153 resultados para redemption.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 144-151)
This paper explores the literary representation of Iceland and Norway in two short stories by contemporary German writer Judith Hermann. It analyses both the depiction of these countries as part of the globalised western world and the redemptive power they are tentatively ascribed by the author. Continuing a long German tradition of looking at Scandinavia from an almost colonial perspective, Hermann on the one hand presents these northern countries as a mere extension of central Europe, largely devoid of distinguishing national characteristics. At the same time she makes reference to the topos of the north as a vast and empty space and highlights both the specific arctic nature of the environment and the effect it has on her urban characters, who find themselves on a search for meaning and orientation in a postmodern fragmented world. Despite Hermann's overall sceptical attitude towards her characters' quest for happiness, these northern locations ultimately appear as potential places of self-realisation and enlightenment.
The following paper examines Walter Benjamin’s reflection on the category of “redemption, mainly developed in the theses On the concept of History. To this end, we will try firstly to reconstruct Benjamin’s critique of “fate”, as it unfolds in the twenties on the field of right, economy and, especially, history. The critique of the expiatory logic of “fate” – developed in essays such as Fate and Character, Critique of violence or Capitalism as religion – will then allow us to disclose the “dialectical” structure of redemption, whereby Benjamin mobilizes his previous theory of knowledge against the doctrine of progress.
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Com o advento da administra????o gerencial no ??mbito do aparelho do Estado, em complementa????o ?? administra????o burocr??tica, verifica-se certa turbul??ncia na gest??o de pessoal na administra????o p??blica, decorrente da s??bita aus??ncia de fundamentos conceituais s??lidos que permitam pensar a administra????o do capital humano do Estado em um contexto de transforma????o. Este artigo procura estabelecer as bases para a recupera????o destes fundamentos, propondo tr??s crit??rios de design de carreiras: a estrutura de incentivos, os mecanismos de governan??a e a gest??o do conhecimento. Em seguida, exemplifica-se a utiliza????o destes crit??rios pela an??lise de seis temas pr??prios ?? discuss??o sobre carreiras no servi??o p??blico: remunera????o, sele????o, recrutamento e desenvolvimento, mobilidade, promo????o, carreiras para ag??ncias executivas e controle social da burocracia.
Este estudo busca compreender as representações da capoeira, feitas circularem pelas produções cinematográficas brasileiras e estrangeiras, e seu processo de desenvolvimento relacionado com a ideia de cultura brasileira. Tendo como fonte de análise 50 filmes de ficção, 20 produzidos no Brasil e 30 no exterior, onde a capoeira aparece de forma direta ou indiretamente, procuramos identificar nas imagens os elementos e mecanismos utilizados para apresentar a capoeira e a relação das apropriações destes elementos entre as produções nacionais e internacionais. Entendendo as características que compõem os elementos visuais, sonoros e textuais, como indícios que se apresentam de forma visível ou não visível nas películas, e que podem ser reveladores dos processos de apropriações e das lutas de representações sobre o entendimento da capoeira a serem projetadas para os espectadores, realizamos dentro deste processo metodológico, uma leitura minuciosa, detetivesca, ligando pontos e interrogando-os para a construção da narrativa por meio das evidências. A pesquisa aponta, até o momento, que da década de 1950 a 2012 a capoeira passa por transformações e ressignificações no cinema, onde é usada no processo de afirmação da cultura e identidade do povo brasileiro, seja pela ideia de esportivização ou pela busca das manifestações na história do Brasil. Desse modo, a capoeira é marcada por descontinuidades no seu processo de desenvolvimento como prática cultural, assumindo várias formas e se afastando do discurso tradicional, no qual há uma continuidade pautada em moldes de uma originalidade, expressadas no momento de captura das imagens em movimento e feitas circular no imaginário brasileiro e estrangeiro.
