311 resultados para pacs: teleconferencing
Optical emission from TiO2 plasma, generated by a nanosecond laser is spectroscopically analysed. The main chemical species are identified and the spatio-temporal distribution of the plasma parameters such as electron temperature and density are characterized based on the study of spectral distribution of the line intensities and their broadening characteristics. The parameters of laser induced plasma vary quickly owing to its expansion at low background pressure and the possible deviations from local thermodynamic equilibrium conditions are tested to show its validity.
Optical emission from TiO2 plasma, generated by a nanosecond laser is spectroscopically analysed. The main chemical species are identified and the spatio-temporal distribution of the plasma parameters such as electron temperature and density are characterized based on the study of spectral distribution of the line intensities and their broadening characteristics. The parameters of laser induced plasma vary quickly owing to its expansion at low background pressure and the possible deviations from local thermodynamic equilibrium conditions are tested to show its validity
Optical emission from TiO2 plasma, generated by a nanosecond laser is spectroscopically analysed. The main chemical species are identified and the spatio-temporal distribution of the plasma parameters such as electron temperature and density are characterized based on the study of spectral distribution of the line intensities and their broadening characteristics. The parameters of laser induced plasma vary quickly owing to its expansion at low background pressure and the possible deviations from local thermodynamic equilibrium conditions are tested to show its validity.
Thermal diffusivity of the composites of camphor sulphonic acid (CSA) doped polyaniline (PANI) and its composites with cobalt phthalocyanine (CoPc) has been measured using open cell photoacoustic technique. Analysis of the data shows that the effective thermal diffusivity value can be tuned by varying the relative volume fraction of the constituents. It is seen that polaron assisted heat transfer mechanism is dominant in CSA doped PANI and these composites exhibit a thermal diffusivity value which is intermediate to that of CSA doped PANI and CoPc. The results obtained are correlated with the electrical conductivity and hardness measurements carried out on the samples
Thermal diffusivity of the composites of camphor sulphonic acid (CSA) doped polyaniline (PANI) and its composites with cobalt phthalocyanine (CoPc) has been measured using open cell photoacoustic technique. Analysis of the data shows that the effective thermal diffusivity value can be tuned by varying the relative volume fraction of the constituents. It is seen that polaron assisted heat transfer mechanism is dominant in CSA doped PANI and these composites exhibit a thermal diffusivity value which is intermediate to that of CSA doped PANI and CoPc. The results obtained are correlated with the electrical conductivity and hardness measurements carried out on the samples.
The dynamics of diffusion of electrons and ions from the laser-produced plasma from a multielement superconducting material, namely YBa2Cu3O7, using a Q-switched Nd:YAG laser is investigated by time-resolved emission-spectroscopic techniques at various laser irradiances. It is observed that beyond a laser irradiance of 2.6 \xC3\x97 1011 W cm-2, the ejected plume collectively drifts away from the target with a sharp increase in velocity to 1.25 \xC3\x97 106 cm s-1, which is twice its velocity observed at lower laser irradiances. This sudden drift apparently occurs as a result of the formation of a charged double layer at the external plume boundary. This diffusion is collective, that is, the electrons and ions inside the plume diffuse together simultaneously and hence it is similar to the ambipolar diffusion of charged particles in a discharge plasma
The centralised control rooms of large industrial plants have separated people from the processes they should control. Perception is restricted mainly to the visual sense. Only telephone or radio links provide narrow-band voice communication with maintenance personnel down in the plant. Multimedia equipment can perceptionally bring back the operator into the plant while bodily keeping him the comfortable and safe control room. This involves video and audio transmission from process components as well as sights and sounds artificially generated from measurements. Groupware systems support inter-action between operators, engineers, and managers in different plants. With support from the German government, the state of Hessen, and industrial companies the Laboratory for Systems Engineering and Human-Machine Systems at the University of Kassel establishes an Experimental Multimedia Process Control Room. Core of this set-up are two high-performance graphics workstations linked to one of several process or vehicle simulators. Multimedia periphery includes video and teleconferencing equipment and a vibration and sound generation system.
