903 resultados para personal health data


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Os sistemas de apoio à decisão clinica têm-se revelado essenciais no dia-a-dia da população, nomeadamente dos profissionais e dos pacientes. Estes sistemas podem ser aplicados com diferentes objetivos: como sistemas de alerta; de prevenção de doenças; sistemas para dosagem de medicação e prescrição; entre outras. Atualmente é notório o aumento de interesse por parte da população em entender e em possuir um papel ativo nas decisões médicas. Para conseguirem fazê-lo necessitam de procurar informação. O meio mais utilizado para obter essa informação é a internet, onde a informação se encontra em grande quantidade e muito dispersa. Para além da quantidade é imprescindível encontrar informação credível, para que não haja indução da pessoa em erro. Para ajudar a solucionar estes problemas surgiram os sistemas de recomendação na saúde. Estes sistemas foram idealizados para fornecer informações às quais os utilizadores podem recorrer para tomar decisões conscientes e seguras sobre a sua saúde. Também os sistemas de alerta se têm revelado importantes na área da saúde. Estes sistemas podem ser usados em diferentes contextos e sobre diferentes assuntos, como por exemplo, a alteração do estado clínico de um paciente monitorizado, em tempo real, ou em interações medicamentosas. As interações medicamentosas podem advir da automedicação do utente ou da larga quantidade de medicação que, a partir de determinada idade, os utentes ingerem. Pode ter como causa medicação que administrem regularmente, ou até mesmo diariamente, ou doenças/estados que o utente possua que, em simultâneo com determinada medicação pode causar reações adversas. Neste trabalho foi desenvolvido um protótipo de uma farmácia online (FoAM) que fornece, ao utilizador, alertas quando há possibilidade de interações. As causas de interações consideradas foram os medicamentos que o utilizador consuma e/ou doenças/estados que possua. O objetivo é alertar para o caso das causas que o utilizador possui interagirem com o(s) medicamento(s) que este deseja adquirir. Para alcançar esse objetivo foi necessário selecionar os medicamentos a disponibilizar assim como as suas interações. Essa seleção foi baseada no prontuário terapêutico 2013 disponibilizado pelo INFARMED. Depois de recolhida e analisada a informação, foi possível compreender que informações clínicas o sistema necessita para que consiga identificar os medicamentos que não são aconselháveis adquirir. Para isso, é necessário que o utilizador forneça essas informações clínicas pessoais, necessidade que vai de encontro à posição defendida por diversos autores que apontam o uso de registos eletrónicos de saúde muito benéfico para conseguir alertas mais personalizados suprindo assim as necessidades do utilizador. É também preponderante que o utilizador perceba o porquê de determinado medicamento não ser aconselhável, por isso, ao ser emitido o alerta é também apresentada a justificação do mesmo, ou seja, é disponibilizado ao utilizador qual a causa que indicou no formulário responsável pela interação.


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An important aspect of tropical medicine is analysis of geographic aspects of risk of disease transmission, which for lack of detailed public health data must often be reduced to an understanding of the distributions of critical species such as vectors and reservoirs. We examine the applicability of a new technique, ecological niche modeling, to the challenge of understanding distributions of such species based on municipalities in the state of São Paulo in which a group of 5 Lutzomyia sandfly species have been recorded. The technique, when tested based on independent occurrence data, yielded highly significant predictions of species' distributions; minimum sample sizes for effective predictions were around 40 municipalities.


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In this study we aim to investigate the health discrepancies arising from unequal economic status, known as the “wealth-health gradient”. Our sample comprises 47,163 individuals from 14 European countries in the SHARE Wave 4 (2011), representing the population aged 50 and older. Through a cross-sectional OLS regression model, we have tested the impact of country-level indicators to infer their effect on personal health and on the magnitude of the gradient. The results find that private expenditure yields, on average, a higher, but fast decreasing, health benefit than public expenditure; and that income inequality is irrelevant for reducing health inequalities.


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1. Personal insurances in the Portuguese law: life insurance and health insurance. 2. The protection of personal data in the Portuguese law, particularly the health data. 3. The access to the health data of the insured person in general and of the deceased in particular. 4. Typical cases.


