999 resultados para side illumination fluorescence


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A sample scanning confocal optical microscope (SCOM) was designed and constructed in order to perform local measurements of fluorescence, light scattering and Raman scattering. This instrument allows to measure time resolved fluorescence, Raman scattering and light scattering from the same diffraction limited spot. Fluorescence from single molecules and light scattering from metallic nanoparticles can be studied. First, the electric field distribution in the focus of the SCOM was modelled. This enables the design of illumination modes for different purposes, such as the determination of the three-dimensional orientation of single chromophores. Second, a method for the calculation of the de-excitation rates of a chromophore was presented. This permits to compare different detection schemes and experimental geometries in order to optimize the collection of fluorescence photons. Both methods were combined to calculate the SCOM fluorescence signal of a chromophore in a general layered system. The fluorescence excitation and emission of single molecules through a thin gold film was investigated experimentally and modelled. It was demonstrated that, due to the mediation of surface plasmons, single molecule fluorescence near a thin gold film can be excited and detected with an epi-illumination scheme through the film. Single molecule fluorescence as close as 15nm to the gold film was studied in this manner. The fluorescence dynamics (fluorescence blinking and excited state lifetime) of single molecules was studied in the presence and in the absence of a nearby gold film in order to investigate the influence of the metal on the electronic transition rates. The trace-histogram and the autocorrelation methods for the analysis of single molecule fluorescence blinking were presented and compared via the analysis of Monte-Carlo simulated data. The nearby gold influences the total decay rate in agreement to theory. The gold presence produced no influence on the ISC rate from the excited state to the triplet but increased by a factor of 2 the transition rate from the triplet to the singlet ground state. The photoluminescence blinking of Zn0.42Cd0.58Se QDs on glass and ITO substrates was investigated experimentally as a function of the excitation power (P) and modelled via Monte-Carlo simulations. At low P, it was observed that the probability of a certain on- or off-time follows a negative power-law with exponent near to 1.6. As P increased, the on-time fraction reduced on both substrates whereas the off-times did not change. A weak residual memory effect between consecutive on-times and consecutive off-times was observed but not between an on-time and the adjacent off-time. All of this suggests the presence of two independent mechanisms governing the lifetimes of the on- and off-states. The simulated data showed Poisson-distributed off- and on-intensities, demonstrating that the observed non-Poissonian on-intensity distribution of the QDs is not a product of the underlying power-law probability and that the blinking of QDs occurs between a non-emitting off-state and a distribution of emitting on-states with different intensities. All the experimentally observed photo-induced effects could be accounted for by introducing a characteristic lifetime tPI of the on-state in the simulations. The QDs on glass presented a tPI proportional to P-1 suggesting the presence of a one-photon process. Light scattering images and spectra of colloidal and C-shaped gold nano-particles were acquired. The minimum size of a metallic scatterer detectable with the SCOM lies around 20 nm.


