942 resultados para power spectral density


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Blazars are active galaxies with a jet closely oriented to our line of sight. They are powerful, variable emitters from radio to gamma-ray wavelengths. Although the general picture of synchrotron emission at low energies and inverse Compton at high energies is well established, important aspects of blazars are not well understood. In particular, the location of the gamma-ray emission region is not clearly established, with some theories favoring a location close to the central engine, while others place it at parsec scales in the radio jet.

We developed a program to locate the gamma-ray emission site in blazars, through the study of correlated variations between their gamma-ray and radio-wave emission. Correlated variations are expected when there is a relation between emission processes at both bands, while delays tell us about the relative location of their energy generation zones. Monitoring at 15 GHz using the Owens Valley Radio Observatory 40 meter telescope started in mid-2007. The program monitors 1593 blazars twice per week, including all blazars detected by the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope (Fermi) north of -20 degrees declination. This program complements the continuous monitoring of gamma-rays by Fermi.

Three year long gamma-ray light curves for bright Fermi blazars are cross-correlated with four years of radio monitoring. The significance of cross-correlation peaks is investigated using simulations that account for the uneven sampling and noise properties of the light curves, which are modeled as red-noise processes with a simple power-law power spectral density. We found that out of 86 sources with high quality data, only three show significant correlations (AO 0235+164, B2 2308+34 and PKS 1502+106). Additionally, we find a significant correlation for Mrk 421 when including the strong gamma-ray/radio flare of late 2012. In all four cases radio variations lag gamma-ray variations, suggesting that the gamma-ray emission originates upstream of the radio emission. For PKS 1502+106 we locate the gamma-ray emission site parsecs away from the central engine, thus disfavoring the model of Blandford and Levinson (1995), while other cases are inconclusive. These findings show that continuous monitoring over long time periods is required to understand the cross-correlation between gamma-ray and radio-wave variability in most blazars.


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This work seeks to understand past and present surface conditions on the Moon using two different but complementary approaches: topographic analysis using high-resolution elevation data from recent spacecraft missions and forward modeling of the dominant agent of lunar surface modification, impact cratering. The first investigation focuses on global surface roughness of the Moon, using a variety of statistical parameters to explore slopes at different scales and their relation to competing geological processes. We find that highlands topography behaves as a nearly self-similar fractal system on scales of order 100 meters, and there is a distinct change in this behavior above and below approximately 1 km. Chapter 2 focuses this analysis on two localized regions: the lunar south pole, including Shackleton crater, and the large mare-filled basins on the nearside of the Moon. In particular, we find that differential slope, a statistical measure of roughness related to the curvature of a topographic profile, is extremely useful in distinguishing between geologic units. Chapter 3 introduces a numerical model that simulates a cratered terrain by emplacing features of characteristic shape geometrically, allowing for tracking of both the topography and surviving rim fragments over time. The power spectral density of cratered terrains is estimated numerically from model results and benchmarked against a 1-dimensional analytic model. The power spectral slope is observed to vary predictably with the size-frequency distribution of craters, as well as the crater shape. The final chapter employs the rim-tracking feature of the cratered terrain model to analyze the evolving size-frequency distribution of craters under different criteria for identifying "visible" craters from surviving rim fragments. A geometric bias exists that systematically over counts large or small craters, depending on the rim fraction required to count a given feature as either visible or erased.


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Many applications in cosmology and astrophysics at millimeter wavelengths including CMB polarization, studies of galaxy clusters using the Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect (SZE), and studies of star formation at high redshift and in our local universe and our galaxy, require large-format arrays of millimeter-wave detectors. Feedhorn and phased-array antenna architectures for receiving mm-wave light present numerous advantages for control of systematics, for simultaneous coverage of both polarizations and/or multiple spectral bands, and for preserving the coherent nature of the incoming light. This enables the application of many traditional "RF" structures such as hybrids, switches, and lumped-element or microstrip band-defining filters.