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Some municipalities in Brazil have been requesting orientation for the implementation of health education programs related to the control of schistosomiasis. This demand was based on experiences in the development of health education researches, strategies and materials for school-age children, involving the communities and secretaries of health and education. Motivated by this request and the recently implemented plan of health services (Unified Health System - Sistema Único de Saúde - SUS) that gives autonomy to the municipalities to utilize health resources and services in Brazil, this paper presents an interactive perspective of planning health education research and programs. The purpose of this perspective is to stimulate a reflection on the needs and actions of institutions and people involved in health education research and/or programs to obtain sustainability, commitment and effectiveness - not only in the control of schistosomiasis, but also in the improvement of environmental conditions, quality of life and personal health. This perspective comprises interaction among three levels related to health education programs: the decision level, the executive level and the beneficiary level. The needs and lines of action at each of these levels are discussed, as well as the ways in which they can interact with each other. This proposal may lead to useful interactive ways of planing, organizing, executing and evaluating health education research and/or program, not only towards the prevention and control of the disease at stake, but also to promote health in general.


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Exposure to fine particles and noise has been linked to cardiovascular diseases and elevated cardiovascular mortality affecting the worldwide population. Residence and/or work in proximity to emission sources as for example road traffic leads to an elevated exposure and a higher risk for adverse health effects. Highway maintenance workers spend most of their work time in traffic and are exposed regularly to particles and noise. The aims of this thesis were to provide a better understanding of the workers' mixed exposure to particles and noise and to assess cardiopulmonary short term health effects in relation to this exposure. Exposure and health data were collected in collaboration with 8 maintenance centers of the Swiss Road Maintenance Services located in the cantons Bern, Fribourg and Vaud in western Switzerland. Repeated measurements with 18 subjects were conducted during 50 non-consecutive work shifts between Mai 2010 and February 2012, equally distributed over all seasons. In the first part of this thesis we tested and validated measurements of ultrafine particles with a miniature diffusion size classifier (miniDiSC) - a novel particle counting device that was used for the exposure assessment during highway maintenance work. We found that particle numbers and average particle size measured by the miniDiSC were highly correlated with data from the P-TRAK, a condensation particle counter (CPC), as well as from a scanning mobility particle sizer (SMPS). However, the miniDiSC measured significantly more particles than the P-TRAK and significantly less than the SMPS in its full size range. Our data suggests that the instrument specific cutoffs were the main reason for the different particle counts. The first main objective of this thesis was to investigate the exposure of highway maintenance workers to air pollutants and noise, in relation to the different maintenance activities. We have seen that the workers are regularly exposed to high particle and noise levels. This was a consequence of close proximity to highway traffic and the use of motorized working equipment such as brush cutters, chain saws, generators and pneumatic hammers during which the highest exposure levels occurred. Although exposure to air pollutants were not critical if compared to occupational exposure limits, the elevated exposure to particles and noise may lead to a higher risk for cardiovascular diseases in this worker population. The second main objective was to investigate cardiopulmonary short-term health effects in relation to the particle and noise exposure during highway maintenance work. We observed a PM2.5 related increase of the acute-phase inflammation markers C-reactive protein and serum amyloid A and a decrease of TNFa. Heart rate variability increased as a consequence of particle as well as noise exposure. Increased high frequency power indicated a stronger parasympathetic influence on the heart. Elevated noise levels during recreational time, after work, were related to increased blood pressure. Our data confirmed that highway maintenance workers are exposed to elevated levels of particles and noise as compared to the average population. This exposure poses a cardiovascular health risk and it is therefore important to make efforts to better protect the workers health. The use of cleaner machines during maintenance work would be a major step to improve the workers' situation. Furthermore, regulatory policies with the aim of reducing combustion and non-combustion emissions from road traffic are important for the protection of workers in traffic environments and the entire population.