Image analysis and graphics synthesis can be achieved with learning techniques using directly image examples without physically-based, 3D models. In our technique: -- the mapping from novel images to a vector of "pose" and "expression" parameters can be learned from a small set of example images using a function approximation technique that we call an analysis network; -- the inverse mapping from input "pose" and "expression" parameters to output images can be synthesized from a small set of example images and used to produce new images using a similar synthesis network. The techniques described here have several applications in computer graphics, special effects, interactive multimedia and very low bandwidth teleconferencing.
Resumen tomado de la publicación. El cuestionario se repartió entre el alumnado del IES Son Pacs de Palma de Mallorca
Durante una convocatoria anterior y gracias a la ayuda de los proyectos Échame un cable de PNTIC, Jóvenes estudiantes del Ayuntamiento de Palma y el grupo de Trabajo, se instalaron los primeros cables de la intranet del centro, se instaló el primer servidor de páginas web local y se estableció la conexión a Internet para ocho ordenadores del centro. El grupo de trabajo solicitó ampliar el programa ya que el centro se encontraba en el Proyecto Atenea y contaba con un presupuesto aceptable y la implicación de la comunidad escolar
Introducción. Las imágenes obtenidas mediante rayos X, determinan una conducta clínica en ortopedia y son analizadas por parte del cirujano en el momento previo a realizar un acto quirúrgico. El planeamiento pre quirúrgico basado en radiografías de cadera, permite predecir el tamaño de los componentes protésicos a utilizar en un reemplazo de cadera. Con el advenimiento de las radiografías digitales, existe la falsa percepción de que estas tienen corregido el factor de magnificación. La corrección de dicho factor requiere un protocolo de calibración de imágenes, aún no implementado en la Fundación Santa Fe de Bogotá (FSFB). Como consecuencia, las radiografías de cadera actualmente resultan magnificadas. Materiales y métodos. Fueron seleccionados 73 pacientes con reemplazo articular total de la cadera intervenidos en la FSFB. Para cada paciente, se estableció la dimensión de la cabeza protésica en la radiografía de cadera obtenida mediante el sistema de radiología digital (PACS-IMPAX) y su tamaño fue comparado con el de la cabeza femoral implantada. Resultados. La concordancia entre los dos observadores al medir la dimensión radiológica de los componentes protésicos fue excelente y el coeficiente de magnificación promedio de 1.2 (20%). Este será introducido al PACS-IMPAX para ajustar el tamaño definitivo de la radiografía. Conclusión. El ajuste del PACS-IMPAX permite obtener radiografías en las cuales se refleja con mayor precisión el tamaño de los segmentos anatómicos y de los componentes protésicos.
Con la participación del historiador Gaspar Valero i Martí, autor del prólogo. Las personas responsables son profesores del centro IES Son Pacs, los autores son los alumnos
Protagonizado por los alumnos de este centro escolar
Se recogen los objetivos y características de la Fundación Illes Balears, constituida para gestionar y conservar el patrimonio arquitectónico y cultural de la Comunidad Autónoma, así como la difusión y puesta en valor de las características que le corresponden. Estos bienes son la finca rústica de Son Pacs (Mallorca), el conjunto arqueológico talayótico de Torralba d'en Salord (Menorca), la finca de S'Illot (Mallorca) integrada en el Parque Natural de S'Albufera, el casal de Can Ros des Puig de Missa, en Santa Eulalia de Eivissa, el Fortín de Cala Llonga (Mallorca) y el molino de la Mola (Formentera).
El desarrollo del archivo docente de imágenes diagnósticas, permite compartir y difundir el conocimiento de la colección de casos e imágenes radiológicas con rapidez y facilidad al personal de la Clínica Fundación Cardio-Infantil – Instituto de Cardiología, a través por portal web “e-cardio”, contribuyendo en la formación académica del personal médico, técnico y administrativo.