988 resultados para soil pollution


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We determined the Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn concentrations in soil samples collected along the eight main outlet roads of Poznan. Samples were collected at distances of 1, 5, and 10 m from the roadway edges at depth intervals of 0-20 and 40-60 cm. The metal content was determined in seven grain size fractions. The highest metal concentrations were observed in the smallest fraction (<0.063 mm), which were up to four times higher than those in sand fractions. Soil Pb, Cu, and Zn (and to a lesser extent Ni, Cr, and Cd) all increased in relation to the geochemical background. At most sampling sites, metal concentrations decreased with increasing distance from roadway edges and increasing depth. In some locations, the accumulation of metals in soils appears to be strongly influenced by wind direction. Our survey findings should contribute in predicting the behavior of metals along outlet road, which is important by assessing sources for further migration of heavy metals into the groundwater, plants, and humans.


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Chinese landscape architects are largely focused on objective practical solutions to environmental problems. In the West, theoretical landscape knowledge is largely conceptual and abstract. This research debated how Australian ecological concepts could or should be transposed to Chinese landscapes. This project responded to severe water and soil pollution issues in the estuarine and riparian zones of rivers flowing into Dongting Lake, in Yueyang City, Hunan Province. This work proposed a range of waterfront design innovations that challenged the notion of corridor as habitat, filter, barrier and conduit in a Chinese riparian context.


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The heterogeneous photocatalytic water purification process has gained wide attention due to its effectiveness in degrading and mineralizing the recalcitrant organic compounds as well as the possibility of utilizing the solar UV and visible light spectrum. This paper aims to review and summarize the recently published works in the field of photocatalytic oxidation of toxic organic compounds such as phenols and dyes, predominant in waste water effluent. In this review, the effects of various operating parameters on the photocatalytic degradation of phenols and dyes are presented. Recent findings suggested that different parameters, such as type of photocatalyst and composition, light intensity, initial substrate concentration, amount of catalyst, pH of the reaction medium, ionic components in water, solvent types, oxidizing agents/electron acceptors, mode of catalyst application, and calcinations temperature can play an important role on the photocatlytic degradation of organic compounds in water environment. Extensive research has focused on the enhancement of photocatalysis by modification of TiO2 employing metal, non-metal and ion doping. Recent advances in TiO2 photocatalysis for the degradation of various phenols and dyes are also highlighted in this review.


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This study examined the potential for Fe mobilization and greenhouse gas (GHG, e.g. CO2, and CH4) evolution in SEQ soils associated with a range of plantation forestry practices and water-logged conditions. Intact, 30-cm-deep soil cores collected from representative sites were saturated and incubated for 35 days in the laboratory, with leachate and headspace gas samples periodically collected. Minimal Fe dissolution was observed in well-drained sand soils associated with mature, first-rotation Pinus and organic Fe complexation, whereas progressive Fe dissolution occurred over 14 days in clear-felled and replanted Pinus soils with low organic matter and non-crystalline Fe fractions. Both CO2 and CH4 effluxes were relatively lower in clear-felled and replanted soils compared with mature, first-rotation Pinus soils, despite the lack of statistically significant variations in total GHG effluxes associated with different forestry practices. Fe dissolution and GHG evolution in low-lying, water-logged soils adjacent to riparian and estuarine, native-vegetation buffer zones were impacted by mineral and physical soil properties. Highest levels of dissolved Fe and GHG effluxes resulted from saturation of riparian loam soils with high Fe and clay content, as well as abundant organic material and Fe-metabolizing bacteria. Results indicate Pinus forestry practices such as clear-felling and replanting may elevate Fe mobilization while decreasing CO2 and CH4 emissions from well-drained, SEQ plantation soils upon heavy flooding. Prolonged water-logging accelerates bacterially mediated Fe cycling in low-lying, clay-rich soils, leading to substantial Fe dissolution, organic matter mineralization, and CH4 production in riparian native-vegetation buffer zones.


