994 resultados para polylactic acid-polyglycolic acid copolymer


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Produção Vegetal) - FCAV


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Biodegradable polymers are starting to be introduced as raw materials in the food-packaging market. Nevertheless, their price is very high. Starch, a fully biodegradable and bioderived polymer is a very interesting alternative due to its very low price. However, the use of starch as the polymer matrix for the production of rigid food packaging, such as trays, is limited due to its poor mechanical properties, high hidrophilicity and high density. This work presents two strategies to overcome the poor mechanical properties of starch. First, the plasticization of starch with several amounts of glycerol to produce thermoplastic starch (TPS) and second, the production of biocomposites by reinforcing TPS with promising fibers, such as barley straw and grape waste. The mechanical properties obtained are compared with the values predicted by models used in the field of composites; law of mixtures, Kerner-Nielsen and Halpin-Tsai. To evaluate if the materials developed are suitable for the production of food-packaging trays, the TPS-based materials with better mechanical properties were compared with commercial grades of oil-based polymers, polypropylene (PP) and polyethylene-terphthalate (PET), and a biodegradable polymer, polylactic acid (PLA).


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The objective of this study was to compare the bone repair along a mandibular body osteotomy stabilized with 2.0 mm absorbable and metallic systems. 12 male, adult mongrel dogs were divided into two groups (metallic and absorbable) and subjected to unilateral osteotomy between the mandibular third and fourth premolars, which was stabilized by applying two 4-hole plates. At 2 and 18 weeks, three dogs from each group were killed and the osteotomy sites were removed and divided equally into three parts: the upper part was labelled the tension third (TT), the lower part the compression third (CT), and the part between the TT and CT the intermediary third (IT). Regardless of the treatment system, union between the fragments was observed at 18 weeks and the CT showed more advanced stages of bone repair than the TT. Histometric analysis did not reveal any significant differences among the 3 parts or systems in the distance between bone fragments at 2 weeks. Although at 18 weeks the proportions of newly formed bone did not differ among TT, IT and CT, significantly enhanced bone formation was observed in all sections for the metallic group. The patterns of repair were distinct between treatments.


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This PhD work was aimed to design, develop, and characterize gelatin-based scaffolds, for the repair of defects in the muscle-skeletal system. Gelatin is a biopolymer widely used for pharmaceutical and medical applications, thanks to its biodegradability and biocompatibility. It is obtained from collagen via thermal denaturation or chemical-physical degradation. Despite its high potential as biomaterial, gelatin exhibits poor mechanical properties and a low resistance in aqueous environment. Crosslinking treatment and enrichment with reinforcement materials are thus required for biomedical applications. In this work, gelatin based scaffolds were prepared following three different strategies: films were prepared through the solvent casting method, electrospinning technique was applied for the preparation of porous mats, and 3D porous scaffolds were prepared through freeze-drying. The results obtained on films put into evidence the influence of pH, crosslinking and reinforcement with montmorillonite (MMT), on the structure, stability and mechanical properties of gelatin and MMT/gelatin composites. The information acquired on the effect of crosslinking in different conditions was utilized to optimize the preparation procedure of electrospun and freeze-dried scaffolds. A successful method was developed to prepare gelatin nanofibrous scaffolds electrospun from acetic acid/water solution and stabilized with a non-toxic crosslinking agent, genipin, able to preserve their original morphology after exposure to water. Moreover, the co-electrospinning technique was used to prepare nanofibrous scaffolds at variable content of gelatin and polylactic acid. Preliminary in vitro tests indicated that the scaffolds are suitable for cartilage tissue engineering, and that their potential applications can be extended to cartilage-bone interface tissue engineering. Finally, 3D porous gelatin scaffolds, enriched with calcium phosphate, were prepared with the freeze-drying method. The results indicated that the crystallinity of the inorganic phase influences porosity, interconnectivity and mechanical properties. Preliminary in vitro tests show good osteoblast response in terms of proliferation and adhesion on all the scaffolds.


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Biodegradable polymer/clay nanocomposites were prepared withpristine and organically modified montmorillonite in polylactic acid (PLA) and polycaprolactone (PCL) polymer matrices. Nanocomposites were fabricated using extrusion and SSSP to compare the effects of melt-state and solid-state processing on the morphology of the final nanocomposite. Characterization of various material properties was performed on prepared biodegradable polymer/clay nanocomposites to evaluate property enhancements from different clays and/or processing methods.


