998 resultados para shoulder joint


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In the last years the number of shoulder arthroplasties has been increasing. Simultaneously the study of their shape, size and strength and the reasons that bring to a possible early explantation have not yet been examined in detail. The research carried out directly on explants is practically nonexistent, this means a poor understanding of the mechanisms leading the patient and so the surgeon, to their removal. The analysis of the mechanisms which are the cause of instability, dislocation, broken, fracture, etc, may lead to a change in the structure or design of the shoulder prostheses and lengthen the life of the implant in situ. The idea was to analyze 22 explants through three methods in order to find roughness, corrosion and surface wear. In the first method, the humeral heads and/or the glenospheres were examined with the interferometer, a machine that through electromagnetic waves gives information about the roughness of the surfaces under examination. The output of the device was a total profile containing both roughness and information on the waves (representing the spatial waves most characteristic on the surface). The most important value is called "roughness average" and brings the average value of the peaks found in the local defects of the surfaces. It was found that 42% of the prostheses had considerable peak values in the area where the damage was caused by the implant and not only by external events, such as possibly the surgeon's hand. One of the problems of interest in the use of metallic biomaterials is their resistance to corrosion. The clinical significance of the degradation of metal implants has been the purpose of the second method; the interaction between human body and metal components is critical to understand how and why they arrive to corrosion. The percentage of damage in the joints of the prosthetic components has been calculated via high resolution photos and the software ImageJ. The 40% and 50% of the area appeared to have scratches or multiple lines due to mechanical artifacts. The third method of analysis has been made through the use of electron microscopy to quantify the wear surface in polyethylene components. Different joint movements correspond to different mechanisms of damage, which were imprinted in the parts of polyethylene examined. The most affected area was located mainly in the side edges. The results could help the manufacturers to modify the design of the prostheses and thus reduce the number of explants. It could also help surgeons in choosing the model of the prosthesis to be implanted in the patient.


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The purpose of this study was to determine whether changes in glenoid version are associated with humeral head displacement and changes in the joint reaction forces, as these might contribute to instability or loosening in total shoulder replacement. A total shoulder prosthesis was implanted in neutral version in 6 cadaveric shoulders. Glenoid version was then changed in steps of 4 degrees toward more anteversion and retroversion. An increase in anteversion resulted in anterior translation of the humeral head and in eccentric loading of the anterior part of the glenoid. Retroversion was associated with posterior displacement and posterior loading of the glenoid. A change in rotation of the humeral component did not compensate for altered version of the glenoid component. These results suggest that both instability and glenoid component loosening may be related to the version of the glenoid component. Therefore, assessment of loosening and instability justifies precise assessment of glenoid component version.


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BACKGROUND: Recent studies have suggested that tenotomy and repair of the subscapularis tendon carried out for anterior approaches to the shoulder can be followed by failure of the tendon repair and by changes resulting in permanent loss of subscapularis function. We hypothesized that release of the subscapularis with use of a superficial osteotomy of the lesser tuberosity followed by repair of the two opposing bone surfaces would lead to consistent bone-to-bone healing, which would be possible to monitor radiographically, and would lead to satisfactory clinical and structural outcomes. METHODS: Thirty-nine shoulders in thirty-six consecutive patients who, at an average age of fifty-seven years, had undergone total shoulder replacement through an anterior approach involving an osteotomy of the lesser tuberosity were evaluated at an average of thirty-nine months. Assessment included a standardized interview and physical examination, scoring according to the system described by Constant and Murley, and imaging with conventional radiography and computed tomography to assess healing of the osteotomy site and changes in the subscapularis. RESULTS: The osteotomized tuberosity fragment healed in an anatomical position in all shoulders, and no cuff tendon ruptures were observed. At the time of follow-up, thirty-three (89%) of thirty-seven shoulders evaluated with a belly-press test had a negative result and twenty-seven (75%) of thirty-six shoulders evaluated with a lift-off test had an unequivocally normal result. Fatty infiltration of the subscapularis muscle increased after the operation (p < 0.0001) and was at least stage two in eleven (32%) of thirty-four shoulders. The fatty infiltration had progressed by one stage in eight (24%) of the thirty-four shoulders, by two stages in five shoulders (15%), and by three stages in two shoulders (6%). CONCLUSIONS: Osteotomy of the lesser tuberosity provides an easy anterior approach for total shoulder replacement and is followed by consistent bone-to-bone healing, which can be monitored, and good subscapularis function. In the presence of documented anatomical healing of the osteotomy site, postoperative fatty infiltration of the subscapularis muscle remains unexplained and needs to be investigated further as it is associated with a poorer clinical outcome.


