907 resultados para shoulder joint
BACKGROUND The critical shoulder angle combines the acromion index and glenoid inclination and has potential to discriminate between shoulders at risk for rotator cuff tear or osteoarthritis and those that are asymptomatic. However, its biomechanics, and particularly the role of the glenoid inclination, are not yet fully understood. METHODS A shoulder simulator was used to analyze the independent influence of glenoid inclination during abduction from 0 to 60°. Spindle motors transferred tension forces by a cable-pulley on human cadaveric humeri. A six-degree-of-freedom force transducer was mounted directly behind the polyethylene glenoid to measure shear and compressive joint reaction force and calculate the instability ratio (ratio of shear and compressive joint reaction force) with the different force ratios of the deltoid and supraspinatus muscles (2:1 and 1:1). A stepwise change in the inclination by 5° increments allowed simulation of a critical shoulder angle range of 20° to 45°. FINDINGS Tilting the glenoid to cranial (increasing the critical shoulder angle) increases the shear joint reaction force and therefore the instability ratio. A balanced force ratio (1:1) between the deltoid and the supraspinatus allowed larger critical shoulder angles before cranial subluxation occurred than did the deltoid-dominant ratio (2:1). INTERPRETATION Glenoid inclination-dependent changes of the critical shoulder angle have a significant impact on superior glenohumeral joint stability. The increased compensatory activity of the rotator cuff to keep the humeral head centered may lead to mechanical overload and could explain the clinically observed association between large angles and degenerative rotator cuff tears.
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Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
A retrospective cohort. To report the incidence rates of shoulder injuries diagnosed with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in tetraplegic athletes and sedentary tetraplegic individuals. To evaluate whether sport practice increases the risk of shoulder injuries in tetraplegic individuals. Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Ten tetraplegic athletes with traumatic spinal cord injury were selected among quad rugby athletes and had both the shoulders evaluated by MRI. They were compared with 10 sedentary tetraplegic individuals who were submitted to the same radiological protocol. All athletes were male with a mean age of 32.1 years (range 25-44 years, s.d.=6.44). Time since injury ranged from 6 to 17 years, with a mean value of 9.7 years and s.d. of 3.1 years. All sedentary individuals were male with a mean age of 35.9 years (range 22-47 years, s.d.=8.36). Statistical analysis showed a protective effect of sport in the development of shoulder injuries, with a weak correlation for infraspinatus and subscapularis tendinopathy (P=0.09 and P=0.08, respectively) and muscle atrophy (P=0.08). There was a strong correlation for acromioclavicular joint (ACJ) and labrum injuries (P=0.04), with sedentary individuals at a higher risk for these injuries. Tetraplegic athletes and sedentary individuals have a high incidence of supraspinatus tendinosis, bursitis and ACJ degeneration. Statistical analysis showed that there is a possible protective effect of sport in the development of shoulder injuries. Weak evidence was encountered for infraspinatus and subscapularis tendinopathy and muscle atrophy (P=0.09, P=0.08 and P=0.08, respectively). Strong evidence with P=0.04 suggests that sedentary tetraplegic individuals are at a greater risk for ACJ and labrum injuries.Spinal Cord advance online publication, 17 March 2015; doi:10.1038/sc.2014.248.
Introduction: The purpose of this study was to compare the electromyography index of muscle coactivation of the following muscle pairs: posterior deltoid and pectoralis major (PD/PM); triceps brachii and biceps brachii (TB/BB); and serratus anterior and upper trapezius (SA/UT) during three different closed kinetic chain exercises (wall-press, bench-press and push-up) on an unstable surface at the maximal load. Methods: A total of 20 healthy sedentary men participated in the study. Integral linear values were obtained from three sustained contractions of six seconds each for the three proposed exercises. Mean coactivation index values were compared using the mixed-effects linear model, with a five percent significance level. Results: Electromyography indexes of muscle coactivation showed significant differences for the PD/PM and TB/BB muscle pairs. No differences were found between exercises for the SA/UT muscle pair. Conclusion: Our results seem to differ from those of previous studies, which reported that the similarity in exercises performed is responsible for the comparable muscle activation levels.