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The aim of the work was to study the correlation between the orientation and excited-state lifetimes of organic dyes close to dielectric interfaces. For this purpose, an experimental setup was designed and built, guiding the light through a prism in total internal reflection geometry. Fluorescence intensities and lifetimes for an ensemble of dye molecules were analyzed as a function of the excitation and detection polarizations. Working close to the total internal reflection angle, the differences between polarization combinations were enhanced. A classical electromagnetic model that assumes a chromophore as a couple of point-like electrical dipoles was developed. A numerical method to calculate the excitation and emission of dye molecules embedded in a multilayer system was implemented, by which full simulation of the time resolved fluorescence experiments was achieved. Free organic dyes and organic dyes covalently bound to polyelectrolyte chains were used. The polymer functionalization process avoided aggregation and provided control over the dyes position, within a few nanometers to the interface. Moreover, by varying the pH, the polymer chains could be deposited on different substrates with different conformations and the resulting fluorescence characteristics analyzed. Initially the fluorescence of organic dyes embedded in a polymer matrix was studied as a function of the distance between the fluorophores and the polymer-air interface. The non-radiative decay rate, vacuum decay rate and the relative angle between the excitation and emission dipoles of the chromophores could be determined. Different free organic dyes were deposited onto different dielectric spacers, as close as possible to the air-dielectric interface. Surprisingly, the fluorescence characteristics of dyes deposited onto polyelectrolyte layer were in good agreement with theoretical predictions of dyes in a polymer matrix, even when the layer was only 2 nm thick. When functionalized chains were deposited at low pH, on top of a polyelectrolyte spacer, the fluorescence had the characteristics of emitters embedded in a polymer matrix as well. Surface deposition at high pH showed an intermediate behaviour between emitters embedded in polymer and on top of the surface, in air. In general, for low pH values, the chains are deposited on a substrate in a train-like conformation. For high pH values, the chains are deposited in a loop-like conformation. As a consequence at low pH the functionalized polymer strongly interdigitates with the polyelectrolyte chains of the spacer, bringing most of the dyes inside the polymer. Thus, the fluorophores may experience the polymer as surrounding environment. On the other hand, for high pH values the dye-loaded chains adsorbed have a conformational arrangement of dense loops that extend away from the surface. Therefore many fluorophores experience the air as surrounding environment. Changing the spacer from polyelectrolyte to negatively charged silane produced contradictory results for lifetimes and intensities. The fluorescence intensities indicated the behaviour of emitters embedded in a polymer matrix, regardless of the pH value. On the other hand, for low pH values, the excited-state lifetimes showed that the emitters behaved as in air. For higher pH values, an intermediate behaviour between fluorophores located within and above of a dielectric film was observed. The poor agreement between theoretical and experimental data may be due to the simplified model utilized, by which the dipoles are assumed either in one side or in the other with respect to a geometrical air-dielectric interface. In the case when the dielectric film is constituted by the functionalized polymer chains themselves, reality is more complex and a different model may apply. Nevertheless, possible applications of the technique arise from a qualitative analysis.


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The presented thesis revolves around the study of thermally-responsive PNIPAAm-based hydrogels in water/based environments, as studied by Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy (FCS).rnThe goal of the project was the engineering of PNIPAAm gels into biosensors. Specifically, a gamma of such gels were both investigated concerning their dynamics and structure at the nanometer scale, and their performance in retaining bound bodies upon thermal collapse (which PNIPAAm undergoes upon heating above 32 ºC).rnFCS’s requirements, as a technique, match the limitations imposed by the system. Namely, the need to intimately probe a system in a solvent, which was also fragile and easy to alter. FCS, on the other hand, both requires a fluid environment to work, and is based on the observation of diffusion of fluorescents at nanomolar concentrations. FCS was applied to probe the hydrogels on the nanometer size with minimal invasivity.rnVariables in the gels were addressed in the project including crosslinking degree; structural changes during thermal collapse; behavior in different buffers; the possibility of decreasing the degree of inhomogeneity; behavior of differently sized probes; and the effectiveness of antibody functionalization upon thermal collapse.rnThe evidenced results included the heightening of structural inhomogeneities during thermal collapse and under different buffer conditions; the use of annealing to decrease the inhomogeneity degree; the use of differently sized probes to address different length scale of the gel; and the successful functionalization before and after collapse.rnThe thesis also addresses two side projects, also carried forward via FCS. One, diffusion in inverse opals, produced a predictive simulation model for diffusion of bodies in confined systems as dependent on the bodies’ size versus the characteristic sizes of the system. The other was the observation of interaction of bodies of opposite charge in a water solution, resulting in a phenomenological theory and an evaluation method for both the average residence time of the different bodies together, and their attachment likelihood.