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Rehabilitation robots have become important tools in stroke rehabilitation. Compared to manual arm training, robot-supported training can be more intensive, of longer duration and more repetitive. Therefore, robots have the potential to improve the rehabilitation process in stroke patients. Whereas a majority of previous work in upper limb rehabilitation robotics has focused on end-effector-based robots, a shift towards exoskeleton robots is taking place because they offer a better guidance of the human arm, especially for movements with a large range of motion. However, the implementation of an exoskeleton device introduces the challenge of reproducing the motion of the human shoulder, which is one of the most complex joints of the body. Thus, this paper starts with describing a simplified model of the human shoulder. On the basis of that model, a new ergonomic shoulder actuation principle that provides motion of the humerus head is proposed, and its implementation in the ARMin III arm therapy robot is described. The focus lies on the mechanics and actuation principle. The ARMin III robot provides three actuated degrees of freedom for the shoulder and one for the elbow joint. An additional module provides actuated lower arm pro/supination and wrist flexion/extension. Five ARMin III devices have been manufactured and they are currently undergoing clinical evaluation in hospitals in Switzerland and in the United States.


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OBJECTIVE The critical shoulder angle (CSA) is an indicator of degenerative shoulder pathologies. CSAs above 35° are associated with degenerative rotator cuff disease, whereas values below 30° are common in osteoarthritis of the glenohumeral joint. Measurements are usually performed on radiographs; however, no data have been reported regarding the reliability of CT scan measurements between different readers or the reproducibility of measurements from radiographs to CT scans. The purpose of our study was to clarify whether CSA measurements on radiographs and CT scans of the same patients show similar values. MATERIALS AND METHODS CSA measurements of 60 shoulders (59 patients) were performed on radiographs and multiplanar reconstructions of corresponding CT scans. Inter-reader reliability and inter-method correlation were calculated. RESULTS The mean discrepancy between readers was only 0.2° (SD ±1.0°) on radiographs. CT scan measurements showed a mean discrepancy of 0.3° (SD ±1.2°). The inter-reader reliability was 0.993 for radiographs and 0.989 for CT scans. There was a very strong inter-method correlation between the CSA measured on radiographs and CT scans (Spearman's rho = 0.974). The mean differences between angles on radiographs and CT measurements were -0.05° (SD ±1.2°) and 0.1° (SD ±1.2°), respectively. CONCLUSION Measurements of the CSA on anterior-posterior radiographs and CT scans are highly correlated, and inter-modality differences are negligible.


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OBJECTIVE To assess patients' outcomes after subacromial or glenohumeral injections based on the degree of lateral extension of the acromion. METHODS 307 patients were prospectively included after therapeutic fluoroscopy-guided subacromial (n = 148) or glenohumeral (n = 159) injections with anaesthetic and long-acting corticosteroids. Pre- and post-injection outcomes at 1 week and 1 month were obtained using the 11-point numerical rating scale (NRS) for pain. Lateral extension of the acromion was quantified and categorized by the critical shoulder angle (CSA) and the acromion index (AI) on anteroposterior conventional radiographs. RESULTS Patients' outcomes at 1 week and 1 month were significantly improved (p < 0.001) compared to baseline for subacromial and glenohumeral injection patients. Patients with a CSA <35° showed significantly higher pain reduction 1 month after subacromial injection compared to patients with a CSA >35° (4.2 ± 2.6 vs. 3.2 ± 3.0, p = 0.04). A significant difference in the 1-month NRS change in pain scores is noted for smaller AIs after subacromial injection (4.3 ± 2.8 vs. 2.6 ± 2.9; p = 0.01). No significant association was noted between clinical outcome and the lateral extension of the acromion after glenohumeral joint injections. CONCLUSIONS A short lateral extension of the acromion was associated with better clinical outcomes in subacromial injection patients but not in glenohumeral injection patients. KEY POINTS • Patients' outcomes at 1 month improved significantly compared to baseline for subacromial injections. • Patients' outcomes at 1 month improved significantly compared to baseline for glenohumeral injections. • Short acromial lateralization was associated with better clinical outcome after subacromial injection. • The acromial lateralization was not associated with clinical outcome after glenohumeral injection.