Study Design: Fine-wire EMG rotator cuff onset time analysis in 2 matched groups of throwers with and without pain. Objective: To identify if there is a difference in the activation patterns of the rotator cuff muscles during a rapid shoulder external rotation task between throwers with and without pain. Background: The coordinated action of the rotator cuff is recognized as essential for glenohumeral joint control in the throwing athlete. Identification of abnormalities occurring in muscle activation patterns for injured athletes is relevant when prescribing rehabilitative exercises. Methods and Measures: Twelve throwers with shoulder pain were compared to a matched group of 11 asymptomatic throwers. Participants were matched for age, height, body mass, and habitual activity. Fine-wire EMG electrodes were inserted into the subscapularis, supraspinatus, and infraspinatus. EMG activity was measured during a reaction time task of rapid shoulder external rotation in a seated position. The timing of onset of EMG activity was analyzed in relation to visualization of a light (reaction time) and to the onset of infraspinatus activity (relative latency). Results: In the group with shoulder pain, the onset of subscapularis activity was found to be significantly delayed (reaction time, P = .0018; relative latency, P = .0005) from the onset of infraspinatus activity when compared to the control group. Conclusions: The presence of shoulder pain in these athletes was associated with a difference in the onset of subscapularis EMG activity during a rapid shoulder external rotation movement. This was an initial step in the understanding of the joint protection mechanisms of the glenohumeral joint and the problems that occur in throwers. This information may assist in providing future guidelines for more effective rehabilitation and prevention strategies for this condition.
Objective: To present the clinical and radiographic results of a case series of patients with acute acromioclavicular dislocation (MD) treated by arthroscopic coracoclavicular fixation with suture anchors. Method: Twenty patients with AAD with less than 30 days since the injury were submitted to a coracoclavicular stabilization procedure using 2 suture anchors placed at the base of the coracoid process. Each suture anchor was connected to 2 strands of No.2 nonabsorbable-braided sutures, which were passed through the holes drilled in the clavicle and tied to the upper surface of the clavicle. The coracoclavicular distance was measured and compared to the opposite side using radiographic evaluation. Constant and UCLA scores were used to determine clinical and functional evaluation after 6 months. Results: Of the initial twenty cases, six were submitted to a new surgical procedure and were excluded from the study. Of the fourteen patients remaining, only two maintained the initial reduction, while the remainder presented some degree of reduction loss. The Constant and UCLA score averages were 94.79 (82-100) and 32.64 (26-35) respectively. Conclusion: The technique had a high incidence of reduction loss after 6 months of follow up. The clinical and functional evaluation was satisfactory, with a high average score. Level of Evidence: Level III, retrospective study.