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I present a new experimental method called Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence Cross-Correlation Spectroscopy (TIR-FCCS). It is a method that can probe hydrodynamic flows near solid surfaces, on length scales of tens of nanometres. Fluorescent tracers flowing with the liquid are excited by evanescent light, produced by epi-illumination through the periphery of a high NA oil-immersion objective. Due to the fast decay of the evanescent wave, fluorescence only occurs for tracers in the ~100 nm proximity of the surface, thus resulting in very high normal resolution. The time-resolved fluorescence intensity signals from two laterally shifted (in flow direction) observation volumes, created by two confocal pinholes are independently measured and recorded. The cross-correlation of these signals provides important information for the tracers’ motion and thus their flow velocity. Due to the high sensitivity of the method, fluorescent species with different size, down to single dye molecules can be used as tracers. The aim of my work was to build an experimental setup for TIR-FCCS and use it to experimentally measure the shear rate and slip length of water flowing on hydrophilic and hydrophobic surfaces. However, in order to extract these parameters from the measured correlation curves a quantitative data analysis is needed. This is not straightforward task due to the complexity of the problem, which makes the derivation of analytical expressions for the correlation functions needed to fit the experimental data, impossible. Therefore in order to process and interpret the experimental results I also describe a new numerical method of data analysis of the acquired auto- and cross-correlation curves – Brownian Dynamics techniques are used to produce simulated auto- and cross-correlation functions and to fit the corresponding experimental data. I show how to combine detailed and fairly realistic theoretical modelling of the phenomena with accurate measurements of the correlation functions, in order to establish a fully quantitative method to retrieve the flow properties from the experiments. An importance-sampling Monte Carlo procedure is employed in order to fit the experiments. This provides the optimum parameter values together with their statistical error bars. The approach is well suited for both modern desktop PC machines and massively parallel computers. The latter allows making the data analysis within short computing times. I applied this method to study flow of aqueous electrolyte solution near smooth hydrophilic and hydrophobic surfaces. Generally on hydrophilic surface slip is not expected, while on hydrophobic surface some slippage may exists. Our results show that on both hydrophilic and moderately hydrophobic (contact angle ~85°) surfaces the slip length is ~10-15nm or lower, and within the limitations of the experiments and the model, indistinguishable from zero.


