938 resultados para practice theory


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A cardiovascular disease risk factor reduction program was implemented in the Niagara region. To gain an understanding of this program from the participants ' perspective, 10 participants of the program were interviewed to document their perceptions of what they learned in the program, their perceptions of their behaviour change and their perceptions of factors that facilitated or impeded any behaviour change. The learning style inventory and PET test were also given to the participants to further understand their perceptions. Findings unique to this study highlighted aspects of the andragogical model, self-directed learning theory, learning style preference and psychological type that were prominent in the participants' comments and perspectives. Implications for practice, theory development and further research are suggested.


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A significant number of adults in adult literacy programs in Ontario have specific learning difficulties. This study sought to examine the holistic factors that contributed to these learners achieving their goals. Through a case study design, the data revealed that a combination of specific learning methods and strategies, along with particular characteristics of the instructor, participant, and class, and the evidence of self-transformation all seemed to contribute to the participant's success in the program. Instructor-directed teaching and cooperative learning were the main learning methods used in the class. General learning strategies employed were the use of core curriculum and authentic documents, and using phonics, repetition, assistive resources, and using activities that appealed to various learning styles. The instructor had a history of both professional development in the area of learning disabilities as well as experience working with learners who had specific learning difficulties. There also seemed to be a goodness of fit between the participant and the instructor. Several characteristics of the participant seemed to aid in his success: his positive self-esteem, self-advocacy skills, self-determination, self-awareness, and the fact that he enjoyed learning. The size (3-5 people) and type of class (small group) also seemed to have an impact. Finally, evidence that the participant went through a self-transformation seemed to contribute to a positive learner identity. These results have implications for practice, theory, and further research in adult education.


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La reconnaissance du pluralisme du système de santé, et donc des interdépendances unissant l’État aux acteurs participant à l’offre des services de santé, pose non seulement la question de la capacité de l’État à gouverner selon ses objectifs, mais aussi celle de la forme des interventions entreprises à cette fin. Cette thèse vise à comprendre comment se développe la participation de l’État à la gouverne d’un secteur de services de santé, et plus particulièrement comment ses interactions avec les acteurs impliqués dans l’offre des services affectent, au fil du temps, les possibilités d’actions étatiques sous-jacentes à la sélection d’instruments de gouverne spécifiques. Elle propose pour ce faire un modèle théorique qui s’inspire de la littérature traitant des instruments de gouverne ainsi que de la théorie de la pratique (Bourdieu). La participation de l’État à la gouverne y est conçue comme le résultat d’un processus historique évolutif, marqué alternativement par des périodes de stabilité et de changement en regard des instruments mobilisés, qui se succèdent selon l’articulation des interactions et des contextes affectant les possibilités d’action que les acteurs perçoivent avoir. Ce modèle a été appliqué dans le cadre d’une étude de cas portant sur le secteur génétique québécois (1969-2010). Cette étude a impliqué l’analyse processuelle et interprétative de données provenant de sources documentaires et d’entrevues réalisées auprès de représentants du ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux ainsi que de médecins et chercheurs œuvrant dans le secteur de la génétique. Ces analyses font émerger quatre périodes de stabilité en regard des instruments de gouverne mobilisés, entrecoupées de périodes de transition au cours desquelles le Ministère opère une hybridation entre les instruments jusque là employés et les nouvelles modalités d’intervention envisagées. Ces résultats révèlent également que l’efficacité de ces instruments - c’est-à-dire la convergence entre les résultats attendus et produits par ceux-ci - perçue par le Ministère constitue un facteur de première importance au regard de la stabilisation et du changement des modalités de sa participation à la gouverne de ce secteur. En effet, lorsque les instruments mobilisés conduisent les médecins et chercheurs composant le secteur de la génétique à agir et interagir de manière à répondre aux attentes du Ministère, les interventions ministérielles tendent à se stabiliser autour de certains patterns de gouverne. À l’inverse, le Ministère tend à modifier ses modes d’intervention lorsque ses interactions avec ces médecins et chercheurs le conduisent à remettre en cause l’efficacité de ces patterns. On note cependant que ces changements sont étroitement liés à une évolution particulière du contexte, amenant une modification des possibilités d’action dont disposent les acteurs. Ces résultats révèlent enfin certaines conditions permettant au Ministère de rencontrer ses objectifs concernant la gouverne du secteur de la génétique. Les instruments qui impliquent fortement les médecins et chercheurs et qui s’appuient sur des expertises qu’ils considèrent légitimes semblent plus susceptibles d’amener ces derniers à agir dans le sens des objectifs ministériels. L’utilisation de tels instruments suppose néanmoins que le Ministère reconnaisse sa propre dépendance vis-à-vis de ces médecins et chercheurs.


