider pulled AMC Networks—AMC, Sundance, IFC, and WE tv—from its lineup in a dispute over carriage fees. The tactic is called a blackout, and it’s becoming increasingly common in the television landscape as pay-TV operators and station owners battle over the nearly $5 billion at stake in the next 5 years.


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In November 2010, tension between Internet infrastructure companies boiled over in a dispute between content distribution network (CDN) Level 3 and Internet service provider (ISP) Comcast. Level 3, a distribution partner of Netflix, accused Comcast of violating the principles of net neutrality when the ISP increased distribution fees for carrying high bandwidth services. Comcast justified its actions by stating that the price increase was standard practice and argued Level 3 was trying to avoid paying its fair share. The dispute exemplifies the growing concern over the rising costs of streaming media services. The companies facing these inflated infrastructure costs are CDNs (Level 3, Equinix, Limelight, Akamai, and Voxel), companies that host streaming media content on server farms and distribute the content to a variety of carriers, and ISPs (Comcast, Time Warner, Cox, and AT&T), the cable and phone companies that provide “last mile” service to paying customers. Both CDNs and ISPs are lobbying government regulators to keep their costs at a minimum. The outcome of these disputes will influence the cost, quality, and legal status of streaming media.


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Territoriality is a central issue in indigenous peoples struggles. The territorial struggles involve struggles over the control of natural resources and over political participation and representation, but also over the perception of territorial rights and the symbolic representation of the territory. These struggles are carried through both in material and symbolic ways through recurring to different discourses and representations that provide legitimation for the territorial claims of the group. The study is located in the Northern Autonomous Atlantic Region of Nicaragua. The study concerns the territorial strategies, conceptions and practices of the indigenous people and other actors. Territorial conflicts exist between the autonomous region and the central government of Nicaragua, between mestizo settlers and indigenous people, between different indigenous groups, and between these and development agents such as conservation projects. The study focuses on how territorial discourses and representations are used to legitimate territorial control. Environmental, historical and cartographical discourses are the most important discourses recurred to. The influence of discourses and representations on the territorial practices and policies of the different actors, the links between the local struggles and global processes, and the broader structural factors impacting on the territorial struggles are also analysed. Among the structural factors are the problems related to land tenure and management and the use of natural resources, the advance of the agricultural frontier, the institutional weaknesses of the central and regional governments and the legislative processes. The territorial discourses are both recurred to in a strategic way and also grounded in local ideals and practices. The discourses have produced real effects for example in legislation, land tenure systems, political representation and environmental practices. Although the use of discourses and representations are an important power tool in territorial struggles, territorial control cannot be effectively accomplished merely through representing territorial claims in a legitimate way or through reforming legislation, as the conflicts are also largely a result of structural factors affecting the region. The fieldwork was carried out during a total of twelve months between 2000 and 2002. The research methods used were semi-structured interviews, participant observation and participatory research methods. A broad range of literary sources were also used to collect data. The study is located within the field of critical political geography with a discursive political ecology approach. It can be called a critical realist approach to the discursive analysis of indigenous territoriality.


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Cabe reseñar el camino llevado por la formación del denominado principio de autodeterminación de los pueblos, y analizar sus alcances en su tensa relación con otros principios, como los de integridad territorial de los Estados y la prohibición del uso de la fuerza en las relaciones internacionales.


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Resumen: El presente artículo se propone demostrar que la integración internacional de la economía argentina, junto con el crecimiento de la competencia entre sus distintas regiones, está generando un cambio profundo dentro del sistema productivo y reorganizando el sistema regional y urbano argentino. Para ello, luego de revisar algunos aspectos generales respecto a la influencia de la globalización como impulsora de transformaciones productivas, el autor se aboca a analizar en profundidad los aspectos positivos y negativos de las transformaciones que está viviendo la Argentina.


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Como una forma de culminación de estudios de la carrera de Licenciatura en Desarrollo Rural, las pasantías han sido realizadas en Fundación Ayuda en Acción (AeA), en el Área de Desarrollo Territorial (ADT) del Municipio de Matiguás-Matagalpa, en el período comprendido de Abril a Octubre del 2014. La Fundación AeA es una organización No Gubernamental de Desarrollo (ONGD) independiente, aconfesional y apartidista, fundada en España en 1981. Actualmente trabaja en 21 países en Asía, África y América Latina. En Nicaragua, la Fundación AeA está presente en: Matagalpa: Matiguás, Río Blanco y Tuma-La Dalia, Región Autónoma del Atlántico Sur (RAAS): Kukra Hill, León: Telica y Quezalguaque, Boaco: Boaco y Camoapa, Madriz: Totogalpa. Los proyectos que implementa son intersectoriales, articulando acciones en educación, salud, prevención de riesgos, gobernabilidad, seguridad y soberanía alimentaria entre otros, con la finalidad de impulsar cambios estructurales que contribuyan a la erradicación de la pobreza. El pasante a través de información primaria y secundaria consideró que la Fundación AeA era el organismo idóneo para realizar sus pasantías, ya que los proyectos que implementa se ajustan al perfil de la carrera de Licenciatura en Desarrollo Rural, al mismo tiempo se visualizó las condiciones favorables para su desempeño laboral. El área de trabajo asignada al pasante estuvo enfocada en proyectos productivos, dirigidos a mejorar los ingresos de las familias, dietas alimenticias, nutrición, así como la creación de conocimientos en diferentes temáticas a través capacitaciones. Entre las funciones asignadas al pasante se menciona: Realizar un estudio económico con productores sobre establecimiento de Sistemas Agroforestales (SAF) en cultivo de Cacao, fortalecer la organización comunitaria, levantar información primaria, elaborar herramientas para el levantamiento de base de datos, facilitar eventos de capacitación, reuniones, talleres e intercambios de experiencia, recolección de mensajes a niñez auspiciados, elaboración de informes, levantar información secundaria, coordinar y planificar con el equipo técnico. El análisis del estudio socioeconómico con productores sobre SAF en Cultivo de Cacao en el proyecto Desarrollo de Economía Familiar (DEF), demostró que el productor trabajando bajo un sistema técnico adecuado podrá obtener altos rendimientos productivos de hasta 15 quintales por manzana desde los 3 años. El pasante en el proyecto DEF, seleccionó en conjunto con el equipo técnico, 186 familias de 243 fichas analizadas los cuales trabajaron en componentes sobre establecimiento de SAF, hortalizas, cultivos en parra y crianza de especies menores. El proyecto de Soberanía y Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutricional (SSAN), ha estado enfocado en apoyar a 255 familias en 17 comunidades, estableciendo rubros, mejorando la calidad y consumo de agua (entrega de Rotoplas) a las familias y enriqueciendo sus conocimientos a través de capacitaciones en diferentes temas de género, comunicación asertiva, elaboración de alimentos, compartiendo experiencias con otras zonas de nuestro país. El pasante obtuvo lecciones como Identificación de diferentes actores locales en el municipio de Matiguás, como AeA, Alcaldía, Fundeser y Nitlapán, a través de iniciativa propia priorizó y gestionó las pasantías en la fundación AeA, relación con el equipo técnico recibiendo un proceso de inducción. La Fundación AeA debería continuar impartiendo talleres de capacitación en el ADT. En cuanto al desarrollo de las pasantías es necesario que desde un inicio se establezcan coordinaciones y planes entre la universidad y la institución donde el pasante desempeñara sus funciones.


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Consultoria Legislativa - Área III - Tributação, Direito Tributário.