985 resultados para professional lives


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Professional attitudes and behaviours have only recently been explicitly recognized by medical educators as legitimate and necessary components of global competence, although the idea of Fitness to Practice has always presupposed acceptable professional behaviour. Medical schools have recently begun to introduce teaching and assessment of professionalism, including attitudes and behaviours. Partly as a result of the difficulty of assessment in this area, selection of students is receiving greater attention, in the pursuit of globally competent graduates. However, selection processes may be overrated for this purpose. Assessing actual attitudes and behaviour during the course is arguably a better way of ensuring that medical graduates are competent in these areas. I argue that judgments about attitudinal and behavioural competence are legitimate, and need be no more arbitrary than those made about scientific or clinical knowledge and skills, but also that these judgments should be restricted to what is agreed to be unacceptable behaviour, rather titan attempting to rate attitudes and behaviour positively. This model introduces students to the way in which their behaviours will be judged in their professional lives by registration authorities. These theoretical positions are illustrated by a recent case of academic failure based on inadequate attitudes and behaviours.


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Este trabalho discute as Representações Sociais construídas por Coordenadores Pedagógicos sobre seu próprio trabalho. Apresenta-se, devido à atual pauta de reflexões da categoria, como uma discussão importante, principalmente se considerada como uma atividade profissional multifacetada e que encerra várias funções e atribuições simultâneas. De forma a constituir as bases teórico-metodológicas para a análise da temática, foram pesquisados autores de referência, a exemplo de Serge Moscovici (1971), com sua teoria das Representações Sociais e António Nóvoa que discute a teoria da pessoalidade inscrita no interior de uma teoria da profissionalidade para captar o sentido de uma profissão. A pesquisa apoiou-se na Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional LDB-9394/96, bem como na Classificação Brasileira de Ocupações de 2002 que descreve e delimita as matrizes de responsabilidade do cargo e/ou função do Coordenador Pedagógico. Em relação à metodologia, procura articular uma pesquisa de cunho bibliográfico com a pesquisa de campo, com a realização de entrevistas com coordenadores pedagógicos de várias instituições educativas, a partir de um roteiro aberto. Os resultados revelaram novas relações e novas formas de entendimento da realidade do trabalho do Coordenador Pedagógico, do seu papel profissional, das dificultadas enfrentadas no cotidiano, de forma a oferecer algumas reflexões sobre as políticas e práticas relacionadas ao seu papel na organização do trabalho da e na escola.


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Resiliência remete à habilidade do ser humano de demonstrar êxito diante das adversidades da vida, superá-las e, inclusive, ser fortalecido ou transformado por elas. O construto tem sido estudado há cerca de quarenta anos na Psiquiatria com foco em crianças, mas sua investigação é bem mais recente com a população adulta. No mundo da competição esportiva, os estudos são escassos. O contexto esportivo apresenta altos desafios e adversidades constantes que os atletas precisam vencer para cumprir as metas profissionais; por isso, convivem, muito frequentemente, com seus limites físicos e psicológicos. Assim, a resiliência pode ser um importante aspecto em suas vidas profissionais. Este estudo objetiva descrever os níveis de resiliência dos atletas no Basquetebol e identificar possíveis relações entre resiliência e alguns indicadores de eficiência estatística. Participaram da pesquisa, voluntariamente, 71 atletas profissionais adultos e atuantes da modalidade. As variáveis foram avaliadas por meio da Escala de Avaliação de Resiliência EAR, de um questionário de dados sociodemográficos e de índices de eficiência registrados pela Federação Paulista de Basquetebol. Os resultados de análises estatísticas descritivas e de correlações bivariadas de Pearson permitiram observar que os atletas demonstraram um alto nível de resiliência com destaque para a persistência diante das dificuldades e a aceitação positiva de mudanças. Os fatores que compõem a resiliência não apresentaram correlação significativa no tocante ao coeficiente de eficiência dos atletas. Ao comparar as médias por meio da análise de variância percebeu-se que os atletas que possuíam entre cinco e dez anos de profissão apresentaram melhores médias de coeficiente de eficiência. Os resultados revelam, ainda, que os atletas que atuam menos de 8 minutos na partida, em média, produzem menores índices de eficiência estatística e que os atletas que pertencem às equipes de resultados medianos na tabela de classificação tendem a apresentar maior percepção de competência pessoal que os atletas que atuam nas equipes mais mal colocadas. Os fatores de resiliência não se diferenciam em função da experiência dos atletas, nem do tempo em média que permanecem em quadra. Esses resultados revelam a necessidade de questionar se os indicadores de eficiência estatística seriam os critérios mais adequados para verificar o papel da resiliência na vida de atletas de Basquetebol e apontam para a necessidade de aumentar o número de estudos sobre a influência de características individuais no mundo dos esportes profissionais.


