995 resultados para solution types


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A phase diagram of the pseudoternary system ethyloleate, polyoxyethylene 20 sorbitan mono-oleate/sorbitan monolaurate and water with butanol as a cosurfactant was prepared. Areas containing optically isotropic, low viscosity one-phase systems were identified and systems therein designated as w/o droplet-, bicontinuous- or solution-type microemulsions using conductivity, viscosity, cryo-field emission scanning electron microscopy and self-diffusion NMR. Nanoparticles were prepared by interfacial polymerization of selected w/o droplet, bicontinuous- or solution-type microemulsions with ethyl-2-cyanoacrylate. Morphology of the particles and entrapment of the water-soluble model protein ovalbumin were investigated. Addition of monomer to the different types of microemulsions (w/o droplet, bicontinuous, solution) led to the formation of nanoparticles, which were similar in size (similar to 250 nm), polydispersity index (similar to 0.13), zeta-potential (similar to-17 mV) and morphology. The entrapment of the protein within these particles was up to 95%, depending on the amount of monomer used for polymerization and the type of microemulsion used as a polymerization template. The formation of particles with similar characteristics from templates having different microstructure is surprising, particularly considering that polymerization is expected to occur at the water-oil interface by base-catalysed polymerization. Dynamics within the template (stirring, viscosity) or indeed interfacial phenomena relating to the solid-liquid interface appear to be more important for the determination of nanoparticle morphology and characteristics than the microstructure of the template system. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The present study addresses the problem of predicting the properties of multicomponent systems from those of corresponding binary systems. Two types of multicomponent polynomial models have been analysed. A probabilistic interpretation of the parameters of the Polynomial model, which explicitly relates them with the Gibbs free energies of the generalised quasichemical reactions, is proposed. The presented treatment provides a theoretical justification for such parameters. A methodology of estimating the ternary interaction parameter from the binary ones is presented. The methodology provides a way in which the power series multicomponent models, where no projection is required, could be incorporated into the Calphad approach.


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Polymer scaffolds play an important role in tissue engineering applications. Poly(ethylene glycol) based hydrogels have received a lot of attention in this field because of their high biocompatibility and ease of processing. However, in many cases they do not exhibit proper tissue invasion and nutrient transport because of their dense structure. In the present work, several approaches were developed and compared to each other to produce interconnected macroporous poly(ethylene glycol) hydrogels by including different types of porogens in the photocrosslinking reaction. The swelling capacity of the resulting hydrogels was analyzed and compared to non-porous hydrogel samples. Moreover, the obtained materials were characterized by means of mechanical properties and porosity using rheometry, scanning electron microscopy, and mercury intrusion porosimetry. Results showed that interconnected and uniform pores were obtained when a porogen template was used during hydrogel fabrication by photocrosslinking. On the other side, when the porogen particles were dispersed into the macromer solution before matrix photocrosslinking the interconnexion was negligible. The templates must be dissolved before the hydrogel's cell-seeding in vitro, while the dispersed porogen can be used in situ in the in vitro seeding tests. Copyright © 2013 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.


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Цветан Д. Христов, Недю Ив. Попиванов, Манфред Шнайдер - Изучени са някои тримерни гранични задачи за уравнения от смесен тип. За уравнения от типа на Трикоми те са формулирани от М. Протер през 1952, като тримерни аналози на задачите на Дарбу или Коши–Гурса в равнината. Добре известно е, че новите задачи са некоректни. Ние формулираме нова гранична задача за уравнения от типа на Келдиш и даваме понятие за квазиругулярно решение на тази задача и на eдна от задачите на Протер. Намерени са достатъчни условия за единственост на такива решения.