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Das wichtigste Oxidationsmittel für den Abbau flüchtiger Kohlenwasserstoffverbindungen (VOC, engl.: volatile organic compounds) in der Atmosphäre ist das Hydroxylradikal (OH), welches sich in einem schnellen chemischen Gleichgewicht mit dem Hydroperoxylradical (HO2) befindet. Bisherige Messungen und Modellvergleiche dieser Radikalspezies in Waldgebieten haben signifikante Lücken im Verständnis der zugrundeliegenden Prozesse aufgezeigt.rnIm Rahmen dieser Doktorarbeit wurden Messungen von OH- und HO2-Radikalen mittelsrnlaserinduzierten Fluoreszensmesstechnik (LIF, engl.: laser-induced fluorescence) in einem Nadelwald in Süd-Finnland während der Messkampagne HUMPPA–COPEC–2010 (Hyytiälä United Measurements of Photochemistry and Particles in Air – Comprehensive Organic Precursor Emission and Concentration study) im Sommer 2010 durchgeführt. Unterschiedliche Komponenten des LIF-Instruments wurden verbessert. Eine modifizierte Methode zur Bestimmung des Hintergrundsignals (engl.: InletPreInjector technique) wurde in den Messaufbaurnintegriert und erstmals zur Messung von atmosphärischem OH verwendet. Vergleichsmessungen zweier Instrumente basierend auf unterschiedlichen Methoden zur Messung von OH-Radikalen, chemische Ionisationsmassenspektrometrie (CIMS - engl.: chemical ionization mass spectrometry) und LIF-Technik, zeigten eine gute Übereinstimmung. Die Vergleichsmessungen belegen das Vermögen und die Leistungsfähigkeit des modifizierten LIF-Instruments atmosphärische OH Konzentrationen akkurat zu messen. Nachfolgend wurde das LIF-Instrument auf der obersten Plattform eines 20m hohen Turmes positioniert, um knapp oberhalb der Baumkronen die Radikal-Chemie an der Schnittstelle zwischen Ökosystem und Atmosphäre zu untersuchen. Umfangreiche Messungen - dies beinhaltet Messungen der totalen OH-Reaktivität - wurden durchgeführt und unter Verwendung von Gleichgewichtszustandsberechnungen und einem Boxmodell, in welches die gemessenen Daten als Randbedingungen eingehen, analysiert. Wenn moderate OH-Reaktivitäten(k′(OH)≤ 15 s−1) vorlagen, sind OH-Produktionsraten, die aus gemessenen Konzentrationen von OH-Vorläuferspezies berechnet wurden, konsistent mit Produktionsraten, die unter der Gleichgewichtsannahme von Messungen des totalen OH Verlustes abgeleitet wurden. Die primären photolytischen OH-Quellen tragen mit einem Anteil von bis zu einem Drittel zur Gesamt-OH-Produktion bei. Es wurde gezeigt, dass OH-Rezyklierung unter Bedingungen moderater OH-Reaktivität hauptsächlich durch die Reaktionen von HO2 mit NO oder O3 bestimmt ist. Während Zeiten hoher OH-Reaktivität (k′(OH) > 15 s−1) wurden zusätzliche Rezyklierungspfade, die nicht über die Reaktionen von HO2 mit NO oder O3, sondern direkt OH bilden, aufgezeigt.rnFür Hydroxylradikale stimmen Boxmodell-Simulationen und Messungen gut übereinrn(OHmod/OHobs=1.04±0.16), während HO2-Mischungsverhältnisse in der Simulation signifikant unterschätzt werden (HO2mod/HO2obs=0.3±0.2) und die simulierte OH-Reaktivität nicht mit der gemessenen OH-Reaktivität übereinstimmt. Die gleichzeitige Unterschätzung der HO2-Mischungsverhältnisse und der OH-Reaktivität, während OH-Konzentrationen von der Simulation gut beschrieben werden, legt nahe, dass die fehlende OH-Reaktivität in der Simulation eine noch unberücksichtigte HO2-Quelle darstellt. Zusätzliche, OH-unabhängigernRO2/HO2-Quellen, wie z.B. der thermische Zerfall von herantransportiertem peroxyacetylnitrat (PAN) und die Photolyse von Glyoxal sind indiziert.


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The aim of this study was to test whether the status of the adjacent tooth surface has an influence on the signal of a new laser fluorescence (LF) device for the detection of approximal caries. Seventy-eight teeth were selected from a pool of extracted permanent human molars, frozen at -20 degrees C until use. Before being measured the teeth were defrosted, cleaned, and any calculus removed. As a control, a defined approximal surface of each tooth was measured with the LF device holding the tip with the detecting- and the reverse-side on it, but without a neighboring tooth contacting the surface. The proximal site under examination was then placed adjacent to a tooth, which had deep dentinal caries, a composite restoration, a provisional ZnO-Eugenol restoration, or a ceramic restoration. The adjacent tooth with the ZnO-Eugenol restoration, the composite restoration, and the dentinal caries all demonstrated a statistically significant increase of LF readings on sound tooth surfaces. Teeth with enamel or dentinal caries were only slightly (and not statistically significantly) influenced by the different types of neighboring surfaces compared with the control LF readings. It can be concluded that caries detection of approximal tooth surfaces with the new LF system might be influenced by the condition of the adjacent tooth surface.


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MARCKS-related protein (MRP) is a myristoylated protein kinase C substrate that binds calmodulin (CaM) with nanomolar affinity. To obtain structural information on this protein, we have engineered 10 tryptophan residues between positions 89 and 104 in the effector domain, a 24-residue-long amphipathic segment that mediates binding of MRP to CaM. We show that the effector domain is in a polar environment in free MRP, suggesting exposure to water, in agreement with a rod-shaped structure of the protein. The effector domain participates in the binding of MRP to CaM, as judged by the dramatic changes observed in the fluorescent properties of the mutants on complex formation. Intermolecular quenching of the fluorescence emission of the tryptophan residues in MRP by selenomethionine residues engineered in CaM reveals that the N-terminal side of the effector domain contacts the C-terminal domain of CaM, whereas the C-terminal side of the effector domain contacts the N-terminal domain of CaM. Finally, a comparison of the fluorescent properties of the myristoylated and unmyristoylated forms of a construct in which a tryptophan residue was introduced at position 4 close to the myristoylated N terminus of MRP suggests that the lipid moiety is also involved in the interaction of MRP with CaM.