This paper is mainly concerned with the tracking accuracy of Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) listed on the London Stock Exchange (LSE) but also evaluates their performance and pricing efficiency. The findings show that ETFs offer virtually the same return but exhibit higher volatility than their benchmark. It seems that the pricing efficiency, which should come from the creation and redemption process, does not fully hold as equity ETFs show consistent price premiums. The tracking error of the funds is generally small and is decreasing over time. The risk of the ETF, daily price volatility and the total expense ratio explain a large part of the tracking error. Trading volume, fund size, bid-ask spread and average price premium or discount did not have an impact on the tracking error. Finally, it is concluded that market volatility and the tracking error are positively correlated.
Osakkeenomistajien keskinaisia suhteita sekä osakkeenomistajien suhdetta yhtiöön ja kolmanteen sääntelevät muun muassa osakeyhtiölain (29.9.1978/734) saannokset ja yhtiöjärjestyksen määräykset. Osakeyhtiölaissa on vain rajoitetusti otettu huomioon se, että osakeyhtiöiden tarkoitukset vaihtelevat ja että ne ovat erikokoisia. Saannokset soveltuvat parhaiten suuren tai keskisuuren osakeyhtiön osakaspiirin tarpeisiin. Osakassopimuksella pyritään tavallisesti siihen, että asiat olisivat ennen niiden käsittelemistä yhtiön elimissä jo edeltä kasin sovittu. Paatosten tekemistä ei kuitenkaan voida osakkeenomistajien keskinaisella sopimuksella siirtää osakeyhtiölaissa sääntelemättömille elimille. Osakassopimuksilla pyritään varmistamaan osakkaiden oikeudet yhtiön elinkaaren aikana muuttuvissa tilanteissa. Yhdistävänä tekijänä niissä on valta ja sen käyttö. Osakassopimukset ovat jaettavissa vallan keskittämistä, hajauttamista ja tasapainon ylläpitämistä koskeviin sopimuksiin. Osakassopimuksella saatetaan pyrkiä säilyttämään osakkeenomistajien osakassopimuksen tekohetken aikaiset vaikutusmahdollisuudet muuttumattomina heidän keskinaisissa suhteissaan ja suhteissa ulkopuolisiin intressiryhmiin.
Tutkielman päätavoitteena on tarkastella sekä hallituksen että tilintarkastajan vastuita osakeyhtiössä varoja jaettaessa. Vastuita tarkastellaan suhteessa yhteisöön ja osakkeenomistajiin. Varojenjakotilanteina ovat voitonjako, osakepääoman alentaminen, omien osakkeiden hankkiminen ja lunastaminen sekä yhteisön purkaminen että rekisteristä poistaminen. Tutkimusmenetelmä on kvalitatiivinen. Tutkielman empiirinen osuus toteutettiin haastattelututkimuksena ja sitä varten haastateltiin yhtiöoikeuden asiantuntijaa, tilintarkastajaa sekä hallituksen jäsenenä toimivaa henkilöä. Haastattelututkimuksen tulokset puretaan tutkielman teoreettisen osuuden kanssa rinnakkain. Tutkielman tulosten mukaan voidaan todeta vastuiden realisoitumisen riskin riippuvan useimmiten siitä, mikä on varojenjakoon käytetty varojen lähde. Lisäksi voidaan tulosten mukaan todeta, että vastuiden realisoitumisriski ei ole merkittävä varojenjakotilanteissa. Vastuuasioita tulee kuitenkin aina pohtia tapauskohtaisesti.
The Brazilian effort on R&D of products from the national biodiversity dates back to the 70's. The Central de Medicamentos - CEME - was tailored to add scientific and technological competence to the production of pharmaceutical drugs derived from the Brazilian biodiversity by means of the Research Programme on Medicinal Plants - PPPM. Although previous to the Convention on Biological Diversity - CBD - and to the current debate and the ever-growing interest on phytomedicines, CEME has historical importance in the present governmental efforts on fostering the R&D on phytomedicines. This article makes a historical redemption of the PPPM, the actions and the results in the course of its existence.