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O presente trabalho tem como tema central a opinião do surdo universitário sobre sua auto- estima e qualidade vida. Os objetivos foram conhecer o joven-adulto surdo universitário, segundo sua opinião, buscando especificamente identificar os fatores que contribuíram para o seu desenvolvimento psicológico e sua auto-estima; e identificar as características da qualidade de vida, considerando os aspectos físico, psicológico, relações sociais e meio ambiente. Participaram desta pesquisa 3 jovens-adultos surdos, universitários. O método utilizado foi o descritivo qualitativo, usando-se como fonte de coleta de dados a entrevista livre e o WHOQOL-bref. O método qualitativo na área da saúde visa investigar o significado que os fenômenos sentimentos, idéias, vivências, manifestações, dentre outros, tem para as pessoas e que dão molde às suas vidas incluindo os cuidados com a saúde. Percebemos que ao atingirem a fase adulta, os sujeitos pesquisados conseguem tomar decisões e escolher seus caminhos com maior liberdade em função das experiências e condições que lhes foram apresentadas. Verificamos que as situações vividas no ambiente escolar e o aprendizado da língua de sinais contribuíram para sua constituição como sujeito não limitado à condição da surdez. Foi possível identificar que possuem expectativas profissionais futuras e expressaram suas dificuldades, desejos, frustrações diante do mercado de trabalho, relações sociais e familiares como qualquer outro individuo, encontrando recursos internos para o enfrentamento das circunstâncias cotidianas. Os resultados da pesquisa também permitiram observar que os surdos reconhecem o grau de satisfação que têm com a vida, seu estado de saúde e cuidados com seu bem-estar físico, psicológico e social. Concluímos que ao recontar sua história de vida os surdos têm a possibilidade de se reconhecer como sujeitos e a oportunidade de dar continuidade às próprias vivências que contribuíram para seu bem-estar


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The central aim of this interdisciplinary book is to make visible the intentionality behind the 'forgetting' of European women's contributions during the period between the two world wars in the context of politics, culture and society. It also seeks to record and analyse women's agency in the construction and reconstruction of Europe and its nation states after the First World War, and thus to articulate ways in which the writing of women's history necessarily entails the rewriting of everyone's history. By showing that the erasure of women's texts from literary and cultural history was not accidental but was ideologically motivated, the essays explicitly and implicitly contribute to debates surrounding canon formation. Other important topics are women's political activism during the period, antifascism, the contributions made by female journalists, the politics of literary production, genre, women's relationship with and contributions to the avant-garde, women's professional lives, and women's involvement in voluntary associations. In bringing together the work of scholars whose fields of expertise are diverse but whose interests converge on the inter-war period, the volume invites readers to make connections and comparisons across the whole spectrum of women's political, social, and cultural activities throughout Europe.


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The purpose of this study was threefold. The primary purpose was to develop a stress profile for teachers in private schools. This study also addressed two exploratory issues. The first, consisted of an examination of the possible differences in the levels of on-the-job stress among teachers in different types of private schools. A second issue was to discuss the findings on private school in light of the extant literature on public schools, specifically using the data collected by Fimain to develop the Teacher Stress Inventory. This study was conducted utilizing 316 full time teachers from seven schools from six different states.^ The instrument employed in this study was the Teacher Stress Inventory (TSI) developed by Fimian (1988). The TSI is a 10 factor, 49 item self-report measure. The 10 factors consist of five Stress Sources and five Stress measure. The 10 factors consist of five Stress Sources and five Stress Manifestations subscales. The mean for these 10 factors yields the stress construct termed "Total Stress." Of the 437 surveys mailed, 316 usable surveys, i.e., 72.3%, were returned.^ The results suggest that private school teachers experience moderate levels of stress. The mean score was 2.27 indicating a lower than average stress level as measured by the TSI. Comparisons between types of private schools revealed that there were no significant differences between the stress levels of teachers in boarding and nonboarding schools. Teachers in large schools experience significantly higher levels of stress than teachers in small and medium size schools. However, the measurable difference between them translates into a very small difference in terms of the real stress levels of these teachers in their professional lives. A significant difference was also found between the stress levels of public $(M=2.60)$ and private school teachers $(M=2.27).$ Both means fall within the moderate range, however, while private school teachers experience lower than average levels of stress, the stress levels of teachers in public schools falls in the higher than average range.^ Recommendations for reducing stress levels in both private and public schools are presented as well as suggestions for future research. ^


