952 resultados para primary science


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Amidst an international call for a re-formed and re-envisaged science education agenda, the actual state of teaching science in primary schools is still much the same as it was 15 years or more ago. Whilst much research has provided insights into possible approaches for primary science education, we still find ‘blockers’ to a fully implemented science curriculum in schools. Pre-service teachers, as part of their assessment in a science education unit, interviewed primary teachers and asked the reason behind the approach to science in schools. The responses were varied, with some schools and teachers paying lip service to science education, whereas, in schools where science is a critical element of the curriculum, it is still mainly through the driving force of one enthusiastic teacher. This research will report on the aggregated responses from the surveys and attempt to identify possible ways forward, as suggested by data analysis.


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This presentation reports on the methodological issues confronting an Australian-German-Taiwanese team planning comparative video ethnographic research into primary science classrooms. The issues that will be canvassed include: the benefits of cross-cultural comparisons in providing perspectives on local practice, the theoretical justifications of such comparisons, selection of cases for comparison and possibilities for claiming cultural representativeness, the planning of appropriate data sets, the different comparative stories offered by different analytical frames, practical issues of communication and data sharing, and issues of entanglement of language and culture in the analysis.


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This paper uses cultural historical activity theory to examine the interactions between the choices primary teachers make in the use of practical activities in their teaching of science and the purposes they attribute to these; their emotions, background and beliefs; and the construction of their identities as teachers of science. It draws on four case studies of science lessons taught over a term by four exemplary teachers of primary science. The data collected includes video recordings of science lessons, interviews with each teacher and some of their students, student work, teachers’ planning documents and observation notes. In this paper, we examine the reflexive relationship between emotion and identity, and the teachers’ objectives for their students’ learning; the purposes (scientific and social) the teachers attributed to practical activities; and the ways in which the teachers incorporated practical activities into their lessons. The findings suggest that it is not enough to address content knowledge, pedagogy and pedagogical content knowledge in teacher education, but that efforts also need to be made to influence prospective primary teachers’ identities as scientific thinkers and their emotional commitment to their students’ learning of science.


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The Primary Science Specialist (PrimSS) Professional Learning Program consisted of a fifteen day program, of which Deakin delivered 5 days of pedagogy and content in science education, followed by 3 days of leading change in schools and developing other teachers' capacities. Delivered in several phases, it was possible to provide teachers with ideas and models for them to trial within their schools and to report back to the group, during the program.


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The purpose of this report is to describe the 8 day Deakin professional learning program and to examine the outcomes of the program based on feedback from participants, using a variety of data sources within the program. This evaluation of the Deakin professional learning program for primary science specialists is conducted for formative purposes, using mainly teachers' perceptions of the 5 day Professional development with science content and pedagogy focus (day 2-4, day 6-7) and the 3 day leading change focus (day 11-13). Feedback was acted on over the period of the professional development program.


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The STEPS Project responds to international concern about primary teachers’ lack of science knowledge and confidence to teach science, and recent questioning of the effectiveness of traditional approaches to teacher education. The project reviews and builds on established, innovative and successful practices at five universities, to develop and promote a framework supporting school‐based approaches to pre‐service teacher education. This paper will outline the processes involved in developing an Interpretive Framework, which will be a key outcome of the project. The Interpretive Framework identifies key elements to assist teacher educators in planning, implementing and sustaining school-based approaches to teacher education.


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This paper derives from the authors’ experiences of the development of a successful science specialism, implemented in a large primary school in regional Victoria, Australia, since 2012. We discuss how diverse resources – people, spaces, equipment, materials and ideas – were brought together to support a science specialism that focuses on positioning students as burgeoning experts; leveraging and enhancing connections with community; and, developing positive dispositions towards science and the environment. Our discussion is supported by illustrative excerpts from interviews, focus groups and meetings with school and university staff members. We conclude by identifying characteristics that might suggest principles for success in other contexts.


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This session will provide you with opportunity to find out what is being achieved and explore the implications for your own practice.


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The quality of science education has been the focus of a number of research projects nationally and internationally, including concerns about primary teachers’ lack of science knowledge and confidence to teach science. In addition, the effectiveness of traditional approaches to teacher education have been questioned. The Science Teacher Partnerships with Schools (STEPS) responds to these concerns by investigating the effectiveness of school-based approaches to pre-service primary science teacher education. It considers established, innovative and successful practices at five universities to develop and promote a framework supporting school-based approaches to pre-service teacher education. An analysis of the five models was conducted in 2013 involving interviews with teacher educators, pre-service teachers, and school principals and teachers. Pre-service teachers at these universities also engaged in pre- and post- online surveys generating data on their expectations and experiences associated with these experiences. This paper reports on the analysis of the survey data, which shows that there are statistically significant gains in pre-service teachers’ responses to several items relating to their confidence to teach science. Analysis of the data also shows interesting differences between universities noted in different confidence items. The school based experience was shown to provide these pre-service teachers with an authentic engagement with the teaching of science while being supported by their university tutors. While raising confidence at university does not automatically translate to confident early career teachers, the gains in confidence are an important step in assisting prospective teachers to approach the teaching of science more positively than they might otherwise. Implications for teacher education and the role that university-school partnerships can play in preparing confident teachers of science will be discussed.


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The STEPS project responds to international concern about primary teachers' lack of science knowledge and confidence to teach science, and recent questioning of the effectiveness of traditional approaches to teacher education.It will review and build on established, innovative and successful practices at five universities, to develop and promote a framework supporting school-based approaches to pre-service teacher education.The models involve partnerships between universities and primary schools to engage pre-service primary teachers in classroom teaching and learning that effectively connects theory with practice.Through critical appraisal of these and similar models, the project will identify key features of the approach and the critical success factors required to establish and maintain strong working relationships with schools and build student capacity.The principles, framework, and resources together with exemplifying case studies, will be designed and disseminated to promote uptake of these innovative practices in the sector.This website documents the nature of the project, the emerging Interpretive Framework, principles and resources, case studies, and other project outputs.


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This chapter reports on results of an international research project across Australia, Taiwan and Germany, titled: Exploring quality primary education in different cultures: A cross-national study of teaching and learning in primary science classrooms (EQUALPRIME).1 Its aim is to explore through video capture the practice of expert teachers of science in Taiwan, Germany and Australia. This chapter explores the pedagogical practices in two cases – fi rstly a Grade 4 Australian school with a specialist science teacher, Bob (pseudonym), and secondly, a mixed-age (Grade 4–6) German classroom being co-taught by a pair of teachers, Mr Arnold and Mrs Lennard. In both cases the students were studying the topic of force. The project is not determining what quality teaching is in any essentialised sense; this could be contentious in that quality practice might be considered to varywithin classrooms from the same country, let alone across countries and across cultures. Rather, given cases in which quality teaching is reported to be occurring, the project aims to describe these examples and identify features of quality science teaching practices as judged by peers in varied cultural settings. Data from these two cases in which quality teaching of science occurs, are used to address the research question: What can quality teaching and learning look like in a science classroom?