989 resultados para numeri primi criteri divisibilità Euclide Goldbach Eulero Lagrange Mersenne Fürstenberg


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La conceptualització del concepte de rendiment acadèmic ha variat al llarg de la història des de definicions que es basaven en un únic criteri fins a les més actuals concepcions multidimensionals. Aquestes darreres apareixen com a resultat del desenvolupament d'aquest concepte, paral.lel a l'evolució històrica d'un fenomen més ampli: el fracàs escolar


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In this article, we examine the issue of a levels relationship and stability of the US money demand function over the period 1959:01 to 2004:02. We use the Lagrange multiplier structural break unit root test and the bounds testing approach to a long-run relationship in levels of the variables, namely real money demand, nominal interest rate and real income. We find greater evidence for a long-run relationship in levels and stability of the US money demand function when we use M2 as a proxy for money demand. However, we find little evidence for a long-run relationship between M1 and M2 with their determinants for the recent period, spanning the last decade or so.