984 resultados para procura
Em À procura da música sem sombra, Lia Tomás analisa o trabalho do pensador francês Michel-Paul-Guy de Chabanon (1730-92), cujo livro Da música em si e suas relações com a palavra, as línguas, a poesia e o teatro foi uma espécie de manifesto erudito a favor da música instrumental enquanto gênero autônomo, conceito que teria tido fundamental importância para o romantismo do século XIX e os movimentos que o sucederam. Tomás disseca a obra de Chabanon mantendo o autor no seu contexto. Violinista, amigo de Voltaire, Chabanon era um ativo participante das discussões sobre arte e música do seu tempo. Opôs-se às ideias musicais de Rousseau e outros enciclopedistas, como a origem unitária da música e da palavra, o papel subalterno da música na ópera e a não diferenciação entre linguagem verbal e musical. A autora discorre com precisão sobre os subsídios estéticos e filosóficos fornecidos por Chabanon para a reflexão sobre a música instrumental, e que foram elaborados com o objetivo explícito de delimitar as características desta e demonstrar suas diferenças e autonomia: a música sem sombra a que se refere Lia Tomás. O trabalho traz na íntegra a primeira parte do livro de Chabanon, escrito de maneira deliciosamente coloquial e por isso praticamente ignorado em sua época.
In the last twenty years, and more expressively in the past decade, the search for improvement in the organ transplantation system has contributed to the achievement of positive results in the Brazilian statistics related to the survival of transplanted individuals. However, for a transplantation to be performed, a number of phases must be followed by professionals working in organ search services. The phase that generates the greatest tension is undoubtedly that of family interviews, as it involves both the feelings of relatives who are facing a recent loss and those of interviewers who need to know how to deal with families at this time. The goal of this study was to apprehend perceptions of professionals working for an Organ Search Organization concerning interviews with relatives of potential donors. The qualitative methodology was used by adopting the Collective Subject Discourse for data organization. Interviews were conducted with six staff members of an organ search service whose experience as interviewers comprised from eight to fourteen years of work. It was possible to apprehend the professionals’ perceptions of family interviews and identify facilitating and hindering factors in this phase of the donation process. Such factors mainly involve: contact with the teams assisting patients, the difficult moment that families are experiencing and the teams’ as well as the institution’s preparation for rendering this type of service. The balance between the offer of and demand for organs in Brazil will only be achieved by means of an efficient and effective structure in transplantation organ search services and increased donation consent rates to be obtained by adequate communication between interviewers and relatives
Pós-graduação em Letras - FCLAS
Writing about philosophical practice with children requires a memory of the body, a body that holds on to what is important to itself. My memory begins with my contact with the ideas of Matthew Lipman and the new ideas brought by his words, and continues with the need to change some of them and assign different meanings to others. Since my reading of the thinkers of the so called “Frankfurt School,” some words have taken new meanings to me, and have informed the way I now understand the practice of philosophy with children and its relationship to issues like educational “formation,” as well as others. Philosophical practice is unique, and needs to be thought, felt, and experienced; it has its own time and involves the construction and transformation of subjectivity itself. As such, to search for words in philosophy means to chose those words that can help us make sense and give meaning of what we do and think, allowing us to work with our thinking and with its forms of expression, beyond its technical dimension. In this sense, the usual emphasis of philosophy in its more technical dimension leads to an impoverishment of formation as experience, for the latter, which is a fundamental dimension of our lives, is rendered secondary. This has implications for the relationship between adults and children. When they reduce philosophy to a study of the formal capacity of thinking, teachers put students in the condition of a minority, and therefore in some way also put themselves in such a condition. In this paper, the activity of writing - as a way of expressing thought - allows me to conduct a tour my own subjectivity, and to encounter the words that express the meanings that inform what I think and do about my practice with philosophical novels, and about the value of generating texts related to philosophical practice, formation and assessment.