Simultaneously, kinetic inductance detectors (KIDs) using high-resistivity materials like titanium nitride are an attractive sensor option for large-format arrays because they are highly multiplexable and because they can have sensitivities reaching the condition of background-limited detection. A KID is a LC resonator. Its inductance includes the geometric inductance and kinetic inductance of the inductor in the superconducting phase. A photon absorbed by the superconductor breaks a Cooper pair into normal-state electrons and perturbs its kinetic inductance, rendering it a detector of light. The responsivity of KID is given by the fractional frequency shift of the LC resonator per unit optical power.

However, coupling these types of optical reception elements to KIDs is a challenge because of the impedance mismatch between the microstrip transmission line exiting these architectures and the high resistivity of titanium nitride. Mitigating direct absorption of light through free space coupling to the inductor of KID is another challenge. We present a detailed titanium nitride KID design that addresses these challenges. The KID inductor is capacitively coupled to the microstrip in such a way as to form a lossy termination without creating an impedance mismatch. A parallel plate capacitor design mitigates direct absorption, uses hydrogenated amorphous silicon, and yields acceptable noise. We show that the optimized design can yield expected sensitivities very close to the fundamental limit for a long wavelength imager (LWCam) that covers six spectral bands from 90 to 400 GHz for SZE studies.

Excess phase (frequency) noise has been observed in KID and is very likely caused by two-level systems (TLS) in dielectric materials. The TLS hypothesis is supported by the measured dependence of the noise on resonator internal power and temperature. However, there is still a lack of a unified microscopic theory which can quantitatively model the properties of the TLS noise. In this thesis we derive the noise power spectral density due to the coupling of TLS with phonon bath based on an existing model and compare the theoretical predictions about power and temperature dependences with experimental data. We discuss the limitation of such a model and propose the direction for future study.


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The problem of the representation of signal envelope is treated, motivated by the classical Hilbert representation in which the envelope is represented in terms of the received signal and its Hilbert transform. It is shown that the Hilbert representation is the proper one if the received signal is strictly bandlimited but that some other filter is more appropriate in the bandunlimited case. A specific alternative filter, the conjugate filter, is proposed and the overall envelope estimation error is evaluated to show that for a specific received signal power spectral density the proposed filter yields a lower envelope error than the Hilbert filter.


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No presente trabalho, foram realizados ensaios de tribocorrosão no aço inoxidável AISI 304L, no titânio comercialmente puro (CPTi) e na liga de titânio Ti6Al4V em solução aquosa de 0,90% m/v NaCl. Amostras de ligas de titânio com tratamento térmico superficial de refusão a laser também foram utilizadas. Um tribômetro do tipo pino-no-disco com contracorpo de alumina foi usado. Técnicas eletroquímicas in situ de monitoramento em circuito aberto, espectroscopia de impedância eletroquímica, curvas de polarização e amperimetria de resistência nula foram empregadas. Os resultados obtidos indicam que o desgaste tribocorrosivo das ligas de titânio é mais intenso do que o observado no aço inoxidável, apresentando perfis de superfície mais irregulares. A análise da impedância eletroquímica mostrou que todos os materiais utilizados apresentam uma rápida recuperação da camada passiva, exibindo módulos e fases um pouco menores do que os medidos antes do desgaste. Sob atrito, os diagramas de impedância apresentam uma forte redução do módulo. Sob desgaste, o expoente α do elemento de fase constante (CPE) atinge seu valor mais baixo, enquanto o parâmetro γ é máximo. As curvas de polarização exibem potenciais menores e densidades de corrente de corrosão maiores durante o desgaste. O tratamento de refusão a laser, embora mude a microestrutura e a dureza superficial das amostras, não indica uma mudança aparente nos parâmetros eletroquímicos sob tribocorrosão, bem como do coeficiente de atrito. Nos ensaios de amperimetria de resistência nula, foi possível estimar a corrente mensurada no ARN por meio do emprego de um circuito elétrico equivalente. A densidade espectral de potência dos sinais de potencial e de corrente exibe a frequência de rotação (1,25 Hz) e seus harmônicos. Para baixas frequências (abaixo de 10 mHz), o decaimento obedece à relação 1 ⁄ e 1⁄ para os sinais de potencial e corrente, respectivamente.