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Stormwater is a potential and readily available alternative source for potable water in urban areas. However, its direct use is severely constrained by the presence of toxic pollutants, such as heavy metals (HMs). The presence of HMs in stormwater is of concern because of their chronic toxicity and persistent nature. In addition to human health impacts, metals can contribute to adverse ecosystem health impact on receiving waters. Therefore, the ability to predict the levels of HMs in stormwater is crucial for monitoring stormwater quality and for the design of effective treatment systems. Unfortunately, the current laboratory methods for determining HM concentrations are resource intensive and time consuming. In this paper, applications of multivariate data analysis techniques are presented to identify potential surrogate parameters which can be used to determine HM concentrations in stormwater. Accordingly, partial least squares was applied to identify a suite of physicochemical parameters which can serve as indicators of HMs. Datasets having varied characteristics, such as land use and particle size distribution of solids, were analyzed to validate the efficacy of the influencing parameters. Iron, manganese, total organic carbon, and inorganic carbon were identified as the predominant parameters that correlate with the HM concentrations. The practical extension of the study outcomes to urban stormwater management is also discussed.


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Bioremediation is a potential option to treat 1, 1, 1-trichloro-2, 2 bis (4-chlorophenyl) ethane (DDT) contaminated sites. In areas where suitable microbes are not present, the use of DDT resistant microbial inoculants may be necessary. It is vital that such inoculants do not produce recalcitrant breakdown products e.g. 1, 1-dichloro-2, 2-bis (4-chlorophenyl) ethylene (DDE). Therefore, this work aimed to screen DDT-contaminated soil and compost materials for the presence of DDT-resistant microbes for use as potential inoculants. Four compost amended soils, contaminated with different concentrations of DDT, were used to isolate DDT-resistant microbes in media containing 150 mg I -1 DDT at three temperatures (25, 37 and 55°C). In all soils, bacteria were more sensitive to DDT than actinomycetes and fungi. Bacteria isolated at 55°C from any source were the most DDT sensitive. However DDT-resistant bacterial strains showed more promise in degrading DDT than isolated fungal strains, as 1, 1-dichloro 2, 2-bis (4-chlorophenyl) ethane (DDD) was a major bacterial transformation product, while fungi tended to produce more DDE. Further studies on selected bacterial isolates found that the most promising bacterial strain (Bacillus sp. BHD-4) could remove 51% of DDT from liquid culture after 7 days growth. Of the amount transformed, 6% was found as DDD and 3% as DDE suggesting that further transformation of DDT and its metabolites occurred.


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The fate and transport of tricyclazole and imidacloprid in paddy plots after nursery-box application was monitored. Water and surface soil samples were collected over a period of 35 days. Rates of dissipation from paddy waters and soils were also measured. Dissipation of the two pesticides from paddy water can be described by first-order kinetics. In the soil, only the dissipation of imidacloprid fitted to the simple first-order kinetics, whereas tricyclazole concentrations fluctuated until the end of the monitoring period. Mean half-life (DT50) values for tricyclazole were 11.8 and 305 days, respectively, in paddy water and surface soil. The corresponding values of imidacloprid were 2.0 and 12.5 days, respectively, in water and in surface soil. Less than 0.9% of tricyclazole and 0.1% of imidacloprid were lost through runoff during the monitoring period even under 6.3 cm of rainfall. The pesticide formulation seemed to affect the environmental fate of these pesticides when these results were compared to those of other studies.


