906 resultados para social versus private value


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Contemporary literature on long-term aged care focuses heavily on issues associated with the recruitment and retention of nursing staff, such as job satisfaction and attitudes towards caring for older people. This paper aims to highlight one aspect of a larger study of registered nurses' experiences in long-term aged care in Australia and the influence that government policy and reform has in shaping that experience. This insight into aspects of nurses' everyday experience also contributes to a broader understanding of job satisfaction in long-term care. Findings from this study suggest that registered nurses experience tension in their search for value in their practice, which incorporates professional, political and social mediators of value and worth. These issues are discussed in relation to the impact of policy and reform on nurses' sense of value in long-term aged care and highlight the need for sensitive policy initiatives that support issues of value in nursing practice.


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Purpose The social marketing literature tends to focus on upstream marketing (policy) and downstream (individual behaviour change) and has a limited view on midstream (working with partners and community groups) social marketing. The paper proposes midstream social marketing should also include an understanding of how services and service employees influence and support individual behaviour change goals. The paper presents four key services marketing principles - derived from services theory and thinking - which the paper believes to be essential for implementing effective midstream social marketing. Design/methodology/approach This is a conceptual paper that uses service theory and case-examples to show how service thinking can be used as a midstream social marketing approach. Findings For effective uptake and impact of social marketing services amongst people and populations, social marketers need to design programs that consider the service experience, the service employee, service quality/customer value and the active role of the customer in value creation. Research limitations/implications Services marketing is a well-established sub-discipline of marketing which, until recently, has not interacted with social marketing. The extension and application of services theory for social marketing can enrich and propel the social marketing discipline forward. Further research is recommended to evaluate how service principles can be applied in practice. Social implications Given that social marketing services tend not to be accessed in sufficient numbers by the people who most need them, social marketers need to think beyond the technical, cognitive, and organisational-focused goals when designing social services. Originality/value This paper identifies key service theories that social marketers should understand and use and is thus a source of fresh ideas for theory and practice.


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Customer value has been identified as “the reason” for customers to patronize a firm, and as one of the fundamental blocks that market exchanges build upon. Despite the importance of customer value, it is often poorly defined, or seems to refer to different phenomena. This dissertation contributes to current marketing literature by subjecting the value concept to a critical investigation, and by clarifying its conceptual foundation. Based on the literature review, it is proposed that customer value can be divided into two separate, but interrelated aspects: value creation processes, and value outcome determination. This means that on one hand, it is possible to examine those activities through which value is created, and on the other hand, investigate how customers determine the value outcomes they receive. The results further show that customers may determine value in four different ways: value as a benefit/sacrifice ratio, as experience outcomes, as means-end chains, and value as phenomenological. In value as benefit/sacrifice ratio, customers are expected to calculate the ratio between service benefits (e.g. ease of use) and sacrifices (e.g. price). In value as experience outcomes, customers are suggested to experience multiple value components, such as functional, emotional, or social value. Customer value as means-ends chains in turn models value in terms of the relationships between service characteristics, use value, and desirable ends (e.g. social acceptance). Finally, value as phenomenological proposes that value emerges from lived, holistic experiences. The empirical papers investigate customer value in e-services, including online health care and mobile services, and show how value in e-service stems from the process and content quality, use context, and the service combination that a customer uses. In conclusion, marketers should understand that different value definitions generate different types of understanding of customer value. In addition, it is clear that studying value from several perspectives is useful, as it enables a richer understanding of value for the different actors. Finally, the interconnectedness between value creation and determination is surprisingly little researched, and this dissertation proposes initial steps towards understanding the relationship between the two.


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Resumen: Se procura resaltar el valor de paz en su dimensión social que halla su fundamento en el orden racional y moral de la sociedad y que tiene sus raíces en Dios mismo. El Aquinate habla de la paz en diversos lugares de sus obras y sobre todo en los cuatro artículos de la II-II q. 29. La paz consiste en la tranquilidad consiguiente al orden entre las diversas partes de un todo. Se considera la paz en sí mismo (paz interior o personal) y en relación con otros hombres (paz exterior o social). Una paz humana que encuentra su fuente en el fondo de los corazones, y se extiende de allí a los diversos grupos humanos en paz política o social.


