973 resultados para social constructivist


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Students look forward to summer because usually it means a break from formal and non-formal education. Formal education refers to education in formal educational institutions, such as pre-schools, primary, secondary and tertiary educational institutions and other registered training organisations. Non-formal education refers to organised educational activity outside the established formal system, that is intended to deliver a defined set of learning objectives to an identifiable group of learners (Chemistry in Australia, October 2014, page 33). Informal education refers to all learning outside the formal non-formal educational system; informal education is often associated with life-long learning as it can include reading non-fiction books and scholarly articles, viewing documentaries and other informal professional development. Informal education can also include travel to other countries and climates. Social constructivist theory maintains that learning occurs in social settings; conversely, most learners are limited by their cultural experiences. For example, Australian students have little first-hand experience of sublimation, but this is commonly observed in very cold climates when frost, ice or snow apparently “disappears” as it sublimes to water vapour, without passing through the liquid state. A favourite summertime activity is to go to the movies, especially in air-conditioned cinemas on a hot day or night. Watching movies are a form of virtual travel, and many educators make use of movies to illustrate chemistry concepts. Some movie producers want a sense of authenticity and work hard to get the details right, even though those details might be incidental to the main plot. For example, in Centurion, Roman soldiers fail in their rescue attempt, and are taunted by the Picts for stupidity -- they would have succeeded if they had only realised that metal become brittle in the cold. Another favourite example comes from The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, when Bilbo, Samwise and Gollum are crossing the Dead Marshes and see lights that appear to float over the Marshes. These wills-o-the-wisp have been known for centuries, and was the subject of a debate between George Washington and his officers. Washington and Thomas Paine, “the Father of the American Revolution”, believed that the lights were due to a flammable gas released from the marsh, while Washington’s officers believed that the lights were due to a flammable liquid on the surface of the marsh. On Guy Fawkes Night, 5 November, 1783, the Washington-Paine experiment showed that when mud at the bottom of a river was disturbed, bubbles of flammable gas rose to the surface of the water. (Unknown to Washington and Paine, Alessandro Volta had performed a similar experiment in 1776.) A problem with informal education is that it is often unguided. Students may find it difficult to discern the difference between scientific reality and an artistic distortion of reality in novels and movies. Educators have an important role here. If we only teach facts and concepts, learners will be dependent on a teacher. If however, we foster students’ curiosity and ability to exercise judgement, they will be able to learn for themselves, not just during the summer, but also in every season of every year.


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© 2015, Early Childhood Australia Inc. All rights reserved. MULTICULTURAL CURRICULA/PROGRAMS assume an important role within a cultural approach to learning and teaching in early childhood education in New Zealand. Te Whariki, the national early childhood curriculum framework of New Zealand, is an emancipatory and socially constructive document that emphasises equity, social justice and the important position of culture in children's learning and development. In practice this means developing early childhood programs that are sensitive and responsive to the needs and interests of children and families of minority cultures. Drawing on a critical social constructivist framework, this study of one early childhood centre in New Zealand identifies the features of its multicultural curriculum. The paper argues that a devotion to supporting children of minority cultures has persisted in the curriculum, but there is a reliance on mainstream pedagogy focused on children's learning within the centre environment and teachers' subjective knowledge about children's needs.


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Individuals involved in fostering interprofessional collaborative practice in health are employed in the education, practice and political arenas. While the need to innovate and develop optimal training and practice is not new, the uniqueness of interprofessional collaborative practice is that it exists across professional backgrounds and transcends traditional hierarchies (entry-level to senior practitioners). As such, alternate models of support are required to assist champions to progress learning and innovation. One such model is a group of educators and practitioners networking across Australasia, resulting in the Australasian Community of Interprofessional Collaborative Practice (ACoIPCP). ACoIPCP is a lively community of practice (CoP) group across Australia and New Zealand, which is abreast of current activity in the relevant arenas and provides members with an avenue to share information and, therefore, respond appropriately to changes in the environment. Membership includes likeminded individuals who work in the area of interprofessional collaboration from a broad range of perspectives in both health education and practice. This paper describes the development of ACoIPCP and its aims, activities and achievements. By developing a community of practice framework in a cross-organisational environment, ACoIPCP members have been able to support one another, share resources, seek feedback and learn with and from one another to foster interprofessional collaborative practice within educational, clinical and political settings. Information about the processes and outcomes of ACoIPCP may provide guidance to others interested in facilitating learning and innovation through a community of practice model.


