1000 resultados para público feminino


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Objective: the objective of this study was to estimate the prevalence of Burnout Syndrome in dentists in the public service in the city of Araraquara – SP and its association with the variables of interest. Material and method: The sample was made up of the dentists active in the public health network (n = 60). Socio-demographic data was collected. The Oldenburg Burnout Inventory (OLBI) was used. Result: Of the participants, 60.0% were female and the average age was 41.9 ± 7.6 years. A large number of the professionals displayed a normal perception of the work conditions, premises, materials and equipment. 63.3% of the individuals feel tired even before arriving for work, 58.3% need more time to relax and to feel better, 70.0% are unable to deal well with the pressures of work, 50.0% feel they have no energy during or after work and 86.7% do not consider the work to be a positive challenge. It was observed that 48.3% of dentists displayed Burnout Syndrome, 11.7% Detachment and 13.3% Exhaustion. There was a significant association between the presence of Burnout and gender (p = 0.020) and the work premises (p = 0.011), with men being the most affected and those that considered the work premises very poor. Conclusion: It was concluded that the prevalence of Burnout Syndrome among dentists is high, with men and those who consider the work premises bad being the most affected.


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Introduction: The quality of life of dentists has worsened over time, due to increased risks of labor and competitiveness in the labor market. However, there are only few studies about it. Objective: Investigate the perception of quality of life of dentists working in public service. Methods: In order to accomplish that, a cross-sectional study survey was conducted with 52 dentists of the professional permanent staff of the Municipal Health Service. The data were collected through structured questionnaire, validated, self-administered, proposed by the World Health Organization (WHO) in its shortened version, WHOQOL-Bref. Descriptive statistics and multiple regression were conducted, taking 95% as the confidence interval that characterizes the sample and the calculation of scores for each domain. Results: There was predominance of female subjects (76.9%) the majority of them aged 25 to 35 years (48.7%). Most professionals consider their quality of life good (82.7%), and were satisfied with their health (71.2%). Considering the measures of central tendency and dispersion, the physical domain (13.8) and Environment (13.8) had the lowest mean scores. All areas affected equally poor quality of life of research participants. The facets that showed the lowest values were the physical environment with 39.71 points and 53.92 points to financial resources. Conclusion: The majority of professionals were satisfied with their health and considered their quality of life good.


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This work analyzes the consequences of the intersection between the two spheres polis and oikos. It does so by examining themes present in three plays: Medea, Agamemnon and Lysistrata. The focus of the analysis is the way in which the feminine characters react to conflicts of interests in their respective situations. To fully comprehend which values correspond to which mentioned institution, the work also necessarily investigates the socialization and functions of both genders in fifth-century Athenian society. The analysis of the feminine condition in the creation myth implies the importance of the misogynistic sense of that time, which culminated in the silencing, discrediting, and systemic repression of females. The role of women in society, instilled in all girls starting in early childhood, is to succeed in marriage and domestic permanence. This lies opposite the masculine role, which was focused outside of the family center and to environments relating to war and public life. Matrimony and family, traditional female values, were threatened when overlapping with male interests, such as unavoidable war or social ascension through a different matrimonial bond. Therefore, it is possible to affirm that the opposition evident in the definitions male vs. female indicates that, in certain contexts, the interests of each element cause the conflicts present in the chosen plays


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This work analyzes the consequences of the intersection between the two spheres polis and oikos. It does so by examining themes present in three plays: Medea, Agamemnon and Lysistrata. The focus of the analysis is the way in which the feminine characters react to conflicts of interests in their respective situations. To fully comprehend which values correspond to which mentioned institution, the work also necessarily investigates the socialization and functions of both genders in fifth-century Athenian society. The analysis of the feminine condition in the creation myth implies the importance of the misogynistic sense of that time, which culminated in the silencing, discrediting, and systemic repression of females. The role of women in society, instilled in all girls starting in early childhood, is to succeed in marriage and domestic permanence. This lies opposite the masculine role, which was focused outside of the family center and to environments relating to war and public life. Matrimony and family, traditional female values, were threatened when overlapping with male interests, such as unavoidable war or social ascension through a different matrimonial bond. Therefore, it is possible to affirm that the opposition evident in the definitions male vs. female indicates that, in certain contexts, the interests of each element cause the conflicts present in the chosen plays


