945 resultados para pre-slaughter management


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Background: Iran is an area of particular interest for investigating goat diversity. Archaeological remains indicate early goat domestication (about 10 000 years ago) in the Iranian Zagros Mountains as well as in the high Euphrates valley and southeastern Anatolia. In addition, mitochondrial DNA data of domestic goats and wild ancestors (C. aegagrusor bezoar) suggest a pre-domestication management of wild populations in southern Zagros and central Iranian Plateau. In this study genetic diversity was assessed in seven Iranian native goat breeds, namely Markhoz, Najdi, Taleshi, Khalkhali, Naini, native Abadeh and Turki-Ghashghaei. A total of 317 animals were characterized using 14 microsatellite loci. Two Pakistani goat populations, Pahari and Teddy, were genotyped for comparison.Results: Iranian goats possess a remarkable genetic diversity (average expected heterozygosity of 0.671 across loci, 10.7 alleles per locus) mainly accounted for by the within-breed component (G(ST) = 5.9%). Positive and highly significant F-IS values in the Naini, Turki-Ghashghaei, Abadeh and Markhoz breeds indicate some level of inbreeding in these populations. Multivariate analyses cluster Iranian goats into northern, central and western groups, with the western breeds relatively distinct from the others. Pakistani breeds show some relationship with Iranian populations, even if their position is not consistent across analyses. Gene flow was higher within regions (west, north, central) compared to between regions but particularly low between the western and the other two regions, probably due to the isolating topography of the Zagros mountain range. The Turki-Ghashghaei, Najdi and Abadeh breeds are reared in geographic areas where mtDNA provided evidence of early domestication. These breeds are highly variable, located on basal short branches in the neighbor-joining tree, close to the origin of the principal component analysis plot and, although highly admixed, they are quite distinct from those reared on the western side of the Zagros mountain range.Conclusions: These observations call for further investigation of the nuclear DNA diversity of these breeds within a much wider geographic context to confirm or re-discuss the current hypothesis (based on maternal lineage data) of an almost exclusive contribution of the eastern Anatolian bezoar to the domestic goat gene pool.


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Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FCAV


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Pós-graduação em Ciência e Tecnologia Animal - FEIS


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The ractopamine is a β-adrenergic agonist used as a divider of energy in diets for finishing pigs. However, research shows that this additive may effect on welfare and meat quality. In this context, the aim was to evaluate the influence in three levels of inclusion of ractopamine (0, 5 and 10ppm) in commercial pigs diet (castrated, males and females, n = 340) for 28 days pre-slaughter on the welfare and meat quality. The wellbeing was assessed by the behavior of animals, number of skin damages, carcass damages and physiological stress (lactate, cortisol and creatinine phosphokinase). The evaluation of meat quality was performed by analyzing pH, color, drip and cooking loss, shear force and marbling of the longissimus dorsi muscle of 90 selected pigs. There was no influence of treatments on the behavior, the total number of skin damages and carcass damages or concentration of cortisol and lactate. However, levels of the enzyme creatine phosphokinase (CPK) increased in pigs supplemented with ractopamine. This shows that, somehow, this additive led to physiological changes in animals that consumed it. PH and drip loss did not change by the addition of ractopamine in the diet. In contrast, the Longissimus dorsi of pigs that received ractopamine presented less intense red color and no difference was found in L* and b*. The inclusion of ractopamine in the diet reduced the degree of marbling, cooking loss and tenderness of the muscle. Supplementation did not lead to behavioral change, increased incidence of injury, plasma cortisol and lactate and minimal impact on meat quality. However, there was evidence that the animals fed the additive suffered physiological changes