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Tendo em vista os atuais preceitos socioconstrutivistas da Ciência e da Educação em Ciências, neste estudo, o nosso objetivo foi analisar a vertente epistemológica em artigos científicos que tratam de linguagem escrita. Para tanto, analisamos o conteúdo de seis desses artigos, baseando-nos em indicadores educacionais: concepções de ciência, de sujeito, de linguagem e de intervenção fonoaudiológica. A análise destas concepções, em seu conjunto, nos permitiu o enquadramento do conteúdo desses artigos em uma vertente epistemológica mais ou menos técnica ou humanista, lógico-positivista ou pós-positivista, e, ainda, inferir sobre as implicações dessas vertentes na construção de um conhecimento pedagógico e educacional no campo da Fonoaudiologia, para a formação continuada e em serviço de um profissional fonoaudiólogo capaz de atuar também na escola. Os resultados mostraram que as visões dos autores dos artigos analisados se enquadram em uma vertente predominantemente lógico-positivista, o que aponta para a importância de reestruturar os cursos formadores desses profissionais com base em preceitos de Educação em Ciência e à luz de uma nova Filosofia da Ciência.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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In this article the use of Learning Management Systems (LMS) at the School of Engineering, University of Borås, in the year 2004 and the academic year 2009-2010 is investigated. The tools in the LMS were classified into four groups (tools for distribution, tools for communication, tools for interaction and tools for course administration) and the pattern of use was analyzed. The preliminary interpretation of the results was discussed with a group of teachers from the School of Engineering with long experience of using LMS. High expectations about LMS as a tool to facilitate flexible education, student centered methods and the creation of an effective learning environment is abundant in the literature. This study, however, shows that in most of the surveyed courses the available LMS is predominantly used to distribute documents to students. The authors argue that a more elaborate use of LMS and a transformation of pedagogical practices towards social constructivist, learner centered procedures should be treated as an integrated process of professional development.


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This research aims to examine the effectiveness of Soft Systems Methodology (SSM) to enable systemic change within local goverment and local NHS environments and to examine the role of the facilitator within this process. Checkland's Mode 2 variant of Soft Systems Methodology was applied on an experimental basis in two environments, Herefordshire Health Authority and Sand well Health Authority. The Herefordshire application used SSM in the design of an Integrated Care Pathway for stroke patients. In Sandwell, SSM was deployed to assist in the design of an Infonnation Management and Technology (IM&T) Strategy for the boundary-spanning Sandwell Partnership. Both of these environments were experiencing significant organisational change as the experiments unfurled. The explicit objectives of the research were: To examine the evolution and development of SSM and to contribute to its further development. To apply the Soft Systems Methodology to change processes within the NHS. To evaluate the potential role of SSM in this wider process of change. To assess the role of the researcher as a facilitator within this process. To develop a critical framework through which the impact of SSM on change might be understood and assessed. In developing these objectives, it became apparent that there was a gap in knowledge relating to SSM. This gap concerns the evaluation of the role of the approach in the change process. The case studies highlighted issues in stakeholder selection and management; the communicative assumptions in SSM; the ambiguous role of the facilitator; and the impact of highly politicised problem environments on the effectiveness of the methodology in the process of change. An augmented variant on SSM that integrates an appropriate (social constructivist) evaluation method is outlined, together with a series of hypotheses about the operationalisation of this proposed method.


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Frauenrechte und Religion müssen keinen Gegensatz darstellen, wird anerkannt, dass religiöse Inhalte verschiedentlich interpretierbar sind und sich über die Zeit verändern und dass Geschlechtergleichstellung auch das Recht von Frauen auf freie Religionsausübung umfasst. Dieser Artikel stellt, ausgehend von einer sozial-konstruktivistischen und einer menschenrechtlichen Perspektive, alternative Strategien des politischen Umgangs mit Konflikten zwischen Religionsfreiheit und Frauenrechten in Europa zur Diskussion, die einer Hierarchisierung dieser beiden Menschenrechtsbereiche entgegentreten. Women’s rights and religion do not have to form a contradiction if we acknowledge the fact that religious contents can be interpreted in different ways and change over time and that gender equality includes women’s right to the free practice of religion. Starting from a social constructivist and a human rights perspective, this article discusses alternative strategies for dealing politically with conflicts between religious freedom and women’s rights in Europe; these alternative strategies oppose the hierarchization of these two areas of human rights.


