969 resultados para surface-relief gratings


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For Micro-electro-mechanical System (MEMS) applications, TiNi-based thin film Shape Memory Alloys (SMAs) possess many desirable properties, such as high power density, large transformation stress and strain upon heating and cooling, superelasticity and biocompatibility. In this paper, recent development in TiNi-based thin film SMA and microactuator applications is discussed. The topics related to film deposition and characterisation is mainly focused on crystal nucleation and growth during annealing, film thickness effect, film texture, stress induced surface relief, wrinkling and trenches as well as Temperature Memory Effect (TME). The microactuator applications are mainly focused on microvalve and microcage for biological applications, micromirror for optical applications and data storage using nanoindentation method. Copyright © 2009, Inderscience Publishers.


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The thin films of a symmetric crystalline-coil diblock copolymer of poly(L-lactic acid) and polystyrene (PLLA-b-PS) formed lamellae parallel to the substrate surface in melt. When annealed at temperatures well above the glass transition temperature of PLLA block (T-g(PLLA)), the PLLA chains started to crystallize, leading to reorientation of lamellae. Such reorientation behavior exhibited dependence on the correlation between the crystallization temperature (T-c), the glass transition temperature of PS (T-g(PS)), the peak melting point of PLLA crystals (T-m(PLLA)), and the end melting point of PLLA crystals (T-m,end(PLLA)). When annealed at (T-c =) 80 degrees C (T-c < T-g(PS) < T-ODT, order-disorder transition temperature), 123 degrees C (T-g(PS) < T-c < T-m(PLLA) < T-ODT). 165 degrees C (T-g(PS) < T-m(PLLA) < T-c < T-m,end(PLLA) < T-ODT), the parallel lamellae became perpendicular to the substrate surface, exclusively starting at the edge of surface relief patterns. Meanwhile, the corresponding lamellar spacing was significantly enhanced.


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The holographic imaging of rigid objects with diode lasers emitting in many wavelengths in a sillenite Bi12TiO20 photorefractive crystal is both theoretically an experimentally investigated. It is shown that, due to the multi-wavelength emission and the typically large free spectral range of this light source, contour fringes appear on the holographic image corresponding to the surface relief, even in single-exposure recordings. The influence of the number of emitted modes on the fringe width is analysed, and the possible applications of the contour fringes in the field of optical metrology are pointed out.


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Die Analyse funktioneller Zusammenhänge zwischen Ernährung und Zahnmorphologie ist ein wichtiger Aspekt primatologischer und paläontologischer Forschung. Als überdauernder Teil des Verdauungssystems geben Zähne die bestmöglichen Hinweise auf die Ernährungsstrategien (ausgestorbener) Arten und eine Fülle weiterer Informationen. Aufgrund dessen ist es für die wissenschaftliche Arbeit von größter Bedeutung, die Zähne so detailliert und exakt wie möglich in ihrer gesamten Struktur zu erfassen. Bisher wurden zumeist zweidimensionale Parameter verwendet, um die komplexe Kronenmorphologie von Primatenmolaren vergleichend zu untersuchen. Die vorliegende Arbeit hatte das Ziel, Zähne verschiedener Arten von Altweltaffen mittels computerbasierter Methoden dreidimensional zu erfassen und neue Parameter zu definieren, mit denen die Form dieser Zähne objektiv erfasst und funktionell interpretiert werden kann. Mit einem Oberflächen-Scanner wurden die Gebisse einer Stichprobe von insgesamt 48 Primaten von fünf verschiedenen Arten eingescannt und mit Bildverarbeitungsmethoden so bearbeitet, dass dreidimensionale digitale Modelle einzelner Backenzähne zur Analyse vorlagen. Es wurden dabei sowohl Arten ausgewählt, die eine für ihre Gattung typische Ernährungsweise besitzen - also Frugivorie bei den Cercopithecinen und Folivorie bei den Colobinen - als auch solche, die eine davon abweichende Alimentation bevorzugen. Alle Altweltaffen haben sehr ähnliche Molaren. Colobinen haben jedoch höhere und spitzere Zahnhöcker, dünneren Zahnschmelz und scheinen ihre Zähne weniger stark abzukauen als die Meerkatzen. Diese Beobachtungen konnten mit Hilfe der neuen Parameter quantifiziert werden. Aus der 3D-Oberfläche und der Grundfläche der Zähne wurde ein Index gebildet, der die Stärke des Oberflächenreliefs angibt. Dieser Index hat bei Colobinen deutlich höhere Werte als bei Cercopithecinen, auch bei Zähnen, die schon stark abgekaut sind. Die Steilheit der Höcker und ihre Ausrichtung wurden außerdem gemessen. Auch diese Winkelmessungen bestätigten das Bild. Je höher der Blätteranteil an der Ernährung ist, desto höher sind die Indexwerte und umso steiler sind die Höcker. Besonders wichtig war es, dies auch für abgekaute Zähne zu bestätigen, die bisher nicht in funktionelle Analysen miteinbezogen wurden. Die Ausrichtung der Höckerseiten gibt Hinweise auf die Kaubewegung, die zum effizienten Zerkleinern der Nahrung notwendig ist. Die Ausrichtung der Höcker der Colobinen deutet darauf hin, dass diese Primaten flache, gleitende Kaubewegungen machen, bei denen die hohen Höcker aneinander vorbei scheren. Dies ist sinnvoll zum Zerschneiden von faserreicher Nahrung wie Blättern. Cercopithecinen scheinen ihre Backenzähne eher wie Mörser und Stößel zu verwenden, um Früchte und Samen zu zerquetschen und zu zermahlen. Je nachdem, was neben der hauptsächlichen Nahrung noch gekaut wird, unterscheiden sich die Arten graduell. Anders als bisher vermutet wurde, konnte gezeigt werden, dass Colobinen trotz des dünnen Zahnschmelzes ihre Zähne weniger stark abkauen und weniger Dentin freigelegt wird. Dies gibt eindeutige Hinweise auf die Unterschiede in der mechanischen Belastung, die während des Kauvorgangs auf die Zähne wirkt, und lässt sich gut mit der Ernährung der Arten in Zusammenhang bringen. Anhand dieser modellhaften Beobachtungen können in Zukunft ausgestorbene Arten hinsichtlich ihrer Ernährungsweise mit 3D-Techniken untersucht werden.