I will argue that the doctrine of eternal recurrence of the same no better interprets cosmology than pink elephants interpret zoology. I will also argue that the eternal-reiurn-of-the-same doctrine as what Magnus calls "existential imperative" is without possibility of application and thus futile. To facilitate those arguments, the validity of the doctrine of the eternal recurrence of the same will be tested under distinct rubrics. Although each rubric will stand alone, one per chapter, as an evaluation of some specific aspect of eternal recurrence, the rubric sequence has been selected to accommodate the identification of what I shall be calling logic abridgments. The conclusions to be extracted from each rubric are grouped under the heading CONCLUSION and appear immediately following rubric ten. Then, or if, at the end of a rubric a reader is inclined to wonder which rubric or topic is next, and why, the answer can be found at the top of the following page. The question is usually answered in the very first sentence, but always answered in the first paragraph. The first rubric has been placed in order by chronological entitlement in that it deals with the evolution of the idea of eternal recurrence from the time of the ancient Greeks to Nietzsche's August, 1881 inspiration. This much-recommended technique is also known as starting at the beginning. Rubric 1 also deals with 20th. Century philosophers' assessments of the relationship between Nietzsche and ancient Greek thought. The only experience of E-R, Zarathustra's mountain vision, is second only because it sets the scene alluded to in following rubrics. The third rubric explores .ii?.ih T jc,i -I'w Nietzsche's evaluation of rationality so that his thought processes will be understood appropriately. The actual mechanism of E-R is tested in rubric four...The scientific proof Nietzsche assembled in support of E-R is assessed by contemporary philosophers in rubric five. E-R's function as an ethical imperative is debated in rubrics six and seven.. .The extent to which E-R fulfills its purpose in overcoming nihilism is measured against the comfort assured by major world religions in rubric eight. Whether E-R also serves as a redemption for revenge is questioned in rubric nine. Rubric ten assures that E-R refers to return of the identically same and not merely the similar. In addition to assemblage and evaluation of all ten rubrics, at the end of each rubric a brief recapitulation of its principal points concludes the chapter. In this essay I will assess the theoretical conditions under which the doctrine cannot be applicable and will show what contradictions and inconsistencies follow if the doctrine is taken to be operable. Harold Alderman in his book Nietzsche's Gift wrote, the "doctrine of eternal recurrence gives us a problem not in Platonic cosmology, but in Socratic selfreflection." ^ I will illustrate that the recurrence doctrine's cosmogony is unworkable and that if it were workable, it would negate self-reflection on the grounds that selfreflection cannot find its cause in eternal recurrence of the same. Thus, when the cosmology is shown to be impossible, any expected ensuing results or benefits will be rendered also impossible. The so-called "heaviest burden" will be exposed as complex, engrossing "what if speculations deserving no linkings to reality. To identify ^Alderman p. 84 abridgments of logic, contradictions and inconsistencies in Nietzsche's doctrine of eternal recurrence of the same, I. will examine the subject under the following schedule. In Chapter 1 the ancient origins of recurrence theories will be introduced. ..This chapter is intended to establish the boundaries within which the subsequent chapters, except Chapter 10, will be confined. Chapter 2, Zarathustra's vision of E-R, assesses the sections of Thus Spoke Zarathustra in which the phenomenon of recurrence of the same is reported. ..Nihilism as a psychological difficulty is introduced in this rubric, but that subject will be studied in detail in Chapter 8. In Chapter 2 the symbols of eternal recurrence of the same will be considered. Whether the recurrence image should be of a closed ring or as a coil will be of significance in many sections of my essay. I will argue that neither symbolic configuration can accommodate Nietzsche's supposed intention. Chapter 3 defends the description of E-R given by Zarathustra. Chapter 4, the cosmological mechanics of E-R, speculates on the seriousness with which Nietzsche might have intended the doctrine of eternal recurrence to be taken. My essay reports, and then assesses, the argument of those who suppose the doctrine to have been merely exploratory musings by Nietzsche on cosmological hypotheses...The cosmogony of E-R is examined. In Chapter 5, cosmological proofs tested, the proofs for