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This thesis is a qualitative case study that draws upon a grounded genre analysis approach situated within the social constructivist paradigm. The study describes the various obligatory, desired, and optional moves used by post-graduate students as they interacted within an online, non-judgmental environment in order to seek solutions to issues they were experiencing with their research projects or teaching. The postgraduate students or case participants met individually online with me at pre-arranged times to take part in Instant Messenger Cooperative Development (IMCD) (Boon, 2005) 30-minute to one hour sessions via the text-chat function of Skype. Participants took on the role of ‘Explorer’ in order to articulate their thoughts and ideas about their research. I took on the role of ‘Understander’ to provide support to each Explorer by reflecting my understanding of the ongoing articulations as the Explorers investigated their specific issues, determined possible ways to overcome them, made new discoveries, and formulated plans of action regarding the best way for them to move forward. The description of generic moves covers 32 IMCD sessions collected over a threeyear period (2009-2012) from 10 different participants (A-J). Data collected is drawn from live IMCD sessions, field notes, and post-session email feedback from participants. In particular, the thesis focuses on describing the specific generic moves of Explorers within IMCD sessions as they seek satisfactory resolutions to particular research or pedagogic puzzles. It also provides a detailed description of a longitudinal case (Participant A – four sessions), a one-session case (Participant B – one session), and an outlier case in which the Explorer underwent a negative IMCD experience. The thesis concludes by arguing that IMCD is a highly effective tool that helps facilitate the research process for both distance-learning and on-campus students and has the potential to be utilized across all disciplines at the tertiary level.


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The concept of ontological security has a remarkable echo in the current sociology to describe emotional status of men of late modernity. However, the concept created by Giddens in the eighties has been little used in empirical research covering various sources of risk or uncertainty. In this paper, a scale for ontological security is proposed. To do this, we start from the results of a research focused on the relationship between risk, uncertainty and vulnerability in the context of the economic crisis in Spain. These results were produced through nine focus groups and a telephone survey with standardized questionnaire applied to a national sample of 2,408 individuals over 18 years. This work is divided into three main sections. In the fi rst, a scale has been built from the results of the application of different items present in the questionnaire used. The second part explores the relationships of the scale obtained with the variables further approximate the emotional dimensions of individuals. The third part observes the variables that contribute to changes in the scale: These variables show the structural feature of the ontological security.


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O presente relatório de estágio configura-se como o requisito parcial para a obtenção do grau de mestre em Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico. Apresenta o objetivo fulcral de refletir, de forma indagadora e problematizadora, sobre o desenvolvimento profissional da mestranda, emergente da concretização do estágio profissionalizante nos contextos de Educação Pré-Escolar e 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico. No relatório serão abordados quais os pressupostos teóricos e legais que fundamentaram a prática pedagógica da mestranda em ambos os níveis educativos, assim como o modo como estes foram mobilizados pela mesma. A metodologia de investigação-ação constituiu o pilar do desenvolvimento profissional, pessoal e social da formanda, possibilitando que esta adotasse uma postura investigativa, crítica e reflexiva, com vista ao melhoramento do processo de ensino e aprendizagem. Nesta linha de raciocínio, a ação educativa desenvolvida pela mestranda obedeceu a um processo cíclico, através da articulação das etapas de observação, planificação, ação, reflexão e avaliação. Importa salientar, ao longo do estágio, a mestranda procurou que a sua ação pedagógica mobilizasse características inerentes ao paradigma socio construtivista, no qual a criança desempenha o papel crucial na ação. Face ao exposto, o estágio profissionalizante desenvolvido em ambos os contextos educativos caracterizou-se por ser a força motriz para que a mestranda desenvolvesse, construtivamente, as competências profissionais inerentes a um perfil docente duplo. Assim, a mestranda tomou consciência acerca das semelhanças e contrastes evidenciados pelos dois níveis educativos, valorando a importância de uma sequencialidade entre estes. Em suma, a formação permitiu o início da aprendizagem do que é ser educador e professor e a consciencialização da essência da missão de educar.


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Relatório EPE - Relatório de estágio em Educação Pré-Escolar: O presente relatório de estágio de qualificação profissional, elaborado no âmbito da formação da mestranda em Educação Pré-Escolar, visa a descrição e reflexão da ação educativa desenvolvida ao longo deste processo formativo, explanando, também, as competências profissionais e pessoais construídas pela mesma. Este perspetiva a mobilização de pressupostos teóricos e legais que fundamentaram a prática pedagógica da mestranda, com recurso a estratégias que visam uma educação inclusiva e equitativa, atendendo às características das crianças, encaradas como co-construtoras das suas aprendizagens. Com base numa visão socioconstrutivista, são apresentadas as perspetivas pedagógicas que se propuseram a dar resposta às necessidades e interesses evidenciados, tendo em consideração a capacidade de pensar e agir no contexto educativo em que foi desenvolvido o estágio. Assim, revelou-se fundamental o recurso ao método de investigação-ação, em que o educador é investigador da sua ação, sendo um profissional crítico e reflexivo, que está aberto à mudança. Este relatório pretende dar a conhecer as técnicas e estratégias utilizadas para alcançar os objetivos e desafios propostos todos os dias, tendo em vista a melhoria da praxis educativa desenvolvida pela mestranda, conforme os dados observados, recolhidos e analisados. Procurase, também, expressar as suas aprendizagens, pensar sobre as mesmas e como estas influenciaram a prática profissional. O educador de infância deve manter uma postura atenta em relação ao grupo de crianças com quem exerce a sua profissionalidade, intervindo de forma adequada e ponderada e, assim, desenvolvendo competências pessoais e profissionais. Considerando os princípios apresentados no perfil geral de desempenho profissional do educador de infância, este deve realizar formação ao longo da vida e avaliar constantemente a sua ação e adaptá-la, conduzindo a uma flexibilidade na tomada de decisões.