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A investigação apresentada neste artigo teve como principal objetivo contribuir para uma compreensão mais alargada do uso que os estudantes do Ensino Superior Público Português (ESPP) fazem das Tecnologias da Comunicação (TC) para suporte à aprendizagem. Especificamente, procurou-se estudar a influência do género neste contexto e, no âmbito do presente artigo, apresenta-se parte da fundamentação teórica que sustenta o estudo, os objetivos e as opções metodológicas, bem como alguns dos resultados obtidos, em particular os que dizem respeito às diferenças de género na perceção das competências para o uso de TC para suporte à aprendizagem. Os resultados obtidos indicam que a maioria dos estudantes classifica as suas competências como sendo boas ou muito boas e, no que se refere à influência do género, os testes estatísticos sugerem a existência de diferenças significativas entre o sexo masculino e o sexo feminino na perceção das suas competências para o uso de TC.


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A literacia em diabetes parece ser uma das ferramentas fundamentais para combater o aumento de prevalência desta patologia crónica que tem crescido exponencialmente ao longo dos anos quer a nível mundial, quer a nível nacional. Com este estudo pretendeu-se avaliar o nível de literacia em diabetes nos estudantes do ensino superior público do concelho de Mirandela, para, em consequência, fornecer algumas diretrizes para a proposta de um projeto de intervenção nesta comunidade. Teve como objetivos específicos: validar o questionário dos conhecimentos da Diabetes (QCD); relacionar os níveis de conhecimento sobre diabetes com as variáveis sociodemográficas e clinicas. A amostra estudada compreende 432 alunos do ensino superior público do concelho de Mirandela que reponderam ao questionário no período de 15 de fevereiro a 18 de março de 2016. Verificou-se que a aplicação do questionário dos conhecimentos da diabetes (QCD; Sousa & McIntyre, 2003) que avalia os conhecimentos das pessoas acerca da diabetes e seu tratamento, parece ser aceitável na população em geral e o modelo bidimensional obtido com a análise fatorial confirmatória revelou bons índices de ajustamento. Os resultados indicaram um reduzido nível de literacia em diabetes na amostra de participantes e o seu desconhecimento está associado a mitos e falsos conceitos mais do que a incerteza; que o conhecimento na dimensão duração da doença era maior que na dimensão conhecimento global da diabetes (causas, controlo, tratamento e complicações); os alunos mais novos possuem mais conhecimento sobre a diabetes, o género feminino parece revelar maior conhecimento do que o masculino, que os alunos que residem no concelho de Mirandela apresentam menor conhecimento do que os restantes e que os alunos que possuem e residem com familiares com diabetes possuem mais conhecimento do que os outros, embora apresentem igualmente elevado desconhecimento por mitos e falsos conceitos. Conclui-se que existe uma necessidade de aposta em projetos educacionais comunitários para aumentar a literacia em diabetes.


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada para obtenção de grau de Mestre na especialidade de Psicologia Social e das Organizações.


