236 resultados para pets


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A three-dimensional MHD solver is described in the paper. The solver simulates reacting flows with nonequilibrium between translational-rotational, vibrational and electron translational modes. The conservation equations are discretized with implicit time marching and the second-order modified Steger-Warming scheme, and the resulted linear system is solved iteratively with Newton-Krylov-Schwarz method that is implemented by PETS,: package. The results of convergence tests arc plotted, which show good scalability and convergence around twice faster when compared with the DPLR method. Then five test runs are conducted simulating the experiments done at the NASA Ames MHD channel, and the calculated pressures, temperatures, electrical conductivity, back EMF, load factors and flow accelerations are shown to agree with the experimental data. Our computation shows that the electrical conductivity distribution is not uniform in the powered section of the MHD channel, and that it is important to include Joule heating in order to calculate the correct conductivity and the MHD acceleration.


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Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências Farmacêuticas


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The recreational lives of teenagers in Ireland has been the subject of much debate in recent years. The subject has received much attention from academics, particularly in the UK and the US. In Ireland there is a dearth of research on, and a poor understanding of teenagers recreational lives. Additionally much of the research from the UK and the US to date has been focused on teenagers’ use of the street for recreation, arguing that teenagers are increasingly pushed out of public space. The research frequently emphasises teenagers’ resistance against adult hegemony. This thesis explores the recreational geographies of teenagers living in two socially and economically distinct neighbourhoods in Cork. It seeks to fill in gaps in knowledge of teenagers recreational lives in Ireland and contribute to geographical wisdom on teenagers’ geographies. Using a mixed method approach and a variety of thinking tools this research shows that teenagers living in Cork are growing up in a revanchist society. The thesis demonstrates how teenagers’ recreational practices are currently being configured in Irish society, unfolding strategies of dominance and affection which construct and regulate the recreational lives of teenagers. The effects of revanchism on teenagers’ experiences of outdoor space for recreation are also pursued. Furthermore the socio-spatial contingencies of teenagers’ recreational lives and revanchism are probed throughout the thesis, but in greater depth in the final chapters. The work also addresses an under-researched aspect of young people’s recreational - relationships with pets. Lastly, the subject of teenagers’ right to urban space is critically analysed.


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The rise in invasive species, together with habitat destruction, is associated with worldwide declines in biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. Management of invasive species, as well as amelioration of invasion impacts, provide challenges to species and ecosystem ecologists and conservation managers. Although any species can become invasive if it is transported to, establishes in and spreads in a new environment outside of its native range, rodents are a particularly frequent invader. Rodent introductions are often inadvertent but are also commonly intentional as these animals are traded and transported as pets and may escape from captivity. Tree squirrel species are attractive to humans and are able to establish populations with only a few founding individuals, making them a group well suited to performing the role of biological invaders. The eastern grey squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis) is the most commonly introduced squirrel species worldwide. This research addressed the grey squirrel invasion and frontier population biology. Novel results were generated through diverse research techniques. Public sighting surveys and hairtube surveys were used to locate the southern frontier of grey squirrel range expansion in Ireland. A 22-month intensive live trapping study of two frontier populations facilitated the collection of personality and demographic data from squirrels in increasing populations. A systematic literature search on grey squirrel demography provided context for the studied populations, among frontier and established introduced populations, as well as those in the native range. Advanced spatially explicit population modeling techniques predicted future range expansion and objectively compared the outcomes of 12 grey squirrel management strategies. The methods and results are discussed in both a basic scientific and applied invasion management context. An improved understanding of the behaviour, population dynamics, and future scenarios at the frontier of species invasions is crucial for managers worldwide and this is provided here for the grey squirrel in Ireland.


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Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) are often used in movies, commercials and print advertisements with the intention of eliciting a humorous response from audiences. The portrayal of chimpanzees in unnatural, human-like situations may have a negative effect on the public's understanding of their endangered status in the wild while making them appear as suitable pets. Alternatively, media content that elicits a positive emotional response toward chimpanzees may increase the public's commitment to chimpanzee conservation. To test these competing hypotheses, participants (n = 165) watched a series of commercials in an experiment framed as a marketing study. Imbedded within the same series of commercials was one of three chimpanzee videos. Participants either watched 1) a chimpanzee conservation commercial, 2) commercials containing "entertainment" chimpanzees or 3) control footage of the natural behavior of wild chimpanzees. Results from a post-viewing questionnaire reveal that participants who watched the conservation message understood that chimpanzees were endangered and unsuitable as pets at higher levels than those viewing the control footage. Meanwhile participants watching commercials with entertainment chimpanzees showed a decrease in understanding relative to those watching the control footage. In addition, when participants were given the opportunity to donate part of their earnings from the experiment to a conservation charity, donations were least frequent in the group watching commercials with entertainment chimpanzees. Control questions show that participants did not detect the purpose of the study. These results firmly support the hypothesis that use of entertainment chimpanzees in the popular media negatively distorts the public's perception and hinders chimpanzee conservation efforts.


