888 resultados para self-regulated strategies
Learning English as a foreign language (EFL) entails different factors. Language learners use different strategies in order to make their language acquisition successful. Motivation and self-regulated learning are other factors that influence how successful the EFL learner is. This paper aims to analyze the beliefs of upper secondary students in a Swedish school about learning EFL, as well as how their beliefs relate to what is specified in the Swedish curriculum. An analysis of the differences between students’ beliefs and what is stated in the curriculum was done. A survey was conducted on a total of 54 students who were enrolled in the social sciences program. The results showed that students believed that motivation and self-regulated learning were important factors for a successful learning. For them, the language skill of reception is more important than production, which does not correspond with what it is stated in the national curriculum. First and second year students’ beliefs were similar in most of the cases, but not all of them.
Flow experience, a holistic sensation of total involvement in an activity, seems to have positive influences on musical performance activities. Although its main requirements (balance between challenges and skills, clear goals and unequivocal feedback) are inherent elements of musical practice, there is a lack of research about flow occurrences in the context of musical practice and on how specific practice behaviours affect the experience of flow and its particular dimensions. The aims of this thesis were to investigate advanced performersʼ dispositions to flow in musical practice, and to investigate whether the frequency of these experiences of holistic engagement with practice are associated with self-regulatory practice behaviours. 168 advanced classicallytrained performers (male = 50.0%; female = 50.0%), ranging in age from 18 to 74 years (m = 34.41, SD = 12.39), answered a survey that included two measures: the Dispositional Short Flow Scale, assessing performersʼ flow dispositions, and the Self-Regulated Practice Behaviours Questionnaire, developed specifically for the present research. The overall results of the survey suggested that advanced musicians have high dispositions to flow in musical practice, but not associated with the participantsʼ demographic characteristics. Three of the individual flow indicators were less experienced, suggesting that the most intense flow experiences are rare in musical practice. However, the results point to the existence of another relevant experience, named optimal practice experience. Practice engagement levels were positively associated with knowledge of oneʼs own personal resources and a capacity for practice organization, but not with inclusion/use of external resources. A capacity for setting optimal practice goals was related to self-regulation and to immersion aspects of flow. Current findings offer new clues about the assessment of flow dispositions in performers, helping to clarify how daily practice can heighten positive affective responses in musicians who are vulnerable to the requirements and difficulties of deliberate practice, as well as to other negative practice outcomes. The current research questions issues pertaining to the optimization and sustaining of flow in daily practice, suggesting future directions in the study of the affective subjective functioning of engagement with deliberate practice.
This research examined effects of individual self-presentation styles on influence in groups. Perceived competence and social acceptance both play a role in determining how much influence group members enjoy. Aggrandizing and deprecating self-presentation styles may affect perceived competence, social acceptance, and ultimately influence. I predicted that aggrandizing self-presentation would lead to perceptions of competence and that self-deprecation would lead to social acceptance. The anticipated strength of those trends, however, was unclear, and I proposed that they would vary depending on status. I conducted two studies designed to assess whether aggrandizing or deprecating self-presentation styles lead to differences in influence outcomes for high and low-status individuals. In Study 1, participants gave feedback and a promotion recommendation for a fictitious (male or female) job candidate based on employee evaluation information presenting the candidate as either deprecating or aggrandizing. The main findings from Study 1 were that aggrandizers were rated as less likable than deprecators. No other predictions were supported. Study 2 was an online experiment in which participants made hiring recommendations in reference to résumés from fictitious applicants that varied by race, gender, and presentation style (aggrandizing, deprecating, or neutral). Results provided some evidence that low-status candidates were punished for using aggrandizing self-presentation strategies. The results of the studies suggest no one- best technique for self-presentation and that there may be costs for aggrandizing or deprecating depending on race and gender.