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The PiP model is a software application with a user-friendly interface for calculating vibration from underground railways. This paper reports about the software with a focus on its latest version and the plans for future developments. The software calculates the Power Spectral Density of vibration due to a moving train on floating-slab track with track irregularity described by typical values of spectra for tracks with good, average and bad conditions. The latest version accounts for a tunnel embedded in a half space by employing a toolbox developed at K.U. Leuven which calculates Green's functions for a multi-layered half-space. © 2009 IOP Publishing Ltd.


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PiP software is a powerful computational tool for calculating vibration from underground railways and for assessing the performance of vibration countermeasures. The software has a user-friendly interface and it uses the state-of-the-art techniques to perform quick calculations for the problem. The software employs a model of a slab track coupled to a circular tunnel embedded in the ground. The software calculates the Power Spectral Density (PSD) of the vertical displacement at any selected point in the soil. Excitation is assumed to be due to an infinitely-long train moving on a slab-track supported at the tunnel bed. The PSD is calculated for a roughness excitation of a unit value (i.e. "white noise"). The software also calculates the Insertion Gain (IG) which is the ratio between the PSD displacement after and before changing parameters of the track, tunnel or soil. Version 4 of the software accounts for important developments of the numerical model. The tunnel wall is modelled as a thick shell (using the elastic continuum theory) rather than a thin shell. More importantly, the numerical model accounts now for a tunnel embedded in a half space rather than a full space as done in the previous versions. The software can now be used to calculate vibration due to a number of typical PSD roughnesses for rails in good, average and bad conditions.


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This paper provides an overview of results on the capacity of noncoherent, multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) flat-fading channels with a bandlimited power spectral density. The focus is on results that concern the capacity at high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). In particular, the capacity pre-log, defined as the limiting ratio of the capacity to the logarithm of the SNR as the SNR tends to infinity, is studied. It is observed that the capacity pre-log is a function of the number of antennas as well as of the bandwidth of the fading channel's power spectral density. It is further observed that the capacity pre-log can be achieved with a simple communication system where the data detection and the channel estimation are performed separately. © 2011 ACM.


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This paper presents flow field measurements for the turbulent stratified burner introduced in two previous publications in which high resolution scalar measurements were made by Sweeney et al. [1,2] for model validation. The flow fields of the series of premixed and stratified methane/air flames are investigated under turbulent, globally lean conditions (φg=0.75). Velocity data acquired with laser Doppler anemometry (LDA) and particle image velocimetry (PIV) are presented and discussed. Pairwise 2-component LDA measurements provide profiles of axial velocity, radial velocity, tangential velocity and corresponding fluctuating velocities. The LDA measurements of axial and tangential velocities enable the swirl number to be evaluated and the degree of swirl characterized. Power spectral density and autocorrelation functions derived from the LDA data acquired at 10kHz are optimized to calculate the integral time scales. Flow patterns are obtained using a 2-component PIV system operated at 7Hz. Velocity profiles and spatial correlations derived from the PIV and LDA measurements are shown to be in very good agreement, thus offering 3D mapping of the velocities. A strong correlation was observed between the shape of the recirculation zones above the central bluff body and the effects of heat release, stoichiometry and swirl. Detailed analyses of the LDA data further demonstrate that the flow behavior changes significantly with the levels of swirl and stratification, which combines the contributions of dilatation, recirculation and swirl. Key turbulence parameters are derived from the total velocity components, combining axial, radial and tangential velocities. © 2013 The Combustion Institute.


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Modeling the noise originating from a landing gear has proven to be a challenging task, because of its complicated structure. In full-scale, landing gear noise can only be investigated experimentally by source localization techniques and fly-over measurements with microphone arrays. In the present work, measurements of a Boeing B747-400 were used to determine the contribution of the landing gear to the overall noise emitted during a fly-over and how the broadband noise from the landing gear scales with the flight velocity. A tonal source from the nose landing gear was identified at 380 Hz with a harmonic at 760 Hz and it most likely originates from a cavity. It was also found that the Power Spectral Density (PSD) of the high frequency broadband component varies linearly with frequency and there is some scaling with the ow velocity. Finally, the nose landing gear was shown to be a significant contributor to the overall airframe noise as expected.