The purpose of this study was to compare SEMG activities during axial load exercises on a stable base of support and on a medicine ball (relatively unstable). Twelve healthy male volunteers were tested (x = 23 +/- 7y). Surface EMG was recorded from the biceps brachii, anterior deltoid, clavicular portion of pectoralis major, upper trapezius and serratus anterior using surface differential electrodes. All SEMG data are reported as percentage of RMS mean values obtained in maximal voluntary contractions for each muscle studied. A 3-way within factor repeated measures analysis of variance was performed to compare RMS normalized values. The RMS normalized values of the deltoid were always greater during the exercises performed on a medicine ball in relation to those performed on a stable base of support. The trapezius showed greater mean electric activation amplitude values on the wall-press exercise on a medicine ball, and the pectoralis major on the push-up. The serratus and biceps did not show significant differences of electric activation amplitude in relation to both tested bases of support. Independent of the base of support, none of the studied muscles showed significant differences of electric activation amplitude during the bench-press exercise. The results contribute to the identification of the levels of muscular activation amplitude during exercises that are common in clinical practice of rehabilitation of the shoulder and the differences in terms of type of base of support used. (C) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
STUDY DESIGN: Controlled laboratory study. OBJECTIVE: To assess the activation of 7 shoulder muscles under 2 closed kinetic chain (CKC) tasks for the upper extremity using submaximal isometric effort, thus providing relative quantification of muscular isometric effort for these muscles across the CKC exercises, which may be applied to rehabilitation protocols for individuals with shoulder weakness. BACKGROUND: CKC exercises favor joint congruence, reduce shear load, and promote joint dynamic stability. Additionally, knowledge about glenohumeral and periscapular muscle activity elicited during CKC exercises may help clinicians to design protocols for shoulder rehabilitation. METHODS: Using surface electromyography, activation level was measured across 7 shoulder muscles in 20 healthy males, during the performance of a submaximal isometric wall press and bench press. Signals were normalized to the maximal voluntary isometric contraction, and, using paired t tests, data were analyzed between the exercises for each muscle. RESULTS: Compared to the wall press, the bench press elicited higher activity for most muscles, except for the upper trapezius. Levels of activity were usually low but were above 20% maximal voluntary isometric contraction for the serratus anterior on both tasks, and for the long head triceps brachii on the bench press. CONCLUSIONS: Both the bench press and wall press, as performed in this study, led to relatively low EMG activation levels for the muscles measured and may be considered for use in the early phases of rehabilitation. J Ort hop Sports Phys Ther 2011;41(7):520-525, Epub 2 February 2011. doi:10.2519/jospt.2011.3418
Breast screening programmes have facilitated more conservative approaches to the surgical and radiotherapy management of women diagnosed with breast cancer. This study investigated changes in shoulder movement after surgery for primary, operable breast cancer to determine the effect of elective physiotherapy intervention. Sixty-five women were randomly assigned to either the treatment (TG) or control group (CG) and assessments were completed preoperatively, at day 5 and at 1 month, 3, 6, 12 and 24 months postoperatively. The CG only received an exercise instruction booklet in comparison to the TG who received the Physiotherapy Management Care Plan (PMCP). Analyses of variance revealed that abduction returned to preoperative levels more quickly in the TG than in the CG. The TG women had 14degrees more abduction at 3 months and 7degrees at 24 months. Functional recovery at 1 month was greater in those randomised to the TG, with a dominant operated arm (OA) or receiving breast-conserving surgery. However, it was not possible to predict recovery over the 2 years postoperatively on the basis of an individual woman's recovery at 1 month postoperatively. The eventual recovery of abduction or flexion range of movement was not related to the dominance of the OA nor to the surgical procedure performed. The PMCP provided in the early postoperative period is effective in facilitating and maintaining the recovery of shoulder movement over the first 2 years after breast cancer surgery.
A prevalência de pessoas que referem dor no complexo articular do ombro, com concomitante limitação na capacidade para realizar atividades da vida diária, é elevada. Estes níveis de prevalência sobrecarregam quer os utentes, como a própria sociedade. A evidência científica atual indicia a existência de uma relação entre as alterações da articulação escápulo-torácica e as patologias associadas à articulação gleno-umeral. A capacidade de quantificar, cinemática e cineticamente, as disfunções ao nível das articulações escápulo-torácica e gleno-umeral, é algo de enorme importância, quer para a comunidade biomecânica, como para a clínica. No decorrer dos trabalhos desta tese foi desenvolvido, através do software OpenSim, um modelo tridimensional músculo-esquelético do complexo articular do ombro que inclui a representação do tórax/coluna, clavícula, omoplata, úmero, rádio, cúbito e articulações que permitem os movimentos relativos desses segmentos, assim como, 16 músculos e 4 ligamentos. Com um total de 11 graus de liberdade, incluindo um novo modelo articular escápulo-torácico, os resultados demonstram que este é capaz de reconstruir de forma precisa e rápida os movimentos escápulo-torácicos e glenoumerais, recorrendo para tal, à cinemática inversa, e à dinâmica inversa e direta. Conta ainda com um método de transformação inovador para determinar, com base nas especificidades dos sujeitos, os locais de inserção muscular. As principais motivações subjacentes ao desenvolvimento desta tese foram contribuir para o aprofundar do atual conhecimento sobre as disfunções do complexo articular do ombro e, simultaneamente, proporcionar à comunidade clínica uma ferramenta biomecânica de livre acesso com o intuito de melhor suportar as decisões clínicas e dessa forma concorrer para uma prática mais efetiva.