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The genetic selection and the nutritional management to improve milk production make the dairy cattle more susceptible to the development of diseases, such as the abomasal displacement. It is the most frequently detected abomasal problem and it is the main cause of abdominal surgeries in dairy cattle. It is a multifactorial disease that occurs mainly in dairy cattle of high production during the puerperium. The abomasal displacement can occur to the right (DAD) or to the left (DAE), being the former more frequent than the latter. It is related to feeding management and occurs in animals that also have other diseases such as hypocalcaemia, ketosis and retained placenta. The disease causes economical losses in dairy cattle because of the costs with treatment, reduction of production, increase of the interval between the parturition, loss of body weight, early discard of the matrix and mortality. The most usual clinical signs are apathy, dehydration, low to serious ruminal timpanismo (gas accumulation in the abomasum) with reduction or lack of motility, liquid splash sound during the ballottement of the right flank, metallic sound to percussion, presence of a structure similar to distended viscera in the thorax or in the paralombar cavity on the side corresponding to the displacement, and liquefied, dark, scarce and fetid feces. The treatment is surgical, and the most used technique is the omentopexy on the left flank. The hidroelectrolytic correction must be performed and the concomitant diseases must be treated. The prophylaxis consists of adequate nutrition and pre-parturition management, besides reduction of stress and other diseases of the puerperium


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Pós-graduação em Microbiologia Agropecuária - FCAV


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The aim of this study was to compare the following four genetic groups of hair sheep: Santa Inês (SI), Morada Nova (MN), Brazilian Somali (BS), and the F1 1/2Dorper x 1/2Morada Nova crossbreed on traits related to growth and parasitic infection. Thirty-three male lambs of the same age and of simple birth, under the same pre-weaning management conditions were used in the experiment. After weaning the animals were housed in a completely randomized design in paddocks made of Panicum maximum cv. Tanzania. Along the course of the research, the performance of the four groups of sheep was observed to be negatively affected by gastrointestinal parasites, but there was a genotype effect to the average daily weight gain (ADWG), where the SI and F1 genotypes presented higher values. The effects of genotype, time and genotype x time interaction were significant in weight and corporal score (CS) measurements. The BS lambs had the highest CS values throughout the experiment despite not presenting greater weight gain when compared to the SI and F1 breeds. There were also significant effects of time and genotype x time interaction for packed cell volume (PCV) and FAMACHA© score (FAM) and only the time effect was significant in the total number of eggs per gram (EPG) and total plasma protein (TPP). The MN lambs showed higher PCV values and unlike the other groups, presented a FAMACHA© score below 3 and PCV above 23% even having a higher EPG tendency, especially in the initial phase, indicating a possible higher resilience to infection caused by gastrointestinal parasites.