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A outorga e renovação de concessão, permissão ou autorização de serviço de radiodifusão sonora e de sons e imagens é um conjunto de decisões políticas do Poder Público que está no cerne da questão ou da problematização da comunicação no Brasil. O modelo adotado no Brasil desde cedo concentrou o poder concedente no Executivo Federal. Além de não haver uma forte accountability institucional, a população não é consultada durante o processo e não há mecanismos estabelecidos de fiscalização e controle social sobre o serviço prestado. Esse estudo tem por finalidade oferecer elementos para que se fortaleça a accountability, notadamente a social, para o exame das concessões à luz dos capítulos da comunicação na Constituição Federal. Levanta-se, como hipótese, a possibilidade de que seja falsa a dicotomia participação social versus liberdade de manifestação e de imprensa. A excessiva centralização ou a falta de participação social na outorga e renovação conduz a uma associação entre o poder concedente e os concessionários, permissionários e autorizados na radiodifusão. Os mecanismos de accountability multiplicar-se-iam com o que é chamado aqui de popularização do poder concedente e do poder concedido. E desses mecanismos poderia se servir o poder público ao examinar a eficiência e a eficácia dos "proprietários" da radiodifusão.


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A presente dissertação discute o futebol como caminho para o reconhecimento social por jovens em situação de vulnerabilidade, entendida aqui pela afrodescendência, residência em favelas e a escassez de recursos financeiros. Esta vulnerabilidade pode remeter a uma invisibilidade social, que pode ser compreendida como relações sociais onde alguns sujeitos, por serem na esmagadora maioria das vezes proscritos do mundo significativo daqueles que detêm o poder, através da indiferença, e/ou por habitarem o imaginário social de forma negativa sendo estigmatizados, não têm suas capacidades e potencialidades reconhecidas e passam a ser ignorados e privados de muitas formas de interação social. Dialeticamente, no cerne destas relações, está presente a luta por reconhecimento, aqui estudada com base na Teoria Crítica e especialmente nos escritos do teórico Axel Honneth. A relação do indivíduo consigo próprio está atrelada às experiências de reconhecimento, pois ele se constitui unicamente porque aprende através do assentimento ou encorajamento de outrem a referir a si próprio determinadas características. Quando essas experiências são precárias, como ocorre nos casos de invisibilidade social, se dá uma busca, uma cobrança, uma luta pelo reconhecimento negado. Reconhecimento social que pode ser obtido através do futebol e seus desdobramentos, como a possibilidade do consumo conspícuo, da exposição midiática e de um suposto poder de mudança social. Como metodologia para compreender melhor estas questões foram analisadas produções sociais, como filmes, livros, músicas e reportagens, as quais foram consideradas sinais de uma sociedade capitalista, sociedade do espetáculo e individualista que se apresenta como meritocrática, ignorando que a disponibilidade de recursos da cultura dominante que cada sujeito possui, tem relação positiva com o sucesso pessoal. E para ilustrar o contexto histórico, social e cultural, onde jovens em situação de vulnerabilidade e muitas vezes invisíveis socialmente lutam por reconhecimento através do futebol, foram realizadas entrevistas com jovens jogadores de futebol da Vila Olímpica da Mangueira. A ascensão social e a identidade de ser um jogador de futebol são almejadas pelo desejo de obtenção de experiências de reconhecimento positivas nas três esferas do reconhecimento e que assim possam promover mudanças em suas respectivas autorrelações práticas: na dedicação emotiva, sendo mais amados por seus familiares e amigos (autoconfiança); no respeito cognitivo, obtendo cidadania que lhes é rotineiramente negada (autorrespeito); e na estima social, ao serem elogiados pela performance esportiva, ter fama e visibilidade, e exercer uma função social respeitada e digna de admiração (autoestima). Em suma, esta pesquisa busca apontar o futebol como instrumento para análise da dinâmica social e contribui por conectar o contexto esportivo ao social, visando fomentar nos profissionais que trabalham com esta população uma prática mais ampla e crítica, que possa ser capaz de ajudar a promover efetivamente mudanças sociais.