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This study examined the long-term effects of bilingual education/ESOL instruction on Hispanic university students' subsequent Spanish language maintenance using sociolinguistic methodology as its framework. The study investigated whether or not Hispanic university students who had participated in bilingual or ESOL classes in their elementary schooling maintained Spanish as young adults. Maintenance included using Spanish in their personal and professional lives and demonstrating written competence in Spanish, as well as whether subjects considered themselves to be bilingual, how they rated their ability in different skill areas for the two languages, and if they exhibited positive attitudes toward language and education as compared to Hispanic students who had experienced an all English classroom situation. A Language and Education Survey was developed to collect data pertaining to these areas. ^ A convenience sample of 202 Hispanic undergraduate university students enrolled in education classes at Florida International University during the 2000–2001 academic year participated in the study. Subjects were grouped according to the type of program they had experienced at the elementary school level, Bilingual/ESOL and All English. ^ Statistically significant differences were found between the groups in subjects' self-ratings of their abilities in speaking, reading, writing, and comprehension. No statistically significant differences were found with respect to the continuation of Spanish language study at the secondary school or college levels although there was a significant difference in number of semesters for those who planned to do so. ^ In language use, there were statistically significant differences overall as there were in the personal domain, but none were found in the professional domain; nor were there any statistically significant differences between the groups with respect to attitudes regarding education and language. There were statistically significant differences between the two groups for communicative competence in written Spanish. These statistically significant findings in language ability, language use and written communicative competence indicated that Hispanic university students who were enrolled in bilingual programs/ESOL in their earlier schooling did maintain Spanish as their native language as compared to Hispanic students who did not participate in such programs. ^


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This study examines the impact of globalization and religious nationalism on the personal and professional lives of urban Hindu middle class media women. The research demonstrates how newly strengthened forces of globalization and Hindutva shape Indian womanhood. The research rests on various data that reveal how Indian women interpret and negotiate constructed identities. The study seeks to give voice to the objectified by scrutinizing and challenging the stereotypical modern faces of Indian womanhood seen in the narratives of globalization and Hindutva. Feminist open-ended interviewing was conducted in English and Hindi in New Delhi, the capital of India, with 23 Hindu women, employed by electronic and print media corporations. Accumulated data were analyzed and interpreted using feminist critical discourse analysis. Findings from the study indicate that while the Indian middle class women have embraced professional opportunities presented by globalization, they remain circumscribed by mutating gender politics. The research also finds that as academic and professional progress empower the women within their homes, their public lives have become fraught with increasing gender violence and decreasing recourse to justice. Therefore, women accept the power stratification of their lives as being dependent on spatial and temporal distinctions, and have learnt to engage and strategize with the public environment for physical safety and personal-professional progress. While the media women see systemic masculine domination as being symbiotic with tenets of religious nationalism, they exhibit an unquestioned embracing of capitalism/globalization as the means of empowerment. My research also strongly indicates the importance of the media’s role in shaping gender dynamics in a global context. In conclusion, my research shows the mediawomen’s immense agency in pursuing academic and professional careers while being aware of deeply ingrained gender roles through their strong commitment towards their families. The findings of this study contribute to the literature on Third World nationalism, urban globalization and understandings of reworked-renewed masculine domination. Finally, the study also engages with recent scholarship on the Indian middle class (See Nanda 2010; Shenoy 2009; Lukose 2005; and Radhakrishnan 2006) while simultaneously addressing the notions of privilege and disengagement levied at the middle class woman, a symbiosis of idealization and imprisonment.