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Attempts to improve beef tenderness through supplementation with dietary vitamin D-3 have been challenged by null results and negative impacts on animal performance and carcass traits. Because vitamin D-3 is also synthesised by the animal via ultraviolet radiation from sunlight, the effectiveness of supplementation with dietary vitamin D-3 may be modulated by the degree of exposure of the animal to sunlight. Hence, this work aimed to verify whether dietary vitamin D-3 modifies meat quality without negatively affecting animal performance and carcass traits in B. indicus beef cattle that were either exposed to or protected from natural sunlight. Forty-two (411 +/- 38 kg) Nellore-type castrated males were fed a high-concentrate diet for 45 days after assignment to a treatment group. The treatments comprised combinations of three levels of vitamin D3 [ViTD - none (V0) or 2 x 10(6) IU of vitamin D-3 administered for either 2 (V2) or 8 (V8) consecutive days pre-slaughter] and two shading conditions (SHADE - unshaded or shaded). The post-mortem (pm) measurements were taken in the Longissimus thoracis et lumborum muscle. The animal performance and carcass traits were unaffected by ViTD or SHADE The V2 treatment increased the Myofibrillar Fragmentation Index in shaded animals compared to unshaded ones. Animals under shade had higher muscle calcium concentration. There was no effect of either ViTD or SHADE on the shear force. The L* values were higher at 24 h pm than at 0 and 1 h pm, with no differences among the animals in the ViTD or SHADE groups. Higher a* values were observed among animals in the V8 group than in the V0 group, and higher b* values were observed among animals in the V8 group than in the V2 or V0 groups, which were not different. In conclusion, ViTD and SHADE did not affect animal performance, carcass traits or shear force, whereas animals receiving a lower ViTD dosage and SHADE exhibited altered myofibrillar fragmentation. ViTD affected the colour parameters, and changes in the lightness of the beef related to the time pm were found in meat from animals under SHADE. (c) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Com este estudo objetivou-se avaliar os níveis de estresse e a qualidade de carne de cordeiros mestiços Santa Inês x Dorper, submetidos a transporte de percurso curto (duas horas) e longo (seis horas) e em dois períodos de espera pré-abate (12 ou 24 horas). Foram utilizados 32 cordeiros com 127 ± 7 dias de idade e 30,4 ± 2,1 kg de peso vivo. Antes de serem submetidos aos períodos de transporte, os animais estavam alocados em baias coletivas e receberam ração concentrada (farelo de soja e milho, calcário calcítico e núcleo com monensina), bagaço úmido de citros e capim Napier (Pennisetum purpureum) e água ad libitum. Foram realizadas avaliações de reatividade dos animais no momento do embarque, desembarque e durante a contenção dos animais para as colheitas de sangue, urina e temperatura ocular por termografia infravermelho. Durante o período de espera pré-abate, realizou-se a colheita de dados comportamentais dos animais. Foram avaliadas as concentrações de cortisol no soro, na urina e as concentrações de haptoglobina no soro nos períodos que antecederam a insensibilização, assim como no momento do abate. Os animais apresentaram baixa reatividade durante todos os manejos. Houve diferença significativa no comportamento dos cordeiros durante os períodos de espera (P < 0,05) que durante as 12 horas apresentaram frequência de comportamentos que indicaram bem-estar favorável, enquanto que o período de transporte não afetou (P > 0,05). Os níveis de cortisol no soro mantiveram-se semelhantes da saída dos animais para o transporte até o final do período de espera (P > 0,05), enquanto houve oscilação dessas concentrações no cortisol na urina (P < 0,05), com pico no desembarque dos animais de duas horas de transporte e diminuição ao final do período de descanso. Os níveis de haptoglobina mantiveram-se semelhantes da colheita realizada antes do transporte, no embarque e no desembarque (P > 0,05) e diminuíram no final do período de espera pré-abate (P < 0,05). A temperatura ocular elevou-se no embarque e no desembarque dos animais, com diminuição da temperatura ao final do período de espera (P < 0,05). No momento do abate, foi observado aumento das concentrações de haptoglobina (P < 0,05), enquanto não houve alteração nas concentrações de cortisol no soro (P > 0,05). Animais que permaneceram por 24 horas de espera pré-abate apresentaram maior força de cisalhamento e menor luminosidade (L*) e intensidade de amarelo (b*). As variáveis comportamentais foram pouco afetadas pelos períodos de transporte e de espera pré-abate, porém o período de 12 horas de espera favoreceu a qualidade da carne


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In order to investigate the potential of magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance (MAS NMR) in the elucidation of post-mortem metabolism in muscle biopsies, simultaneous H-1 and (31)p MAS NMR measurements were made continuously on postmortem (20 min to 24 h) muscle longissimus samples from rabbits. The animals had either been or not been given adrenaline (0.5 mg kg(-1) 4 h pre-slaughter) to deplete stores of muscle glycogen. The intracellular pH was calculated from H-1 spectra, and the post-mortem rate of formation of lactate was followed and quantified. Comparison of measurements made on muscle samples from rabbits treated with adrenaline with measurements made on muscle samples from untreated' rabbits revealed significant effects of adrenaline treatment on both pH (pH24 h = 6.42 vs. pH24 It = 5.60) and formation of lactate (16 mmol g(-1) vs. 65 mmol g(-1)). The P-31 NMR spectra were used to follow the rate of degradation of ATP and phosphocreatine. The present study clearly shows that MAS NMR has potential for the study of post-mortem energy metabolism.