Esta investigação visa averiguar quais as práticas educativas dos pais para apoiar a aprendizagem dos seus filhos. A investigação é enquadrada pelo marco sociocognitivo da auto-regulação da aprendizagem (Bandura, 1997; Rosário, 2004; Schunk, 2001; Zimmerman, 2000). A amostra foi constituída por 30 encarregados de educação com filhos a frequentar o 4°ano de escolaridade do ensino básico, numa escola pública localizada no distrito de Lisboa. Os dados foram obtidos através de questionários de resposta aberta, tendo sido utilizados procedimentos qualitativos e quantitativos na sua análise e tratamento. Os resultados revelam que os pais consideram maioritariamente que aprender e estudar são algo que se diferencia. Os factores determinantes sobre quem dá suporte e apoio ao aprender da criança prendem-se sobretudo com a disponibilidade e com o conhecimento por parte do progenitor em causa. Os pais criam condições físicas e ambientais para o apoio ao estudo o qual é sobretudo feito através da realização dos TPC e acreditam que o apoio por si prestado é vantajoso. As estratégias mais utilizadas pelos pais são as de ensaio e monitorização. /ABSTRACT: This investigation's purpose is to inquire what strategies are being used by parents in learning support. The investigation is of quality kind, and it's based on the sociocognitive theory (Bandura, 1997; Rosário, 2004; Schunk, 2001; Zimmerman, 2000) of self-regulated learning. ln this study participated 30 parents whose children are forth grade students, in a public school located in the district of Lisbon. Ali the data was obtained through an openanswer questionnaire and qualitative and quantitative procedures were used in its study and analysis. The results attained reveal that parents consider studying to be something different from learning. The determinant factors on who provides children's learning support are mostly related with the availability and the knowledge of the ancestor in cause. Parents create physical and ambient conditions for study support which over all is made through the accomplishment of homework and believe that the support given from themselves has advantageous. The strategies most commonly used by parents are of rehearsal and monitoring.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar o efeito da estimulação tátil-cinestésica na evolução do padrão comportamental e clínico de recém-nascidos pré-termos (RNPT) durante o período de internação hospitalar. MÉTODOS: Trinta e dois RNPT, com peso ao nascimento inferior a 2.500 gramas, clinicamente estáveis e destituídos de asfixia perinatal importante foram divididos em 16 bebês do grupo controle (GC) e 16 do experimental (GE). Foram coletados dados da evolução clínica a partir dos registros hospitalares e da avaliação comportamental por meio de filmagens semanais de oito minutos, desde a inclusão do RNPT na amostra até a alta hospitalar. RESULTADOS: Tendência a redução do tempo de internação hospitalar, aumento do ganho de peso diário e predominância de comportamentos auto-organizados (respiração regular, estado de alerta, tônus equilibrado, posturas mistas, movimentação coordenada, movimentos de mão na face, sucção, preensão, apoio) para os RNPT do GE. A análise comparativa das idades pós-conceptuais divididas em intervalos (I - 31 a 33 semanas 6/7; II - 34 a 36 semanas 6/7; e III - 37 a 39 semanas 6/7) ressaltou, no aspecto motor, um tônus equilibrado e movimentação voluntária coordenada para os três períodos, maior permanência em posturas mistas (intervalo I) ou em flexão (intervalo II) e a obtenção de respiração mais regular na faixa etária I do GE. CONCLUSÃO: Destaque da estimulação tátil-cinestésica como método de intervenção durante o período de internação hospitalar, contribuindo para a auto-organização e regulação comportamental de RNPT. Artigo registrado no Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry (ANZCTR) sob o número ACTRN12610000133033.
In the 1996 baseline surveys of the Australian Longitudinal Study of Women's Health (ALSWH), 36.1% of mid-age women (45-50) and 35% of older women (70-75) reported leaking urine. This study aimed to investigate (a) the range of self-management strategies used to deal with urinary incontinence (UI); (b) the reasons why many women who report leaking urine do not seek help for UI; and (c) the types of health professionals consulted and treatment provided, and perceptions of satisfaction with these, among a sample of women in each age group who reported leaking urine often' at baseline. Five hundred participants were randomly selected from women in each of the mid-age and older cohorts of the ALSWH who had reported leaking urine often in a previous survey. Details about UI (frequency, severity, and situations), self-management behaviors and help-seeking for UI, types of health professional consulted, recommended treatment for the problem, and satisfaction with the service provided by health care professionals and the outcomes of recommended treatments were sought through a self-report mailed follow-up survey. Most respondents had leaked urine in the last month (94% and 91% of mid-age and older women, respectively), and 72.2% and 73. 1% of mid-aged and older women, respectively, had sought help or advice about their UI. In both age groups, the likelihood of having sought help significantly increased with severity of incontinence. The most common reasons for not seeking help were that the women felt they could manage the problem themselves or they did not consider it to be a problem.. Many women in both cohorts had employed avoidance techniques in an attempt to prevent leaking urine, including reducing their liquid consumption, going to the toilet just in case, and rushing to the toilet the minute they felt the need to. Strategies are needed to inform women who experience UI of more effective management techniques and the possible health risks associated with commonly used avoidance behaviors. There may be a need to better publicize existing incontinence services and improve access to these services for women of all ages.
The development of children's school achievements in mathematics is one of the most important aims of education in Poland. The results of research concerning monitoring of school achievements in maths is not optimistic. We can observe low levels of children’s understanding of the merits of maths, self-developed strategies in solving problems and practical usage of maths skills. This article frames the discussion of this problem in its psychological and didactic context and analyses the causes as they relate to school practice in teaching maths
With this case-study, we (i) intend to show how a semester project on creating a Multimedia CV could, to some extent, help Portuguese final-year students develop some generic competences, change their attitude towards the challenge of "How to Apply fro a Job" and increase their self-marketing strategies, creativity and entrepreneurship cannot answer the question of the paper, but intend onlu to raise it fot further and better studies now that Bologna design is implementes in almost all HEIs Europe.