The objective was to assess in women with children under 5 years old what happened to your pregnancy in relation to dental care, coupled with a probable correlation between the level of their knowledge on dental health and possible reasons which lead or have led to a late seeking such treatment. The interviews were conducted in an environment of health center in the city center and the Odontoly Faculty in Araraquara. Among the interviews mothers, 57% refused the dental treatment during pregnancy. It appears on mothers that are afraid to perform a dental treatment during pregnancy. The misinformation on this issue often associated with this belief in the medical field that dental care during the first three months of pregnancy is harmful to the baby. Such information passed on to mothers leads to a hesitancy with dental treatment during this period. The educational level of mothers did not interfere in this pursuit, and 24.5% of them avoid treatment during pregnancy. The difference, however, is between those mothers of high educational level, performing oral prevention before pregnancy.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Modern society is characterized by the advance of technologies, the emergence and constant development of the technological field is responsible for a series of population adjustments, that being practically molded and daily transformed by media, which usually has the power of manipulating opinions and public approaches in every capacity and extensions of our lives, being a significantly and important tool, which most part of individuals in contemporary society can't work and live without, therefore most part of individuals depend on the use of many technological means, including social means, which have great relationship with the development and emergence of many psychological problems that completely impact on the social life of affected individuals, thus Physical Education is an area with the goal of verifying the level of influence that media reflects on the lifestyle choice to be followed and the relation of this influence with the presence and development of a series of psychological disorders that affect directly the health of those individuals. It has been gathered data about the subject according to scientific basis, more specifically, on Academic Google, Scielo and Pubmed, where it has been researched scientific articles that could contribute with the data and information to complete the text. The psychology of sports is an area of studies and knowledge that investigates and develops insight about these questions, making available scientifically tested and proven materials that supports the P.E. professional, that is connected in the practical field to visualize possible chained symptoms of these psychopathologies according to the development of these psychic disorders, that are usually common in current days, more precisely, disorders such as Anorexia, Vigorexia, self-dependence to physical exercise and selfcorporal dissapproval. It's vital to have total attention with the possibility of evolution of this psychopatology...
O estudo da procura por empregos é uma via elucidativa não apenas para descrever as mudanças recentes da organização do mercado de trabalho, mas também para deslindar o modo como os laços sociais operam na sociedade contemporânea: nos permite desvelar a maneira pela qual mobilizam-se relações sociais, revelam-se eficazes os laços sociais, indicando o peso dos mecanismos não mercantis na organização e reprodução da vida social, em geral, e na operação do mercado de trabalho, em particular.
OBJETIVO: Verificar a relação entre limiares audiométricos, autopercepção do handicap e tempo para procura de tratamento em indivíduos atendidos em um serviço público de saúde auditiva. MÉTODOS: Trata-se de estudo retrospectivo, com análise de prontuários de 152 idosos e 48 adultos deficientes auditivos. As médias de limiares audiométricos ISO (500 Hz a 4 kHz) e de altas frequências (2 a 6 kHz), os limiares de reconhecimento de fala e a pontuação total e das subescalas social e emocional dos Questionários de Handicap Auditivo para Adultos (HHIA) e Idosos (HHIE) foram comparados com o tempo compreendido entre o início da queixa auditiva e o momento da procura por tratamento. RESULTADOS: O tempo médio para procura do tratamento foi de 7,6 anos. Não houve diferença entre adultos e idosos para as médias dos limiares ISO e de alta frequência, pontuação total e das subescalas do HHIA/E, e tempo para procura do tratamento. Correlações negativas fracas, porém significativas, foram observadas entre os limiares audiométricos e o tempo para procura de tratamento. Não foram encontradas relações entre o tempo para procura de tratamento e as variáveis referentes à escolaridade, nível sócio econômico e percepção do handicap. CONCLUSÃO: Os limiares audiométricos parecem influenciar a procura pelo tratamento. A despeito dos avanços tecnológicos e mudanças no acesso à informação e ao tratamento, o tempo de procura pelo tratamento é similar ao encontrado há 30 anos.
El objetivo de este trabajo es investigar el lenguaje jurídico de las actas notariales y presentar la traducción de un poder del español al italiano mediante el uso de programas de traducción asistida. La finalidad del presente estudio es la de proporcionar un análisis del género textual del acta notarial en clave contrastiva, es decir, teniendo en cuenta el derecho italiano y el español, y delinear las fases del proceso traductivo que el traductor jurídico tiene que llevar a cabo. El trabajo consta de seis capítulos. El Capítulo I se centra en el análisis del lenguaje jurídico con sus características léxicas, sintácticas y textuales. Se describen también algunos conceptos básicos de derecho privado que son necesarios para entender y traducir actas notariales. El Capítulo II se focaliza en la traducción jurídica analizando las fases, las dificultades y las estrategias que caracterizan el proceso traductivo de un texto jurídico y las fuentes de documentación útiles para llevarlo a cabo. El Capítulo III trata del género textual del acta notarial y de la individuación de la macroestructura que está a la base de este tipo de documento. En el Capítulo IV se ilustran los programas de traducción asistida y los recursos creados para realizar la traducción del acta notarial objeto de este trabajo: corpora, termbase y memorias de traducción. El Capítulo V presenta un análisis del texto origen con la individuación de las características del lenguaje jurídico español y la propuesta de traducción del documento. El Capítulo VI consiste en un comentario de las diferentes fases del trabajo, junto a una reflexión sobre las principales dificultades de traducción y las estrategias empleadas para solucionarlas. Por último, se proporciona la evaluación de la traducción por parte de un experto del dominio jurídico, los resultados obtenidos y los cambios realizados en la traducción.