Introduction: Reversed shoulder prostheses have a semi-congruent design. Furthermore, the center of rotation is inferiorly displaced and a significant tension in the deltoid is often necessary to ensure the joint stability. Consequently, stress transmitted to peri-prosthetic bone may be increased, and could lead to stress fractures. We review a series of patients after reversed shoulder arthroplasty (RSA) and look specifically at the occurrence of postoperative peri-prosthetic stress fractures. Methods: Between 2001 and 2006, 46 consecutive RSA were performed. There were 26 women and 20 men with a mean age of 74 years (53-86). All had preoperative MRI or CT-scan, which did not reveal any fracture. All had a delto-pectoral approach with standard rehabilitation. Review was performed at a mean follow up of 30 months (6-60), and consisted of clinical and radiological (plain X-rays) examinations. Every time a fracture was suspected or in case of recurrent unexpected pain, CT-scan evaluations were performed. The occurrence of peri-prosthetic fractures was looked for. Results: Three patients (7%) sustained a scapular fracture (1 spinal and 2 acromial) without any trauma, between 3 and 6 months after the RSA. Furthermore, one of these patients developed 3 months later a spontaneous clavicular fracture, leading to an overall stress fracture rate of 9%. The four fractures were treated conservatively. Three malunions and one acromial non-union occurred. The range of motion in abduction and flexion decreased significantly after the fracture and stayed limited in all cases. All the three patients reported a recurrence of pain. Conclusion: Peri-prosthetic stress fractures, especially in the acromion and in the spine of the scapula are not unusual after RSA. The etiology is not well known. The increase of stress in peri-prosthetic bone may be due to the semi-congruent design and to an overtension of the deltoid. The management of this complication stays difficult. The conservative treatment leads to mal- or non-union, with persistent pain and limited range of motion.
Purpose Third generation anatomic total shoulder prostheses offer a wide range of adaptability (size, thickness, retroversion and offset of the humeral head, cervico-diaphyseal angle) in order to reproduce anatomy and biomechanics of the shoulder as normal as possible. The large variability of the implants may also induce malposition. Our goal was to analyse the consequences of a humeral head malposition, which is one of the most frequent placement errors. Material and Methods A 3D finite element model of the glenohumeral joint, including the rotator cuff muscles and the deltoid, was used with the Aequalis anatomic prosthesis. Active abduction was simulated. Three humeral head placements were compared : anatomic positioning (A), 5 mm inferior positioning (B), 5 mm superior positioning (C). The effect of humeral head malposition was evaluated through the following quantities : the range of motion free of impingements, the glenohumeral contact pattern, and the stress within the polyethylene and the cement. Results Inferior positioning (B) of the humeral head produced a superior impingement before 90° of abduction, an inferior eccentric contact point on the glenoid, and 165% increase of cement stress. Superior positioning (C) of the humeral head produced a postero-superior eccentric contact point on the glenoid, 300% increase of glenohumeral contact pressure, 450% increase of polyethylene stress, and 207% increase of cement stress. Conclusion Malposition of the humeral head of anatomic prostheses induces biomechanical consequences that may preclude the glenoid survival. Particular attention must be paid to reproduce the humeral anatomy as normal as possible.