830 resultados para relational selves
Thereis now growing evidencethatthe hippocampus generatestheta rhythmsthat can phase biasfast neural oscillationsinthe neocortex, allowing coordination of widespread fast oscillatory populations outside limbic areas. A recent magnetoencephalographic study showed that maintenance of configural-relational scene information in a delayed match-to-sample (DMS) task was associated with replay of that information during the delay period. The periodicity of the replay was coordinated by the phase of the ongoing theta rhythm, and the degree of theta coordination during the delay period was positively correlated with DMS performance. Here, we reanalyzed these data to investigate which brain regions were involved in generating the theta oscillations that coordinated the periodic replay of configural- relational information. We used a beamformer algorithm to produce estimates of regional theta rhythms and constructed volumetric images of the phase-locking between the local theta cycle and the instances of replay (in the 13- 80 Hz band). We found that individual differences in DMS performancefor configural-relational associations were relatedtothe degree of phase coupling of instances of cortical reactivations to theta oscillations generated in the right posterior hippocampus and the right inferior frontal gyrus. This demonstrates that the timing of memory reactivations in humans is biased toward hippocampal theta phase
BACKGROUND: Radial maze tasks have been used to assess optimal foraging and spatial abilities in rodents. The spatial performance was based on a capacity to rely on a configuration of local and distant cues. We adapted maze procedures assessing the relative weight of local cues and distant landmarks for arm choice in humans. NEW METHOD: The procedure allowed testing memory of places in four experimental setups: a fingertip texture-groove maze, a tactile screen maze, a virtual radial maze and a walking size maze. During training, the four reinforced positions remained fixed relative to local and distal cues. During subsequent conflict trials, these frameworks were made conflictive in the prediction of reward locations. RESULTS: Three experiments showed that the relative weight of local and distal relational cues is affected by different factors such as cues' nature, visual access to the environment, real vs. virtual environment, and gender. A fourth experiment illustrated how a walking maze can be used with people suffering intellectual disability. COMPARISON WITH EXISTING METHODS: In our procedure, long-term (reference) and short-term (working) memory can be assessed. It is the first radial task adapted to human that enables dissociating local and distal cues, to provides an indication as to their relative salience. Our mazes are moveable and easily used in limited spaces. Tasks are performed with realistic and spontaneous though controlled exploratory movements. CONCLUSION: Our tasks enabled highlighting the use of different strategies. In a clinical perspective, considering the use of compensatory strategies should orient towards adapted behavioural rehabilitation.
The aim of this study was to devise a method for computing a composite indicator that measures the regional degree of exposure to external knowledge sources. On the basis of this indicator, we propose a typology of regions according to their potential capacity to access extra-local items of knowledge, which might help them to recombine complementary elements of such an asset to produce a higher number of new ideas. Building on various research streams that have been relatively independent to date, we summarize a non-exhaustive instrumental list of recent studies that motivates our approach and the construction of our complex indicator, which can be used to appraise the extent to which each region is in an optimal position to access external innovative resources.
The tourism image is an element that conditions the competitiveness of tourism destinations by making them stand out in the minds of tourists. In this context, marketers of tourism destinations endeavour to create an induced image based on their identity and distinctive characteristics.A number of authors have also recognized the complexity of tourism destinations and the need for coordination and cooperation among all tourism agents, in order to supply a satisfactory tourist product and be competitive in the tourism market. Therefore, tourism agents at the destination need to develop and integrate strategic marketing plans.The aim of this paper is to determine how cities of similar cultures use their resources with the purpose of developing a distinctive induced tourism image to attract tourists and the extent of coordination and cooperation among the various tourism agents of a destination in the process of induced image creation.In order to accomplish these aims, a comparative analysis of the induced image of two cultural cities is presented, Girona (Spain) and Perpignan (France). The induced image is assessed through the content analysis of promotional brochures and the extent of cooperation with in-depth interviews of the main tourism agents of these destinations.Despite the similarities of both cities in terms of tourism resources, results show the use of different attributes to configure the induced image of each destination, as well as a different configuration of the network of tourism agents that participate in the process of induced image creation
Data management consists of collecting, storing, and processing the data into the format which provides value-adding information for decision-making process. The development of data management has enabled of designing increasingly effective database management systems to support business needs. Therefore as well as advanced systems are designed for reporting purposes, also operational systems allow reporting and data analyzing. The used research method in the theory part is qualitative research and the research type in the empirical part is case study. Objective of this paper is to examine database management system requirements from reporting managements and data managements perspectives. In the theory part these requirements are identified and the appropriateness of the relational data model is evaluated. In addition key performance indicators applied to the operational monitoring of production are studied. The study has revealed that the appropriate operational key performance indicators of production takes into account time, quality, flexibility and cost aspects. Especially manufacturing efficiency has been highlighted. In this paper, reporting management is defined as a continuous monitoring of given performance measures. According to the literature review, the data management tool should cover performance, usability, reliability, scalability, and data privacy aspects in order to fulfill reporting managements demands. A framework is created for the system development phase based on requirements, and is used in the empirical part of the thesis where such a system is designed and created for reporting management purposes for a company which operates in the manufacturing industry. Relational data modeling and database architectures are utilized when the system is built for relational database platform.
