57 resultados para sweetness
The objective of this study was to develop a new low-calorie symbiotic beverage made from yacon (prebiotic source) and soy extracts, containing probiotic Bifidobacterium animalis ssp. lactis BB-12. The synbiotic beverage was first produced with a range of sucrose concentrations in order to determine ideal sweetness by an acceptance test using a “just-about-right scale”. Sucrose was then replaced by sucralose or aspartame to produce sugar-free beverages. Characteristics including viable cell numbers, physicochemical properties, sensorial characteristics and fructooligosaccharides content were investigated. The ideal sweetness of the beverages with sucrose, aspartame and sucralose were 7.28%, 0.0486% and 0.0167%, respectively. Sucralose exhibited higher scores in acceptance test and was used to replace sucrose in the low-calorie symbiotic beverage. The synbiotic beverage exhibited counts of Bifidobacterium spp. of 108 CFU·mL-1 , sufficient condition to be considered probiotic. The chemical composition of the product was (g/100 g): 2.91 of protein, 1.41 of fat, 2.41 of total carbohydrate; 0.82 of FOS and 148.22 Kj of energy value. The synbiotic beverage developed in this study may be successful in health applications, due to their functional ingredients (soy, probiotic bacteria and yacon prebiotics) that can afford benefits to health or can present disease-preventing properties, beyond their inherent nutritional value. In addition this low-calorie beverage can be consumed by diabetic individuals and people concerned about the ingestion of calories.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Maintaining the postharvest quality of whole and fresh-cut fruit during storage and distribution is the major challenge facing fruit industry. For this purpose, industry adopt a wide range of technologies to enable extended shelf-life. Many factors can lead to loss of quality in fresh product, hence the common description of these products as ‘perishable’. As a consequence normal factors such as transpiration and respiration lead ultimately to water loss and senescence of the product. Fruits and vegetables are living commodities and their rate of respiration is of key importance to maintenance of quality. It has been commonly observed that the greater the respiration rate of a product, the shorter the shelf-life. The principal problem for fresh-cut fruit industries is the relative shorter shelf-life of minimally processed fruit (MPF) compared to intact product. This fact is strictly connected with the higher ethylene production of fruit tissue stimulated during fresh-cut processing (peeling, cutting, dipping). 1-Methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) is an inhibitor of ethylene action and several researches have shown its effectiveness on the inhibition of ripening and senescence incidence for intact fruit and consequently on their shelf-life extension. More recently 1-MCP treatment has been tested also for shelf-life extension of MPF but discordant results have been obtained. Considering that in some countries 1-MCP is already a commercial product registered for the use on a number of horticultural products, the main aim of this actual study was to enhance our understanding on the effects of 1-MCP treatment on the quality maintenance of whole and fresh-cut climacteric and non-climacteric fruit (apple, kiwifruit and pineapple). Concerning the effects of 1-MCP on whole fruit, was investigated the effects of a semi-commercial postharvest treatment with 1-MCP on the quality of Pink Lady apples as functions of fruit ripening stage, 1-MCP dose, storage time and also in combination with controlled atmospheres storage in order to better understand what is the relationship among these parameters and if is possible to maximize the 1-MCP treatment to meet the market/consumer needs and then in order to put in the market excellent fruit. To achieve this purpose an incomplete three-level three-factor design was adopted. During the storage were monitored several quality parameters: firmness, ripening index, ethylene and carbon dioxide production and were also performed a sensory evaluations after 6 month of storage. In this study the higher retention of firmness (at the end of storage) was achieved by applying the greatest 1-MCP concentration to fruits with the lowest maturity stage. This finding means that in these semi-commercial conditions we may considerate completely blocked the fruit softening. 1-MCP was able to delay also the ethylene and CO2 production and the maturity parameters (soluble solids content and total acidity). Only in some cases 1-MCP generate a synergistic effect with the CA storage. The results of sensory analyses indicated that, the 1-MCP treatment did not affect the sweetness and whole fruit flavour while had a little effect on the decreasing cut fruit flavour. On the contrary the treated apple was more sour, crisp, firm and juicy. The effects of some treatment (dipping and MAP) on the nutrient stability were also investigated showing that in this case study the adopted treatments did not have drastic effects on the antioxidant compounds on the contrary the dipping may enhance the total antioxidant activity by the accumulation of ascorbic acid on the apple cut surface. Results concerning the effects of 1-MCP in combination with MAP on the quality parameters behaviour of the kiwifruit were not always consistent and clear: in terms of colour maintenance, it seemed to have a synergistic effect with N2O MAP; as far as ripening index is concerned, 1-MCP had a preservative effect, but just for sample packed in air.