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OBJECTIVE: To describe the goals and methods of contemporary public health surveillance and to present the activities of the Observatoire Valaisan de la Santé (OVS), a tool unique in Switzerland to conduct health surveillance for the population of a canton. METHODS: Narrative review and presentation of the OVS. RESULTS: Public health surveillance consists of systematic and continuous collection, analysis, interpretation and dissemination of health data necessary for public health planning. Surveillance is organized according to contemporary public health issues. Switzerland is currently in an era dominated by chronic diseases due to ageing of the population. This "new public health" era is also characterized by the growing importance of health technology, rational risk management, preventive medicine and health promotion, and the central role of the citizen/patient. Information technologies provide access to new health data, but public health surveillance methods need to be adapted. In Switzerland, health surveillance activities are conducted by several public and private bodies, at federal and cantonal levels. The Valais canton has set up the OVS, an integrative, regional, and reactive system to conduct surveillance. CONCLUSION: Public health surveillance provides information useful for public health decisions and actions. It constitutes a key element for public health planning.


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Objective To associate the sleep quality of Brazilian undergraduate students with health indicators. Method A cross-sectional study was developed with a random sample of 662 undergraduate students from Fortaleza, Brazil. The demographic data, Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index and health data indicators (smoking, alcoholism, sedentary lifestyle, nutritional condition and serum cholesterol) were collected through a self-administered questionnaire. Blood was collected at a clinical laboratory. In order to estimate the size of the associations, a Poisson Regression was used. Results For students who are daily smokers, the occurrence of poor sleep was higher than in non-smokers (p<0.001). Prevalence rate values were nevertheless close to 1. Conclusion The likelihood of poor sleep is almost the same in smokers and in alcoholics.


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This monograph dissertation looks into the field of ICT-mediated health and well-being services. Through six chapters that extend the work done in the reviewed and published articles, the dissertation focuses on new and emerging technologies, and to impact of their use on the beneficiary; the individual who eventually derives advantage from the services. As the field is currently going through major changes particularly in the OECD countries, the focus is on shortterm developments in the field and the analysis on the long term developments is cursory by nature. The dissertation includes theoretical and empirical elements. Most of the empirical elements are linked to product development and conceptualization performed in the national MyWellbeing project that ended in 2010. In the project, the emphasis was on conceptualization of a personal aid for the beneficiary that could be used for managing information and services in the field of health and well-being services. This work continued the theme of developing individual-centric solutions for the field; a work that started in the InnoElli Senior program in 2006. The nature of this thesis is foremost a conceptual elaboration based on a literature review, illustrated in empirical work performed in different projects. As a theoretical contribution, this dissertation elaborates the role of a mediator, i.e. an intermediary, and it is used as an overarching theme. The role acts as a ‘lens’ through which a number of technology-related phenomena are looked at, pinned down and addressed to a degree. This includes introduction of solutions, ranging from anthropomorphic artefacts to decision support systems that may change the way individuals experience clinical encounters in the near-future. Due to the complex and multiform nature of the field, it is impractical and effectively impossible to cover all aspects that are related to mediation in a single work. Issues such as legislation, financing and privacy are all of equal importance. Consideration of all these issues is beyond the scope of this dissertation and their investigation is left to other work. It follows from this that the investigation on the role is not intended as inclusive one. The role of the mediator is also used to highlight some of the ethical issues related to personal health information management, and to mediating health and well-being related issues on behalf of another individual, such as an elderly relative or a fellow member of a small unit in the armed forces. The dissertation concludes in a summary about the use and functions of the mediator, describing some potential avenues for implementing such support mechanisms to the changing field of ICT-mediated health and well-being services. The conclusions also describe some of the limitations of this dissertation, including remarks on methodology and content.