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Photo-activated disinfection is beginning to be used in dental surgery to treat deep seated bacterial infection. It works by combining a photosensitiser and light of a specific frequency to generate singlet oxygen which is toxic to many types of bacteria. It is suggested that this technique could be used as a means to help treat infection more generally. To do so, it needs to work with materials and geometries exhibiting different physical and optical characteristics to teeth. In these trials, samples of stainless steel and polymethylmethacrylate were exposed to bacterial solutions of Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus epidermis. These were treated with tolonium chloride-based photo-activated disinfection regimes showing positive results with typically 4 log10 reductions in colony forming units. Tests were also carried out using slotted samples to represent geometric features which might be found on implants. These tests, showed disinfectant effect however to a much lesser degree. © 2011 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.


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The initial rate of the photocatalysed oxidation of methylene blue, MB, by dissolved oxygen in solution, ri(MB), is measured for a series of titania on glass samples exhibiting a wide range of activities.  The samples used include two different types of commercial self-cleaning glass and a lab-made sol-geltitania film.  The activities of these samples are also assessed using a resazurin-based photocatalyst activity indicator ink, i.e. Rz paii, for which the initial rates of the photocatalysed reduction of Rz were measured, ri(Rz).  A plot of ri(MB)vs. ri(Rz) reveals a goodstraight line, thereby demonstrating a linear correlation (for TiO2films on glass at least) between the slow (usually hours) photocatalysed oxidation of organic materials, such as MB, and the fast (typically minutes) photocatalysed irreversible reduction of a dye, like Rz, in a paii.  The possible use of paii technology for assessing, in a simple, quick and inexpensive manner, photocatalytic films both in the laboratory and in situ is discussed briefly.  


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Cet ouvrage comporte d'abords une mise en situation décrivant le contexte économique qui mena à la crise du début des années 1980 et à la mise sur pieds de nouveaux mécanismes financiers visant le ré-équilibre des économies en difficulté. Parmi l'ensemble des nouveaux types de transactions, les conversions de titres de dette en prise de participation (Debt for Equity Swaps: DES) sont étudiées en particulier à cause des nombreux avantages qu'elles comportent. Dans un contexte de déséquilibres interne et externe graves tel ceux vécus par certains pays d'Amérique latine, ces conversions semblent en effet très appropriées grâce à leur contribution à réduire l'encours de la dette extérieure et à augmenter le niveau des investissements, tout en limitant les pertes des banques prêteuses. L'analyse des programmes DES de l'Argentine, du Chili et du Mexique est faite à trois niveaux: le comportement des principaux indicateurs économiques est observé avant et après la mise en application des programmes, les avantages que les investisseurs et les pays débiteurs ont pu tirer des transactions sont ensuite mesurés en termes monétaires, et finalement, une étude des clauses particulières à chaque programme permet de terminer l'étude de l'efficacité des démarches de chaque pays pour retrouver un certain équilibre économique. Chacun des trois pays étudiés a démontré une certaine force en particulier. L'Argentine est le pays qui a le mieux profité de la décote de sa dette sur le marché secondaire et ainsi réussit à réduire son encours avec des escomptes considérables. Le volume des transactions fut cependant minime. C'est le Chili qui a pu radier la plus forte proportion de sa dette totale grâce aux transactions DES. Finalement, le Mexique s'est démarqué par l'importance des avantages qu'il a offerts aux investisseurs lors de la conversion des titres. L'étude permet de conclure que les transactions DES ont en effet un potentiel très intéressant comme outil de redressement pour un pays ne pouvant plus assumer le niveau de sa dette, mais ce, à condition que la mise sur pieds des programmes coïncide avec une prise en charge globale des économies. Le succès d'un programme dépend en grande partie de la confiance des investisseurs internationaux et des banques en la volonté de chaque état à adopter les mesures d'ajustement qu'impose leur situation critique.