Nietzsche's doctrine of return of the same are evaluated. This chapter features the position taken by Martin ' Heidegger. My essay suggests that while Heidegger's argument that recurrence of the same is a genuine cosmic agenda is admirable, it is not at all persuasive. Chapter 6, E-R is an ethical imperative, is in essence the reporting of a debate between two scholars regarding the possibility of an imperative in the doctrine of recurrence. Their debate polarizes the arguments I intend to develop. Chapter 7, does E-R of the same preclude alteration of attitudes, is a continuation of the debate presented in Chapter 6 with the focus shifted to the psychological from the cosmological aspects of eternal recurrence of the same. Chapter 8, Can E-R Overcome Nihilism?, is divided into two parts. In the first, nihilism as it applies to Nietzsche's theory is discussed. ..In part 2, the broader consequences, sources and definitions of nihilism are outlined. My essay argues that Nietzsche's doctrine is more nihilistic than are the world's major religions. Chapter 9, Is E-R a redemption for revenge?, examines the suggestion extracted from Thus Spoke Zarathustra that the doctrine of eternal recurrence is intended, among other purposes, as a redemption for mankind from the destructiveness of revenge. Chapter 10, E-R of the similar refuted, analyses a position that an element of chance can influence the doctrine of recurrence. This view appears to allow, not for recurrence of the same, but recurrence of the similar. A summary will recount briefly the various significant logic abridgments, contradictions, and inconsistencies associated with Nietzsche's doctrine of eternal recurrence of the same. In the 'conclusion' section of my essay my own opinions and observations will be assembled from the body of the essay.
Small investors' sentiment has been proposed by behaviouralists to explain the existence and behavior of discount on closed-end funds (CEFD). The empirical tests of this sentiment hypothesis so far provide equivocal results. Besides, most of out-of-sample tests outside U.S. are not robust in the sense that they fail to well control other firm characteristics and risk factors that may explain stock return and to provide a formal cross-sectional test of the link between CEFD and stock return. This thesis explores the role of CEFD in asset pricing and further validates CEFD as a sentiment proxy in Canadian context and augments the extant studies by examining the redemption feature inherent in Canadian closed-end funds and by enhancing the robustness of the empirical tests. Our empirical results document differential behaviors in discounts between redeemable funds and non-redeemable funds. However, we don't find supportive evidence of CEFD as a priced factor. Specifically, the stocks with different exposures to CEFD fail to provide significantly different average return. Nor does CEFD provide significant incremental explanatory power, after controlling other well-known firm characteristics and risk factors, in cross-sectional as well as time-series variation of stock return. This evidence, together with the findings from our direct test of CEFD as a sentiment index, suggests that CEFD, even the discount on traditional non-redeemable closed-end funds, is unlikely to be driven by elusive sentiment in Canada.
La Loi modifiant le Code civil et d'autres dispositions législatives relativement à la publicité des droits personnels et réels mobiliers et à la constitution d'hypothèques mobilières sans dépossession, L.Q. 1998, ch. 5 a assujetti à la publicité pour fins d'opposabilité aux tiers la fiducie à titre onéreux constituée pour garantir l'exécution d'une obligation, les droits du crédit-bailleur et, dans certains cas, les droits des vendeurs à tempérament et avec faculté de rachat et du locateur à long terme. L'interprétation de certaines de ces dispositions législatives a suscité une vive controverse jurisprudentielle portant sur la requalification des contrats et l'effet de la publicité dans le contexte où le vendeur à tempérament et le locateur à long terme ont fait défaut de publier leurs droits en temps utile et avant la faillite de leur débiteur. Le présent mémoire étudie cette problématique en procédant à l'analyse des jugements pertinents, et plus particulièrement des arrêts de la Cour suprême dans Lefebvre (Syndic de); Tremblay (Syndic de), [2004] 3 R.C.S. 326 et Ouellet (Syndic de), [2004] 3 R.C.S. 348. Également, ce mémoire traite de l'amendement apporté par le législateur à la définition de « créancier garanti» de la Loi sur la faillite et l'insolvabilité, qui a tenté, sans succès, d'harmoniser cette notion avec celle du Code civil. Ainsi, il sera démontré que la situation juridique des contrats conclus à des fins de garantie s'est complexifiée au fil des ans.