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Relatório EPE - Relatório de estágio em Educação Pré-Escolar: O presente relatório surge no âmbito da Unidade Curricular de Prática Pedagógica Supervisionada na Educação Pré-Escolar, incluída no 2º ciclo de estudos, nomeadamente no Mestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, lecionado na Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico do Porto. Tem como finalidade refletir, de uma forma crítica, acerca das práticas pedagógicas desenvolvidas. Para que a estagiária pudesse desenvolver competências relacionadas com o saber agir em ação, foi fundamental partir de um quadro concetual rigoroso e adaptado ao nível educativo em questão. Neste sentido, revelou-se imprescindível adotar uma postura investigativa e reflexiva, que lhe permitisse adequar as ações a cada criança do grupo, tendo, desta forma, uma prática baseada na diferenciação pedagógica. Para desenvolver práticas baseadas nessa postura investigativa e reflexiva referida anteriormente, revelou-se crucial para a mestranda basear-se na metodologia de investigação-ação. Assim, houve, constantemente, momentos de observação, planificação, ação, avaliação e reflexão, que contribuíram para a construção de um perfil de desempenho profissional. Por fim, importa referir a perspetiva sócio construtivista da educação, a qual foi tida sempre em consideração ao longo do estágio. Esta é uma perspetiva que não está só relacionada com as práticas da formanda, mas privilegia, sobretudo, o desenvolvimento da criança, sendo que esta assume um papel ativo na construção dos seus próprios conhecimentos.


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Relatório EPE - Relatório de estágio em Educação Pré-Escolar: O presente relatório de estágio em educação pré-escolar tem como intuito apresentar a descrição e a análise do percurso formativo da mestranda ao longo da prática pedagógica. O relatório integra os referenciais teóricos e legais adotados pela mesma, através de uma descrição reflexiva acerca da sua prática educativa, que lhe conferiu o desenvolvimento de competências e saberes profissionais. Neste sentido, o relatório irá abordar as conceções, os processos e os resultados obtidos pela mestranda ao longo da sua ação, onde o processo de ensino e de aprendizagem procurou focar-se no desenvolvimento de competências e capacidades das crianças, de acordo com uma perspetiva socioconstrutivista, suportada em vários modelos curriculares. Cabe ao educador proporcionar aprendizagens significativas às crianças com as quais desenvolve a sua prática devendo, por isso, intervir de forma fundamentada e em conformidade com as necessidades e interesses do grupo, através de uma postura observadora, dinâmica, flexível e proactiva adaptando as suas ações e reajustando as suas estratégias pedagógicas diferenciadas. Deste modo, a formanda procurou ser interveniente na construção de saberes pedagógicos, com uma postura investigadora da sua prática, sendo clarificado, ao longo de todo o documento, todo o seu percurso com o intuito de conhecer e compreender as competências profissionais desenvolvidas. Estando apresentadas as suas aprendizagens, bem como as suas reflexões, que potenciaram a evolução da formanda tanto a nível pessoal como profissional.


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The aim of this study was to gain a deeper understanding of the learning experiences of upper secondary school students in a virtual learning environment. The focus of the study is younger students aged 16–18. Virtual learning environments are defined as collaborative, interactive and communicative digital environments. The main research question was to distinguish the meaning of learning given by the participants. Did the participants perceive learning potential in the virtual learning environment, and if so, what signifies learning potential? Sub-questions were: What enhances learning? What might inhibit learning in a distance course? How do the participants relate to their role as distant learners? Four upper secondary schools in Finland took part in the study. Thirteen upper secondary students were interviewed after a distance course in social studies. During the analysis, four main categories were identified: responsibility, freedom, time and communication. A constructivist approach to learning was adopted while analysing the interviews, and the categories were understood through cognitive, affective and social dimensions of learning. The implications of the study are that a student-centred pedagogy and a social constructivist course design have the potential to motivate students to interact to learn, while the software, such as Second Life, Google+ and Wikibooks, offers them the possibility to do so. The study introduces an empirically supported concept, virtual learning. Virtual learning assumes an active learner who manages different learning spaces while communicating with people and metacognitively assessing the learning process. At the same time, students get used to the virtual and everchanging nature of information and knowledge.