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Fast excitation-driven fluctuations in the fluorescence emission of yellow-shifted green fluorescent protein mutants T203Y and T203F, with S65G/S72A, are discovered in the 10−6–10−3-s time range, by using fluorescence correlation spectroscopy at 10−8 M. This intensity-dependent flickering is conspicuous at high pH, with rate constants independent of pH and viscosity with a minor temperature effect. The mean flicker rate increases linearly with excitation intensity for at least three decades, but the mean dark fraction of the molecules undergoing these dynamics is independent of illumination intensity over ≈6 × 102 to 5 × 106 W/cm2. These results suggest that optical excitation establishes an equilibration between two molecular states of different spectroscopic properties that are coupled only via the excited state as a gateway. This reversible excitation-driven transition has a quantum efficiency of ≈10−3. Dynamics of external protonation, reversibly quenching the fluorescence, are also observed at low pH in the 10- to 100-μs time range. The independence of these two bright–dark flicker processes implies the existence of at least two separate dark states of these green fluorescent protein mutants. Time-resolved fluorescence measurements reveal a single exponential decay of the excited state population with 3.8-ns lifetime, after 500-nm excitation, that is pH independent. Our fluorescence correlation spectroscopy results are discussed in terms of recent theoretical studies that invoke isomerization of the chromophore as a nonradiative channel of the excited state relaxation.


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We have previously shown that in the red alga Rhodella violacea, exposure to continuous low intensities of light 2 (green light) or near-saturating intensities of white light induces a ΔpH-dependent PSII fluorescence quenching. In this article we further characterize this fluorescence quenching by using white, saturating, multiturnover pulses. Even though the pulses are necessary to induce the ΔpH and the quenching, the development of the latter occurred in darkness and required several tens of seconds. In darkness or in the light in the presence of 2,5-dibromo-3-methyl-6-isopropyl-p-benzoquinone, the dissipation of the quenching was very slow (more than 15 min) due to a low consumption of the ΔpH, which corresponds to an inactive ATP synthase. In contrast, under far-red illumination or in the presence of 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1′-dimethylurea (only in light), the fluorescence quenching relaxed in a few seconds. The presence of N,N′-dicyclohexyl carbodiimide hindered this relaxation. We propose that the quenching relaxation is related to the consumption of ΔpH by ATP synthase, which remains active under conditions favoring pseudolinear and cyclic electron transfer.


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Although the interaction of proton-conducting ionophores (protonophores) with photosynthetic electron transport has been extensively studied during the past decade, the mode of action of protonophores remained uncertain. For a better understanding of the molecular mechanism of the action of protonophores, the introduction of chemically new types of molecules will be required. In this work, we demonstrate that acridones (9-azaanthracene-10-ones) completely fulfill this requirement. At low concentrations of acridones, the thermoluminescence bands at +20 degrees C and +10 degrees C were strongly inhibited, while normal electron transport activity was retained. This indicates that the concentrations of S2 and S3 states involved in the generation of these bands are reduced. At higher concentrations, an increased activity of electron transport was observed, which is attributed to the typical uncoupler effect of protonophores. Indeed, acridones accelerate the decay of the electrochromic absorbance change at 515 nm and also inhibit the generation of the transmembrane proton gradient, measured as an absorbance transient of neutral red. Variable fluorescence induction was quenched even at low concentrations of acridones but was restored by either a long-term illumination or high light intensity. Acridones, similarly to other protonophores, promoted the autooxidation of the high-potential form of cytochrome b559 and partially converted it to lower potential forms. These results suggest that acridones, acting as typical protonophores, uncouple electron transport, accelerate the deactivation of the S2 and S3 states on the donor side, and facilitate the oxidation of cytochrome b559 on the acceptor side of photosystem II.