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El mercadeo verde es un tema del cual se ha venido hablando desde la década de los 60’s en donde se empieza a generar una preocupación por el cambio climático y la necesidad del cuidado del medio ambiente. Son varios los escritores que hablan sobre el tema, entre ellos Pittie, Hailes y Polonsky quienes analizan y explican con ejemplos en la practica del mercadeo verde. En Colombia el tema aun es nuevo, y son varias las empresas, especialmente las PYMES las cuales ha decido apostarle al mercadeo verde hasta el punto de haber logrado diseñar productos ecológicos. esta iniciativa es apoyada por el gobierno dando incentivos y apoyando a las empresas que adopten esta tendencia que va dirigida al cuidado del medio ambiente. Con este trabajo esperamos aclarar algunos conceptos sobre el mercadeo verde, explicarlo a los empresarios e incentivarlos a la implementación de este mercadeo a través de ejemplos de empresas que han logrado aumentar sus utilidades gracias al aumento de productividad en sus empresas.


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Se realizó el análisis de ocho artículos y un libro escrito por el profesor Stefan Tengblad desde el 2000 hasta el 2012. Durante 12 años, el autor sueco se ha dado la tarea de analizar no solo los resultados obtenidos por los escritores más importantes sobre la práctica directiva, sino que también se puso en la tarea de comparar sus estudios y resultados. En las reseñas reconstructivas se pueden identificar las variables más importantes y las conclusiones que Tengblad obtuvo después de muchos años de estudio. Nuestro principal objetivo es descubrir, analizar y comprender las investigaciones hechas por el escritor sueco sobre la naturaleza de la práctica directiva hasta el año 2014. De esta manera podremos ver si las diferentes posiciones de los autores han cambiado con los años. Trataremos algunas variables importantes de la práctica directiva como el liderazgo, la fragmentación del trabajo, la comunicación escrita y electrónica, los valores, los objetivos, la toma de decisiones, las normas, la cultura corporativa, la estructura organizacional, las expectativas internas y externas, entre otras. Todo esto nos llevará a identificar a profundidad el discurso del profesor Stefan Tengblad y los aportes que le ha hecho a la comunidad no solo académica sino también laboral.


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El propósito central del estudio consiste en descifrar, entender, contextualizar y reinventar el trabajo directivo actual. En el inicio del texto se busca comprender las realidades sobre el trabajo directivo desde la perspectiva y estudios de dos autores principales, Henry Mintzberg y Stefan Tengblad, los cuales exponen desde otro ángulo el día a día de los directivos; posteriormente se presenta la influencia que tiene el contexto nacional en los diferentes comportamientos y modelos de dirección, haciendo una comparación entre los directivos Suecos y Estado Unidenses para concluir las variables culturales, económicas, políticas y sociales que modifican y personalizan el trabajo directivo; finalmente en la última sección, después de comprender el trabajo directivo desde su naturaleza y sus fuentes externas de influencia, se propone reinventarlo o desde diferentes postulados y modelos, entendiendo que no existe una solución o fórmula mágica, sino unas herramientas que cada directivo debe definir y construir a lo largo de su vida.