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L’isomérisation alcaline du lactose en lactulose a été effectuée électro-chimiquement à l’aide d’un réacteur d’électro-activation en combinaison avec des résines échangeuses d’anions de polystyrène de trois types; à savoir Lewatit VP-OC-1065 faible-acide, Lewatit MP-64 moyenne-acide et Lewatit Monoplus M500 forte-acide. Les paramètres opératoires qui ont fait l’objet de cette étude ont été étudiés sur trois blocs expérimentaux pour optimiser le système. Dans le Premier bloc, les paramètres étudiés sont : (1) ratio lactose-5%(p/v) : résine échangeuse d’anions (1:0.5, 1:1 et 1:2), (2) intensité du champ électrique : 50 mA, 100 mA et 200 mA et (3) type de résines : faible, moyenne et forte. Dans le Deuxième bloc, les paramètres mis à l’étude comprenaient : (1) l’intensité du champ électrique : 300 mA, 450 mA et 550 mA, (2) le débit de la solution traitée : 25 ml / min, 50 ml/ min et 100 ml/min et (3) la surface active de la membrane adjacente au compartiment cathodique : 0.78 cm2, 7.06 cm2 et 18.1 cm2. Le Troisième bloc expérimental a été effectué sur la base de la distance entre la membrane et l’électrode : 3.1 cm, 5.6 cm et 9 cm. Le même modèle expérimental a était également réalisé avec du perméat du lactosérum d’une concentration de 7% (p/v). Les résultats obtenus ont révélé que le meilleur rendement de l’isomérisation du lactose en lactulose était obtenu après 30 minutes d’électroactivation en utilisant une solution modèle de lactose-5% avec une valeur d’environ 20.1%. Les conditions opératoires qui ont permis d’avoir ce taux de conversion sont une intensité du courant de 550 mA, un débit de la solution de 25 ml/min, une surface active de la membrane de 7.06 cm2 et une distance de 9 cm entre la cathode et la membrane qui lui y est adjacente. En utilisant le perméat de lactosérum-7%, un taux de conversion de lactose en lactulose de 8.34% a était obtenu avec une intensité du courant de 200 mA, un débit de 120 ml/min, une surface active de de 18.1cm2 et une distance de 9 cm entre la membrane et l’électrode dans le compartiment cathodique. Les analyses de variance ont indiqué un effet catalytique significatif du type de la résine. En effet, la résine-forte a permis d’avoir les plus hauts rendements de la réaction d’isomérisation par électro-activation. La résistance électrique globale du système d’électroactivation dépendait de la valeur de l’intensité du courant. Le produit final était d’une grande pureté, car il ne présentait que quelques traces de galactose (< 4%).


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The challenge of detecting a change in the distribution of data is a sequential decision problem that is relevant to many engineering solutions, including quality control and machine and process monitoring. This dissertation develops techniques for exact solution of change-detection problems with discrete time and discrete observations. Change-detection problems are classified as Bayes or minimax based on the availability of information on the change-time distribution. A Bayes optimal solution uses prior information about the distribution of the change time to minimize the expected cost, whereas a minimax optimal solution minimizes the cost under the worst-case change-time distribution. Both types of problems are addressed. The most important result of the dissertation is the development of a polynomial-time algorithm for the solution of important classes of Markov Bayes change-detection problems. Existing techniques for epsilon-exact solution of partially observable Markov decision processes have complexity exponential in the number of observation symbols. A new algorithm, called constellation induction, exploits the concavity and Lipschitz continuity of the value function, and has complexity polynomial in the number of observation symbols. It is shown that change-detection problems with a geometric change-time distribution and identically- and independently-distributed observations before and after the change are solvable in polynomial time. Also, change-detection problems on hidden Markov models with a fixed number of recurrent states are solvable in polynomial time. A detailed implementation and analysis of the constellation-induction algorithm are provided. Exact solution methods are also established for several types of minimax change-detection problems. Finite-horizon problems with arbitrary observation distributions are modeled as extensive-form games and solved using linear programs. Infinite-horizon problems with linear penalty for detection delay and identically- and independently-distributed observations can be solved in polynomial time via epsilon-optimal parameterization of a cumulative-sum procedure. Finally, the properties of policies for change-detection problems are described and analyzed. Simple classes of formal languages are shown to be sufficient for epsilon-exact solution of change-detection problems, and methods for finding minimally sized policy representations are described.


