974 resultados para silicon doses
The wetting of Ti-Cu alloys on Si3N4 was analyzed by the sessile drop method, using an imaging system with a CCD camera during the heating under argon flow. The contact angle was measured as a function of temperature and time. The samples were cut transversally and characterized by scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive spectrometry (SEM/EDS). Wettability of the Ti-Cu alloy on Si3N4 is influenced by the reaction between the Ti and the ceramic. The TC1 and TC2 alloys presented low final contact angle values around 2 degrees and 26 degrees, respectively, indicating good wetting on Si3N4. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd and Techna Group S.r.l. All rights reserved.
A Raman scattering study on multiple phase generation in silicon submitted to successive Vickers microindentation cycles, in different crystallographic orientations, was performed. The microindentations were perfon-ned in a virgin single crystal (100)-oriented surface, in the [001] and [011] directions. The results indicated that the formation of multiple phases by cyclic microindentation may depend on the crystallographic direction and number of successive cycles: the onset of several different structural phases was detected after the third cycle for the [001] direction and only after 15 cycles for the [011] direction, indicating that there is a crystallographic orientation dependence for multiple phase generation. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Directional solidification of molten metallurgical-grade Si was carried out in a vertical Bridgman furnace. The effects of changing the mold velocity from 5 to 110 mu m seconds(-1) on the macrosegregation of impurities during solidification were investigated. The macrostructures of the cylindrical Si ingots obtained in the experiments consist mostly of columnar grains parallel to the ingot axis. Because neither cells nor dendrites can be observed on ingot samples, the absence of precipitated particles and the fulfillment of the constitutional supercooling criterion suggest a planar solid-liquid interface for mold velocities a parts per thousand currency sign10 mu m seconds(-1). Concentration profiles of several impurities were measured along the ingots, showing that their bottom and middle are purer than the metallurgical Si from which they solidified. At the ingot top, however, impurities accumulated, indicating the typical normal macrosegregation. When the mold velocity decreases, the macrosegregation and ingot purity increase, changing abruptly for a velocity variation from 20 to 10 mu m seconds(-1). A mathematical model of solute transport during solidification shows that, for mold velocities a parts per thousand yen20 mu m seconds(-1), macrosegregation is caused mainly by diffusion in a stagnant liquid layer assumed at the solid-liquid interface, whereas for lower velocities, macrosegregation increases as a result of more intense convective solute transport.
Before one models the effect of plastic deformation on magnetoacoustic emission (MAE), one must first treat non-180 degrees domain wall motion. In this paper, we take the Alessandro-Beatrice-Bertotti-Montorsi (ABBM) model and modify it to treat non-180 degrees wall motion. We then insert a modified stress-dependent Jiles-Atherton model, which treats plastic deformation, into the modified ABBM model to treat MAE and magnetic Barkhausen noise (HBN). In fitting the dependence of these quantities on plastic deformation, we apply a model for when deformation gets into the stage where dislocation tangles are formed, noting two chief effects, one due to increased density of emission centers owing to increased dislocation density, and the other due to a more gentle increase in the residual stress in the vicinity of the dislocation tangles as deformation is increased.