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International exhibitions were greatly responsible for the modernization of western society. The motive for these events was based on the possibility of enhancing the country’s international status abroad. The genesis of world exhibitions came from the conviction that humanity as a whole would improve the continual flow of new practical applications, the development of modern communication techniques and the social need for a medium that could acquaint the general public with changes in technology, economy and society .
Since the first national industrial exhibitions in Paris during the eighteenth century and especially starting from the first Great Exhibition in London’s Hyde Park in 1851 these international events spread steadily all over Europe and the United States, to reach Latin America in the beginnings of the twentieth century . The work of professionals such as Daniel Burnham, Werner Hegemann and Elbert Peets made the relation between exhibitions and urban transformation a much more connected one, setting a precedent for subsequent exhibitions.
In Buenos Aires, the celebration of the centennial of independence from Spain in 1910 had many meanings and repercussions. A series of factors allowed for a moment of change in the city. Official optimism, economical progress, inequality and social conflict made of this a suitable time for transformation. With the organization of the Exposición Internacional the government had, among others, one specific aim: to achieve a network of visual tools to set the feeling of belonging and provide an identity for the mixture of cultures that populated the city of Buenos Aires at the time. Another important objective of the government was to put Buenos Aires at the level of European cities.
Foreign professionals had a great influence in the conceptual and factual shaping of the exhibition and in the subsequent changes caused in the urban condition. The exhibition had an important role in the ways of thinking the city and in the leisure ideas it introduced. The exhibition, as a didactic tool, worked as a precedent for conceiving leisure spaces in the future. Urban and landscape planners such as Joseph Bouvard and Charles Thays were instrumental in great part of the design of the Exhibition, but it was not only the architects and designers who shaped the identity of the fair. Other visitors such as Jules Huret or Georges Clemenceau were responsible for giving the city an international image it did not previously have.
This paper will explore on the one hand the significance of the exhibition of 1910 for the shaping of the city and its image; and on the other hand, the role of foreign professionals and the reach these influences had.


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Purpose-Approximately 100,000 people in the UK aged 75 and over have concurrent dementia and sight loss, but current understanding of their experiences, needs and preferences is limited. The purpose of this paper is to report on a research project that explored the provision of social care and support for older people with both conditions. Design/methodology/approach-The project was a collaboration between the universities of York, Worcester, Bournemouth and Cambridge, supported by the Thomas Pocklington Trust and the Housing and Dementia Research Consortium. Data for this paper were drawn from focus groups held in 2013 involving 47 professionals across the dementia, sight loss and housing sectors. Findings-Thematic analysis identified five main barriers to providing high-quality, cost-effective social care and support: time constraints; financial limitations; insufficient professional knowledge; a lack of joint working; and inconsistency of services. The requirements of dementia and sight loss often conflict, which can limit the usefulness of equipment, aids and adaptations. Support and information needs to address individual needs and preferences. Research limitations/implications-Unless professionals consider dementia and sight loss together, they are unlikely to think about the impact of both conditions and the potential of their own services to provide effective support for individuals and their informal carers. Failing to consider both conditions together can also limit the availability and accessibility of social care and support services. This paper is based on input from a small sample of self-selecting professionals across three geographical regions of England. More research is needed in this area. Practical implications-There are growing numbers of people living with concurrent dementia and sight loss, many of whom wish to remain living in their own homes. There is limited awareness of the experiences and needs of this group and limited provision of appropriate services aids/adaptations. A range of measures should be implemented in order to support independence and well-being for people living with both conditions and their family carers. These include increased awareness, improved assessment, more training and greater joint working. Social implications-People living with dementia or sight loss are at high risk of social isolation, increasingly so for those with both conditions. Services that take an inclusive approach to both conditions can provide crucial opportunities for social interaction. Extra care housing has the potential to provide a supportive, community-based environment that can help residents to maintain social contact. Originality/value-This paper adds much-needed evidence to the limited existing literature, and reflects the views of diverse professionals across housing, health and social care


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In this study we analyse the emerging patterns of regional collaboration for innovation projects in China, using official government statistics of 30 Chinese regions. We propose the use of Ordinal Multidimensional Scaling and Cluster analysis as a robust method to study regional innovation systems. Our results show that regional collaborations amongst organisations can be categorised by means of eight dimensions: public versus private organisational mindset; public versus private resources; innovation capacity versus available infrastructures; innovation input (allocated resources) versus innovation output; knowledge production versus knowledge dissemination; and collaborative capacity versus collaboration output. Collaborations which are aimed to generate innovation fell into 4 categories, those related to highly specialised public research institutions, public universities, private firms and governmental intervention. By comparing the representative cases of regions in terms of these four innovation actors, we propose policy measures for improving regional innovation collaboration within China.