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Las personas que usan la silla de ruedas como su forma de movilidad prioritaria presentan una elevada incidencia (73%) de dolor de hombro debido al sobreuso y al movimiento repetitivo de la propulsión. Existen numerosos métodos de diagnóstico para la detección de las patologías del hombro, sin embargo la literatura reclama la necesidad de un test no invasivo y fiable, y sugiere la termografía como una técnica adecuada para evaluar el dolor articular. La termografía infrarroja (IRT) proporciona información acerca de los procesos fisiológicos a través del estudio de las distribuciones de la temperatura de la piel. Debido a la alta correlación entre ambos lados corporales, las asimetrías térmicas entre flancos contralaterales son una buena indicación de patologías o disfunciones físicas subyacentes. La fiabilidad de la IRT ha sido estudiada con anterioridad en sujetos sanos, pero nunca en usuarios de sillas de ruedas. Las características especiales de la población con discapacidad (problemas de sudoración y termorregulación, distribución sanguínea o medicación), hacen necesario estudiar los factores que afectan a la aplicación de la IRT en usuarios de sillas de ruedas. La bibliografía discrepa en cuanto a los beneficios o daños resultantes de la práctica de la actividad física en las lesiones de hombro por sobreuso en usuarios de sillas de ruedas. Recientes resultados apuntan a un aumento del riesgo de rotura del manguito rotador en personas con paraplejia que practican deportes con elevación del brazo por encima de la cabeza. Debido a esta falta de acuerdo en la literatura, surge la necesidad de analizar el perfil termográfico en usuarios de sillas de ruedas sedentarios y deportistas y su relación con el dolor de hombro. Hasta la fecha sólo se han publicado estudios termográficos durante el ejercicio en sujetos sanos. Un mayor entendimiento de la respuesta termográfica al ejercicio en silla de ruedas en relación al dolor de hombro clarificará su aparición y desarrollo y permitirá una apropiada intervención. El primer estudio demuestra que la fiabilidad de la IRT en usuarios de sillas de ruedas varía dependiendo de las zonas analizadas, y corrobora que la IRT es una técnica no invasiva, de no contacto, que permite medir la temperatura de la piel, y con la cual avanzar en la investigación en usuarios de sillas de ruedas. El segundo estudio proporciona un perfil de temperatura para usuarios de sillas de ruedas. Los sujetos no deportistas presentaron mayores asimetrías entre lados corporales que los sedentarios, y ambos obtuvieron superiores asimetrías que los sujetos sin discapacidad reportados en la literatura. Los no deportistas también presentaron resultados más elevados en el cuestionario de dolor de hombro. El área con mayores asimetrías térmicas fue hombro. En deportistas, algunas regiones de interés (ROIs) se relacionaron con el dolor de hombro. Estos resultados ayudan a entender el mapa térmico en usuarios de sillas de ruedas. El último estudio referente a la evaluación de la temperatura de la piel en usuarios de sillas de ruedas en ejercicio, reportó diferencias significativas entre la temperatura de la piel antes del test y 10 minutos después del test de propulsión de silla de ruedas, en 12 ROIs; y entre el post-test y 10 minutos después del test en la mayoría de las ROIs. Estas diferencias se vieron atenuadas cuando se compararon las asimetrías antes y después del test. La temperatura de la piel tendió a disminuir inmediatamente después completar el ejercicio, e incrementar significativamente 10 minutos después. El análisis de las asimetrías vs dolor de hombro reveló relaciones significativas negativas en 5 de las 26 ROIs. No se encontraron correlaciones significativas entre las variables de propulsión y el cuestionario de dolor de hombro. Todas las variables cinemáticas correlacionaron significativamente con las asimetrías en múltiples ROIs. Estos resultados indican que los deportistas en sillas de ruedas exhiben una capacidad similar de producir calor que los deportistas sin discapacidad; no obstante, su patrón térmico es más característico de ejercicios prolongados que de esfuerzos breves. Este trabajo contribuye al conocimiento de la termorregulación en usuarios de sillas de ruedas durante el ejercicio, y aporta información relevante para programas deportivos y de rehabilitación. ABSTRACT Individuals who use wheelchairs as their main means of mobility have a high incidence (73%) of shoulder pain (SP) owing to overuse and repetitive propulsion movement. There are numerous diagnostic methods for the detection of shoulder pathologies, however the literature claims that a noninvasive accurate test to properly assess shoulder pain would be necessary, and suggests thermography as a suitable technique for joint pain evaluation. Infrared thermography (IRT) provides information about physiological processes by studying the skin temperature (Tsk) distributions. Due to the high correlation of skin temperature between both sides of the body, thermal asymmetries between contralateral flanks are an indicator of underlying pathologies or physical dysfunctions. The reliability of infrared thermography has been studied in healthy subjects but there are no studies that have analyzed the reliability of IRT in wheelchair users (WCUs). The special characteristics of people with disabilities (sweating and thermoregulation problems, or blood distribution) make it necessary to study the factors affecting the application of IRT in WCUs. Discrepant reports exist on the benefits of, or damage resulting from, physical exercise and the relationship to shoulder overuse injuries in WCUs. Recent findings have found that overhead sports increase the risk of rotator cuff tears in wheelchair patients with paraplegia. Since there is no agreement in the literature, the thermographic profile of wheelchair athletes and nonathletes and its relation with shoulder pain should also be analysed. Infrared thermographic studies during exercise have been carried out only with able-bodied population at present. The understanding of the thermographic response to wheelchair exercise in relation to shoulder pain will offer an insight into the development of shoulder pain, which is necessary for appropriate interventions. The first study presented in this thesis demonstrates that the reliability of IRT in WCUs varies depending on the areas of the body that are analyzed. Moreover, it corroborates that IRT is a noninvasive and noncontact technique that allows the measurement of Tsk, which will allow for advances to be made in research concerned with WCUs. The second study provides a thermal profile of WCUs. Nonathletic subjects presented higher side-to-side skin temperature differences (ΔTsk) than athletes, and both had greater ΔTsk than the able-bodied results that have been published in the literature. Nonathletes also revealed larger Wheelchair Users Shoulder Pain Index (WUSPI) score than athletes. The shoulder region of interest (ROI) was the area with the highest ΔTsk of the regions measured. The analysis of the athletes’ Tsk showed that some ROIs are related to shoulder pain. These findings help to understand the thermal map in WCUs. Finally, the third study evaluated the thermal response of WCUs in exercise. There were significant differences in Tsk between the pre-test and the post-10 min in 12 ROIs, and between the post-test and the post-10 in most of the ROIs. These differences were attenuated when the ΔTsk was compared before and after exercise. Skin temperature tended to initially decrease immediately after the test, followed by a significant increase at 10 minutes after completing the exercise. The ΔTsk versus shoulder pain analysis yielded significant inverse relationships in 5 of the 26 ROIs. No significant correlations between propulsion variables and the results of the WUSPI questionnaire were found. All kinematic variables were significantly correlated with the temperature asymmetries in multiple ROIs. These results present indications that high performance wheelchair athletes exhibit similar capacity of heat production to able-bodied population; however, they presented a thermal pattern more characteristic of a prolonged exercise rather than brief exercise. This work contributes to improve the understanding about temperature changes in wheelchair athletes during exercise and provides implications to the sports and rehabilitation programs.