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El manejo sustentable de los recursos naturales relacionados con proyectos de utilización de los recursos hídricos (entre otros), requiere en muchos casos de la modificación del relieve existente. Esto conlleva la necesidad de adecuación de la capa homogénea superior del suelo, operación que suele denominarse "sistematización", la cual facilita una distribución más uniforme de las lluvias y del agua de riego. Esta modificación de la capa superior del suelo es realizada en base a un proyecto, cuya inclinación responda a las pendientes naturales o a las establecidas por el diseñador. En la ejecución del diseño proyectado, en superficies superiores a una hectárea, el movimiento de tierra se realiza con equipos pesados, que no aseguran un alto porcentaje de eficiencia en lo que al movimiento de tierra se refiere, ya que parte del material se pierde en el acarreo, pero muy especialmente, por la compactación desuniforme del mismo, asociada con las texturas complejas del suelo a trabajar. El presente trabajo determinó el índice de precisión en la ejecución del proyecto de sistematización a partir de un índice estadístico internacionalmente aceptado, el "Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE)", comparando los valores altimétricos proyectados y los realmente obtenidos luego de la ejecución del proyecto, en tres parcelas con distinta secuencia de labores y maquinaria utilizadas, pero con el mismo tipo de suelo en el área del eje Pilar - La Plata (Argentina). Los resultados obtenidos, que varían de un RMSE de 4 a 6 cm, permiten concluir, para los sitios y las condiciones estudiadas, que no pueden asegurarse en la sistematización índices de precisión en la ejecución de la obra, inferiores a los 4 cm.


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At Brisbane Airport, the construction of a diversion channel for Kedron Brook exposed a former beach, low cliff and sand spit, which, with their associated sediments and acid sulfate soils, demonstrate a postglacial high sea-level 1.3 - 1.4 m above present mean sea-level. The beach appears to date from 4000 to 5000 y BP. It varies in level where it lies above soft ground; these variations, and sag depressions that follow buried streamlines, indicate sediment consolidation since withdrawal of the sea from the former shore. Most of the area consists of former estuarine deposits, mangrove and saline marshes, and stranded tidal flats on which acid sulfate soils are widely developed. The modern landforms mostly reproduce subsurface features, to the extent that the surface relief replicates the landscape transgressed by the sea 7000 years ago. A small rise of sea-level possibly to +0.65 m occurred about 2000-3000 years ago. Foredunes near the present shore that are related to a slightly lower level 1000 - 500 years ago (-0.25 m) are currently subject to wave erosion.


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Colloidal azopolymer nanospheres assembled on a glass substrate were exposed to a single collimated laser beam. The combination of photo-fluidic elongation of the spherical colloids and light induced self-organization of the azopolymer film allows the quasiinstantaneous growth of a large amplitude surface relief grating. Pre-structuration of the sample with the nanosphere assembly supports faster creation of the spontaneous pattern. Confinement into the nanospheres provides exceptionally large modulation amplitude of the spontaneous relief. The method is amenable to any kind of photoactive azo-materials.


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Colloidal azopolymer nanospheres assembled on a glass substrate were exposed to a single collimated laser beam. The combination of photo-fluidic elongation of the spherical colloids and light induced self-organization of the azopolymer film allows the quasiinstantaneous growth of a large amplitude surface relief grating. Pre-structuration of the sample with the nanosphere assembly supports faster creation of the spontaneous pattern. Confinement into the nanospheres provides exceptionally large modulation amplitude of the spontaneous relief. The method is amenable to any kind of photoactive azo-materials.