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This paper examines the intellectual and professional contribution of comparative and international studies to the field of education. It explores the nature of the challenges that are currently being faced, and assesses its potential for the advancement of future teaching, research and professional development. Attention is paid to the place of comparative and international education (CIE)-past and present-in teacher education, in postgraduate studies, and in the realms of policy and practice, theory and research. Consideration is first given to the nature and history of CIE, to its initial contributions to the field of education in the UK, and to its chief mechanisms and sites of production. Influential methodological and theoretical developments are examined, followed by an exploration of emergent questions, controversies and dilemmas that could benefit from sustained comparative analysis in the future. Conclusions consider implications for the place of CIE in the future of educational studies as a whole; for relations between and beyond the 'disciplines of education'; and for the development of sustainable research capacity in this field.


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The thesis utilises ‘practice theory’ to argue that the self is not only an effect of social practices but also a technique for action and develops an alternative way of explicating and conceptualising the constitution of the self within the micro-practices of routine, everyday life. This is in contrast to a general tendency within ‘practice theory’, ‘constructionist’ and ‘discursive’ approaches towards a determinist conception of the self. The thesis explores this conceptual framework in fieldwork focussed on formation and production of gender-identity among young school children and offers a new perspective of gender-identity in the classroom. The thesis provides a fourfold contribution: (1) It provides insights into how in the classroom, children take up (conventional) gender differentiated conduct and dispositions in order to forge both their identity and the establishment of a social order based on gender. This gender order is not simply imposed on them by teachers but is actively constructed by the children. The thesis provides insights into how the children in the classroom seize and appropriate the practices of gender for their own ends. These ends, I argue, are the construction of their gender-identity, and the establishment and maintenance of a ‘matrix of intelligibility’. (2) It offers a close-up illustration of how gender construction is negotiated and contested between girls and boys. This is characterised as largely a struggle for enablement — the power to be and to do — rather than as a struggle of one gender over another. (3) It develops an analysis of classrooms as productive sites, as ‘complex strategical situations’ in which the participating agents — the teachers and students—deploy and utilise available resources in their ongoing construction of the world. This suggests that that the social world is not as unitary and totalising as ‘constraint perspectives’ within practice theory often imply. (4) It proposes methodological perspectives and strategies for researching empirically the day-to-day production of gender and for capturing that complex and often elusive process ‘in flight’. It shows the value of an ‘ascending analysis’, one that does not foreclose findings on the basis of a pre-existing theoretical position, and the rich potential of ‘flashpoints’ as a way of illuminating ongoing and often ‘unremarkable’ and therefore unnoticed practices of gender production. The theoretical terrain explored a range of theorists on the self not usually brought together, including Butler, Rose, Foucault, Giddens and Garfinkel and Schatzki. These theorists share in common the perspective that social practices rather than the agent or social totality are the ontological basis of the social world. It is argued that the self is constituted in its enactment and the thesis pursues Foucault’s (2002) question of how the self participates in its own subjectification. The empirical focus of the thesis examined the activities of children at school for insights into how they participated in the making of their gender-identity. The research addressed the questions: (1) To what extent do children construct their gender-identity and what kinds of encouragement do they receive for this? (2) To what extent did the children seem to be appropriating gender practices and inciting the making of gender-identity in the classroom? (3) To what extent can the classroom be viewed as a site of gender contestation and borderwork? Using the concept of ‘flashpoints’, — significant or poignant moments in the classroom — classroom activities were observed to catch gender-identity production ‘in flight’ and to describe how the children seize upon moments to make gender salient. Year Three children in five classrooms in two Victorian schools were observed during English communication and literacy lessons. Individual interviews with teachers in the participating schools and group interviews with the children from the classrooms were undertaken to amplify the observations. Much of the children’s behaviour can be interpreted as their efforts to make gender salient in social interactions. Gender-identity production and gender ‘border work’ (Thorne, 1993) and contestation appeared to be a major activity and preoccupation of the children, even in the face of teacher’s attempts to encourage a gender-neutral environment The children were often more active than the teachers in imposing the ‘gender agenda’ identified by Evans (1988). Overall, this thesis contributes to the development of the theory of subjectivity and identity formation. Social practices are not imposed and individuals seize upon social practices to further their own ends. It is through these routine, everyday activities that social practices are reproduced. The study provides an avenue for understanding the actions of children and the operation of gender power and border work within the classroom.