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Handball is a sport that demands endurance associated with fast and powerful actions such as jumps, blocks, sprints and throws. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of a 38-week systematic physical training applied to a women's under 21 handball team on upper and lower limb power, 30m sprints speed and endurance. The periodization applied was an adaptation of the Verkhoshansky theory, and aimed at two performance peaks during the season with six data collections. The median and range values for three kg medicine ball throwing was: 2.98m (2.15-3.50); 2.84m (2.43-3.20); 2.90m (2.60-3.38); 3.10 (2.83-3.81); 2.84 (2.55-3.57) and 3.34 (2.93-3.83). Regarding the three-pass running test: 5.60m (4.93-6.58); 5.37m (5.04-6.38); 5.36m (4.93-6.12); 5.65m (4.80-6.78); 5.63m (5.00-6.40) and 5.83m (5.14-6.05). Regarding the 30-m sprint test: 5.8m/s (5.45-6.44); 6,64 m/s (6,24-7,09); 5.65m/s (5.17-5.95); (there was not IV moment for this test); 6.19 m/s (5.57-6.26) and 5.83 (5.14-6.05).Regarding the 30-m sprint endurance test until 10% decrease: 4 sprints (4-6); 5 sprints (4-9); 4,5 sprints (4-16); (there was not IV moment for this test); 6 sprints (4-12) and 5 sprints (4-5). Significant differences (p<0.05) were observed in three kg medicine ball throwing and three-pass running tests at least in one of the performance peak planned, with no significant differences in 30-m sprint speed or endurance tests. The applied physical training was efficient at improving the specific physical fitness in the performance peaks, as well as giving support for better physical training adjustment for the upcoming season.


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OBJECTIVE: To adapted the critical velocity (CV), RAST test and lactate minimum (LM) to evaluation of female basketball players. METHODS: Twelve well-trained female basketball players (19 ± 1yrs) were submitted to four intensities running (10 - 14 km/h) at shuttle exercise until exhaustion, applied on alternate days. The linear model 'velocity vs. 1/tlim' was adopted to determine the aerobic (CV) and anaerobic (CCA) parameters. The lactate minimum test consisted of two phases: 1) hiperlactatemia induction using the RAST test and 2) incremental test composed by five shuttle run (20-m) at 7, 8, 9, 10, and 12 km/h. Blood samples were collected at the end of each stage. RESULTS: The velocity (vLM) and blood lactate concentration at LM were obtained by two polynomial adjustments: lactate vs. intensity (LM1) and lactate vs. time (LM2). ANOVA one-way, Student t-test and Pearson correlation were used for statistical analysis. The CV was obtained at 10.3 ± 0.2 km/h and the CCA estimated at 73.0 ± 3.4 m. The RAST was capable to induce the hiperlactatemia and to determine the Pmax (3.6 ± 0.2 W/kg), Pmed (2.8 ± 0.1 W/kg), Pmin (2.3 ± 0.1 W/kg) and FI (30 ± 3%). The vLM1 and vLM2 were obtained, respectively, at 9.47 ±0.13 km/h and 9.8 ± 0.13 km/h, and CV was higher than vLM1. CONCLUSION: The results suggest that the non-invasive model can be used to determine the aerobic and anaerobic parameters. Furthermore, the LM test adapted to basketball using RAST and progressive phase was effective to evaluate female athletes considering the specificity of modality, with high success rates observed in polynomial adjustment 'lactate vs. time' (LM2).


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This article aims at discussing the contributions of the Bakhtinian Circle theories to foreign language teaching and learning (HALL et al., 2005), as far as the first years of formal education in Brazil are concerned. Up to the present moment, foreign languages, including English, are not officially part of the National Curriculum of the first five schooling years. Due to the importance of English in a globalized world and despite all the controversial socio-educational impacts of such an influence, there has been an increase in the interest in this discipline at the beginning years of Brazilian public education (ROCHA, 2006), which has been happening at an irregular pace and without official parameters. Therefore, the relevance of this work lies on the possible guidelines it may offer to support a more effective, situated and meaningful teaching-learning process in that context. Standing for a pluralistic approach to language education, we take the bakhtinian speech genres as organizers of the educational process. We strongly believe that through a dialogic, pluralistic and trans/intercultural teaching (MAHER, 2007), whose main objective is the development of multi (COPE e KALANTZIS, 2000) and critical (COMBER, 2006) literacies, the hybridization of genres and cultures, as well as the creation of third spaces (KOSTOGRIZ, 2005; KUMARAVADIVELU, 2008) can happen. From this perspective, foreign language teaching and learning play a transformative role in society and English is seen as a boundary object (STAR e GRIESEMER, 1989), in and by which diversity, pluralism and polyphony can naturally find their way.


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física