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Computer aided joint replacement surgery has become very popular during recent years and is being done in increasing numbers all over the world. The accuracy of the system depends to a major extent, on accurate registration and immobility of the tracker attachment devices to the bone. This study was designed to asses the forces needed to displace the tracker attachment devices in the bone simulators. Bone simulators were used to maintain the uniformity of the bone structure during the study. The fixation devices tested were 3mm diameter self drilling, self tapping threaded pin, 4mm diameter self tapping cortical threaded pin, 5mm diameter self tapping cancellous threaded pin and a triplanar fixation device ‘ortholock’ used with three 3mm pins. All the devices were tested for pull out, translational and rotational forces in unicortical and bicortical fixation modes. Also tested was the normal bang strength and forces generated by leaning on the devices. The forces required to produce translation increased with the increasing diameter of the pins. These were 105N, 185N, and 225N for the unicortical fixations and 130N, 200N, 225N for the bicortical fixations for 3mm, 4mm and 5mm diameter pins respectively. The forces required to pull out the pins were 1475N, 1650N, 2050N for the unicortical, 1020N, 3044N and 3042N for the bicortical fixated 3mm, 4mm and 5mm diameter pins. The ortholock translational and pull out strength was tested to 900N and 920N respectively and still it did not fail. Rotatory forces required to displace the tracker on pins was to the magnitude of 30N before failure. The ortholock device had rotational forces applied up to 135N and still did not fail. The manual leaning forces and the sudden bang forces generated were of the magnitude of 210N and 150N respectively. The strength of the fixation pins increases with increasing diameter from three to five mm for the translational forces. There is no significant difference in pull out forces of four mm and five mm diameter pins though it is more that the three mm diameter pins. This is because of the failure of material at that stage rather than the fixation device. The rotatory forces required to displace the tracker are very small and much less that that can be produced by the surgeon or assistants in single pins. Although the ortholock device was tested to 135N in rotation without failing, one has to be very careful not to put any forces during the operation on the tracker devices to ensure the accuracy of the procedure.