Quantitative descriptive analysis (QDA) is used to describe the nature and the intensity of sensory properties from a single evaluation of a product, whereas temporal dominance of sensation (TDS) is primarily used to identify dominant sensory properties over time. Previous studies with TDS have focused on model systems, but this is the first study to use a sequential approach, i.e. QDA then TDS in measuring sensory properties of a commercial product category, using the same set of trained assessors (n = 11). The main objectives of this study were to: (1) investigate the benefits of using a sequential approach of QDA and TDS and (2) to explore the impact of the sample composition on taste and flavour perceptions in blackcurrant squashes. The present study has proposed an alternative way of determining the choice of attributes for TDS measurement based on data obtained from previous QDA studies, where available. Both methods indicated that the flavour profile was primarily influenced by the level of dilution and complexity of sample composition combined with blackcurrant juice content. In addition, artificial sweeteners were found to modify the quality of sweetness and could also contribute to bitter notes. Using QDA and TDS in tandem was shown to be more beneficial than each just on its own enabling a more complete sensory profile of the products.
Nos últimos anos tem havido um aumento significativo da procura de frutos vermelhos. Os mirtilos são considerados frutos de boa qualidade, dado o seu elevado teor em compostos fitoquímicos biologicamente ativos, associados a efeitos benéficos para a saúde e bem-estar do Homem. A produção em modo biológico é reconhecida pelo consumidor como um processo que melhora a qualidade do produto. No presente trabalho pretendeu-se avaliar o efeito do modo de produção (biológico versus convencional) de três cultivares de mirtilo (Duke, Bluecrop, Ozarkblue) nas suas propriedades físico-químicas, e em particular na sua composição fenólica e atividade antioxidante. Foi ainda estudado o efeito da temperatura de armazenamento (± 5ºC e ± 15-25ºC) sobre essas propriedades. Para tal, as amostras foram analisadas à colheita e após 7 e 14 dias de armazenamento. A atividade antioxidante medida pelos métodos ABTS e DPPH mostrou que não há diferenças significativas entre as cultivares estudadas, sendo elevada em todos os casos. Os resultados obtidos confirmam, por isso, que o mirtilo é uma importante fonte de compostos fenólicos com elevada atividade antioxidante. Foi ainda verificado existirem algumas diferenças significativas em algumas propriedades em função da variedade (nomeadamente teor em matéria seca, cor ou textura). Também se verificara diferenças significativas em função do modo de produção, o qual influencia em particular a acidez e a doçura, o teor em taninos, a cor e a elasticidade dos frutos. Por fim, a temperatura de armazenamento mostrou ter uma influência significativa apenas no que respeita às propriedades físicas, nomeadamente cor e textura.
Selected from the series Prose masterpieces form modern essayists of 1885 edition.
Treatment of agricultural biodegradable wastes and by-products can be carried out using composting or vermicomposting, or a combination of both treatment methods, to create a growing medium amendment suitable for horticultural use. When compared to traditional compost-maturation, vermicompost-maturation resulted in a more mature growing medium amendment i.e. lower C/N and pH, with increased nutrient content and improved plant growth response, increasing lettuce shoot fresh and dry weight by an average of 15% and 14%, respectively. Vermicomposted horse manure compost was used as a growing medium amendment for lettuce and was found to significantly increase lettuce shoot and root growth, and chlorophyll content. When used as a growing medium amendment for tomato fruit production, vermicomposted spent mushroom compost increased shoot growth and marketable yield, and reduced blossom end rot in two independent studies. Vermicompost addition to peat-based growing media increased marketable yield by an average of 21%. Vermicompost also improved tomato fruit quality parameters such as acidity and sweetness. Fruit sweetness, as measured using Brix value, was significantly increased in fruits grown with 10% or 20% vermicompost addition by 0.2 in truss one and 0.3 in truss two. Fruit acidity (% citric acid) was significantly increased in plants grown with vermicompost by an average of 0.65% in truss one and 0.68% in truss two. These changes in fruit chemical parameters resulted in a higher tomato fruit overall acceptability rating as determined by a consumer acceptance panel. When incorporated into soil, vermicomposted spent mushroom compost increased plant growth and reduced plant stress under conditions of cold stress, but not salinity or heat stress. The addition of 20% vermicompost to cold-stressed plants increased plant growth by an average of 30% and increased chlorophyll fluorescence by an average of 21%. Compared to peat-based growing medium, vermicompost had consistently higher nutrient content, pH, electrical conductivity and bulk density, and when added to a peat-based growing medium, vermicomposted spent mushroom compost altered the microbial community. Vermicompost amendment increased the microbial activity of the growing medium when incorporated initially, and this increased microbial activity was observed for up to four months after incorporation when plants were grown in it. Vermicomposting was shown to be a suitable treatment method for agricultural biodegradable wastes and by-products, with the resulting vermicompost having suitable physical, chemical and biological properties, and resulting in increased plant growth, marketable yield and yield quality, when used as an amendment in peat-based growing medium.