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BACKGROUND: Total hip replacements (THRs) and total knee replacements (TKRs) are common elective procedures. In the REsearch STudies into the ORthopaedic Experience (RESTORE) programme, we explored the care and experiences of patients with osteoarthritis after being listed for THR and TKR up to the time when an optimal outcome should be expected. OBJECTIVE: To undertake a programme of research studies to work towards improving patient outcomes after THR and TKR. METHODS: We used methodologies appropriate to research questions: systematic reviews, qualitative studies, randomised controlled trials (RCTs), feasibility studies, cohort studies and a survey. Research was supported by patient and public involvement. RESULTS: Systematic review of longitudinal studies showed that moderate to severe long-term pain affects about 7–23% of patients after THR and 10–34% after TKR. In our cohort study, 10% of patients with hip replacement and 30% with knee replacement showed no clinically or statistically significant functional improvement. In our review of pain assessment few research studies used measures to capture the incidence, character and impact of long-term pain. Qualitative studies highlighted the importance of support by health and social professionals for patients at different stages of the joint replacement pathway. Our review of longitudinal studies suggested that patients with poorer psychological health, physical function or pain before surgery had poorer long-term outcomes and may benefit from pre-surgical interventions. However, uptake of a pre-operative pain management intervention was low. Although evidence relating to patient outcomes was limited, comorbidities are common and may lead to an increased risk of adverse events, suggesting the possible value of optimising pre-operative management. The evidence base on clinical effectiveness of pre-surgical interventions, occupational therapy and physiotherapy-based rehabilitation relied on small RCTs but suggested short-term benefit. Our feasibility studies showed that definitive trials of occupational therapy before surgery and post-discharge group-based physiotherapy exercise are feasible and acceptable to patients. Randomised trial results and systematic review suggest that patients with THR should receive local anaesthetic infiltration for the management of long-term pain, but in patients receiving TKR it may not provide additional benefit to femoral nerve block. From a NHS and Personal Social Services perspective, local anaesthetic infiltration was a cost-effective treatment in primary THR. In qualitative interviews, patients and health-care professionals recognised the importance of participating in the RCTs. To support future interventions and their evaluation, we conducted a study comparing outcome measures and analysed the RCTs as cohort studies. Analyses highlighted the importance of different methods in treating and assessing hip and knee osteoarthritis. There was an inverse association between radiographic severity of osteoarthritis and pain and function in patients waiting for TKR but no association in THR. Different pain characteristics predicted long-term pain in THR and TKR. Outcomes after joint replacement should be assessed with a patient-reported outcome and a functional test. CONCLUSIONS: The RESTORE programme provides important information to guide the development of interventions to improve long-term outcomes for patients with osteoarthritis receiving THR and TKR. Issues relating to their evaluation and the assessment of patient outcomes are highlighted. Potential interventions at key times in the patient pathway were identified and deserve further study, ultimately in the context of a complex intervention.


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Some quality defects can cause changes in attributes of the meat, among these we can detach the PSE meat (Pale, Soft and Exudative). The PSE meat is pale, flaccid and exudative and result from sudden pH decrease while the carcass is still under high temperature. The identification of PSE meat has been done by measuring pH and L* (Lightness). However, studies suggest that a more precise evaluation of the kinetics of pH and temperature decrease has to be conducted to better understand the etiology of PSE meat in poultry. The aim of this study was to obtain the glycolytic curve for normal and PSE meat of chicken, through the pH, L* and CRA (water holding capacity) analysis. This experiment was conducted with carcasses obtained from a commercial slaughterhouse (n = 35) of Cobb lineage, 50 days old, from the same batch of creation and with the same pre-slaughter fasting time (10h). Samples of breast fillets were obtained from carcasses randomly collected immediately at the output of pre-cooling chiller, and the analysis of pH, temperature and L * were conducted in the same in times 1h35, 2h35, 3h35, 5h35, 8h35, 11h35, 14h35, 17h35, 20h35, 23h35 and 25h35 post mortem. The CRA analyzes were performed at the time of 25h35 post mortem. The pH measurements indicated that only from the 04 time (8h35 post mortem) was possible to verify an indicative of stabilization, being that PSE meat pH was 5,69±0,07, and normal meat was 5,93±0,09. The final pH (25h35 post mortem) was 5,98±0,06 and L* 57,30± 2,39 for normal meat, while for PSE meat the result was 5,72±0,06 and L* 59,44±1,51. To CRA, the average of the samples (67,19±3.13 and 64,45± 2.66) showed a difference between the normal chicken fillets and PSE respectively. The data found in this study are consistent with those reported by own research group in another slaughterhouse and contradicts similar works, but made at room temperature, indicating that for chickens under commercial conditions the resolution of rigor mortis occurs after 8h35 post mortem.