The phenomenon of magnetoacoustic emission (MAE) has been ascribed usually to one of two origins: either (1) motion of non-180 degrees domain walls or (2) creation or annihilation of domains. In this paper, we present strong evidence for the argument that the only origin for MAE is motion of non-180 degrees domain walls. The proof is evident as a result of measurements of zero MAE for a wide range of stress in the isotropic zero magnetostrictive polycrystalline alloy of iron with 6.5% silicon. We also explain why it was that the alternative origin was proposed and how the data in that same experiment can be reinterpreted to be consistent with the non-180 degrees wall motion origin. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The theoretical and experimental open-circuit voltage optimizations of a simple fabrication process of silicon solar cells n(+)p with rear passivation are presented. The theoretical results were obtained by using an in-house developed program, including the light trapping effect and metal-grid optimization. On the other hand, the experimental steps were monitored by the photoconductive decay technique. The starting materials presented thickness of about 300 pm and resistivities: FZ (0.5 Omega cm), Cz-type 1 (2.5 Omega cm) and Cz-type 2 (3.3 Omega cm). The Gaussian profile emitters were optimized with sheet resistance between 55 Omega/sq and 100 Omega/sq, and approximately 2.0 mu m thickness in accordance to the theoretical results. Excellent implied open-circuit voltages of 670.8 mV, 652.5 mV and 662.6 mV, for FZ, Cz-type 1 and Cz-type 2 silicon wafers, respectively, could be associated to the measured lifetimes that represents solar cell efficiency up to 20% if a low cost anti-reflection coating system, composed by random pyramids and SiO(2) layer, is considered even for typical Cz silicon. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The present work reports on the effect of the type of backside contact used in the electrochemical process and their relation with the structural features and optical responses of the one-dimensional photonic crystal (PC) anodized in simple and double electrochemical cell. The PC, obtained in the single cell, showed to have thicker layers than of the PC obtained in double electrochemical cell. Additionally, the PC obtained in double cell showed highest reflectance in the band gap region than of the PCs obtained in single cell. These results suggest that the interface roughness between adjacent layers in the PC devices obtained in double electrochemical cell is minimized. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
In this study, oxide and nitride films were deposited at room temperature through the reaction of silicon Sputtered by argon and oxygen ions or argon and nitrogen ions at 250 and 350 W with 0.67 Pa pressure. It was observed that for both thin films the deposition rates increase with the applied RF power and decrease with the increase of the gas concentration. The Si/O and Si/N ratio were obtained through RBS analyses and for silicon oxide the values changed from 0.42 to 0.57 and for silicon nitride the Values changed from 0.4 to 1.03. The dielectric constants were calculated through capacitance-voltage curves with the silicon oxide values varying from 2.4 to 5.5, and silicon nitride values varying from 6.2 to 6.7, which are good options for microelectronic dielectrics. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This work shows a comparison between the analog performance of standard and strained Si n-type triple-gate FinFETs with high-K dielectrics and TiN gate material. Different channel lengths and fin widths are studied. It is demonstrated that both standard and strained FinFETs with short channel length and narrow fins have similar analog properties, whereas the increase of the channel length degrades the early voltage of the strained devices, consequently decreasing the device intrinsic voltage gain with respect to standard ones. Narrow strained FinFETs with long channel show a degradation of the Early voltage if compared to standard ones suggesting that strained devices are more subjected to the channel length modulation effect. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This paper presents a relatively simple method to fabricate field-emitter arrays from silicon substrates. These devices are obtained from silicon micromachining by means of the HI-PS technique-a combination of hydrogen ion implantation and porous silicon used as sacrificial layer. Also, a new process sequence is proposed and implemented to fabricate self-aligned integrated field-emission devices based on this technique. Electrical characteristics of the microtips obtained show good agreement with the Fowler-Nordheim theory, which are suitable for the proposed application.
In this work, we present the simulation, fabrication and characterization of a tunable Bragg filter employing amorphous dielectric films deposited by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition technique on a crystalline silicon substrate. The optical device was built using conventional microelectronic processes and consisted of fifteen periodic intervals of Si3N4 layers separated by air with appropriated thickness and lengths to produce transmittance attenuation peaks in the visible region. For this, previous simulations were realized based in the optical parameters of the dielectric film, which were extracted from ellipsometry and profilometry techniques. For the characterization of the optical interferential filter, a 633 nm monochromatic light was injected on the filter, and then the transmitted output light was collected and conducted to a detector through an optical waveguide made also of amorphous dielectric layers. Afterwards, the optical filter was mounted on a Peltier thermoelectric device in order to control the temperature of the optical device. When the temperature of filter changes, a refractive index variation is originated in the dielectric film due to the thermo-optic effect, producing a shift of attenuation peak, which can be well predicted by numerical simulations. This characteristic allows this device to be used as a thermo-optic sensor. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The present work reports the thermal annealing process, the number of layer and electrochemical process effect in the optical response quality of Bragg and microcavity devices that were applied as organic solvent sensors. These devices have been obtained by using porous silicon (PS) technology. The optical characterization of the Bragg reflector, before annealing, showed a broad photonic band-gap structure with blue shifted and narrowed after annealing process. The electrochemical process used to obtain the PS-based device imposes the limit in the number of layers because of the chemical dissolution effect. The interface roughness minimizations in the devices have been achieved by using the double electrochemical cell setup. The microcavity devices showed to have a good sensibility for organic solvent detection. The thermal annealed device showed better sensibility feature and this result was attributed to passivation of the surface devices. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Silicon (Si) accumulation in organs and cells is one of the most prominent characteristics of plants of the family Poaceae. Many species from this family are used as forage plants for animal feeding. The present study investigates in Brachiaria brizantha (Hochst. ex A. Rich.) Stapf. cv. Marandu: (1) the dry matter production and Si content in shoot due to soil Si fertilizations; (2) the Si distribution among shoot parts; and (3) the silica deposition and localization in leaves. Plants of B. brizantha cv. Marandu were grown under contrasting Si supplies in soil and nutrient solution. Silica deposition and distribution in grass leaf blades were observed using light microscope and scanning electron microscope equipped with an energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer (SEM-EDXS). Silicon concentration in the B. brizantha shoot increased according to the Si supply. Silicon in grass leaves decreased following the order: mature leaf blades > recently expanded leaf blades > non-expanded leaf blades. Silicon accumulates mainly on the upper (adaxial) epidermis of the grass leaf blades and, especially, on the bulliform cells. The Si distribution on adaxial leaf blade surface is non uniform and reflects a silica deposition exclusively on the cell wall of bulliform cells.