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Tillage systems strongly affect nutrient transformations and plant availability. The objective of this study was to assess the nitrate dynamic in soil solution in different tillage systems with use of plant cocktail as green manure in fertilized melon (Cucumis melon) in Brazilian semi-arid. The treatments were arranged in four blocks in a split-plot design and included three types of cover crops and two tillage systems, conventional tillage (CT) and no-till (NT). The data showed no strong effect of plant cocktails composition on NO3-N dynamic in the soil. Mean concentration of NO3-N ranged from 19.45 mg L-1 at 15 cm to 60.16 mg L-1 at 50 cm soil depth, indicating high leachability. No significant differences were observed between NT and CT treatments for 15 cm depth. The high soil moisture content at ~ 30 cm depth concentrated high NO3-N in all treatments, mean of 54.27 mg L-1 to NT and 54.62 mg L-1 to CT. The highest NO3-N concentration was observed at 50 cm depth in TC (60.16 mg L-1). High concentration of NO3-N in CT may be attributed to increase in decomposition of soil organic matter and crop residues incorporated into the soil.


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Socratic questioning stresses the importance of questioning for learning. Flipped Classroom pedagogy generates a need for effective questions and tasks in order to promote active learning. This paper describes a project aimed at finding out how different kinds of questions and tasks support students’ learning in a flipped classroom context. In this study, during the flipped courses, both the questions and tasks were distributed together with video recordings. Answers and solutions were presented and discussed in seminars, with approximately 10 participating students in each seminar. Information Systems students from three flipped classroom courses at three different levels were interviewed in focus groups about their perceptions of how different kinds of questions and tasks supported their learning process. The selected courses were organized differently, with various kinds of questions and tasks. Course one included open questions that were answered and presented at the seminar. Students also solved a task and presented the solution to the group. Course two included open questions and a task. Answers and solutions were discussed at the seminars where students also reviewed each other’s answers and solutions. Course three included online single- and multiple choice questions with real-time feedback. Answers were discussed at the seminar, with the focus on any misconceptions. In this paper we categorized the questions in accordance with Wilson (2016) as factual, convergent, divergent, evaluative, or a combination of these. In all, we found that any comprehensible question that initiates a dialogue, preferably with a set of Socratic questions, is perceived as promoting learning. This is why seminars that allow such questions and discussion are effective. We found no differences between the different kinds of Socratic questions. They were seen to promote learning so long as they made students reflect and problematize the questions. To conclude, we found that questions and tasks promote learning when they are answered and solved in a process that is characterized by comprehensibility, variation, repetition and activity.


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When it comes to designing a structure, architects and engineers want to join forces in order to create and build the most beautiful and efficient building. From finding new shapes and forms to optimizing the stability and the resistance, there is a constant link to be made between both professions. In architecture, there has always been a particular interest in creating new shapes and types of a structure inspired by many different fields, one of them being nature itself. In engineering, the selection of optimum has always dictated the way of thinking and designing structures. This mindset led through studies to the current best practices in construction. However, both disciplines were limited by the traditional manufacturing constraints at a certain point. Over the last decades, much progress was made from a technological point of view, allowing to go beyond today's manufacturing constraints. With the emergence of Wire-and-Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM) combined with Algorithmic-Aided Design (AAD), architects and engineers are offered new opportunities to merge architectural beauty and structural efficiency. Both technologies allow for exploring and building unusual and complex structural shapes in addition to a reduction of costs and environmental impacts. Through this study, the author wants to make use of previously mentioned technologies and assess their potential, first to design an aesthetically appreciated tree-like column with the idea of secondly proposing a new type of standardized and optimized sandwich cross-section to the construction industry. Parametric algorithms to model the dendriform column and the new sandwich cross-section are developed and presented in detail. A catalog draft of the latter and methods to establish it are then proposed and discussed. Finally, the buckling behavior of this latter is assessed considering standard steel and WAAM material properties.