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The pragmatics of 'vegetarian' and 'carnivorous' exhibits an asymmetry that we put in evidence by analyzing a newspaper report about vegetarian dog-owners imposing a vegetarian diet on their pets. More fundamental is the problem of partonomy versus containment, for which we attempt a naive but formal analysis applied to ingestion and the food chain, an issue we derive from the same text analyzed. Our formal tools belong in commonsense modelling, a domain of artificial intelligence related to extra-linguistic knowledge and pragmatics. We first provide an interpretation of events analyzed, and express it graphically in a semantic-network related representation, and propose an alternative that we express in terms of a modal logic, avoiding the full representational power of Hayes's "ontology for liquids".


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Substantial sums of money are invested annually in preventative medicine and therapeutic treatment for people with a wide range of physical and psychological health problems, sometimes to no avail. There is now mounting evidence to suggest that companion animals, such as dogs and cats, can enhance the health of their human owners and may thus contribute significantly to the health expenditure of our country. This paper explores the evidence that pets can contribute to human health and well-being. The article initially concentrates on the value of animals for short- and long-term physical health, before exploring the relationship between animals and psychological health, focusing on the ability of dogs, cats, and other species to aid the disabled and serve as a "therapist" to those in institutional settings. The paper also discusses the evidence for the ability of dogs to facilitate the diagnosis and treatment of specific chronic diseases, notably cancer, epilepsy, and diabetes. Mechanisms underlying the ability of animals to promote human health are discussed within a theoretical framework. Whereas the evidence for a direct causal association between human well-being and companion animals is not conclusive, the literature reviewed is largely supportive of the widely held, and long-standing, belief that "pets are good for us." © 2009 The Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues.


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Researchers have long reported that dogs and cats improve the physical and psychological health of their human caregivers, and while it is still inconclusive, a substantial amount of research now lends support for the commonly held view that "pets are good for us." Recently, studies have directed attention toward exploring the use of animals, most notably dogs, in the detection of disease and other types of health problems in people. This article reviews the evidence for dogs' ability to detect ill health in humans, focusing specifically on the detection of cancer, epileptic seizures, and hypoglycemia. The author describes the research carried out in this area and evaluates it in an effort to determine whether dogs have a role to play in modern health care as an "alert" tool or screening system for ill health. Where necessary, the author has highlighted weaknesses in the work and proposed directions for future studies.


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In this paper we extend the minimum-cost network flow approach to multi-target tracking, by incorporating a motion model, allowing the tracker to better cope with longterm occlusions and missed detections. In our new method, the tracking problem is solved iteratively: Firstly, an initial tracking solution is found without the help of motion information. Given this initial set of tracklets, the motion at each detection is estimated, and used to refine the tracking solution.
Finally, special edges are added to the tracking graph, allowing a further revised tracking solution to be found, where distant tracklets may be linked based on motion similarity. Our system has been tested on the PETS S2.L1 and Oxford town-center sequences, outperforming the baseline system, and achieving results comparable with the current state of the art.


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AIM: To evaluate the association between various lifestyle factors and achalasia risk.

METHODS: A population-based case-control study was conducted in Northern Ireland, including n= 151 achalasia cases and n = 117 age- and sex-matched controls. Lifestyle factors were assessed via a face-to-face structured interview. The association between achalasia and lifestyle factors was assessed by unconditional logistic regression, to produce odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence interval (CI).

RESULTS: Individuals who had low-class occupations were at the highest risk of achalasia (OR = 1.88, 95%CI: 1.02-3.45), inferring that high-class occupation holders have a reduced risk of achalasia. A history of foreign travel, a lifestyle factor linked to upper socio-economic class, was also associated with a reduced risk of achalasia (OR = 0.59, 95%CI: 0.35-0.99). Smoking and alcohol consumption carried significantly reduced risks of achalasia, even after adjustment for socio-economic status. The presence of pets in the house was associated with a two-fold increased risk of achalasia (OR = 2.00, 95%CI: 1.17-3.42). No childhood household factors were associated with achalasia risk.

CONCLUSION: Achalasia is a disease of inequality, and individuals from low socio-economic backgrounds are at highest risk. This does not appear to be due to corresponding alcohol and smoking behaviours. An observed positive association between pet ownership and achalasia risk suggests an interaction between endotoxin and viral infection exposure in achalasia aetiology.