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Nel Noddings’ 1984 publication, Caring: A Feminine Approach to Ethics and Moral Education was the first formal introduction of the concept of an “ethic of care”. It is a concept that stresses the importance of compassion in any relationship. For the purpose of this dissertation, the ethic of care was studied in a specific educational community. ^ This research focused on the role of care ethics in a secondary school (The Ransom School for Boys) from 1903 to 1974. The researcher identified this school as one that operated with an ethic of care and collected and analyzed data from historical school documents as well as from 60–90 minute individual interviews with six alumni, five retired faculty, and two administrators. ^ The case study addressed how students and faculty experienced care ethics within the school and how it has been maintained throughout the adult lives of alumni. An a priori coding rubric was used to examine the presence of care ethics at the Ransom School for Boys and in the adult lives of its alumni. This rubric was generated using information taken from the literature review and encompasses 36 different words to identify the presence of care ethics. ^ The primary research question was: How have alumni incorporated care ethics into their personal and professional lives? Secondary questions included: (1) How did the ethic of care present itself over the span of 71 years? (2) Was character education part of the formal curriculum at the Ransom School? (3) Was character education part of the hidden curriculum at the Ransom School? (4) Did the presence of care ethics support the values being taught in the home? ^ While there has been research done on the importance of care ethics in an educational institution, the research is void of direct evidence associated with care ethics in a school community, specifically, an all-boys, private school. Through deductive analysis, care ethics was found to be present and utilized at the school. The interviews and historical documents suggested that moral education was an integral part of the informal curriculum and helped to integrate the ethic of care within the community.^


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Dissertação apresentada para obtenção do grau de mestre no âmbito do Mestrado em Educação Social e Intervenção Comunitária da Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Santarém


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Following previous research carried out by Chalari (2014; 2015), this qualitative study explores the ways in which the younger generation in Greece and UK has been affected by austerity policy measures. These two countries have been at the forefront of intense social, political and economic transformations that have impacted particularly on young people’s current and future lives. This study aims to explore similarities and differences in young people’s subjective experiences and responses, as from this it may be possible to discern whether there is a general, long-term negative effect of austerity across Europe. The data shows that there are some similarities in the two cohorts’ subjective experiences and responses, but perhaps more interestingly some significant differences. The study discusses what the implications of these differences might be for young people and society in these countries, in terms of their impact on the abilities of the younger generation, in a way that has the potential to destabilize their personal and professional lives now and in the future.


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This interactive symposium will focus on the use of different technologies in developing innovative practice in teacher education at one university in England. Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) is a field of educational policy and practice that has the power to ignite diametrically opposing views and reactions amongst teachers and teacher educators, ranging across a spectrum from immense enthusiasm to untold terror. In a field where the skills and experience of individuals vary from those of digital natives (Prensky 2001) to lags and lurkers in digital spaces, the challenges of harnessing the potential of TEL are complex. The challenges include developing the IT skills of trainees and educators and the creative application of these skills to pedagogy in all areas of the curriculum. The symposium draws on examples from primary, secondary and post-compulsory teacher education to discuss issues and approaches to developing research capacity and innovative practice using different etools, many of which are freely available. The first paper offers theoretical and policy perspectives on finding spaces in busy professional lives to engage in research and develop research-informed practice. It draws on notions of teachers as researchers, practitioner research and evidenc-ebased practice to argue that engagement in research is integral to teacher education and an empowering source of creative professional learning for teachers and teacher educators. Whilst acknowledging the challenges of this stance, examples from our own research practice illustrate how e-tools can assist us in building the capacity and confidence of staff and students in researching and enhancing teaching, learning and assessment practice. The second paper discusses IT skills development through the TEL pathway for trainee teachers in secondary education across different curriculum subjects. The lead tutor for the TEL pathway will use examples of activities developed with trainee teachers and university subject tutors to enhance their skills in using e-tools, such as QR codes, Kahoot, Padlet, Pinterest and cloud based learning. The paper will also focus on how these skills and tools can be used for action Discussant - the wider use of technologies in a university centre for teacher education; course management, recruitment and mentor training. research, evaluation and feedback and for marking and administrative tasks. The discussion will finish with thoughts on widening trainee teachers’ horizons into the future direction of educational technology. The third paper considers institutional policies and strategies for promoting and embedding TEL, including an initiative called ‘The Learning Conversation’, which aims ‘to share, highlight, celebrate, discuss, problematise, find things out...’ about TEL through an online space. The lead for ‘The Learning Conversation’ will offer reflections on this and other initiatives across the institution involving trainee teachers, university subject tutors, librarians and staff in student support services who are using TEL to engage, enthuse and support students on campus and during placements in schools. The fourth paper reflects on the use of TEL to engage with trainee teachers in post-compulsory education. This sector of education and training is more fragmented than primary and secondary schools sectors and so the challenges of building a community of practice that can support the development of innovative practice are greater.


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Dissertação apresentada para obtenção do grau de mestre no âmbito do Mestrado em Educação Social e Intervenção Comunitária da Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Santarém


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Dissertação de mest. em Ciências da Educação na Especialidade de Observação e Análise da Relação Educativa, Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais, Universidade do Algarve, 2003


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Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Educação, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação, 2016.