This work aimed to evaluate the effect of different concentrations of IBA (indolbutyric acid) in the rooting and growth of Eucalyptus urophylla cuttings. The experimental design used was the randomized blocks, in factorial with an arrangement of split plots, with three concentrations of IBA (2.000; 5.000 and 8.000 mg L(-1)), two ways of the application of plant gowth regulators (paste and powder), and three period of evaluations (30, 45 and 60 days). The experiment was carried out in the Farm Buriti de Prata, an entreprise property of Souza Cruz, in the city of Prata - MG in 2003. After the preparation of the cuttings, patterned in 10 cm of length and 0.8 cm of diameter, those were immersed in mixtures of IBA for 10 seconds, in the forms of dry powder and paste and than planted in plastic tubes contening Plantmax substrate with vermiculite. The cuttings were transported to greenhouse with controled humidity, where they remained for 60 days. The variables studied were: height of plant in the 30(th), 45(th) and 60(th) days after seeding; fresh mass of the aerial part and roots. The IBA applied in powder form as well as in paste form, resulted in an greater seedling growth. To the 60 days, the seedlings presented greater growth, being significantly superior to the heights measured in other times of evaluation. The application of 2.000 mg L(-1) and 5,000 mg L(-1) resulted in significant increases on weight of fresh mass of the aerial part and root system.
The diet and plasma lipid patterns associated with lipid oxidation susceptibility in rats fed different doses of polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-3 PUFA) from fish oil were evaluated. Wistar rats were assigned into three groups and received diets containing 8% soybean oil (SOY), 4% soybean oil + 4% fish oil (SOY-FISH) and 8% fish oil (FISH) for 21 days. Linoleic, oleic and alpha-linolenic acids in SOY diets were substituted by myristic, palmitic, palmitoleic, eicosapentaenoic (EPA) and docosahexaenoic (DHA) acids in SOY-FISH and FISH diets reducing the n-6/n-3 ratio and increasing the peroxidability index (PI). Increased dietary EPA and DHA were observed in SOY-FISH and FISH plasma at the expense of linoleic and arachidonic acid levels. Saturated fatty acids, which were significantly different between the three diets (P < 0.01), were found at the same concentration in the plasma (P = 0.23). No changes were observed in oxidative stress as measured by the concentration of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) expressed in brain homogenates. However, TBARS concentration in the plasma of the SOY-FISH group was higher than the other two groups (P = 0.02). The major differences between these three groups were the n-3 PUFA content (0.4, 1.8 and 3.2 g/100 g diet) and the saturates/polyunsaturates ratio (0.3, 0.5 and 0.8) for SOY, SOY-FISH, and FISH groups, respectively. Thus, n-3 PUFA intake from fish oil only when followed by a decrease in saturated/polyunsaturated fatty acids ratio increased oxidative susceptibility in rats measured by plasma TBARS concentration. PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS Because fish oil intake is associated with risk reduction for cardiovascular disease, individuals are taking supplements containing a high dose of fish oil. However, there is no scientific consensus if the intake of a high dose of fish oil could increase the oxidative stress. Thus, more studies are necessary to assure the safety of this kind of supplementation.