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Both genetic factors and life experiences appear to be important in shaping dogs' responses in a test situation. One potentially highly relevant life experience may be the dog's training history, however few studies have investigated this aspect so far. This paper briefly reviews studies focusing on the effects of training on dogs' performance in cognitive tasks, and presents new, preliminary evidence on trained and untrained pet dogs' performance in an 'unsolvable task'. Thirty-nine adult dogs: 13 trained for search and rescue activities (S&R group), 13 for agility competition (Agility group) and 13 untrained pets (Pet group) were tested. Three 'solvable' trials in which dogs could obtain the food by manipulating a plastic container were followed by an 'unsolvable' trial in which obtaining the food became impossible. The dogs' behaviours towards the apparatus and the people present (owner and researcher) were analysed. Both in the first 'solvable' and in the 'unsolvable' trial the groups were comparable on actions towards the apparatus, however differences emerged in their human-directed gazing behaviour. In fact, results in the 'solvable' trial, showed fewer S&R dogs looking back at a person compared to agility dogs, and the latter alternating their gaze between person and apparatus more frequently than pet dogs. In the unsolvable trial no difference between groups emerged in the latency to look at the person however agility dogs looked longer at the owner than both pet and S&R dogs; whereas S&R dogs exhibited significantly more barking (always occurring concurrently to looking at the person or the apparatus) than both other groups. Furthermore, S&R dogs alternated their gaze between person and apparatus more than untrained pet dogs, with agility dogs falling in between these two groups. Thus overall, it seems that the dogs' human-directed communicative behaviours are significantly influenced by their individual training experiences. © 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Tese de doutoramento, Ciências e Tecnologias da Saúde (Microbiologia), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Medicina, 2014


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A pressão seletiva originada pelo uso excessivo de antimicrobianos na medicina humana e veterinária tem contribuído para a emergência de estirpes bacterianas multirresistentes, sendo os estudos mais escassos relativamente à sua presença nos animais de companhia. Porque os animais e os seus proprietários partilham o mesmo espaço habitacional, apresentando comportamentos de contacto próximo, existe uma hipótese elevada de transferência microbiana inter-espécie. Ante esta possibilidade é importante escrutinar o papel dos animais de companhia enquanto reservatórios de estirpes e de genes de resistência, bem como a sua envolvência na disseminação de estirpes bacterianas multirresistentes. Importa também, investigar o papel das superfícies e objetos domésticos partilhados por ambos, como potenciadores deste fenómeno. O objetivo deste trabalho foi, identificar o filogrupo e fazer a caracterização molecular dos genes que conferem resistência aos β-lactâmicos e às quinolonas, em quarenta isolados de Escherichia coli produtoras de β-lactamases de espectro alargado (ESBL), obtidas em zaragatoas fecais de cães consultados no Hospital Veterinário do ICBAS-UP. Complementarmente pretendeu-se inferir sobre a partilha de clones de Escherichia coli e Enterococcus spp. com elevadas resistências, em cinco agregados familiares (humanos e seus animais de companhia) assim como avaliar a potencial disseminação de estirpes multirresistentes no ambiente doméstico. Previamente foram recolhidas zaragatoas de fezes, pelo e mucosa oral dos animais e em alguns casos, dos seus proprietários, e ainda do ambiente doméstico. As zaragatoas foram processadas e as estirpes isoladas com base em meios seletivos. Foram realizados testes de suscetibilidade antimicrobiana de modo a estabelecer o fenótipo de resistência de cada isolado. O DNA foi extraído por varias metodologias e técnicas de PCR foram utilizadas para caracterização de filogrupos (Escherichia coli) e identificação da espécie (Enterococcus spp.). A avaliação da proximidade filogenética entre isolados foi efetuada por ERIC PCR e PFGE. No conjunto de quarenta isolados produtores de ESBL e/ou resistentes a quinolonas verificou-se que 47,5% pertenciam ao filogrupo A, havendo uma menor prevalência do filogrupo D (25,0%), B1 (17,5%), e B2 (10,0%).A frequência de resistência nestes isolados é factualmente elevada, sendo reveladora de uma elevada pressão seletiva. Com exceção de dois isolados, os fenótipos foram justificados pela presença de β-lactamases. A frequência da presença de genes foi: 47% blaTEM, 34% blaSHV, 24% blaOXA , 18% blaCTX-M-15, 8% blaCTX-M-2, 3% blaCTX-M-9. Nos isolados resistentes às quinolonas verificou-se maioritariamente a presença de mutações nos genes cromossomais gyrA e parC, e em alguns casos a presença de um determinante de resistência mediado por plasmídeo – qnrS. Nos cinco “agregados familiares” (humanos e animais) estudados foi observada uma partilha frequente de clones de E. coli e Enterococcus faecalis com múltiplas resistências, isolados em fezes e mucosa oral de cães e gatos e fezes e mãos dos respetivos proprietários, evidenciando-se assim uma possível transferência direta entre coabitantes (agregados A, C, D, E). Ficou também comprovado com percentagens de similaridade genotípica superiores a 94% que essa disseminação também ocorre para o ambiente doméstico, envolvendo objetos dos animais e de uso comum (agregados A, E). Os resultados obtidos reforçam a necessidade de um uso prudente dos antimicrobianos, pois elevados padrões de resistências terão um impacto não só na qualidade de vida dos animais mas também na saúde humana. Adicionalmente importa sensibilizar os proprietários para a necessidade de uma maior vigilância relativamente às formas de interação com os animais, bem como para a adoção de medidas higiénicas cautelares após essa mesma interação.


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Black notebook (soft cover) that previously had something glued to the cover. The first page has 1956 Oct. 31st $40.00 written in it. At the back are some quotes and birth and death dates, including death dates of pets, 1956.