949 resultados para place theory
Purpose: As resident work hours policies evolve, residents’ off-duty time remains poorly understood. Despite assumptions about how residents should be using their postcall, off-duty time, there is little research on how residents actually use this time and the reasoning underpinning their activities. This study sought to understand residents’ nonclinical postcall activities when they leave the hospital, their decision-making processes, and their perspectives on the relationship between these activities and their well-being or recovery.
Method: The study took place at a Liaison Committee on Medical Education–accredited Canadian medical school from 2012 to 2014. The authors recruited a purposive and convenience sample of postgraduate year 1–5 residents from six surgical and nonsurgical specialties at three hospitals affiliated with the medical school. Using a constructivist grounded theory approach, semistructured interviews were conducted, audio-taped, transcribed, anonymized, and combined with field notes. The authors analyzed interview transcripts using constant comparative analysis and performed post hoc member checking.
Results: Twenty-four residents participated. Residents characterized their predominant approach to postcall decision making as one of making trade-offs between multiple, competing, seemingly incompatible, but equally valuable, activities. Participants exhibited two different trade-off orientations: being oriented toward maintaining a normal life or toward mitigating fatigue.
Conclusions: The authors’ findings on residents’ trade-off orientations suggest a dual recovery model with postcall trade-offs motivated by the recovery of sleep or of self. This model challenges the dominant viewpoint in the current duty hours literature and suggests that the duty hours discussion must be broadened to include other recovery processes.
Tese dout., Philosophy, Lancaster University, 2011
Please consult the paper edition of this thesis to read. It is available on the 5th Floor of the Library at Call Number: Z 9999 P65 F47 2003
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Cette recherche témoigne d'une démarche de recherche-action-participative réalisée auprès d'enfants ayant vécu la perte d'un parent. Elle vise à comprendre l'expérience vécue par les enfants endeuillés d'un parent qui participent à un groupe d'intervention axé sur le modèle de l'aide mutuelle. La réalisation d'une entrevue pré-intervention et une autre post-intervention donnent accès aux perceptions des enfants concernant leur expérience d'endeuillé quant à leurs besoins, mais aussi à leur interprétation de leur réalité. Aussi, l'intervention de groupe utilisée comme méthode d’intervention, et comme méthode de collecte de données reflète la dynamique d'aide mutuelle et son influence sur le vécu des membres autant sur le plan émotif que sur le plan des stratégies adaptatives. Bref, cette recherche en service social, alliant les savoirs pratiques et ceux théoriques, permet de reconnaître que l’aide mutuelle soutient les enfants dans leur réalité d’endeuillés et met aussi l’accent sur le caractère unique de leur deuil respectif.
Toute historiographie se construit sous la forme d’un récit, soutenue par une narration qui, autour d’une intrigue, sélectionne et organise les événements en fonction de leur importance relative à des critères prédéterminés. La période des années 1960, qui est habituellement décrite comme celle de la naissance de la littérature québécoise, est on ne peut plus représentative de cette logique narrative qui sous-tend toute démarche historique. Un événement retenu par cette histoire, la Nuit de la poésie du 27 mars 1970, s’est littéralement élevé au rang de mythe dans l’imaginaire littéraire, mais aussi identitaire des Québécois. Que ce soit à travers les triomphes de Claude Gauvreau et de Michèle Lalonde ou la foule de plusieurs milliers de personnes devant le Gesù qui espérait assister à la soirée, cet événement, mis sur pellicule par Jean-Claude Labrecque et Jean-Pierre Masse, a été conçu par plusieurs comme l’apothéose de « l’âge de la parole ». Une observation minutieuse de ce happening soulève cependant de nombreuses questions concernant la construction de ce rôle dans l’histoire littéraire québécoise. En effet, tant l’étude des conditions d’organisation de la soirée que l’analyse de son mode de transmission révèlent des motivations archivistiques qui laissent transparaître l’objectif de la Nuit à « faire événement », à produire des traces qui participeront à l’inscription historique de la poésie québécoise. Considérant que l’œuvre filmique de Labrecque et de Masse constitue le seul véritable document témoignant de cet événement et que celui-ci a fait l’objet d’un montage ne présentant qu’une facette de la soirée, les enjeux de représentation et de mise en récit inhérents au cinéma documentaire poussent à questionner le portrait désiré de la poésie de l’époque que l’on voulait créer à travers le long-métrage. Véritable plateau de tournage, le spectacle du 27 mars 1970 appelle à être analysé dans les termes d’une conscience historique qui pousse les acteurs du milieu littéraire de l’époque à ériger les monuments qui seront à la base du canon et de l’institution littéraires québécois. L’étude, mobilisant les ressources de l’analyse de texte, de la sociologie de la littérature, de la théorie historiographique et de la théorie du cinéma, portera principalement sur le documentaire La Nuit de la poésie 27 mars 1970, considéré comme véritable recueil de textes, mais aussi de façon tout à fait originale sur les archives inédites rejetées du montage final des réalisateurs de l’ONF. Au terme de ce travail, j’approfondirai la réflexion sur le rôle historique d’un événement emblématique de la littérature québécoise en explicitant la construction historique autour de celui-ci. Il s’agira non seulement de relativiser l’événement en tant que tel, mais aussi de réfléchir sur le grand récit espéré par les artistes de l’époque.
