957 resultados para pH values


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The oxygen isotopic composition (d18O) of calcium carbonate of planktonic calcifying organisms is a key tool for reconstructing both past seawater temperature and salinity. The calibration of paloeceanographic proxies relies in general on empirical relationships derived from field experiments on extant species. Laboratory experiments have more often than not revealed that variables other than the target parameter influence the proxy signal, which makes proxy calibration a challenging task. Understanding these secondary or "vital" effects is crucial for increasing proxy accuracy. We present data from laboratory experiments showing that oxygen isotope fractionation during calcification in the coccolithophore Calcidiscus leptoporus and the calcareous dinoflagellate Thoracosphaera heimii is dependent on carbonate chemistry of seawater in addition to its dependence on temperature. A similar result has previously been reported for planktonic foraminifera, supporting the idea that the [CO3]2- effect on d18O is universal for unicellular calcifying planktonic organisms. The slopes of the d18O/[CO3]2- relationships range between -0.0243 per mil/(µmol/kg) (calcareous dinoflagellate T. heimii) and the previously published -0.0022 per mil/(µmol/kg) (non-symbiotic planktonic foramifera Orbulina universa), while C. leptoporus has a slope of -0.0048 per mil/(µmol/kg). We present a simple conceptual model, based on the contribution of d18O-enriched [HCO3]- to the [CO3]2- pool in the calcifying vesicle, which can explain the [CO3]2- effect on d18O for the different unicellular calcifiers. This approach provides a new insight into biological fractionation in calcifying organisms. The large range in d18O/[CO3]2- slopes should possibly be explored as a means for paleoreconstruction of surface [CO3]2-, particularly through comparison of the response in ecologically similar planktonic organisms.


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The pH values near a planar dissociating membrane are studied under a mean field approximation using the Poisson-Boltzmann equation and its linear form. The equations are solved in planar symmetry with the consideration that the charge density on the dissociating membrane surface results from an equilibrium process with the neighboring electrolyte. Results for the membrane dissociation degree are presented as a function of the electrolyte ionic strength and membrane surface charge density. Our calculations indicate that pH values have an appreciable variation within 2 nm from the membrane. It is shown that the dissociation process is enhanced due to the presence of bivalent ions and that pH values acquire better stability than in an electrolyte containing univalent ions.


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Hydrotalcites have been synthesised using three different pH solutions to assess the effect of pH on the uptake of arsenate and vanadate. The ability of these hydrotalcites to remove vanadate and arsenate from solution has been determined by ICP-OES. Raman spectroscopy is used to monitor changes in the anionic species for hydrotalcites synthesised at different pH values. The results show a reduction in the concentration of arsenate and vanadate anions that are removed in extremely alkaline solutions. Hydrotalcites containing arsenate and vanadate are stable in solutions up to pH 10. Exposure of these hydrotalcites to higher pH values results in the removal of large percentages of arsenate and vanadate from the hydrotalcite interlayer.


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To gain insights into inefficient allele exchange in mycobacteria, we compared homologous pairing and strand exchange reactions promoted by RecA protein of Mycobacterium tuberculosis to those of Escherichia coli RecA protein. The extent of single-stranded binding protein (SSB)-stimulated formation of joint molecules by MtRecA was similar to that of EcRecA over a wide range of pH values. In contrast, strand exchange promoted by MtRecA was inhibited around neutral pH due to the formation of DNA networks. At higher pH, MtRecA was able to overcome this constraint and, consequently, displayed optimal strand exchange activity. Order of addition experiments suggested that SSB, when added after MtRecA, was vital for strand exchange. Significantly, with shorter duplex DNA, MtRecA promoted efficient strand exchange without network formation in a pH-independent fashion. Increase in the length of duplex DNA led to incomplete strand exchange with concomitant rise in the formation of intermediates and networks in a pH-dependent manner. Treatment of purified networks with S1 nuclease liberated linear duplex DNA and products, consistent with a model in which the networks are formed by the invasion of hybrid DNA by the displaced linear single-stranded DNA. Titration of strand exchange reactions with ATP or salt distinguished a condition under which the formation of networks was blocked, but strand exchange was not significantly affected. We discuss how these results relate to inefficient allele exchange in mycobacteria.