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Pumpkin leaves grown under high light (500-700 micromol of photons m-2.s-1) were illuminated under photon flux densities ranging from 6.5 to 1500 micromol.m-2.s-1 in the presence of lincomycin, an inhibitor of chloroplast protein synthesis. The illumination at all light intensities caused photoinhibition, measured as a decrease in the ratio of variable to maximum fluorescence. Loss of photosystem II (PSII) electron transfer activity correlated with the decrease in the fluorescence ratio. The rate constant of photoinhibition, determined from first-order fits, was directly proportional to photon flux density at all light intensities studied. The fluorescence ratio did not decrease if the leaves were illuminated in low light in the absence of lincomycin or incubated in darkness in the presence of lincomycin. The constancy of the quantum yield of photoinhibition under different photon flux densities strongly suggests that photoinhibition in vivo occurs by one dominant mechanism under all light intensities. This mechanism probably is not the acceptor side mechanism characterized in the anaerobic case in vitro. Furthermore, there was an excellent correlation between the loss of PSII activity and the loss of the D1 protein from thylakoid membranes under low light. At low light, photoinhibition occurs so slowly that inactive PSII centers with the D1 protein waiting to be degraded do not accumulate. The kinetic agreement between D1 protein degradation and the inactivation of PSII indicates that the turnover of the D1 protein depends on photoinhibition under both low and high light.


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Reactive lymph nodes (LNs) are sites where pMHC-loaded dendritic cells (DCs) interact with rare cognate T cells, leading to their clonal expansion. While DC interactions with T cell subsets critically shape the ensuing immune response, surprisingly little is known on their spatial orchestration at physiologically T cell low precursor frequencies. Light sheet fluorescence microscopy and one of its implementations, selective plane illumination microscopy (SPIM), is a powerful method to obtain precise spatial information of entire organs of 0.5-10mm diameter, the size range of murine LNs. Yet, its usefulness for immunological research has thus far not been comprehensively explored. Here, we have tested and defined protocols that preserve fluorescent protein function during lymphoid tissue clearing required for SPIM. Reconstructions of SPIM-generated 3D data sets revealed that calibrated numbers of adoptively transferred T cells and DCs are successfully detected at a single cell level within optically cleared murine LNs. Finally, we define parameters to quantify specific interactions between antigen-specific T cells and pMHC-bearing DCs in murine LNs. In sum, our studies describe the successful application of light sheet fluorescence microscopy to immunologically relevant tissues.


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A defining property of murine hematopoietic stein cells (HSCs) is low fluorescence after staining with Hoechst 33342 and Rhodamine 123. These dyes have proven to be remarkably powerful tools in the purification and characterization of HSCs when used alone or in combination with antibodies directed against stem cell epitopes. Hoechst low cells are described as side population (SP) cells by virtue of their typical profiles in Hoechst red versus Hoechst blue bivariate fluorescent-activated cell sorting dot plots. Recently, excitement has been generated by the findings that putative stem cells from solid tissues may also possess this SP phenotype. SP cells have now been isolated from a wide variety of mammalian tissues based on this same dye efflux phenomenon, and in many cases this cell population has been shown to contain apparently multipotent stem cells. What is yet to be clearly addressed is whether cell fusion accounts for this perceived SP multipotency. Indeed, if low fluorescence after Hoechst staining is a phenotype shared by hematopoietic and organ-specific stem cells, do all resident tissue SP cells have bone marrow origins or might the SP phenotype be a property common to all stem cells? Subject to further analysis, the SP phenotype may prove invaluable for the initial isolation of resident tissue stem cells in the absence of definitive cell-surface markers and may have broad-ranging applications in stem cell biology, from the purification of novel stem cell populations to the development of autologous stem cell therapies.