O presente conjunto de investigações pretendeu estudar o envolvimento parental na competição desportiva de crianças e jovens. Baseado no modelo do envolvimento parental no desporto (Teques & Serpa, 2009), o estudo permitiu concretizar dois objectivos fundamentais. Primeiro, desenvolver um conjunto de escalas válidas e fidedignas para aceder aos constructos incluídos no modelo teórico. Segundo, testar as hipóteses fundamentadas na estrutura conceptual do modelo com o propósito de compreender (1) a razão porque os pais se envolvem no desporto dos filhos, (2) quais os comportamentos utilizados pelos pais durante o envolvimento, e (3) como é que o envolvimento influencia o contexto de realização do jovem atleta. No total, participaram voluntariamente 1620 pais e 1665 jovens atletas de vários desportos individuais e coletivos, com idades compreendidas entre os 9 e os 18 anos. A prossecução dos objectivos teve por base uma série de três estudos independentes. Os resultados do primeiro estudo sugerem que as crenças do papel parental, a auto-eficácia, a perceção das invocações oriundas do treinador e do jovem atleta, o tempo e energia disponíveis, e os conhecimentos e competências relacionam-se com as atividades de envolvimento dos pais. No segundo estudo, os resultados demonstraram que as perceções dos comportamentos parentais de encorajamento, reforço, instrução, e modelagem medeiam a relação entre os comportamentos reportados pelos pais e as variáveis psicológicas de auto-eficácia, auto-eficácia social, motivação intrínseca, e estratégias de autorregulação dos jovens. Os resultados do terceiro estudo indicam que as perceções dos comportamentos dos pais relacionam-se com a realização desportiva através dos efeitos de mediação da auto-eficácia, autoeficácia social e das estratégias de autorregulação. Implicações para a intervenção, limitações e direções futuras para a investigação são também discutidas.
Els processos de comprensió lectora són complexes, i requereixen de l’ús autorregulat, conscient i deliberat de la metacognició en les seves dues vessants: supervisió i control. L’objectiu d’aquest projecte és analitzar les relacions entre aquests dos components, i la seva repercussió en la comprensió lectora que finalment s’assoleix. Per tal de tractar aquesta qüestió s’han analitzat els processos de lectura seguits per 60 alumnes d’Educació Secundària Obligatòria. La presència i el tipus de relectura ha estat considerada com a mesura de control (estratègia emprada per millorar la pròpia comprensió), mentre que els judicis metacognitius són considerats com a mesura de supervisió. També es va elaborar una prova de comprensió lectora incloent preguntes que requerissin diferents nivells de processament cognitiu, de més superficial a més profund. Els nostres resultats preliminars mostren una relació entre l’ajust dels judicis metacognitius i la comprensió lectora assolida; els lectors que millor entenen el text tendeixen a ser els que millor supervisen la seva comprensió. La relectura també s’ha mostrat útil per millorar la comprensió, ja que els participants obtenen millors resultats després de rellegir. Per últim, s’ha trobat una relació significativa entre l’ajust dels judicis metacognitius i la relectura. D’una banda, aquests resultats subratllen la importància de la supervisió i el control en la comprensió lectora, i ofereixen evidències per explicar les complexes relacions entre supervisió, control, i resultats de comprensió. A més, els processos de lectura i els objectius amb què hom rellegeix apareixen com a temes rellevants que requereixen ser investigats per comprendre millor la interacció entre els processos de supervisió i control en la comprensió lectora. D’altra banda, els resultats tenen valuoses implicacions educatives, ja que proporcionen evidències de la importància d’ensenyar processos metacognitius des d’un punt de vista estratègic, en contraposició a les “tècniques”, per tal de millorar la comprensió lectora.
The Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) Training Programme for Northern Ireland has been adapted from the original MHFA programme established in Australia by Betty Kitchener and Anthony Jorm. MHFA is the help provided to a person who is developing a mental health problem or who is currently in a mental health crisis. The first aid is given until professional help is available or until the crisis resolves. More than 4,500 people have attended MHFA training in Northern Ireland since it began in 2009 following a successful pilot in 2005. The aims of MHFA are to: preserve life where a person may be a danger to themselves or others; provide help to prevent the mental health problem becoming more serious; promote the recovery of good mental health; provide comfort to a person experiencing a mental health problem. MHFA teaches participants: how to recognise the symptoms of mental health problems; how to provide initial help; how to go about guiding a person towards appropriate professional help. The training programme is available to people from all backgrounds and has proved successful with different professional groups. MHFA training involves teaching participants how to recognise the symptoms of mental health problems such as depression, anxiety and psychosis. Each course is delivered by two MHFA instructors, usually over two consecutive days and four sessions to a maximum of 20 delegates. The course can also be delivered one day a week for two weeks or in four three-hour sessions. To apply for the training programme, people should contact their local Health and Social care Trust. Each Trust runs MHFA training several times a year. Topics covered include: What is meant by mental health/mental ill health? Dealing with crisis situations such as suicidal behaviour, self-harm, panic attacks and acute psychotic behaviour. Recognising the signs and symptoms of common mental health problems including depression, anxiety disorders, psychosis and substance use disorders. Where and how to get help. Self help strategies.