L’objectif principal de cette maîtrise était de développer des formulations d’épices capables de remplacer les nitrites et nitrates dans les produits carnés tout en gardant la même durée de conservation que ces derniers ainsi que leurs propriétés organoleptiques, antibactériennes et antioxydantes. Un criblage qualitatif puis quantitatif des épices a été réalisé et trois épices ont été sélectionnées, les clous de girofle, le cumin et la cannelle. Puis, des poudres de fruits ont été testées pour approcher la couleur rosée que donnent les échantillons contenant les nitrites. L’analyse sensorielle effectuée par la suite a fait ressortir le caractère sucré de la poudre de fruit et des propriétés très intéressantes de certaines formulations par rapport à l’ajout des nitrites. Enfin, une analyse technico-économique a été réalisée et a montré une très faible augmentation du coût de production des produits carnés en utilisant nos formulations d’épices et de poudre de fruit.
En este trabajo de titulación se detallan los aspectos más relevantes relacionados a la investigación, formulación y elaboración de uno de los placeres más agradables en la vida cotidiana de cualquier persona como lo es el chocolate. Cada uno de los chocolates realizados tiene como particularidad el estar endulzado con edulcorantes no calóricos como: stevia, sucralosa y jarabe de yacón, disminuyendo así el contenido de calorías presentes en los mismos. Entre los tres chocolates elaborados, la mejor formulación fue seleccionada mediante una prueba de cata resultando ganador el chocolate endulzado con jarabe de yacón, debido a que posee las mejores características sensoriales resaltando principalmente el dulzor y el sabor. Para comprobar que la mejor formulación cumple con los estándares de calidad de las normas INEN de chocolates se realizó un análisis físico-químico y se corroboraron estos resultados con un laboratorio certificado por parte del Servicio de Acreditación Ecuatoriano (SAE). Los resultados obtenidos determinaron que el porcentaje de grasa es menor a los chocolates existentes en el mercado. Además se realizaron pruebas de dureza para analizar las propiedades de textura presentes en el chocolate. Destacando que el chocolate endulzado con jarabe de yacón puede ser consumido por personas diabéticas y no diabéticas, al no tener en su formulación sacarosa como endulzante principal.
Objetivo: comparar la efectividad rehidratante del agua de coco fresca, con el agua embotellada y una bebida deportiva.Metodología: once participantes de 22,0 ± 1,9 años y 65,6 ± 13,0 kg de masa corporal (promedio ± D.E), asistieron al laboratorio en tres ocasiones, separadas entre sí por una semana. En cada sesión se deshidrataron por ejercicio en el calor hasta perder 1,84 ± 0,2% de la masa corporal. Luego fueron rehidratados en una hora, con agua comercial embotellada (AE), una bebida deportiva (BD) o agua de coco (AC), utilizando un volumen equivalente al 120% del peso perdido. Se evaluaron las sensaciones percibidas relacionadas con la tolerancia y la aceptación de las bebidas. Se recolectó la orina eliminada durante tres horas post-rehidratación.Resultados: Hubo interacción entre las bebidas y el tiempo sobre la orina excretada (p=0,003), siendo el AE estadísticamente diferente al AC y la BD a los 30 y 60 min post-rehidratación (p<0,05). El volumen total de orina fue mayor con agua embotellada (625 ± 183 mL), en comparación con AC y BD (390 ± 73 mL y 416 ± 200 mL, respectivamente, p<0,002); AC y BD no fueron distintas entre sí (p>0,05). Esto produjo porcentajes de conservación de líquido diferentes para AE (56%), con respecto a BD (71%) y AC (71%) (p<0,001). No hubo interacción entre las bebidas y el tiempo sobre las sensaciones percibidas de tolerancia (p>0,05).La percepción de la dulzura fue menor para AE (p= 0,024). BD obtuvo mejores puntajes de sabor y aceptación general (p<0,05).Conclusiones: el agua de coco fresca resulta tan efectiva como una bebida deportiva para conservar el líquido consumido, teniendo una buena tolerancia y aceptación. Podría ser usada como una bebida rehidratante, cuando la persona la tenga disponible y le agrade su sabor.
Specialty coffees can be differentiated in various ways, including the environmental conditions in which they are produced and the sensory composition of the drink. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of altitude, slope exposure and fruit color on the sensory attributes of cafes of the region of Matas de Minas. Sampling points were georeferenced in four altitude ranges (< 700 m; 700 < x> 825 m, 825 < x < 950 m and > 950 m) of the coffee crop; two fruit colors of var. Catuaí (yellowand red); and two slope exposures (North-facing and South-facing). Coffee fruit at the cherry stage were processed andsubmitted to sensory analysis. The sensory attributes evaluated were overall perception, clean cup, balance, aftertaste, sweetness, acidity , body and flavor, which made up the final score. The scores were examined by ANOVA and means werecompared by the Tukey test (p < 0.05). From the sensory standpoint, coffee fruits of both colors are similar, as well as the cof fees from both slope exposures when these factors were analyzed separately . However , at higher altitudes, Y ellow Catuaí produces coffees with better sensory quality . Similarly , coffees from North-facing slopes, at higher altitudes produce better quality cup. The altitude is the main factor that interferes with coffee quality in the area. All factors together contribute tothe final quality of the beverage produced in the region of Matas de Minas.