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For surface modification of stamping dies, an inseparable two-dimensional binary-phase gratings is introduced to implement the wavefront transformation of high-power laser beams. The design and fabrication of the gratings are described in detail. Two-dimensional even sampling encoding scheme is adopted to overcome the limitations of conventional Dammann grating in the design of two-dimensional output patterns. High diffractive efficiency (>70%) can be achieved through the transformation of the Gaussian laser beam into several kinds of two-dimensional arrays in focal plan. The application of the binary-phase gratings in the laser surface modification of ductile iron is investigated, and the results show that the hardness and the wear resistance of the sample surface were improved significantly by using the binary-phase gratings. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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High-speed semiconductor lasers are an integral part in the implemen- tation of high-bit-rate optical communications systems. They are com- pact, rugged, reliable, long-lived, and relatively inexpensive sources of coherent light. Due to the very low attenuation window that exists in the silica based optical fiber at 1.55 μm and the zero dispersion point at 1.3 μm, they have become the mainstay of optical fiber com- munication systems. For the fabrication of lasers with gratings such as, distributed bragg reflector or distributed feedback lasers, etching is the most critical step. Etching defines the lateral dimmensions of the structure which determines the performance of optoelectronic devices. In this thesis studies and experiments were carried out about the exist- ing etching processes for InP and a novel dry etching process was de- veloped. The newly developed process was based on Cl2/CH4/H2/Ar chemistry and resulted in very smooth surfaces and vertical side walls. With this process the grating definition was significantly improved as compared to other technological developments in the respective field. A surface defined grating definition approach is used in this thesis work which does not require any re-growth steps and makes the whole fabrication process simpler and cost effective. Moreover, this grating fabrication process is fully compatible with nano-imprint lithography and can be used for high throughput low-cost manufacturing. With usual etching techniques reported before it is not possible to etch very deep because of aspect ratio dependent etching phenomenon where with increasing etch depth the etch rate slows down resulting in non-vertical side walls and footing effects. Although with our de- veloped process quite vertical side walls were achieved but footing was still a problem. To overcome the challenges related to grating defini- tion and deep etching, a completely new three step gas chopping dry etching process was developed. This was the very first time that a time multiplexed etching process for an InP based material system was demonstrated. The developed gas chopping process showed extra ordinary results including high mask selectivity of 15, moderate etch- ing rate, very vertical side walls and a record high aspect ratio of 41. Both the developed etching processes are completely compatible with nano imprint lithography and can be used for low-cost high-throughput fabrication. A large number of broad area laser, ridge waveguide laser, distributed feedback laser, distributed bragg reflector laser and coupled cavity in- jection grating lasers were fabricated using the developed one step etch- ing process. Very extensive characterization was done to optimize all the important design and fabrication parameters. The devices devel- oped have shown excellent performance with a very high side mode suppression ratio of more than 52 dB, an output power of 17 mW per facet, high efficiency of 0.15 W/A, stable operation over temperature and injected currents and a threshold current as low as 30 mA for almost 1 mm long device. A record high modulation bandwidth of 15 GHz with electron-photon resonance and open eye diagrams for 10 Gbps data transmission were also shown.


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Erosion potential and the effects of tillage can be evaluated from quantitative descriptions of soil surface roughness. The present study therefore aimed to fill the need for a reliable, low-cost and convenient method to measure that parameter. Based on the interpretation of micro-topographic shadows, this new procedure is primarily designed for use in the field after tillage. The principle underlying shadow analysis is the direct relationship between soil surface roughness and the shadows cast by soil structures under fixed sunlight conditions. The results obtained with this method were compared to the statistical indexes used to interpret field readings recorded by a pin meter. The tests were conducted on 4-m2 sandy loam and sandy clay loam plots divided into 1-m2 subplots tilled with three different tools: chisel, tiller and roller. The highly significant correlation between the statistical indexes and shadow analysis results obtained in the laboratory as well as in the field for all the soil?tool combinations proved that both variability (CV) and dispersion (SD) are accommodated by the new method. This procedure simplifies the interpretation of soil surface roughness and shortens the time involved in field operations by a factor ranging from 12 to 20.


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We demonstrate the use of tilted fiber gratings to assist with the generation of infrared surface plasmons on a metal film coating the flat of a D-shaped fiber. The wavelength of the strong (>25 dB) resonance is tunable over similar to 1000 nm by adjusting the polarization state of the light and is highly sensitive to the refractive index of any aqueous medium surrounding the fiber (sensitivity= 3365 nm).


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We demonstrate the use of tilted fiber gratings to assist the generation of localized infrared surface plasmons with short propagation lengths and a sensitivity of d lambda/dn = 3365 nm in the aqueous index regime. It was also found that the resonances could be spectrally tuned over 1000 nm at the same spatial region with high coupling efficiency (in excess of 25 dB) by altering the polarization of the light illuminating the device.


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We demonstrate the use of tilted fiber gratings to assist the generation of localized infrared surface Plasmons with short propagation lengths and a sensitivity of dλ/dn = 3365 nm in the aqueous index regime. It was also found that the resonances could be spectrally tuned over 1000 nm at the same spatial region with high coupling efficiency (in excess of 25 dB) by altering the polarization of the light illuminating the device. © 2007 Optical Society of America.