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Workshop at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014


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There is an increasing demand for individualized, genotype-based health advice. The general population-based dietary recommendations do not always motivate people to change their life-style, and partly following this, cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are a major cause of death in worldwide. Using genotype-based nutrition and health information (e.g. nutrigenetics) in health education is a relatively new approach, although genetic variation is known to cause individual differences in response to dietary factors. Response to changes in dietary fat quality varies, for example, among different APOE genotypes. Research in this field is challenging, because several non-modifiable (genetic, age, sex) and modifiable (e.g. lifestyle, dietary, physical activity) factors together and with interaction affect the risk of life-style related diseases (e.g. CVD). The other challenge is the psychological factors (e.g. anxiety, threat, stress, motivation, attitude), which also have an effect on health behavior. The genotype-based information is always a very sensitive topic, because it can also cause some negative consequences and feelings (e.g. depression, increased anxiety). The aim of this series of studies was firstly to study how individual, genotype-based health information affects an individual’s health form three aspects, and secondly whether this could be one method in the future to prevent lifestyle-related diseases, such as CVD. The first study concentrated on the psychological effects; the focus of the second study was on health behavior effects, and the third study concentrated on clinical effects. In the fourth study of this series, the focus was on all these three aspects and their associations with each other. The genetic risk and health information was the APOE gene and its effects on CVD. To study the effect of APOE genotype-based health information in prevention of CVD, a total of 151 volunteers attended the baseline assessments (T0), of which 122 healthy adults (aged 20 – 67 y) passed the inclusion criteria and started the one-year intervention. The participants (n = 122) were randomized into a control group (n = 61) and an intervention group (n = 61). There were 21 participants in the intervention Ɛ4+ group (including APOE genotypes 3/4 and 4/4) and 40 participants in the intervention Ɛ4- group (including APOE genotypes 2/3 and 3/3). The control group included 61 participants (including APOE genotypes 3/4, 4/4, 2/3, 3/3 and 2/2). The baseline (T0) and follow-up assessments (T1, T2, T3) included detailed measurements of psychological (threat and anxiety experience, stage of change), and behavioral (dietary fat quality, consumption of vegetables, - high fat/sugar foods and –alcohol, physical activity and health and taste attitudes) and clinical factors (total-, LDL- HDL cholesterol, triglycerides, blood pressure, blood glucose (0h and 2h), body mass index, waist circumference and body fat percentage). During the intervention six different communication sessions (lectures on healthy lifestyle and nutrigenomics, health messages by mail, and personal discussion with the doctor) were arranged. The intervention groups (Ɛ4+ and Ɛ4-) received their APOE genotype information and health message at the beginning of the intervention. The control group received their APOE genotype information after the intervention. For the analyses in this dissertation, the results for 106/107 participants were analyzed. In the intervention, there were 16 participants in the high-risk (Ɛ4+) group and 35 in the low-risk (Ɛ4-) group. The control group had 55 participants in studies III-IV and 56 participants in studies I-II. The intervention had both short-term (≤ 6 months) and long-term (12 months) effects on health behavior and clinical factors. The short-term effects were found in dietary fat quality and waist circumference. Dietary fat quality improved more in the Ɛ4+ group than the Ɛ4- and the control groups as the personal, genotype-based health information and waist circumference lowered more in the Ɛ4+ group compared with the control group. Both these changes differed significantly between the Ɛ4+ and control groups (p<0.05). A long-term effect was found in triglyceride values (p<0.05), which lowered more in Ɛ4+ compared with the control group during the intervention. Short-term effects were also found in the threat experience, which increased mostly in the Ɛ4+ group after the genetic feedback (p<0.05), but it decreased after 12 months, although remaining at a higher level compared to the baseline (T0). In addition, Study IV found that changes in the psychological factors (anxiety and threat experience, motivation), health and taste attitudes, and health behaviors (dietary, alcohol consumption, and physical activity) did not directly explain the changes in triglyceride values and waist circumference. However, change caused by a threat experience may have affected the change in triglycerides through total- and HDL cholesterol. In conclusion, this dissertation study has given some indications that individual, genotypebased health information could be one potential option in the future to prevent lifestyle-related diseases in public health care. The results of this study imply that personal genetic information, based on APOE, may have positive effects on dietary fat quality and some cardiovascular risk markers (e.g., improvement in triglyceride values and waist circumference). This study also suggests that psychological factors (e.g. anxiety and threat experience) may not be an obstacle for healthy people to use genotype-based health information to promote healthy lifestyles. However, even in the case of very personal health information, in order to achieve a permanent health behavior change, it is important to include attitudes and other psychological factors (e.g. motivation), as well as intensive repetition and a longer intervention duration. This research will serve as a basis for future studies and its information can be used to develop targeted interventions, including health information based on genotyping that would aim at preventing lifestyle diseases. People’s interest in personalized health advices has increased, while also the costs of genetic screening have decreased. Therefore, generally speaking, it can be assumed that genetic screening as a part of the prevention of lifestyle-related diseases may become more common in the future. In consequence, more research is required about how to make genetic screening a practical tool in public health care, and how to efficiently achieve long-term changes.