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Cardiac arrest during heart surgery is a common procedure and allows the surgeon to perform surgical procedures in an environment free of blood and movement. Using a model of isolated rat heart, the authors compare a new cardioplegic solution containing histidine-tryptophan-glutamate (group 2) with the histidine-tryptophan-alphacetoglutarate (group 1) routinely used by some cardiac surgeons. To assess caspase, IL-8 and KI-67 in isolated rat hearts using immunohistochemistry. 20 Wistar male rats were anesthetized and heparinized. The chest was opened, cardioctomy was performed and 40 ml/kg of the appropriate cardioplegic solution was infused. The hearts were kept for 2 hours at 4ºC in the same solution, and thereafter, placed in the Langendorff apparatus for 30 minutes with Ringer-Locke solution. Immunohistochemistry analysis of caspase, IL-8, and KI-67 were performed. The concentration of caspase was lower in group 2 and Ki-67 was higher in group 2, both P<0.05. There was no statistical difference between the values of IL-8 between the groups. Histidine-tryptophan-glutamate solution was better than histidine-tryptophan-alphacetoglutarate solution because it reduced caspase (apoptosis), increased KI-67 (cell proliferation), and showed no difference in IL-8 levels compared to group 1. This suggests that the histidine-tryptophan-glutamate solution was more efficient than the histidine-tryptophan-alphacetoglutarate for the preservation of hearts of rat cardiomyocytes.


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Propolis is a resin that bees collect from different plant sources and use in the defense of the bee community. The intricate composition of propolis varies depending on plant sources from different geographic regions and many types have been reported. Red coloured propolis found in several states in Brazil and in other countries has known antimicrobial and antioxidant activity. Different analytical methods have been applied to studies regarding the chemical composition and plant origins of red propolis. In this study samples of red propolis from different regions have been characterised using direct infusion electrospray ionisation mass spectrometry (ESI(-)-MS) fingerprinting. Data from the fingerprints was extracted and analysed by multivariate analysis to group the samples according to their composition and marker compounds. Despite similar colour, the red coloured propolis samples were divided into three groups due to contrasting chemical composition, confirming the need to properly characterise the chemical composition of propolis.


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Avian pathogenic Escherichia coli (APEC) strains belong to a category that is associated with colibacillosis, a serious illness in the poultry industry worldwide. Additionally, some APEC groups have recently been described as potential zoonotic agents. In this work, we compared APEC strains with extraintestinal pathogenic E. coli (ExPEC) strains isolated from clinical cases of humans with extra-intestinal diseases such as urinary tract infections (UTI) and bacteremia. PCR results showed that genes usually found in the ColV plasmid (tsh, iucA, iss, and hlyF) were associated with APEC strains while fyuA, irp-2, fepC sitDchrom, fimH, crl, csgA, afa, iha, sat, hlyA, hra, cnf1, kpsMTII, clpVSakai and malX were associated with human ExPEC. Both categories shared nine serogroups (O2, O6, O7, O8, O11, O19, O25, O73 and O153) and seven sequence types (ST10, ST88, ST93, ST117, ST131, ST155, ST359, ST648 and ST1011). Interestingly, ST95, which is associated with the zoonotic potential of APEC and is spread in avian E. coli of North America and Europe, was not detected among 76 APEC strains. When the strains were clustered based on the presence of virulence genes, most ExPEC strains (71.7%) were contained in one cluster while most APEC strains (63.2%) segregated to another. In general, the strains showed distinct genetic and fingerprint patterns, but avian and human strains of ST359, or ST23 clonal complex (CC), presented more than 70% of similarity by PFGE. The results demonstrate that some zoonotic-related STs (ST117, ST131, ST10CC, ST23CC) are present in Brazil. Also, the presence of moderate fingerprint similarities between ST359 E. coli of avian and human origin indicates that strains of this ST are candidates for having zoonotic potential.