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Devido à preocupação com o meio ambiente e o volume crescente de resíduos plástico em aterros sanitários, os polímeros biodegradáveis estão sendo estudados extensivamente. Um deles é o PLA. Apesar de possuir propriedades comparáveis a polímeros commodities e polímeros de engenharia, ainda é necessário melhorar certas características do PLA, como resistência ao impacto. Para isso, a nanocelulose (NC) pode ser usada sem alterações significativas na biodegradação polimérica. Este estudo teve como objetivo obter a nanocelulose, caracteriza-la e incorpora-la ao poli(ácido láctico) (PLA), assim como, estudar as propriedades térmicas, morfológicas e mecânicas do compósito obtido. A NC foi obtida por hidrólise ácida utilizando ácido fosfórico e posteriormente foi silanizada com três silanos distintos. As nanopartículas foram caracterizadas por Birrefringência, Microscopia Eletrônica de Transmissão (MET), Termogravimetria (TG), Potencial Zeta, Espectroscopia Vibracional de Absorção no Infravermelho com Transformada de Fourier (FTIR) e Difração de Raio X (DRX). Com as imagens obtidas pelo MET foi possível medir o tamanho das partículas de NC. E então obter a razão de aspecto de 82 e o limite de percolação de 1,1% em massa, confirmando a morfologia de nanofibra. De acordo as analises TG\'s, a presença de NC silanizada aumentou o início da degradação térmica. Os compósitos, contendo 3% em massa de NC, foram obtidos por fusão em câmara de mistura e moldados por injeção. Os compósitos foram caracterizados por FTIR, Cromatografia de Permeação em Gel (GPC), TG, Calorimetria Exploratória Diferencial (DSC), Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura (MEV-FEG), Impacto e Tração. As análises dos compósitos mostraram que a NC atuou como agente de nucleação, facilitando a cristalização do PLA, além de a NC ter atuado como reforço na matriz polimérica melhorando as propriedades mecânicas.


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We report results of an experimental study, complemented by detailed statistical analysis of the experimental data, on the development of a more effective control method of drug delivery using a pH sensitive acrylic polymer. New copolymers based on acrylic acid and fatty acid are constructed from dodecyl castor oil and a tercopolymer based on methyl methacrylate, acrylic acid and acryl amide were prepared using this new approach. Water swelling characteristics of fatty acid, acrylic acid copolymer and tercopolymer respectively in acid and alkali solutions have been studied by a step-change method. The antibiotic drug cephalosporin and paracetamol have also been incorporated into the polymer blend through dissolution with the release of the antibiotic drug being evaluated in bacterial stain media and buffer solution. Our results show that the rate of release of paracetamol getss affected by the pH factor and also by the nature of polymer blend. Our experimental data have later been statistically analyzed to quantify the precise nature of polymer decay rates on the pH density of the relevant polymer solvents. The time evolution of the polymer decay rates indicate a marked transition from a linear to a strictly non-linear regime depending on the whether the chosen sample is a general copolymer (linear) or a tercopolymer (non-linear). Non-linear data extrapolation techniques have been used to make probabilistic predictions about the variation in weight percentages of retained polymers at all future times, thereby quantifying the degree of efficacy of the new method of drug delivery.


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Over the past 50 years there has been considerable progress in our understanding of biomolecular interactions at an atomic level. This in turn has allowed molecular simulation methods employing full atomistic modeling at ever larger scales to develop. However, some challenging areas still remain where there is either a lack of atomic resolution structures or where the simulation system is inherently complex. An area where both challenges are present is that of membranes containing membrane proteins. In this review we analyse a new practical approach to membrane protein study that offers a potential new route to high resolution structures and the possibility to simplify simulations. These new approaches collectively recognise that preservation of the interaction between the membrane protein and the lipid bilayer is often essential to maintain structure and function. The new methods preserve these interactions by producing nano-scale disc shaped particles that include bilayer and the chosen protein. Currently two approaches lead in this area: the MSP system that relies on peptides to stabilise the discs, and SMALPs where an amphipathic styrene maleic acid copolymer is used. Both methods greatly enable protein production and hence have the potential to accelerate atomic resolution structure determination as well as providing a simplified format for simulations of membrane protein dynamics.


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A novel amphiphilic biodegradable triblock copolymer (PGL-PLA-PGL) with polylactide (PLA) as hydrophobic middle block and poly(glutamic acid) (PGL) as hydrophilic lateral blocks was successfully synthesized by ring-opening polymerization (ROP) Of L-lactide (LA) and N-carboxy anhydride (NCA) consecutively and by subsequent catalytic hydrogenation. The results of cell experiment of PGL-PLA-PGL suggested that PGL could improve biocompatibility of polyester obviously. The copolymer could form micelles of spindly shape easily in aqueous solution. The pendant carboxyl groups of the triblock copolymer were further activated with N-hydroxysuccinimide and combined with a cell-adhesive peptide GRGI)SY Incorporation of the oligopeptide further enhanced the hydrophilicity and led to formation of spherical micelles. PGL-PLAPGL showed better cell adhesion and spreading ability than pure PLA and the GRGDSY-containing copolymer exhibited even further improvement in cell adhesion and spreading ability, indicating that the copolymer could find a promising application in drug delivery or tissue engineering.