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This study examined how one university professor negotiated the boundaries between his personal life as a gay man and his professional life as a teacher. Using his sexual orientation as a focal point, the study explored the circumstances and underlying assumptions that influenced this professor's decisions to disclose information of a personal nature. Data collection was solicited from a number of sources: (a) In-depth interviews with the participant, his colleagues, students, and friends; (b) Field observation of the participant teaching over a 3 -day period; and (c) A document review of lesson plans, course outlines, student feedback forms, and the participant's teaching portfolio. The researcher maintained both observation journals and reflective journals during this process. Data analysis using the constant comparative method elicited several themes. The participant engaged in a variety of strategies in disclosing his sexual orientation that included: (a) no disclosure at all, (b) assuming people knew, (c) casually mentioning it in conversation, and (d) deliberately planning to tell someone. The participant also engaged in an ongoing assessment of his environment that included evaluating the level of risk in disclosing his sexual orientation and assessing the listener's ability to receive the information. The participant cited numerous reasons for disclosing his sexual orientation. Further inquiry revealed a number of belief systems that underlined these reasons. These belief systems included beliefs around privacy, authenticity, teaching, manners, professionalism, and homosexuality. The conclusions suggested that the participant utilized a consistent process in both his personal and professional lives to determine what information was kept private and what information was made public. While the process used to determine the degree of disclosure was consistent, the actual disclosures themselves varied widely in nature.


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Objective: Self-rating provides a simple direct way of capturing perceptions of health. The objective of this study was to estimate the prevalence and associated factors of poor self-rated oral health among elders. Methods: National data from a cross-sectional population-based study with a multistage random sample of 4786 Brazilian older adults (aged 65-74) in 250 towns were analysed. Data collection included oral examinations (WHO 1997) and struct-ured interviews at elderly households. The outcome was measured by a single five-point-response-scale question dichotomized into `poor` (fair/poor/very poor) and `good` (good/very good) self-rated oral health. Data analyses used Poisson regression models stratified by sex. Results: The prevalence of poor self-rated oral health was 46.6% (95% CI: 45.2-48%) in the whole sample, 50.3% (48-52.5) in men and 44.2% (42.4-46) in women. Higher prevalence ratios (PR) were found in elders reporting unfavourable dental appearance (PR = 2.31; 95% CI: 2.02-2.65), poor chewing ability (PR = 1.64; CI: 1.48-1.8) and dental pain (PR = 1.44; CI: 1.04-1.23) in adjusted analysis. Poor self-perception was also associated with being men, black, unfavourable socioeconomic circumstances, unfavourable clinical oral health and with not using or needing a dental prosthesis. Conclusion: Assessment and understanding of self-rated oral health should take into account social factors, subjective and clinical oral symptoms.


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Objective: The objective of this study was to describe the oral health of elderly people diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease (AD). Study Design: Thirty elderly subjects with AD (mild, moderate, and severe) and 30 without AD (controls) were included in the study. Volunteer-reported oral health data were collected using the General Oral Health Assessment Index (GOHAI). Demographic and oral characteristics were assessed, including the number of natural teeth; number of decayed, missing, and filled teeth (DMTF); oral health index (OHI); removable prosthesis conditions; and oral pathologies. Results: GOHAI values were similar for both groups. Compared with the controls, the subjects with AD had a higher age, DMTF, OHI, and number of oral pathologies and a lower educational level and number of natural teeth. Conclusions: Elderly subjects with AD had poorer oral health than those without the disease. Despite the positive self-perception of their oral health, the oral health of subjects with AD tended to decline as their disease progressed. © 2012 Elsevier Inc.