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Dada a atual conjuntura económica internacional, a Economia Social tem vindo a aumentar consideravelmente a sua importância. Desta forma, torna-se importante conhecer o normativo contabilístico que é aplicado em Portugal. No caso concreto das Entidades do Setor Não Lucrativo, surgiu a necessidade de se encontrarem formas mais eficientes de gerir os recursos para dar resposta às necessidades sociais emergentes, e por isso, estas entidades foram, em 2011, enquadradas num novo contexto legal. O sucesso, o crescimento e a sobrevivência de uma entidade dependem da sua capacidade para gerar fluxos de caixa e/ou obter os recursos financeiros necessários ao desenvolvimento da sua atividade. Neste sentido, é a Demonstração de Fluxos de Caixa (DFC) que fornece aos seus utilizadores uma base para avaliar a capacidade da entidade gerar e utilizar os seus fluxos de caixa. Esta dissertação aborda uma área de estudo, ainda pouco investigada, a Economia Social e, em particular, as Instituições Particulares de Solidariedade Social (IPSS), sendo notório que o interesse por esta área tem vindo a acentuar-se nos últimos anos. Assim, fazendo o respetivo enquadramento teórico e normativo, avalia-se a importância da DFC, mais especificamente, a importância do relato dos fluxos nas IPSS. Para a realização desta dissertação, foi feita a análise em profundidade do relato da DFC nas IPSS, recorrendo à metodologia qualitativa, nomeadamente, à investigação descritiva, aos métodos e técnicas de recolha de dados, e, por último, à análise de conteúdo para tratar os dados qualitativos, tais como, as entrevistas. Para tratar alguns dados estatísticos foi utilizado o Microsoft Excel do Microsoft Office. A presente dissertação demonstra que o relato dos fluxos da DFC é extremamente importante, pois proporciona informação financeira que é importante no processo de tomada de decisão e na avaliação do desempenho financeiro das IPSS.


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Loneliness and isolation among the elderly is an enormous problem in Portugal. Interventions to tackle loneliness worldwide have had limited success, and new approaches are needed. Shared Lives is an adult foster placement service in the UK that shows significant promise in tackling both loneliness, isolation and other societal challenges linked with ageing. This feasibility study suggests that replicating a Shared Lives service in Portugal, using a Social Impact Bond (SIB), is viable and likely to create both social and financial value for all stakeholders involved. This study provides recommendations for how a Shared Lives SIB could be designed and implemented.


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COMP6051, COMP6052 Notes Social Networking Technologies: Value in Web 2.0


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La Ciencia Política siempre ha buscado profundizar en el fenómeno del poder y sus causas. Las teorías han cambiado conforme a las circunstancias sociales a lo largo de la historia; no obstante, en la actualidad las dinámicas de comunicación facilitadas por elementos tecnológicos han generado coyunturas sin antecedentes como la ocurrida en Colombia el 4 de febrero de 2008 “Un Millón de voces contra las FARC” La generalización en el uso de Internet y –sobre todo- las redes sociales ha producido un acelerado nivel de activismo debido a la facilidad de cooperación y coordinación que se deriva de estructuras en red. Es sano pensar en una reevaluación de la teoría tradicional del poder vertical y traer al campo teórico nuevos elementos que generen herramientas de análisis sobre comunicación, poder horizontal, activismo y oportunidades políticas. El nacimiento de lo que algunos llaman “sociedad informacional” es lo que permitirá describir el concepto de “noopolitik”. Las que otrora eran movilizaciones políticas costosas y exigentes en recursos de coordinación y tiempo han venido siendo reemplazadas por explosiones de activismo catalizadas por un sentimiento común que han sabido servirse de las ventajas tecnológicas para lograr sus objetivos. Bien habla de ello el caso de estudio de esta investigación al ser la movilización más grande registrada, con más de 12 millones de personas alrededor del mundo y con el uso protagónico de redes sociales. El valor de la información –y por supuesto su difusión-, es ahora uno de los principales asuntos de la Ciencia Política moderna.


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Resumen basado en el del autor