Trata de la aportación que realizan la enseñanza de la geografía, y sus profesores del nivel de secundaria, a la educación en una sociedad multicultural. Éstos, se dan cuenta de que los programas escolares no reflejan las experiencias y las perspectivas de algunos de sus alumnos, procedentes de otras culturas y religiones. La respuesta a esto, fue reescribir los planes de estudio y sus textos, para permitir el estudio de culturas y modos de vida diferentes.
Se abordan las preocupaciones relacionadas con el estudio eficaz del concepto de lugar y se sugieren formas para que las teorías más recientes del pensamiento geográfico puedan servir para mejorar su comprensión en las clases de geografía. También, se define la nocion de lugar para distinguirlo de otro al que está vinculado de forma muy estrecha, el de espacio.
This thesis presents population dynamics models that can be applied to predict the rate of spread of the Neolithic transition (change from hunter-gathering to farming economics) across the European continent, which took place about 9000 to 5000 years ago. The first models in this thesis provide predictions at a continental scale. We develop population dynamics models with explicit kernels and apply realistic data. We also derive a new time-delayed reaction-diffusion equation which yields speeds about a 10% slower than previous models. We also deal with a regional variability: the slowdown of the Neolithic front when reaching the North of Europe. We develop simple reaction-diffusion models that can predict the measured speeds in terms of the non-homogeneous distribution of pre-Neolithic (Mesolithic) population in Europe, which were present in higher densities at the North of the continent. Such models can explain the observed speeds.
Putting gender in its place: a case study on constructing speaker identities in a management meeting
The case for property has typically rested on the application of modern portfolio theory (MPT), in that property has been shown to offer increased diversification benefits within a multi asset portfolio without hurting portfolio returns especially for lower risk portfolios. However this view is based upon the use of historic, usually appraisal based, data for property. Recent research suggests strongly that such data significantly underestimates the risk characteristics of property, because appraisals explicitly or implicitly smooth out much of the real volatility in property returns. This paper examines the portfolio diversification effects of including property in a multi-asset portfolio, using UK appraisal based (smoothed) data and several derived de-smoothed series. Having considered the effects of de-smoothing, we then consider the inclusion of a further low risk asset (cash) in order to investigate further whether property's place in a low risk portfolio is maintained. The conclusions of this study are that the previous supposed benefits of including property have been overstated. Although property may still have a place in a 'balanced' institutional portfolio, the case for property needs to be reassessed and not be based simplistically on the application of MPT.
Traditional derivations of available potential energy, in a variety of contexts, involve combining some form of mass conservation together with energy conservation. This raises the questions of why such constructions are required in the first place, and whether there is some general method of deriving the available potential energy for an arbitrary fluid system. By appealing to the underlying Hamiltonian structure of geophysical fluid dynamics, it becomes clear why energy conservation is not enough, and why other conservation laws such as mass conservation need to be incorporated in order to construct an invariant, known as the pseudoenergy, that is a positive‐definite functional of disturbance quantities. The available potential energy is just the non‐kinetic part of the pseudoenergy, the construction of which follows a well defined algorithm. Two notable features of the available potential energy defined thereby are first, that it is a locally defined quantity, and second, that it is inherently definable at finite amplitude (though one may of course always take the small‐amplitude limit if this is appropriate). The general theory is made concrete by systematic derivations of available potential energy in a number of different contexts. All the well known expressions are recovered, and some new expressions are obtained. The possibility of generalizing the concept of available potential energy to dynamically stable basic flows (as opposed to statically stable basic states) is also discussed.
Within development communication, gaps remain in theory and practice: communication innovations are taking place which either do not incorporate theory or fail to challenge the assumptions of development communication and HIV/AIDS theory. This can lead to the implementation of unsuccessful interventions that lack theoretical frameworks or to uninformed practice, making it difficult to replicate. Further, research has demonstrated that Entertainment Education (EE) interventions have a measurable impact on behaviour in areas such as HIV/AIDS prevention. Given the transitions in EE practice and evidence of its impact, EE theory and practice can contribute insight into these challenges. A pilot study investigated these dilemmas within the context of the monitoring and evaluation of development communication. Framing this discussion is the concept of South-North dialogue, using comparative analysis of EE interventions to distil lessons through contrasting experiences in two diverse settings. It holds as a principle that lessons from the experience of EE in the Southern context can inform lessons for the North. Further, comparison of the case studies can generate insights for the broader development communication field. We present four case studies, informed by key informant interviews, of EE interventions in the UK and South Africa. We address how communication is defined in planning, implementation and evaluation, highlighting how it often misses the importance of 'listening'. The case studies show that HIV/AIDS communication, and development communication more broadly, has not internalised ideas of evaluation and listening in communication. Successes in the case studies can be partially attributed to responsiveness and context-specificity rather than following rigid planning templates, such as those found in some development communication literature. This indicates the importance of flexibility and responsiveness to context for both development communication and HIV/AIDS communication.