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This paper presents a three-dimensional comprehensive model for the calculation of vibration in a building based on pile-foundation due to moving trains in a nearby underground tunnel. The model calculates the Power Spectral Density (PSD) of the building's responses due to trains moving on floating-slab tracks with random roughness. The tunnel and its surrounding soil are modelled as a cylindrical shell embedded in half-space using the well-known PiP model. The building and its piles are modelled as a 2D frame using the dynamic stiffness matrix. Coupling between the foundation and the ground is performed using the theory of joining subsystems in the frequency domain. The latter requires calculations of transfer functions of a half-space model. A convenient choice based on the thin-layer method is selected in this work for the calculations of responses in a half-space due to circular strip loadings. The coupling considers the influence of the building's dynamics on the incident wave field from the tunnel, but ignores any reflections of building's waves from the tunnel. The derivation made in the paper shows that the incident vibration field at the building's foundation gets modified by a term reflecting the coupling and the dynamics of the building and its foundation. The comparisons presented in the paper show that the dynamics of the building and its foundation significantly change the incident vibration field from the tunnel and they can lead to loss of accuracy of predictions if not considered in the calculation.


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A monolithically integrated CMOS bioamplifier is presented in this paper for EEG recording applications. The capacitive-coupled circuit input structure is utilized to eliminate the large and random DC offsets existing in the electrode-tissue interface. Diode-connected NMOS transistors with negative voltage between gate and source are candidates for large resistors necessary to the bioamplifier. A passive BEF (Band Eliminator Filter) can reduce 50 Hz noise disturbance strength by more than 60 dB. A novel analysis approach is given to help determine the noise power spectral density. Simulation results show that the two-stage CMOS bioamplifier in a closed-loop capacitive feedback configuration,provides an AC in-band gain of 39.6 dB, a DC gain of zero, and an input-referred noise of 87 nVrms integrated from 0.01 Hz to 100 Hz.


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A monolithic integrated CMOS preamplifier is presented for neural recording applications. Two AC-coupied capacitors are used to eliminate the large and random DC offsets existing in the electrode-electrolyte interface. Diode-connected nMOS transistors with a negative voltage between the gate and source are candidates for the large resistors necessary for the preamplifier. A novel analysis is given to determine the noise power spectral density. Simulation results show that the two-stage CMOS preamplifier in a closed-loop capacitive feedback configuration provides an AC in-band gain of 38.8dB,a DC gain of 0,and an input-referred noise of 277nVmax, integrated from 0. 1Hz to 1kHz. The preamplifier can eliminate the DC offset voltage and has low input-referred noise by novel circuit configuration and theoretical analysis.


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One of the major challenges encountered in earthquake geotechnical physical modelling is to determine the effects induced by the artificial boundaries of the soil container on the dynamic response of the soil deposit. Over the past years, the use of absorbing material for minimising boundaries effects has become an increasing alternative solution, yet little systematic research has been carried out to quantify the dynamic performance of the absorbing material and the amount of energy dissipated by it. This paper aims to examine the effects induced by the absorbing material on the dynamic response of the soil, and estimate the amount of energy reduced by the absorbing boundaries. The absorbent material consisted of panels made of commercially available foams, which were placed on both inner sides of end-walls of the soil container. These walls are perpendicular to the shaking direction. Three types of foam with different mechanical properties were used in this study. The results were obtained from tests carried out using a shaking table and Redhill 110 sand for the soil deposit. It was found that a considerably amount of energy was dissipated, in particular within the frequency range close to the resonance of the soil deposit. This feature suggests that the presence of foams provides a significant influence to the dynamic response of the soil. The energy absorbed by the boundaries was also quantified from integrals of the Power Spectral Density of the accelerations. It was found that the absorbed energy ranged between a minimum of 41% to a maximum of 92% of the input levels, depending mainly on the foam used in the test. The effects provided by the acceleration levels and depth at which the energy was evaluated were practically negligible. Finally, practical guidelines for the selection of the absorbing material are provided.