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Theatre-based research methods have been employed in a variety of ways to transcend more traditional research methods, and bring research findings to a broader and relevant audience. Performing research to an 'expert' audience is transformative in nature. The audience share a collective understanding of the material presented, where their understandings can be challenged or confirmed. The ethical responsibilities of the theatre-based researcher are therefore paramount in presenting the research in a manner that respects the research participants, and allows the audience to make informed judgements.This paper outlines my experience in devising and performing 'The First Time' - a performance about twelve beginning teachers' firsts. The performance was constructed from their interview data and performed by teachers - most of who are drama teachers – in order to sensitively represent the real stories of the research participants. The research was framed within a practice theory approach (Schatzki 2001) with a focus on the transformation of practices situated within a particular time and place. The method of performing the research to an 'expert' audience of performing arts practitioners, teachers, and teacher educators created an opportunity for both the transformation of teaching practice and the transformation of theatre.The research findings focus on the importance of creativity and flexibility in an approach to both research and teaching. The outcomes of my research have implications for theatre-based researchers, as well as teacher educators, in-service teachers, and beginning teachers. All these practitioners are continually negotiating the waters of their ever-changing professions.


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Teacher identity work emphasises it is important beginning teachers understand their professional identity as something shifting, fluid and emerging – not fixed. These and other water metaphors – such as ‘washout’, ‘sink or swim’, and ‘thrown in the deep end’ – are often used to describe beginning teachers’ experiences. Such words and metaphors portray the fluid and unpredictable nature of identity transformation, while also highlighting that beginning teachers in particular find this transformation difficult, resulting in high levels of teacher attrition in the early years.Throughout 2011 twelve beginning teachers shared their experiences of identity transformation in semi-structured interviews with the researcher. Their interview data was analysed and scripted into an ethnographic performance, examining how ‘first’ experiences shape teachers’ future practice and identity. This presentation includes excerpts from the performance ‘The First Time’, and expands on the methodological approaches taken to generate data and knowledge that reflects the fluid and unpredictable nature of teachers’ identity. This eclectic approach combined an understanding of the self (Mead, 1934) with non-naturalistic theatrical conventions used to form the data into an ethnographic performance. The research is framed within a practice theory approach (Schatzki, 2001) with a focus on practices situated within a particular time and place.The research findings focus on the importance of developing creativity and flexibility as key beginning teacher attributes in order to ‘swim with the current’, and to counter the negative preconceptions beginning teachers are told to expect as rites of passage upon entering the profession. The outcomes of my research have implications for teacher educators and in-service teachers in assisting beginning teachers to negotiate the waters of an ever-changing profession.


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This article presents a sociomaterial account of simulation in higher education. Sociomaterial approaches change the ontological and epistemological bases for understanding learning and offer valuable tools for addressing important questions about relationships between university education and professional practices. Simulation has grown in many disciplines as a means to bring the two closer together. However, the theoretical underpinnings of simulation pedagogy are limited. This paper extends the wider work of applying sociomaterial approaches to educational phenomena, taking up Schatzki’s practice theory as a distinctive basis for doing so. The question ‘What is being simulated?’ is posed, prompting discussion of multiple bodies, performances and experiences. The potential of adopting such a framework for understanding simulation as a pedagogic practice that brings the classroom and workplace together is illustrated with reference to clinical education in nursing.