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A novel structural triblock copolymer of poly(gamma-benzyl-L-glutamic acid)-b-poly(ethylene oxide)-b-poly(epsilon-caprolactone) (PBLG-PEO-PCL) was synthesized by a new approach in the following three steps: (1) sequential anionic ring opening polymerization (ROP) of ethylene oxide and epsilon-caprolactone with an acetonitrile/potassium naphthalene initiator system to obtain a diblock copolymer CN-PEO-PCL with a cyano end-group; (2) conversion of the CN end-group into NH2 end-group by hydrogenation to obtain NH2-PEO-PCL; (3) ROP of gamma-benzyl-L-glutamate-N-carboxyanhydrides (Bz-L-GluNCA) with NH2-PEO-PCL as macroinitiator to obtain the target triblock copolymer. The structures from CN-PEO precursor to the triblock copolymers were confirmed by FT-IR and H-1 NMR spectroscopy, and their molecular weights were measured by gel permeation chromatography. The monomer of Bz-L-GluNCA can react almost quantitatively with the amino end-groups of NH2-PEO-PCL macroinitiator by ROP.


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Advances in tissue engineering require biofunctional scaffolds that can provide not only physical support for cells but also chemical and biological cues needed in forming functional tissues. To achieve this goal, a novel RGD peptide grafted poly(ethylene glycol)-b-poly(L-lactide)-b-poly(L-glutamic acid) (PEG-PLA-PGL/RGD) was synthesized in four steps (1) to prepare diblock copolymer PEG-PLA-OH and to convert its -OH end group into -NH2 (to obtain PEG-PLA-NH2), (2) to prepare triblock copolymer PEG-PLA-PBGL by ring-opening polymerization of NCA (N-carboxyanhydride) derived from benzyl glutamate with diblock copolymer PEG-PLA-NH2 as macroinitiator, (3) to remove the protective benzyl groups by catalytic hydrogenation of PEGPLA-PBGL to obtain PEG-PLA-PGL, and (4) to react RGD (arginine-glycine-(aspartic amide)) with the carboxyl groups of the PEG-PLA-PGL. The structures of PEG-PLA-PGL/RGD and its precursors were confirmed by H-1 NMR, FT-IR, amino acid analysis, and XPS analysis. Addition of 5 wt % PEG-PLA-PGL/RGD into a PLGA matrix significantly improved the surface wettability of the blend films and the adhesion and proliferation behavior of human chondrocytes and 3T3 cells on the blend films. Therefore, the novel RGD-grafted triblock copolymer is expected to find application in cell or tissue engineering.


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A biodegradable two block copolymer, poly(epsilon-caprolactone)-b- poly(gamma-benzyl-L-glutamic acid) (PCL-PBLG) was synthesized successfully by ring-opening polymerization of N-carboxyanhydride of gamma-benzyl-L-glutamate (BLG-NCA) with aminophenyl-terminated PCL as a macroinitiator. The aminophenethoxyl-terminated PCL was prepared via hydrogenation of a 4-nitrophenethoxyl-teminated PCL, which was novelly obtained from the polymerization of c-caprolactone (CL) initiated by amino calcium 4-nitrobenzoxide. The structures of the block copolymer and its precursors from the initial step of PCL were confirmed and investigated by H-1 NMR, FT-IR, GPC, and FT-ICRMS analyses and DSC measurements.


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A peroxidase was extracted from Chinese soybean seed coat, and its thermostability and acid-stability were characterized. This peroxidase was immobilized into a self-gelatinizable grafting copolymer of polyvinyl alcohol with 4-vinylpyridine(PVA-g-PVP) to construct an acid-stable hydrogen peroxide biosensor. The effect of pH was studied for optimum analytical performances by amperometric and spectro-photometric methods, also the K-m(app) and the stability of the soybean peroxidase-based biosensor are discussed. At pH 3.0, the soybean peroxidase maintained its bioactivity and the enzyme electrode had a linear range from 0.01 to 6.2 mM with a detection limit of 1.0 x 10(-7) M. In addition, the main characteristics of different hydrogen peroxide sensors were compared.


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Blends of linear low-density polyethylene (LLDPE) and poly(ethylene-co-methacrylic acid) (EMA) random copolymer were studied by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), wide-angle X-ray diffraction (WAXD), and excimer fluorescence. In binary blends, crystallization of EMA was studied, and no modification of crystal structure was detected. In excimer fluorescence measurements, emission intensities of blends of EMA and naphthalene-labeled LLDPE were measured. The ratio of the excimer emission intensity (I-D) to the emission intensity of the isolated "monomer" (I-M) decreases upon addition of EMA, indicating that PE segments of EMA interpenetrate into the amorphous phase of LLDPE. (C) 1998 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd,. All rights reserved.