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Alguns cientistas ambientais prevêem que a poluição dos solos será um dos maiores legados com grandes impactos para as gerações futuras, pois atualmente ainda existe desconhecimento das fontes poluidoras e da sua extensão. O Brasil, devido a sua extensão territorial, suas bacias hidrográficas, número de postos de abastecimentos e controles ambientais ainda ineficazes, está muito exposto a esse tipo de poluição. Atualmente, há no Brasil mais de 34.300 postos de combustíveis, com volume de 65.000.000 m3 de gasolina e diesel consumidos anualmente, conforme dados da Agência Nacional do Petróleo Gás Natural e Biocombustíveis , ANP, em 2008. Sendo assim, a exposição e contaminação dos solos e dos lençóis freáticos com constituintes aromáticos do diesel e gasolina torna-se um sério problema ambiental. Dentro deste grupo, encontram-se o benzeno, tolueno, xileno, conhecido como BTEX e os hidrocarbonetos policíclicos aromáticos, conhecido como PAH. Este trabalho tem como objetivo estudar a remediação in-situ de um posto de combustíveis na região do ABC Paulista, no Estado de São Paulo. Aplicando-se a técnica de Processo Oxidativo Avançado via reagente de Fenton (H2O2 + Fe2+ → Fe3+ + OH- + OH . ), o radical hidroxila gerado mineraliza compostos aromáticos, decompondo-os definitivamente. Amostras de água do posto em estudo apresentavam elevados teores de BTEX e PAH, 2,58 mg.L-1 e 0,298 mg.L-1 respectivamente, estando em níveis não tolerados pelo órgão ambiental paulista CETESB sendo necessária a intervenção para tratamento da área. Com os níveis de poluentes e o perfil hidrogeológico identificados, a remediação foi iniciada com injeções no solo de peróxido de hidrogênio a 8%v.v, FeSO4 a 0,40 mg.L-1 e solução à base de NPK (nitrogênio, fósforo e nitrogênio) a 100 mg.L-1 como nutrientes para os microorganismos do solo. Estes valores são provenientes de experimentos anteriores e tratamentos já realizados. Foram conduzidas campanhas de injeção trimestrais com 100 litros desta solução completa como reagente , e medições trimestrais de BTEX, PAH e outros parâmetros de controle, que foram indicando o sucesso do tratamento. Após 18 meses o local foi considerado tratado pelo órgão ambiental, onde monitoramentos semestrais estão em continuidade para garantir o resultado do tratamento e das ações corretivas. Assim, o estudo real da remediação de solos contaminados com os poluentes orgânicos via processo de Fenton, com concentração de H2O2 a 8%v/v, e FeSO4 a 0,40 mg.L-1 demonstrou-se uma técnica de sucesso. O entendimento dos resultados da remediação, mesmo sujeitos aos fenômenos naturais, como intempéries e chuvas, é uma experiência grande, pois por mais reais que simulações em laboratório possam ser, é muito difícil incluir nestes sistemas, as variações que um tratamento real está exposto


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三峡水利枢纽工程的调度运行导致水库水位的涨落,从而在三峡水库周边水陆交错带形成周期性淹没与出露于水面的一段特殊区域,被称为三峡水库消落带。三峡水库消落带生态系统的健康是库岸稳定和水库安全运行的重要保障。土壤养分是三峡库区消落带土壤生态系统的重要组成部分。三峡水库蓄水以来,土壤理化性状发生改变,水土流失日益加剧。土壤是植物的基础,因此,对三峡水库消落带土壤性状的研究对消落带植被恢复有一定的指导意义,也为研究水库消落带水土流失提供依据,为研究水库消落带土壤污染与水体污染提供基础。 本文首先通过对重庆忠县石宝寨水库消落带不同水位、不同时期的表层土壤分析,研究了消落带不同水位土壤容重、酸碱度、有机质、全氮、全磷、全钾、硝态氮、氨态氮、速效磷、速效钾的含量变化。实验结果表明:(1)消落带土壤淹水前各测定指标在不同海拔高程之间的差异均不显著(P>0.05);(2)三峡水库淹水后消落带土壤由微碱性变为碱性,养分平均含量普遍下降,土壤养分缺乏,淹水易造成养分流失;(3)不同淹水强度下,土壤pH 值、有机质、全氮、全磷、氨态氮、速效钾平均含量差异显著(P<0.001),经过淹水土壤有机质、全氮、速效钾含量进一步降低;(4)不同淹水时期,土壤全钾、硝态氮、氨态氮平均含量差异显著(P<0.001),速效氮含量随季节变化较大,与土壤水分有密切关系;(5)干湿交替更容易造成氮、磷解吸释放入水体,从而增加富营养化的风险。 其次,通过对石宝寨消落带5 个时间段6个水位的表层土壤分析,研究了消落带不同时期、不同淹水强度土壤酸碱度及Cu、Zn、Pb、Cr 的含量变化。结果表明(1)淹水土壤pH 显著高于未淹水土壤,长期淹水土壤重金属含量显著高于短期淹水土壤与未淹水土壤,146m 土壤重金属含量最高;(2)经过淹水土壤,pH 先升高后下降,铜含量、锌含量都下降,铬含量先上升后下降,铅含量随着土壤暴露先稍微上升,后又下降,但在08 年9 月达到最大值;(3)各土壤重金属之间均存在显著相关关系,表明三峡消落带土壤存在重金属复合污染隐患;( 4 ) 以三峡水库土壤背景值为评价标准, 消落带土壤污染程度具有Cu>Pb>Zn>Cr 的特征,其中,铜污染相对最为严重,消落带土壤随着淹水强度的加大与淹水时间的延长,污染程度加重,消落带综合污染指数达到1.24,属于轻度污染级。