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The influence of pH on the corrosion behaviour of two aluminium-lithium-copper-magnesium-zirconium (8090 and 2091) alloys was studied and compared with a standard aircraft alloy, 2014 (Al-4.4% Cu) and 99.9% pure Al. In constant exposure and potentiodynamic polarization studies conducted in 3.5% NaCl solution having different pH values, all the alloys exhibited high corrosion rates in acidic and alkaline environments, with a minimum in less hostile environments close to neutral pH. The pitting potentials for aluminium-lithium alloys were slightly lower than those for 2014 and pure Al. The effect of pH on the passive current density was also less for aluminium-lithium alloys.


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Understanding the dendrimer-drug interaction is of great importance to design and optimize the dendrimer-based drug delivery system. Using atomistic molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, we have analyzed the release pattern of four ligands (two soluble drugs, namely, salicylic acid (Sal), L-alanine (Ala), and two insoluble drugs, namely, phenylbutazone (Pbz) and primidone (Prim)), which were initially encapsulated inside the ethylenediamine (EDA) cored polyamidoamine (PAMAM) dendrimer using the docking method. We have computed the potential of mean force (PMF) variation with generation 5 (G5)-PAMAM dendrimer complexed with drug molecules using umbrella sampling. From our calculated PMF values, we observe that soluble drugs (Sal and Ala) have lower energy barriers than insoluble drugs (Pbz and Prim). The order of ease of release pattern for these drugs from G5 protonated PAMAM dendrimer was found to be Ala > Sal > Prim > Pbz. In the case of insoluble drugs (Prim and Pbz), because of larger size, we observe much nonpolar contribution, and thus, their larger energy barriers can be reasoned to van der Waals contribution. From the hydrogen bonding analysis of the four PAMAM drug complexes under study, we found intermolecular hydrogen bonding to show less significant contribution to the free energy barrier. Another interesting feature appears while calculating the PMF profile of G5NP (nonprotonated)-PAMAM Pbz and G5NP (nonprotonated)-PAMAM-Sal complex. The PMF was found to be less when the drug is bound to nonprotonated dendrimer compared to the protonated dendrimer. Our results suggest that encapsulation of the drug molecule into the host PAMAM dendrimer should be carried out at higher pH values (near pH 10). When such complex enters the human body, the pH is around 7.4 and at that physiological pH, the dendrimer holds the drug tightly. Hence the release of drug can occur at a controlled rate into the bloodstream. Thus, our findings provide a microscopic picture of the encapsulation and controlled release of drugs in the case of dendrimer-based host-guest systems.


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12 samples (6 original samples and 6 diluted samples) were analysed by 14 WEFTA laboratories for their pH values in an inter-laboratory comparison exercise. As a result it can be stated that the majority of participating laboratories could determine the pH values very exactly. The pH values obtained are ranging only little around the calculated mean (less than 0.1 pH unit). It could also be demonstrated that the participating institutes could analyse both, pH values in fishery products and aqueous salt solutions. However, also in this exercise a number of outliers and deviating values have been detected. Therefore it is of utmost importance to calibrate the pH electrodes in regular intervals and to maintain them carefully. Intra-laboratory comparison measurements are recommended to detect weak points.


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The conformation of bovine serum albumin (BSA), as well as its interactions with negatively charged mica surfaces in saline solutions of different pH values, have been studied by small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) and chemical force microscopy (CFM), respectively. A new approach to extract the contribution of elementary interactions from the statistically averaged force-extension curves through self-consistent fitting was proposed and used to understand the effects of pH on the interactions and conformation of BSA in saline solutions. When pH increases, the SANS results reveal that the sizes of BSA molecules increase slightly, while the statistical analysis of the CFM results shows that the averaged pull-off force for the elongation monotonously decreases. The decrease of pull-off force with the increase of pH results from the decrease in the strength of hydrogen bonding and the number of interaction pairs, as well as the slight increase of the strength of van der Waals interaction. When pH approaches the isoelectric point (pI) of BSA, results from both SANS and CFM suggest a loss of long-range interactions in BSA molecules. Our results also suggest that the force-extension curve is mainly contributed by the van der Waals interaction. The combination of SANS and CFM provides new insight to understand the interactions and conformation of BSA molecules