This paper studies cooperation in a political system dominated by two opportunistic parties competing in a resource-based economy. Since a binding agreement as an external solution might be difficult to enforce due to the close association between the incumbent party and the government, the paper explores the extent to which co-operation between political parties that alternate in office can rely on self-enforcing strategies to provide an internal solution. We show that, for appropriate values of the probability of re-election and the discount factor cooperation in maintaining the value of a state variable is possible, but fragile. Another result is that, in such political framework, debt decisions contain an externality element linked to electoral incentives that creates a bias towards excessive borrowing.
Dans le présent article, l'auteur examine certains commentaires développés par Gérard Genette à propos d'exemples filmiques dans l'ouvrage Métalepse, et tente de prolonger l'étude de cette « figure » dans le cadre des théories de la fiction en se penchant sur des films réalisés dans la dernière décennie. Il montre ainsi la pertinence de l'étude des phénomènes relevant de la métalepse pour aborder certaines productions cinématographiques contemporaines qui engagent des pratiques réflexives complexes. Par ailleurs, il aborde la façon dont Genette se positionne par rapport à l'objet cinéma - qu'il tient distance -, et propose d'autres ouvertures théoriques, notamment en tenant plus spécifiquement compte des théories de l'énonciation filmique. Enfin, il discute certains problèmes soulevés par la conception genettienne de la « diégèse » appliquée au cinéma, notamment dans le cas de l'analyse des implications du procédé du pont sonore et des sons dits « extradiégétiques ». L'étude s'achève par l'analyse de la transgression des niveaux narratifs dans un film à voix-over, Stranger than fiction (Marc Forster, 2006), qui constitue un lieu privilégié pour éprouver certaines remarques de Genette. This article discusses some reflections developed by Gérard Genette with respect to the filmic examples in Métalepse and tries to pursue the study of this figure within the framework of fiction theories, by focusing on certain films released in the last decade. The article also shows how the study of metalepsis can be important in order to address contemporary movies presenting complex self-reflexive strategies. Furthermore, it gives account of the particular way in which Genette deals with cinema and suggests some other possible theoretical developments, considering in particular the theories about filmic enunciation. Finally, the paper discusses some problems concerning Genette's idea of "diegesis" when it is applied to cinema and analyses the transgression of narrative levels in a voice-over film - in this case Stranger than Fiction (Marc Forster, 2006), which provides a particularly interesting example in order to test some of Genette's remarks.
Regulatory gene networks contain generic modules, like those involving feedback loops, which are essential for the regulation of many biological functions (Guido et al. in Nature 439:856-860, 2006). We consider a class of self-regulated genes which are the building blocks of many regulatory gene networks, and study the steady-state distribution of the associated Gillespie algorithm by providing efficient numerical algorithms. We also study a regulatory gene network of interest in gene therapy, using mean-field models with time delays. Convergence of the related time-nonhomogeneous Markov chain is established for a class of linear catalytic networks with feedback loops.
[cat] Les normes socials han estat incloses en la teoria de l’acció col.lectiva per a superar les dificultats per explicar perquè la gestió del béns comuns podria ser més efectiva quan s’autoregula per les mateixes comunitats. El paper rellevant de la confiança en els altres s’ha identificat en diversos contextos d’acció social a nivell local, però només recentment s’ha considerat la idea que també podria ser rellevant en el cas de béns comuns de caire global, seguint l’evidència bàsicament descriptiva recollida per Elinor Ostrom. Però fins ara no hi havia proves quantitatives disponibles d’aquesta idea. Utilitzant un conjunt de dades de 29 països europeus durant el període 1990-2007, donem evidència empírica a favor del paper del nivell de confiança en els altres en el context dels béns públics globals. Concloem que el nivell de confiança en els altres té un impacte reductor de les emissions de gasos d’efecte hivernacle; per exemple, l’extrapolació dels resultats implicaria una reducció d’emissions d’Espanya del 12,5% si el nivell mitjà de confiança en els altres dels espanyols fos tan elevat com els dels suecs.