The personality and neuropsychological factors associated with relational aggression were examined in a group of30 grade 6,7, and 8 girls identified through cluster analysis as being highly, yet almost exclusively, relationally aggressive and a group of 30 nonaggressive matched controls. Parents of the students in both groups completed the Coolidge Personality and Neuropsychological Inventory (1998), a 200- item DSM-IV -TR aligned, parent-as-respondent, standardized measure of c.hildren' s psychological functioning. It was found that high levels of relational aggression, in the absence of physical and verbal aggression, were associated with symptoms of DSM-IV - TR Axis I oppositional defiant disorder and conduct disorder and a wide variety of personality traits associated with DSM-IV -TR Axis II paranoid, borderline, narcissistic, histrionic, schizotypal, and passive aggressive personality disorders. Implications of these findings for theory, practice, and further research are discussed.
When working with under-served youth, possibly the most important, yet often times the most difficult, thing for practitioners to do is to build positive, trusting, open relationships. This study aims to address this challenge. Two groups of under-served youth were examined, one being teens deemed “at-risk” and one being youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). This study was novel in its approach as all efforts were made to ensure the youth's opinions on how to be relational with them were heard. Two youths with ASD were nonverbal and a special picture interview procedure was developed to allow their participation. Three thematic statements emerged from the data collected: 1. Youth need low anxiety relationships. 2. Youth need novel forms of engagement. 3. Youth need us to understand that their actions reflect their histories. The analyses that lead to these statements are described as well as the reasoning and implications of these statements.
This study investigates the mediating impact of psychological capital and follower-leader relational capital on the relationship between ethical leadership and in-role performance through the lenses of social exchange theory, social information processing theory, and psychological resources theory. Analysis of data collected from a sample of 171 employees and 24 supervisors from Pakistan reveals that ethical leadership has a positive effect on followers’ in-role job performance, yet this effect is fully explained through the role of psychological capital and partially through follower-leader relational capital. Significant implications of these findings for further research and practice are discussed.
Classical relational databases lack proper ways to manage certain real-world situations including imprecise or uncertain data. Fuzzy databases overcome this limitation by allowing each entry in the table to be a fuzzy set where each element of the corresponding domain is assigned a membership degree from the real interval [0…1]. But this fuzzy mechanism becomes inappropriate in modelling scenarios where data might be incomparable. Therefore, we become interested in further generalization of fuzzy database into L-fuzzy database. In such a database, the characteristic function for a fuzzy set maps to an arbitrary complete Brouwerian lattice L. From the query language perspectives, the language of fuzzy database, FSQL extends the regular Structured Query Language (SQL) by adding fuzzy specific constructions. In addition to that, L-fuzzy query language LFSQL introduces appropriate linguistic operations to define and manipulate inexact data in an L-fuzzy database. This research mainly focuses on defining the semantics of LFSQL. However, it requires an abstract algebraic theory which can be used to prove all the properties of, and operations on, L-fuzzy relations. In our study, we show that the theory of arrow categories forms a suitable framework for that. Therefore, we define the semantics of LFSQL in the abstract notion of an arrow category. In addition, we implement the operations of L-fuzzy relations in Haskell and develop a parser that translates algebraic expressions into our implementation.
Cette étude offre une lecture de The Waves de Virginia Woolf en tant qu’une représentation fictive des “formes exactes de la pensée.” Elle établit le lien entre le récit de The Waves et l’expérience personnelle de l’auteur avec “les voix” qui hantaient son esprit, en raison de sa maladie maniaco-dépressive. La présente étude propose également une analyse du roman inspirée par la théorie de la “fusion conceptuelle:” cette approche narrative a pour but de (1) souligner “la fusion” de l’imagination, des émotions, et de la perception qui constitue l’essence du récit de The Waves, (2) mettre l’accent sur les “configurations mentales” subtilement développées par/entre les voix du récit, en vue de diminuer le semblant de la désorganisation et de l’éparpillement des pensées généré par la représentation de la conscience, (3) permettre au lecteur d’accéder à la configuration subjective et identitaire des différentes voix du récit en traçant l’éventail de leurs pensées “fusionnées.” L’argument de cette dissertation est subdivisé en trois chapitres: le premier chapitre emploie la théorie de la fusion conceptuelle afin de souligner les processus mentaux menant à la création de “moments de vision.” Il décrit la manière dont la fusion des pensées intérieures et de la perception dans les “moments de vision” pourrait servir de tremplin à la configuration subjective des voix du récit. La deuxième section interprète l’ensemble des voix du roman en tant qu’une “société de soi-mêmes.” À l’aide de la théorie de la fusion conceptuelle, elle met l’accent sur les formes de pensée entrelacées entre les différentes voix du récit, ce qui permet aux protagonistes de développer une identité interrelationnelle, placée au plein centre des différentes subjectivités. Le troisième chapitre trace les processus mentaux permettant aux différentes voix du roman de développer une forme de subjectivité cohérente et intégrée. Dans ce chapitre, l’idée de la fusion des différents aspects de l’identité proposée par Fauconnier et Turner est employée pour décrire l’intégration des éléments de la subjectivité des protagonistes en une seule configuration identitaire. D’ailleurs, ce chapitre propose une interprétation du triste suicide de Rhoda qui met en relief son inaptitude à intégrer les fragments de sa subjectivité en une identité cohérente et “fusionnée.”