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Many professions have requirements for professional development activities to ensure continuing registration or membership. These commonly focus on participation in a limited range of activities. This paper questions the assumptions behind such approaches and what alternatives might be considered. It explores the suitability of metaphors used for continuing professional education and suggests that continuing professional development might be better conceptualised within practice theory. It identifies what a practice theory view of continuing professional development might involve and discusses the implications, particularly the notion of locating development within the practices of work.


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Communities of Practice are groups of people who share a concern, problem or passion about a topic, and who deepen their knowledge and expertise by interacting regularly. It¿s use as a tool for planning and implementation of programs for continuous training of teachers in Brazil is not widespread, but used occasionally. This dissertation seeks to demonstrate the use of the communities of practice theory in continuous teachers training in the Brazilian reality. It presents some models of continuous formation currently in process in Brazil, points to the principles of knowledge management taken by this work, presents the communities of practice theory and the criticism of this in its theoretical part. For the case study was used the methodology described by Robert Yin (2005) of single case study to examine the Multicurso, program to continuously train math teachers in the state of Goiás, Brazil. The community of practice formed in this program was examined on its form, as to the cultivation of communities of practice, as to the development and about the challenges of geographical distribution. Going beyond, this work has as its main objective to propose a methodology for measuring the value of communities of practice from the case studied, without the intention to make generalizations about the measurement of value in projects of various kinds. The model proposed indicators separated into two categories, the outcome and impact, to facilitate the measurement of value and prevent that communities of practice are to be criticized or super estimated by assignment of value to those without the unequivocal proof of unique causality at the same time it searchs to attest that the contribution of communities of practice in improvements in the systems in which the CoP are in.


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Social Entrepreneurship (SE) has attracted growing interest from a wide variety of actors over the last 30 years, especially due to a general agreement that it could be an important tool for tackling many of the world’s social ills. In the academic sphere, this growing interest did not translate into a matured field of study. Quite the opposite, a quick look at this literature makes it evident that: SE has been consistently subjected to numerous theoretical discussions and disagreements, especially over the definition of the concept of SE which is often based on a taken-for-granted notion of social change; it has been more systematically investigated in restricted contexts, often leaving aside so called developing/emerging countries like Brazil and especially lacking in-depth qualitative studies; SE literature lags behind SE practices and few studies focus on how SE actually occurs in a daily and bottom-up manner. In order to address such gaps, this thesis examines how social entrepreneurship practices accomplish social change in the context of Brazil. In this investigation I conducted an inductive practice-based, qualitative/ethnographic study in three Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) located in different cities in the Brazilian state of São Paulo. Data collection lasted from February 2014 until March 2015 and was mainly done through participant observations and through in-depth unstructured conversations with research participants. Secondary data and documents were also collected whenever available. The participants of this study included a variety of the studied organizations’ stakeholders: two founders, volunteers, employees, donors and beneficiaries. Observation data was kept in fieldnotes, conversations were recorded whenever possible and were later transcribed. Data was analyzed through an iterative thematic analysis. Through this I identified eight recurrent themes in the data: (1) structure; (2) relationship with other organizational actors (sub-themes: relationship with state, relationship with businesses and relationship with other NGOs); (3) beliefs, spirituality and moral authority; (4) social position of participants, (5) stakeholders’ mobilization and participation; (6) feelings; (7) social purpose; and (8) social change. These findings were later discussed under the lens of practice theory, and in this discussion I argue and show that, in the context studied: (a) even though SE embraces a wide variety of different social purposes, they are intertwined with a common notion of social change based on a general understanding and aspiration for social equality; (b) this social change is accomplished in a processual and ongoing manner as stakeholders from antagonistic social groups felt compelled to and participated in SE practices. In answering the proposed research question the contributions of this thesis are: (i) the elaboration a working definition for SE based on its relationship with social change; (ii) providing in-depth empirical evidence which accounts for and explains this relationship; (iii) characterizing SE in the Brazilian context and reflecting upon its transferability to other contexts. This thesis also makes a methodological contribution, for it demonstrates how thematic analysis can be used in practice-based studies.